Your hands fit well with mine


A/N: Hi everyone, this is a cute joyri oneshot really just about them holding hands, and joy realizing how perfect Yeri’s hands fit in her own, so just a cute, fluffy oneshot for my babies. Enjoy ^^


One of the very first things that Park Sooyoung noticed about her girlfriend, Kim Yerim was her hands, or specifically how Yeri’s hands felt within her own. It was also the way Sooyoung felt whenever she reached for the shorter girl’s hand. She would take Yeri’s hand into her own and just stare at how their connected hands fit so well. The taller girl had never wanted to hold someone else’s hand more than Yeri’s. The first time she noticed it was during their very first official date.




Park Sooyoung always prided herself on her confidence. She is usually so in control and hardly ever nervous about things involving romance. This is because she is normally not that into a potential date to get nervous. The taller, dark-haired woman is nervous because she really likes Kim Yerim. She has always had some crush on her ever since they were in high school, and Yeri had been introduced to her by a mutual friend of them both. Sooyoung told herself prior to this date she would be calm, cool, and collected. If this was the case, then how come she felt so incredibly nervous inside.


“Okay, Sooyoung. You need to pull yourself together. It’s just a girl you like, okay so you liked her forever, but still. You’re not weak, Park Sooyoung, you got this!” The taller woman mentally prepped herself, as naturally she does have this. Women don’t make her weak, because she is usually the one who makes them fall apart.


“Soo?” She hears Yeri call out to her, and in a few seconds she falls apart.


“Y-Yes!” Sooyoung half screams nervously. God, is she an embarrassment. She might as well go home now and forget about ever seeing Kim Yerim again.


“I had a nice time tonight.”


“Oh…” the dark-haired woman nods in relief. It’s good if Yeri has had a good time. It could mean there might be another date in the future. Perhaps, there will be even more dates than that.


“I had a good time too, looks like Seulgi did something right for once, huh?” She mentions their mutual friend who introduced them. Yeri chuckles then.


“Seulgi has her brilliant moments.”


The two are heading back to where Sooyoung’s car is when Yeri suddenly reaches for her hand. The action surprises the taller woman, but it’s not unwelcome. In fact, she finds herself just looking at their intertwined hands, and noticing how comfortable it feels. How come Yeri’s hand just feels so perfect in her own. It feels as if her hand was meant to join hers. She finds herself so fascinated that she even runs her thumb against the shorter woman’s palm.


“Oh, caressing palms there, are we?” Yeri teases.


“I’m sorry.” Sooyoung apologizes. “I just couldn’t help to notice how perfect your hand fits with mine.”


Yeri gives her a look that says she is flattered, but at the same time she also looks like she is about to tease the taller woman all over again. It’s something that Sooyoung finds refreshing and exciting all in one moment.


“That’s sweet, but I’m not going home with you tonight.”


Sooyoung throws her head back and laughs. “Don’t worry. I don’t put out on the first date either, well not anymore anyway.”




“I’m kidding, Yeri. I really am just excited to take you out again, however.”


“We’ll see, Sooyoung.”




That first successful date had been over three years ago. A lot had happened since then, such as them moving in together and entering an exclusive relationship. They’ve even had one painful breakup that made both women think they would never be together again. Sooyoung just couldn’t stop loving Yeri, and her blonde girlfriend couldn’t stop loving her either, and with help from their mutual older friends Seulgi and Joohyun. The younger couple were able to work everything out. Sooyoung turns in bed to see her partner is fast asleep. She leans over to wrap both her arms around the shorter woman’s waist.


“Babe, are you really asleep?” She whispers softly in one of her ears. There are times where Yeri isn’t actually asleep, or rather she’s pretending. She’ll pretend to be asleep so she doesn’t have to do things Sooyoung wants, but it never matters since she’ll always end up doing it anyway just to make the taller woman happy.


“Yes, I’m asleep.” The blonde says dryly.


“Babe!” Sooyoung whines some, and then starts placing kisses all over the side of her face. The dark-haired woman also can’t help to mess with her anyway.


“If you don’t stop!” Yeri groans and takes her hand and shoves Sooyoung’s face away.


“You know you love my kisses.”


“Whatever you have to tell yourself, Soo. Anyway,” Yeri yawns. “Why are you acting more foolish than usual?”


“I’m not ready for bed yet, so I want you to keep me company until I fall asleep.”


“Of course, you know there’s no rule saying we have to fall asleep together, you know?”


“It’s sweeter if we do.”


“Fine.” Yeri agrees and lays down with her girlfriend, whom right away reaches for one of her hands. Yeri too has noticed how much Sooyoung likes holding her hand. It was something the blonde found sweet and adorable, especially with how Sooyoung explained to her why that was. Yeri remembers that first year anniversary, and how Sooyoung didn’t seem to want to let go of her.




Sooyoung was worried about their first year anniversary, and Yeri could tell right away she was. The shorter woman tried to explain to her that she didn’t need to do anything over the top. They could just go to dinner or even a movie. Yeri was honestly just glad to be with her, and even happier to see a first year anniversary at all.


“Seulgi did something really special for Joohyun though.” Sooyoung mentions, as she remembers seeing the Instagram photos of what was a really beautiful hotel room filled with flowers and candles. Then again, Seulgi and Joohyun have an entirely different relationship and have been together a longer time.


“Um, you do know that was more for a surprise engagement right?” Yeri questions.


“It was?”


“Yes, didn’t you read the tags. Seulgi was proposing to Joohyun then.”


“Oh, well never mind then. We’re just going to grab some fried chicken and call it a night.” Sooyoung says it in a serious manner, but deep down she knows she’ll do better than that at least. It doesn’t stop her from getting smacked upside the head by the shorter woman.


“Soo, there’s no need to be that cheap!”


“I’m kidding, Yerimie. Let’s go, baby.” She reaches for her hand and they walk off.  Yeri notices that wherever they go her girlfriend doesn’t let go of her hand for more than a few minutes at a time.


“Soo, you haven’t let go of my hand yet.”


“I’m sorry, does it bother you? I just really like the way your hand fits with mine. It’s like a perfect fit, and if I’m holding onto your hand. I can’t let go of you.”


Her words are without a doubt some of the sweetest Yeri could hear. She sees what Sooyoung is saying as well. Sooyoung’s slightly larger hand feels perfect against hers, and there is warmth radiating from her hand too. Yeri gives her hand a squeeze.


“I won’t let go of your hand either.”




Yeri is pulled out of her thoughts by Sooyoung kissing her hand.


“You and your hand .”


“I don’t have a hand . I just like the way your hand is. It just shows me how perfect you are for me, Yerimie.”


“You just couldn’t find someone to date your pathetic self.”


“Ah, that’s not what you said last night.” The dark-haired woman maneuvers herself over her shorter girlfriend, and places her lips to hers. Yeri doesn’t hesitate to lean up into her kiss.


“Hey, you know I love you, right?” Sooyoung softly tells her with a few more kisses.


“I love you too, idiot.”


“I’m your idiot then.” The taller woman rolls her eyes, and with a few more kisses she does get off of her. Sooyoung again reaches for her hand and seems to be tracing her palm with her fingers.


“Seulgi and Joohyun are having their annual couple party they throw in Jeju, do you want to go?” The blonde asks.


“Yeah, Jennie and Jisoo will probably be there, and so will Lisa and Rose.” Sooyoung mentions their friends and other couples they hang out with.


“I think Jessica and Tiffany too.”


“Oh nice, I love them, and Yoona will come with Seohyun.”


“It’s always fun when we get to hang out with the other couples. I feel like everyone else is either married or engaged but us, though.” Yeri mentions. It’s true that all of the other couples they know are in various stages of either marriage or being engaged. It can be sometimes a bit awkward around the others, but Yeri is sure she and Sooyoung will eventually get married. It’s been three years and they haven’t grown sick of each other yet, and even their breakup was only a temporary thing.


“We’ll get married too.” The dark-haired woman says confidently.


“Why are you so sure?”


“I’m sure, because I’m sure about you more than anything else, Yeri.”


Yeri smiles in response to what Sooyoung tells her. She is also sure about her too. Yeri doesn’t think she’s meant to be with anyone else. The blonde looks down to their joined hands.


“I don’t think my hand was meant to be held by anyone else but you, Park Sooyoung.”


Sooyoung smiles back and nods. “Okay, so does that mean you will be Mrs. Park one day?” She questions while running her fingers through her blonde locks.


“Why can’t you be Mrs. Kim?”


Her girlfriend makes a face at that. Kim Sooyoung just doesn’t sound right, or rather it doesn’t sound as perfect as Park Yerim.


“I want you to be Mrs. Park, that’s why. I don’t want anyone else but you to be my wife.” She says it seriously that it touches Yeri’s heart. It’s not like she doesn’t want to one day be Sooyoung’s wife. She imagines one day they will get married.


“Okay, well you better work on that proposal. I want to be wowed and convinced as to why I should spend the rest of my life with you.”


“You’re going to spend the rest of your life with me, because you love me.”


“I do love you, Soo.”


The couple lay in silence for a few moments. Their hands closely intertwined. Sooyoung keeps imagining how a ring would look on Yeri’s finger, and she likes what she’s envisioning. It’s been her plan for awhile to ask the blonde to be her wife. Hopefully, one day soon she will be proposing to Yeri, and they will be spending the rest of their lives together.


“I love you more, Mrs. Park.”


Yeri rolls her eyes at that. “I’m not your wife yet, Sooyoung. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.” She sounds serious, but the dark-haired woman knows she’s kidding. It’s another thing Sooyoung loves about their relationship. They can just joke around and tease each other without any problem. After all, if you can’t joke around with the person you love, then what fun is that?


“We already established that you’re going to be my wife, Yerimie. I’m going to call you Mrs. Park for as long as I can.”


“Okay, but can we please go to sleep now. I’m so tired, Soo.”


“Yes, we can go to sleep.”


Sooyoung proceeds go wrap the shorter woman in a warm embrace, and cuddles with her. She is normally the big spoon anyway, as she is taller. Yeri doesn't mind so much to be held by her girlfriend in this way. Sooyoung always holds her as if she’s the most precious thing in her world.


“Hey, you stopped holding my hand.” Yeri reminds her with a slight yawn. Almost right away Sooyoung grabs her hand back.


“I’ll never let go of your hand, Yerimie. It’s mine to always hold onto.”


A/N: I wanted something cute and fluffy for them here, so I think it turned out well enough. I hope this was okay of a read.


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11 streak #1
Chapter 1: definitely need more joyri in my life
NoSaidaNoLIFEE #2
Chapter 1: Awww my heart so full:)
cutey111 147 streak #3
Chapter 1: My fluffy cheesy babies!
Chapter 1: Ahh- fluffy Joyri is my fave. That was so cuteeee <3
Chapter 1: This is really cute.
These two are the perfect fluff couple, and you write it so well!
Oh no here it comes, I’m ready for my Joyri binge read tonight girl