
Shot Thru My Petty Nerves.

Stream ‘Dance The Night Away’ and hype Jeongyeon’s feminine look because it’s legendary.




Shot Thru My Petty Nerves.


Pairing: saida.





“Sana, you are looking lovely as always.” Taehyung blocks the narrow pathway by spreading his arms horizontally, forcefully halting the Japanese girl’s tracks.


I don’t have time for this.


He fishes a lone stick of rose from his back pocket, extending the present for Sana to take. “Suitable rose for a beautiful flower such as yourself?


Momo lets out a mocking snort, both cringing and half-laughing at the awkward atmosphere. Sana is a friendly person, but one’s patience can only stretch so far, sometimes.


“I just want to eat lunch, Taehyung.” Her teeth are clenched, and patience running thin.


“Then let’s go out of lunch, my treat babe.”


Sana gives a quick glance when she hears a silent ‘this is getting sad’ from Taehyung’s best friend, Jimin.


“Sana only really goes out with people her type – cute girls, to be exact. Sorry, buddy.” Nayeon snickers, joining Momo in a mini – not so subtle – laughing circle.


“You’re just saying that.” He denies, clearly a little hurt.


“Ah, fragile masculinity. How cute.” The oldest responds with heavy sarcasm. She longs for Jeongyeon’s presence – the only girl that boys tend to listen to, or take seriously for that matter.


Sana cannot help but chuckle at her friend’s antics. Joining in on the fun, she says, “Next time you come back, bring your sister; I heard she’s quite the eye candy. Otherwise, don’t come at all.”


The latter takes her leave with a roaring crowd – and a heavily shamed Taehyung – in the back.


The Japanese girl actually doesn’t know a thing about Taehyung’s younger sister. She has heard things, but nothing too specific; just simple information, like how she carries a slight resemblance with her brother, or that she is pale as snow. Some say that she even reels a double take.


Safe to say, Sana is very intrigued.


She has always been quite the er for adorable girls. Cute guys can be attention-grabbing too, but Sana personally prefers the former; cute girls just tend to smell nicer – like rainbows and sweet flowers on a bright summer’s day.


Surprisingly enough for someone of such undeniable visuals, Sana isn’t dating anyone. She hasn’t been, for a long time now. Sana doesn’t mind her single status though, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t plan on dating. In fact, she does. She would love to date and flirt her soul out, but colleges are apparently built to bring the worst out of everyone.


Hence, Sana is very much available to date. To go on dates; any date with a cute girl or guy, it doesn’t matter. She is simply looking for a soft, cuddle partner that she can go on movie dates and midnight cruising with.


Softie with a bit of a rough side, to be exact – is all that she really wants. If such a person in campus exists, well then count her sold.


She daydreams all the way to the food court with Nayeon, Momo, and Mina to her side. She doesn’t really realize that they eventually split ways; the trio catching an available table a good distance away. Sana only really snaps awake when she catches the view of her favourite lunch: uncrustables; peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich, or as she refers to it, ‘ing heaven’. Sana practically flies past numerous students just to grab ahold of the lone sandwich.


There is only one packet left, lucky her.


Ignoring the whines that buzz past her ears as she bumps into a random freshman, Sana breaks into an internal victorious cheer when she grabs ahold of the lunch treat.


Her self-appreciation is swiftly cut short when merely half a second later, a shorter body comes crashing against hers, throwing her off balance and nearly knocking her out.


Her sealed lunch falls a cheap distance away. Clearly pissed by the sudden rude interruption, Sana is ready to explode when she catches a look of the student that collided onto her; a pale, blonde, beauty with distinctly sharp eyes.


Ouch. Aren’t you gonna say sorry?” The stranger groans, sitting up to dust her dirtied white shirt. “That hurt, you know.”


“Why would I say sorry? You ran into me.” There is a distinct tone of amusement in Sana’s voice.


Even the girl’s voice is pretty; calming and slightly husky.


“Fine, whatever.” Pretty stranger scoffs, standing up and moving towards the area where the yummy sandwich had landed, aiming to pick it up.


Sana’s hands however, deem much faster – snatching her prized lunch. “What do you think you’re doing cutie?That’s mine.”


Dahyun glares at the girl still sitting on the floor, her lips thinning – a look of irritation. “But I saw it first.


The older girl breaks into a grin. Blondie looks cute from below too.


“Sweetie, I don’t think that’s how it works. I got it first, which makes it mine.”


Sana thinks it’s kind of y when the girl’s lips curl into a frown, her brows scrunching along.


The shorter one fishes out a raven wallet from her back pocket. “I’ll give you ten dollars for it.”


A ridiculous offer, really; blonde cutie must be craving the food quite desperately.


Not good enough.” Sana looks way too smug, the corner of rising to a devious smirk.


A grumble that sounds a bit close to a growl is what she receives as a response. “Fifteen?


They are gathering quite a crowd with the commotion they are making. Sana, being a well-known student in campus, easily catches a number of eyes – while the other girl is presumably popular in her department as well because, well, according to Sana’s mind, blondie is hella cute.


The latter finally stands up, waving the snack slowly, one brow rising as she stretches a teasing smile. “Who says I wanted money? How about a date with me? I’ll give you as many of these as you want, and possibly more.


She finishes the blatant flirt attack with her infamous wink.


Sana watches seven different expressions run through the shorter girl’s adorable face. She could recognize a few of them: shock, anger, grimace, and a bit of disgust? She isn’t confident about the last one. All she knows is that she would love to catch Her name.


Are you kidding me? Nevermind. Keep your stupid lunch. I didn’t want it that much anyway…” Blondie mutters before walking away, totally sulky.


The Japanese girl thinks that she scores jackpot when the stranger’s friend runs after her, unintentionally revealing her name. ‘Dahyun, wait up!’


Dahyun, huh.


A name had never sounded so flavourful in her tongue.




Sana is a flirt by nature. ‘Flirt’ doesn’t even seem to be the accurate word to describe her. Affectionate, is more like it. She is affectionate and bold. Sana is the type that refuses to hold back when it comes to her personal thoughts and feelings. If she fancies a certain person, there is a great chance that they will find out rather quickly.


She walks around with heart on her sleeves, taking on the world as an open book.


That being said, when Sana is intrigued, it is quite an easy tell. Positively fascinated, the Japanese girl walks around with a blinding grin – friendly and preppier than usual.


Much like now.


Sana is currently attending her Asian Philosophy class, and she has never felt so engaged. Tranced in an incredibly cheery mood, she single-handedly answered any given question thrown into the students; heroically saving the daydreamers that lurks among the class.


It is fair to say that the foreign girl is quite odd when fascinated or fixated on a certain event that had happened. Instead of being heavily distracted, she tends to focus more.


That is why it is easy to read Sana. Her little quirks are unique enough to stick in one’s mind.


“Give an example of a Koan.” The Professor’s monotonous voice echoes through the small classroom, but even his lanky, praying mantis-like figure isn’t enough to bore Sana like it usually does.


She half-raises an enthusiastic hand. She speaks when a gesture of encouragement is given. “A monk asked the master, ‘does a dog have a Buddha nature?’ To which the master answers, ‘Mu’.”


“Impressive, Sana.” He notes, Sana visibly shining in comparison to the rest of the attendees who seem to all be half-asleep. “That’s all for today.


Every student in class simultaneously gets up with some being lethargic, and others clearly excited to leave the class which they consider as hell-on-earth.


Sana is in a notably energetic mood, that is until she steps a foot outside of her classroom only to spot her biggest nightmare standing before her eyes – along with his pink-haired best friend.


Sorry, Sana. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t budge.” He kindly apologizes, voice dripping with sincerity. “Something about a great news.


She takes the words as a cue to roll her eyes.


“What do you want now, Taehyung? I told you, next time you show up, bring your cute sister.”


The attractive Korean pouts in shame. “I tried. I was really planning on dragging her here but she seemed super pissed.”


“Then why did you still show up?” She taps her right foot impatiently, wanting to meet her friends as soon as possible. “I have places to be.


Sana knows that she is already going to dread whatever it is that is about to spill out of his mouth, as soon as she catches the knowing smirk.


Professor Son assigned us to be partners for the duet project due in two weeks.”


She rapidly blinks in disbelief. “Sorry, what?


We’re partners.” His grin broadens in victory. “We need instrumental accompaniment, but I am quite the Beethoven on piano, so we have that covered. You just need to bring your pretty face, and your sweet voice.”


Sana is so close to clamping his mouth shut. He is excessively talkative. “What are you talking about?”


“The project that she posted online yesterday. She went over it this morning but you might have been spacing out. I confirmed everything with her just earlier and she said we’re partners.” Taehyung explains in detail.


“You confirmed or you begged her to put us together?” The Japanese girl’s bright eyes narrows in suspicion.


His smug look transitions into a cheeky smile. “Does it matter, babe? Either way, our names are together on the list.”


Knowing fully well that there is no other way out, Sana gives a defeated sigh, which then fuels Taehyung’s ego.


What’s your plan about the performance then?


His smile never wavers. “Come over tomorrow. We have a piano at home that we could practice on. We have several mics as well, if we end up rehearsing the whole thing.”


Still not fully trusting. “How do I know you’re not up to no good?


“You know what, that is a fair question.” Taehyung raises both arms in mock surrender, chuckling lightly. “My sister is going to be home, so you don’t have to worry about anything. She doesn’t hesitate in kicking my with every opportunity she gets.”


“Try anything and I will kick your with her.”


The deceitful glint in her hazel eyes is enough to have Taehyung and Jimin gulping in fear.


Sana walks away from dumb and dumber with a relieved heart. At least a fellow girl would be there to keep her at ease. Bonus if she is pretty cute also.


She silently prays that Taehyung’s sister is as cute as sharp-eyed Blondie from lunch.




Guess who has to work with Taehyung for Professor Son’s class?” Sana grumbles, dropping her backpack under the table and proceeding to slump her tired body against the backrest of the available seat.


Four of her friends immediately stop their movements, looking at the Japanese girl with interest.


Who?” Momo asks, already aware of the answer.


Me, unfortunately. I have to come over to his place tomorrow.”


Nayeon chuckles cunningly, mindlessly playing with Jeongyeon’s left hand. “Funny. Karma is a .”


Shut up.” Sana rolls her eyes, crossing her arms as she heaves a heavy sigh. “At least his sister is going to be there.”


Mina gives a mute snicker. “You are so gay.”


“It’s called ‘having quality taste’.” The older Japanese shrugs with nonchalance. “God gave us cute girls for a reason. Let’s not put that to waste.”


“You surely didn’t when you aggressively approached that poor freshie at lunch.” Momo states, a sly spark in her eyes.


The knowing grin is automatic. “Adorable hotties rarely come around here. Excuse me for seizing the moment.”


“She stormed off.” Mina argues, mirroring the amused look that Momo is displaying.


She’ll come around.


You’re crazy, Sana.” Jeongyeon speaks, half laughing. “Give the freshmen girls a break.”


Sana purses her lips, suppressing her own chuckles. “The heart wants what it wants.”


The heart?” Nayeon scoffs, leaning onto her bespectacled girlfriend. “Oh, please. You don’t even know her name.”


Au contraire, bunny-chan.” The Japanese flashes a confident smile. “Her name is Dahyun.”


Jeongyeon and Mina explodes into amused laughter. As expected from Sana. “How do you know that? Creep.”


The latter keeps mum, all too proud.


Entertained by the intentional silence, Momo hums a friendly tease. “You’re insufferable.


“It’s a charm. Just watch. Dahyunnie and I will be close friends.”


“Close friends?” The four girls simultaneously asks, brows arose.


“Of course. I have my manners.” Sana brightly cackles at her group’s unimpressed reactions. “Friendship; then a few dates; only after, will I ask her to be mine.”


She earns a couple of loud smacks from her two same-aged best friends as she mutters a thought.


She’s got the cutest lips.




“Try one thing and I will gladly kick you where it hurts.” Sana gives a final warn, standing in front of the Kim residence’s door with Taehyung.


Noted.” He flashes a confident grin before turning the knob, pushing it open. Taehyung yells into the abyss as he removes his shoes. “Little tofu, I’m home. You better have a shirt on–”


Like the perfect timing, a girl in a high ponytail comes out of her bedroom, amidst putting on a loose shirt – her face hidden under the clothing. Sana internally smiles at the sight of the girl’s pale, defined abdomen.


She already has a great feeling about the Korean boy’s sister.


Her suggestive beam only broadens when the younger pulls onto the collar of her shirt, revealing her face. Sana finally sees the owner of the yummy abs.


Oh, boy is she the luckiest woman alive.


The Japanese girl grins at the oblivious blonde upstairs.


A flirty “Hi,” is all it takes for Dahyun to notice Sana’s presence, and a wink to cause the girl to bolt back into her bedroom, absolutely horrified.


That was your sister?” Sana asks the clueless boy, who then flashes a smile.


“Yeah; that’s her, Dahyun. Sorry about that. She likes to walk around in her sports bra sometimes.” He explains.


“I don’t mind.” The Japanese girl stretches a knowing smirk. “I don’t mind at all.”


“She’s always like that after practice.” Taehyung starts to walk up the stairs, gesturing her to follow suit. “Shirtless, and what not. I’ve got more modesty than she does.” He shakes a disapproving head; still fond nonetheless.


What practice?” Sana asks, wanting to know more about the hot blondie that she now knows is Taehyung’s younger sister.


Maybe being his partner isn’t such a bad thing.




Sana halts when he does, stopping in front of a closed, white bedroom door. “Varsity?


He shakes a head, allowing Sana to enter the light gray-walled room.


Nope. Dahyun plays for a league outside of school.”


Sana just nods to his every word, even more hooked on blondie’s mysterious character. She is an athlete too; just the way Sana likes her women.


Interesting.” She mumbles to herself.


Taehyung moves towards the keyboard on the corner of his room. Taking a seat on his chair.


“You ready to practice? I’ve got a few songs in mind.”


The foreign girl gives a meek smile, allowing any thoughts of Dahyun to slip off of her mind as she focuses on the project.


She will worry about Taehyung’s sister later.




Just two doors down from the practicing partners, a sharp-eyed soccer player is having a mental breakdown.


“What in hell is that girl doing here? That– that food stealing monster!


Dahyun screams into her tofu pillow. “Is she Taehyung’s girlfriend? Oh my God, ew. She’s hot but still, no.”


She sits up on her bed to properly glare at her door, hoping that the hot lasers from her eyes reaches the girl in the other room.


What would Taehyung see in her? She stole my uncrustables.” Dahyun picks up the football jersey on her bed, crumpling it then proceeding to throw the item of clothing into her laundry bin.


The girl flashes a satisfied smile when the uniform goes in, a clean swish.


Whatever. Screw her; I’m hungry.” Dahyun creaks her door open just slightly, peeking to see if they had left Taehyung’s room.


Much to her relief, they seem to be busy. The young girl cautiously walks out of her room, even tiptoeing past the first room along the way.


She, however, momentarily stops her tracks when she catches the sound of a familiar voice – singing to a song Dahyun is not familiar with.


So, she can sing too?” The latter scoffs, walking away slightly irritated.


She heads downstairs, and into the kitchen. Dahyun prepares herself a cereal – too lazy to make anything else. She is too tired from the brutal practice earlier.


Humming to herself as she pours the cereal, the young girl almost drops the box when she hears a familiar voice coming from behind.


Snapping a look towards the source, she frowns at the annoying smirk.


You’ve got a nice figure.” The older girl whistles, eyes shamelessly roaming all over Dahyun’s body. “Mind showing me what it’s capable of?


The younger murmurs a low ‘sandwich stealer…’ before walking to the dinner table and ignoring the stranger’s presence.


She munches on her frosted flakes, pretending to scroll through her phone with interest when the foreign girl takes the seat across.


“I’m Sana, but you can refer to me as your ‘princess’ if you want.”


Dahyun continues to feign oblivion.


Hey; where’s the manners, hottie? I’m older than you.” She pouts, crossing her arms.


The soccer player rolls her eyes, mumbling a meek introduction. “Dahyun.”


Sana lights up at the cold answer. Dahyun cannot brush her off, eventually submitting to her favour – to her, the thought of the younger being unable to resist her advances is sweeter than any victory there is.


“So, Dahyunnie–” The said girl internally cringes at the sugary way of address.


Can Sana get any more shameless?


Apparently, yes.


The older moves to a more alluring position, leaning on the table with chin resting on her right palm, eyeing Dahyun with such interest. “I heard you play soccer. What position would you say is your favourite?


Blondie burns at the obvious innuendo.


“Where’s Taehyung?” She asks instead, clearing in hopes of easing the furious blush on her cheeks; her eyes narrowing in suspicion at Sana’s widening smile.


“Looking for your brother already? He hasn’t been gone too long.” Sana stands up, her eyes curling at the adorable view of a panicked Dahyun when she slowly walks to her. “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll take care of you, good.


Dahyun moves closer to the table, her face nearing the bowl of cereal.


No,” She says, unamused.


No, what?” Sana giggles, her hands tempted to pinch on the pink cheeks.


No to you. To this.” The young Korean speaks in firm, but her slight stammer along the way does not go unnoticed. “This–” She gestures, implying on the flirting advancement, “Is not gonna work.”


Sana explodes into an airy laughter at the words.


Dahyun is way too cute.


She turns to the other direction, taking a few steps to lean on the counter instead – her smile bright and radiant.




Okay?” Dahyun restates, finally looking up from her cereal bowl.


“My flirting isn’t gonna work.” The oldest beams, her eyes curling thinner.


Blondie purses her lips in contemplation, trying to decode the meaning behind the statement. “So, you’ll stop?”


“Oh, sweetie– that’s cute.” Even Sana’s pearly white teeth are perfect; Dahyun loathes it. “Not flirting with a girl my type goes against everything I stand for.”


The mono-lidded girl ducks again, fixating her eyes on the sogging frosted treat.


Frankly, Sana fits in the category of her type as well, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is still a sandwich stealing, excessively seductive, monster.


Yeah, it’s a turn off.


It suits Sana too well, making her even more alluring – but still, what she had done is unforgivable.


Dahyun shovels a spoonful of milk into . Being a clumsy eater, some of the liquid remained in the corner of her lips. She tries to wipe it clean with the back of her palm – unclassy and unattractive.


Sana, however, disagrees. In fact, a fond look starts to bloom in her brown eyes.


Want me to kiss that clean for you?” She asks, her back still resting against the kitchen counter



The younger chokes on her milk, violently coughing before pounding her chest. Sana barks an obnoxious laugh, quickly stepping closer to Dahyun to soothe her burning back.


She continues to rub on the clothed back until the soccer player starts to ease up, finally turning to her side to glare intensely at Sana, even growling lowly.


The Japanese girl remains unbothered, keeping the ministration. She counters the angry daggers with her angelic grin. “Easy there, tiger. A simple ‘thank you’ would have sufficed.”


You’re the worst.” Dahyun says, upset and humiliated by the violent coughing attack. She stands up to put her dirty plate in the sink.


Sana watches her with a pair of glinting eyes.


Oh, yeah? Maybe a little taste would change your mind.” Her tone oozes with sensuality that Dahyun’s knees almost buckles in submission.




But it didn’t. Because she doesn’t like Sana like that.


She may be super hot, with the iest, most alluring voice but she is still an uncrustables thief.


Never.” She mutters before running upstairs to dive into her bed, glaring at the door some more with a bit of profanities in here and there.




The next day and Sana is back again. This time, she is clad in an oversized black Batman t-shirt and raven ripped jeans.


Dahyun loves Batman.


She is just about to leave for soccer practice when the older girl showed up in her doorstep.


Dahyunnie, I’m back. Did you miss me?” Sana moves in for a hug but Dahyun is quick to take two steps back.


“Excuse me, I have places to be.” She hints at the house guest who is currently blocking the doorway.


“Soccer practice?” Sana roams her eyes on the red jersey, loose and incredibly attractive. Her eyes stop at the sight of the creamy neck. “That’s hot.


“Sana, move over. I’m going to be late.”


“Fine, fine;” The older girl leans in to whisper. “But only because I like my girls commanding and dominant.”


Dahyun didn’t need to hear more, she gently pushes Sana to run outside and towards her car. She drives away with a racing heart and burning cheeks.


Three hours later and Dahyun returns, sweaty and exhausted. All she wants to do is to freshen up; to take a nice, cold, shower – eat a quick supper and go to bed.


God, of course had other plans. It must have been due to her lack of presence in church lately that He decides a little payback never hurt anyone.


“Looking good, babe.” Sana suddenly speaks, scaring the soul out of Dahyun who had just left her room.


Christ, what are you doing?” The younger grasps her chest, almost screeching at the unexpected appearance.


The Japanese had been standing in the hallway all alone, which is more than weird.


“I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I don’t know where it is.”


“Just down the hall to your left.” Dahyun says, already over their bland interaction. She is about to walk past Sana when the latter stops the younger’s tracks, placing an arms by the athlete’s abdomen.


Cutely, Sana wraps that arm around Dahyun’s waist. “Show me?


The tired girl immediately pulls away, surprised and flustered. “I-It’s just straight down.” She points an arm North of her direction.


“I’m bad with directions, Dahyunnie.” Sana blinks her sparkling eyes in the most innocent manner, aware of what they are capable of. “Why don’t you lead the way?”


Dahyun narrows her sharp eyes. “You’re up to something…


“Am I?” The older giggles. “What could have possibly given you that idea?”


Dahyun deadpans. “You asked me when you could have asked Taehyung.”


“You got me there,” Sana’s pure giggles turn into a cunning smirk. “You’re smarter than I thought, Dahyun. Any other time you would be correct, but your brother left to buy snacks so I’m left with you.”


I swear if you’re lying…”


“Check his room, or call if you’d like.” The Japanese girl hums, obnoxiously confident.


Dahyun glares for a second before exhaling a defeated sigh. She is way too tired for their conversation. “Fine, come along.”


The younger walks ahead, passing Sana as she leads the way. Four seconds of peace when the latter disrupts again.


What would you do if I told you that you got a cute ?


The younger explodes into an unintentional snort, almost halting her steps to laugh. Self-dissing, she lightly humours, “What ?


I would show you what I meant, but it would be inappropriate.”


Dahyun snaps a gaze over her shoulder, she stares almost judgingly. “Out of all the things you’ve said and done, that’s where you draw the line?”


Would you rather me not putting a line at all?” They stop in front of a white door that is slightly ajar. Dahyun pushes the wood lightly, revealing a neat bathroom. She doesn’t realize that she has taken two steps inside until Sana’s figure blocks the doorway.


N-No, keep it. Keep the line.” Dahyun gulps at the view of the older girl leaning her weight on the frame of the door. Her arms are crossed, looking every bit as laid-back as could be.


Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got the most attractive pair of eyes?” Sana asks, her default smug look further putting the blonde girl on edge.


The younger wonders why – of all places their conversation could have been held – they are talking in the comfort of a washroom.


Thanks. I got it from my mom.” Dahyun answers monotonously. She may seem calm on the outside but internally, her chest is racing madly.


Everything would be much easier to deal with if Sana weren’t blazing hot and oozing with charisma of a seductress. It would be much easier to cling onto the fact that the older girl is merciless when it comes to flirting, and apparently taking Dahyun’s prized food.


That’s right; Sana is still a big, fat thief. An insanely good-looking one, that totally fits Dahyun’s type but all of that is irrelevant because Sana is – as mentioned previously – a sandwich stealer.


Blondie’s disinterest never phased the Japanese guest though. In fact, she seems to love the lack of engagement.


“Really? I can’t wait to meet mother-in-law, then.” She grins, eyebrows bobbing suggestively.


Sana is already thinking about being a part of the Kim household? How thick-skinned. She really can’t grasp that Sana is flirting with her, (the soccer player thinks) while possibly dating her brother. It doesn’t make any sense.


“Wow, you’re really something.” The freshman mutters under her breath.


There goes the smile again. “So I’ve heard.”


The older girl takes a step, closing in on Dahyun.


“Woah there. Hey, you’re getting close.” The latter grips onto the Japanese girl’s shoulder, halting any more possibilities of moving further into Dahyun’s personal space.


That’s kind of the point.” The snark is louder than previous. Sana doesn’t move closer though, just enjoying the younger’s attention.


Instead, she breaks into the most foolish grin – staring at the other girl with a pair of loving eyes. “I really like you, you know. You should totally ask me out.”


Okay, so maybe Taehyung isn’t dating Sana.


Why would I do that?” Dahyun blinks three times, on the verge of scoffing in awkwardness.


“Because if I were the one to ask, you would say no.”


Fairpoint, Dahyun thinks.


She will definitely reject.


For sure.


“If you know that I wouldn’t agree, why are you still here?” The grip of her tiny hands loosens, now she is basically just holding Sana. No added force, whatsoever.


“I’m kind of decent at waiting.” Sana raises a hand to lightly pinch the shorter girl’s left cheek. “You’ll come around.”


Dahyun unknowingly cracks a smile, undeniably amused by the strange, baseless confidence. Not to forget that the Japanese girl has one of the brightest smile she ever saw – never wavering.


That.” Sana’s eyes curl in fond. “That smile is the exact reason why I’m still here.”


The soccer player blushes at the obvious look of adoration from Sana – but the latter isn’t done just yet.


“You’re cold on the surface, but soft and warm beyond that. I really like it.


Dahyun quickly (gently) shoves Sana out of the way to dash out the washroom, and away from the intimate bubble that had grown between the two of them.


If this keeps up, Dahyun is totally done for.


Why does Sana have to be so insanely irresistible?




Day three, four, five and Sana is a no-show. It triggered a bit of Dahyun’s paranoia, going home from practice expecting the certain shiba-looking girl to be lurking around the house somewhere.


She even managed to ask her annoying brother once.


Where’s Sana?


His eyebrows rose in question. Dahyun has never shown even an ounce of interest in any of his friends before. “What’s with the sudden curiosity?”


“You can’t answer a question with another question.” The younger rolls her eyes.


You’re ugly.” He insults; totally childish. “She’s busy, I think?”


Dahyun puts an end to the conversation by nodding mutely.


Day six which means that it is game day for the soccer player. Taehyung or her parents only comes by to watch every so often, but Dahyun doesn’t mind. They have never been the loud bunch anyway – except for Taehyung, who is the absolute loudest. Most people seem to excuse him though, because of his good looks, and maybe Dahyun’s, perhaps.


You ready for the game, little champ?” Irene, their team Captain asks, securing her shin guards on.


Dahyun loves her, and likewise. Captain Bae appears ruthless, strict, and is able to intimidate a crowd with a single glance – but to her team, she is an absolute cutie; shy, playful, and kindhearted.


“Of course, Cappy! We’ll kick for sure.” The smug tone makes the older giggle.


“Not so fast, eagle. I heard they’re quite a dirty bunch – doing anything they could, to win.”


The mono-lidded one gives a bored shrug, tying her left cleat lace after finishing the first shoe. “We’ve played against many of those; what’s another, right?”


This time, Irene laughs. “Always the cocky midfielder, huh?”


“I know we won’t lose, because we’ve got one hell of a team leader.” She stands up from the field bench to begin her stretching.


“You and Chaeyoung, with your ridiculous compliments.” Irene flashes her own unique eye smile, momentarily stunning Dahyun; years of being her teammate yet the latter is still at a loss for words over her leader’s beauty.


Dahyun’s team (or Irene’s, one should say) is notorious for being undefeated in the Women’s league; an elite group that only accepts or recruits the best. Seoul Serpents, is what they are called – black and green in colour. They have six players that are constantly targeted by the opposed team due to their obvious skills on the field: Number 43, Forward, Joohyun Bae or Irene as she is referred. Smart passes, quick feet, and strategic wit in setting up their plays. Next is number 20, defender, Yerim Kim. Distracting expressions, intelligent blocks, and notable aggression when scrimmaging for the ball. Then there is Zero, goalkeeper, Jungeun Kim. Amazing saves, and admirable ability to read a player’s move. Chaeyoung Son, number 1, left midfielder; team’s fastest player with the sharpest pass. Lalisa Manoban, Number 99, forward and the player that averages the most goals in the team. Then of course, there is Dahyun Kim – Number 12, center midfielder, jack of all trades.


Half an hour of warming up and the game begins. Three forwards, three midfields, four on defence, and Jungeun as a keeper.


The match starts quite intensely already, with the Serpents – Chaeyoung to be exact – scoring a goal fifteen minutes into the game. Unfortunately for them, the other team scores shortly after, with the ball flying past the goalie’s gloved fingers.


Nearly thirty minutes into their tied game, a sudden cheer for Dahyun emerges. It is loud and distracting – catching the attention of most players. It would have been easy to brush such screaming off if it weren’t for the gorgeous source of the off-putting wailing.


Dahyunnie! Come on, I’m rooting for you! Use those y legs for good.


Of course it had to be Sana; who else would be shameless enough to yell on top of their lungs?


The said midfielder could hear Irene chuckling closeby. She frowns at the distracting voice, wanting nothing else but to escape the two defenders and score. She wisely passes the ball to Hyunjin, the right midfielder who stands on guard a few metres behind.


Dahyun speeds past two of the players, then gesturing her teammate to return the ball. Hyunjin to Irene, then Irene dribbling a few feet up until she is clear enough to pass the ball to Dahyun, who then got into position.


Irene lobs the ball for a nice arch. The popular midfielder then receives the soccer ball with her chest, allowing the sphere to fall softly to the ground before kicking it aggressively with her left feet – the ball zooming towards the bottom left of the net.




babe, that was a clean shot! that’s my girl!” There goes Sana’s voice again. Though this time, Dahyun doesn’t mind; pride surges through her veins as she gives herself an internal pat on the back.


Taehyung’s deep voice comes following – in par with the foreign girl’s volume. “Damn, Dahyun! Who knew you had it in you?”


“Nice one, little tofu.” Lisa praises with a cheeky smile, then Chaeyoung’s playful, “Look at you being on a roll.”


The game resumes with everyone going back into their competitive spirit.


It ends 3-1: Serpents’ victory; three injuries and plenty of bruises as well. Dahyun’s knee is scratched up, with the other being heavily bruised giving her a strong sense of discomfort when moving.


One of the other team’s player had harshly shoved Dahyun, earning her a penalty but judging by her sinister smirk, the tofu-like blondie could only assume that it is exactly what she had wanted. The midfielder starts limping, and her bruise goes deep purple as time ticks by. Fairly enough, Dahyun was benched for the last quarter of the game.


It was alright, she thinks because Irene scores as an act of vengeance for her favourite Tofu player.


As soon as their post-game team meeting comes to an end, Sana leaves Taehyung behind to make an excited sprint to Dahyun; careful not to cause a fall but still – enthusiastic enough to pounce.


Dahyun-ah!” She says before jumping, the latter barely catching her. The duffel bag on her shoulder wobbles and Dahyun groans in pain.


She is too tired to push Sana off, so she whines. “Won’t you please get off of me? My knees are jacked up.”


Sana smells really nice; like one of those expensive perfumes with a subtle but very addicting scent.


The older quickly pulls away, a look of worry displaying proudly on her face. “Are you okay? Do you need me to piggyback you?”


Dahyun gives a tired chuckle at that. She would never allow herself to speak out loud but she did miss Sana’s insufferable affection. It’s quite refreshing in comparison to the past days when it had been nothing but dull moments– completely uneventful.


Piggy back?” She scoffs, walking slowly where Taehyung awaits. “With that skinny frame of yours?


Hey, I might be skinny but I’m toned. They’re muscles, Dahyun-chan; muscles.” Sana further proves her argument by lifting up her sleeve, flashing a bicep that the younger cannot see even if she squinted in search.


“Yeah, yeah.” The soccer player waves off, “Muscles, it is.”


Randomly, Sana moves to Dahyun’s other side, snatching the pink duffle bag that once hung on her shoulder.


“What are you doing?” She questions in suspicion.


The older grabs ahold of the bag strap, then proceeding to loop the material over her shoulder. “It’s too heavy and you’re tired, so I’ll help you.”


Sana is cute with a pink of crimson on her soft cheeks.


Who knew you could be civil?” Dahyun cracks a joke.


Sana turns to her, winking with tease when the athlete’s gaze met hers.


“For you hottie, I could be anything.”




It turns out, Sana isn’t the worst in the world as Dahyun perceived her to be. Of course she is still the sandwich-stealer in the younger’s eyes, that will never change but she is actually much more than that.


She had treated Dahyun for dinner after the game; just the two of them – much to Taehyung’s dismay but Sana was insistent. The latter even helped in aiding and bandaging the soccer player’s injury. She dabbed alcohol and applied cream with care. Sana had carefully patched the pale legs as well.


Sana is actually insanely charming when calm and collected. So much so that Dahyun finds herself uncharastically smiling at the older’s silly antics. The Junior student is also a lot smarter than she leads on.


Did you know that roses are related to fruits? Apples, raspberries, peaches, pears, and all that.” She suddenly brings up as she drives Dahyun home from their little date – or hangout, as the latter would put it.


“Wait, are you serious?” The younger gasps in fascination, making the driver smile.


Sana could just kiss those defined jawline. “Yup. Interesting right? I’m full of useless facts about flowers, since my grandma owns a floral shop.”


Dahyun loves trivial facts.


“What else do you got?”


Apparently more. “The largest flower in the world is called titan arums; it’s ten feet high and three feet wide. It’s also known as ‘corpse flower’ because it reeks of decaying flesh.”


The soccer player’s jaw drops in interest. “Forreal? That’s so weird.


I know. I’ve always wanted to see one, but Grannie said that the smell is too unbearable to take.” Her tone is soft, and it melts Dahyun inside.


Now she understands why everyone is helplessly head over heels for Sana.


Not only is she goddess-tier attractive, she has got the most pure heart with the iest brain as well.


Dahyun wonders why she had been so reluctant to befriend Sana.


Is it really because of the damned uncrustables?


Is it?




Dahyun likes to think. She loves to ponder about the wonders of the world; philosophical or not, she enjoys the mental exercise or allowing the mind to jog around certain thoughts.


Of course her mind inevitably runs to Sana.


Unpredictable, sweet, dangerous, Sana. Dahyun has given up on trying to resolve or even control the girl.


Sana does as she wants, and Dahyun no longer tries to crack the possible code behind the Japanese girl. She isn’t even sure that there is one; there is a great possibility that Sana is a mere (gorgeous) weirdo that enjoys messing with Dahyun’s head.


That’s probably it.


Sana had even shown up to another one of Dahyun’s games – without Taehyung. Still with the energetic screams; still with the low profanities towards the referee when they announce a bull call. She is so carefree about her cheers for Dahyun that the latter’s teammates had begun teasing her about it.


“You didn’t tell us that you’ve found yourself a hot girlfriend.” Irene says during their halftime break, taking a large gulp of her ice-cold water.


Yeri adds along, always the wannabe womanizer. “Does she have a pretty friend she can hook me up with?”


Their leader, of course had a readied hand to smack the younger with. “You already have a girlfriend, you loser.”


Seulgi – the assistance coach – doesn’t miss a beat in following with the jokes. “Who knew that our reserved tofu could catch such a pretty girl?


Dahyun takes offence. “Ouch. I could totally catch pretty girls if I wanted.”


You?” Chaeyoung raises a brow, a mixed look between disbelief and boredom. She is wiping her forehead with a cloth. “Really?”


No…” The slightly older girl sighs, giving up.


The team roars with laughter, knowing Dahyun all too well. She is bashful and awkward with beautiful strangers.


Sana obnoxiously hypes Dahyun through the whole game, earning a few glare that she did not bother paying a single attention to.


All that matters is Dahyun is doing amazing in the field, looking at her ever so often with a small, but soft smile.




Two weeks since their first encounter at the University cafeteria and Dahyun had clearly grown warmer than before.


The freshman girl still doesn’t reciprocate to the affection, but she no longer runs away – to Sana, that is already a win.


Dahyun neither moves closer, or away; she stays on spot, unmoving. She still freaks out internally but she doesn’t think that her reflexive reaction when it comes to Sana will ever go away.


Frankly, how she reacts simply depends on how Sana approaches. Some days, Dahyun is at ease – the older is a fun company when she is behaved. Other times, Dahyun could just jump in front of a moving truck over Sana’s alluring advances.


Much like now.


What are you up to, hottie?” Sana sticks her head through the slightly opened door; Dahyun’s bedroom door.


The younger – who has been sitting on her armless swivel chair for an hour and a half – snaps a head at the certain voice. She doesn’t do much but ask.


Homework. Why are you here?”


The answer is clear – because she is bored and looking for a way to kill time.


“Can I come in?”


Dahyun puts her pen down. “Does my answer even matter? You’ll enter either way.”


Sana smiles at the knowing tone. She allows herself inside, closing the door behind.


Taehyung isn’t home yet.” The older informs, taking a seat on the comfortable looking bed.


The busy soccer player picks up her pen, continuing where she had left off. Distracted, she makes small talk. “Who let you in then?


If the freshmen had been looking, she would have seen the cunning bean as Sana says, “Mother in law.


Dahyun only rolls her eyes, speaking nothing more.


Not even two minutes later when Sana speaks again. “Pay attention to me.”


“I’m busy.” Dahyun mumbles, mentally calculating the given numbers on her assignment sheet.


“When is it due?”


In three days.”


That’s all Sana needed to hear before she moves to Dahyun’s place, tapping her on the shoulder. The soccer player’s work is forced into a stop.


Yes?” The seated girl leans back, twirling her chair to face the older.


Sana leans over allowing her lips to ghostly touch the Dahyun’s ear. “I want your attention.”


The sound of wheels creaking against the floor echoes through the room.


W-What are y-you doing?” She stammers, her ears burning at the indescribable sensation.


Sana straightens up, but the seduction continues. Her inner demons are screaming to move closer – but she doesn’t. Not without Dahyun’s approval. “I want to kiss you, Dahyun.”


Huh?” The younger practically squeaks, almost falling off the chair in shock.


How can Sana be so straightforward?


Can I?


The adorable stutter resumes. Sana just watches the exposed ears burn brighter by the minute.


Sana likes looking at Dahyun. She likes it a lot.


The Korean athlete is cute, yet super hot; she’s a tsundere which is Sana’s favourite type of girls. She is much comfortable around the older’s presence now though.




The Japanese girl pouts, whining at the rejection. “Why not?”


Dahyun mumbles something that goes unheard by the older.


What was that, baby? Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Sana bends down to cup the sharp jaw with her right palm.


“I c-can’t kiss…” a little louder, but still faint enough.


The older cracks a fond smile. “You don’t know how to? Or you don’t want to?”




Sana bursts into a tender laughter at shy act displaying before her eyes. “Just on the cheek is fine, Dahyunnie. I just wanted some affection.” She gives a gentle pat in the high ponytailed head. “So, can I? No funny business, I swear.”


A squeal resounds through the room when the foreign girl receives a timid nod. Overflowing with joy, Sana places a kiss on the pale cheek.


It’s just as soft as it looks.


Thanks babe!” Sana grins, heading for the door. “Taehyung must be back already, I’ll see you later. Thanks again; I’m all energized now, thanks to you!”


With that, she takes her leave.


Dahyun is left with the maddening feeling of soft lips against her cheek.


She wonders what would have happened if she accepted the offer and kissed Sana on the mouth instead?




The blonde freshman isn’t quite fond of relationships – or feelings, for that matter. Anything bothersome and distracting, is an automatic no for her. She avoids them at all costs, wanting to focus on nothing more than her studies and her family; both her biological ones, as well as her soccer team.


Which is exactly why the cosmos has been driving her to insanity when she doesn’t see Sana in the next week – a whole seven days. Perhaps more, but Dahyun had stopped counting at seven.


What was the Japanese girl’s deal? She asks for a kiss then she disappears after? What the hell is that.


How come Sana no longer visits?” She questions Taehyung, trying to sound as casual as possible.


Her brother paused his chopsticks mid-air, his brows furrowing in bewilderment. “Why would she? We’re done with the project.”


Project? She came over to work on a project?” Dahyun too, stops eating. “Does that mean that you two aren’t friends?”


He frowns at the question. “I wish. She doesn’t even trust me being around her. She doesn’t like people as much as most think.”


Dahyun hides a smile, suddenly proud that Sana approaches her most times.


“Why?” Dahyun gives an interrogating stare. “Are you friends with her? She always asks about you.”


The younger thinks back to the sugary endearments, the dinner hangouts, the kiss, and the sandwich stealing that she had apparently now excused a little.


Chewing on a pickled radish to hide the threatening smile, she answers.


Something like that.”




After a week and a half without seeing each other, Dahyun could not contain her odd yearning when she spots the older girl animatedly chatting with a few other girls.


Isn’t that your girlfriend?” Yerim nonchalantly asks, following Dahyun’s line of vision.


Chaeyoung confirms, chuckling when she says, “It’s her number one cheerleader.”


“Aren’t you gonna greet her?”


Dahyun furiously shakes a head. “No, thanks.”


The ginger haired girl clicks her tongue in disapproval. “ty girlfriend award for you.”


The same-aged best friends exchange knowing gazes before pushing Dahyun to a certain direction, shoving her hard as they reach close enough.


Dahyun stumbles forward, losing balance from the given force.


Five girls eye her in curiosity. She lifts a head, only to meet a pair of familiar brown eyes.


H-Hi…” She gives an awkward wave.


Dahyunnie?” Sana is quick to stand up, walking until she is in front of the younger. “What are you doing here, baby?”


U-Um…” Dahyun looks back to find both of her friends back in line for the food.


“Did you miss me?” The question is playful, making the soccer player, smile a little. “Is that why you’re here?”


Technically, it’s a University and it isn’t the reason why the younger is around but she doesn’t dare correct. Dahyun’s unsure hand just shoots up to her nape, scratching. “Y-Yeah…”


“Really?” Sana’s eyes are sparkling, and Dahyun blushes at the gorgeous sight.


Her warm cheeks only grows hotter when a pair of arms wraps themselves around her figure. “I missed you too.


Sana only pulls away when she heard an intentional cough at the back; it comes from a girl with bunny-like teeth.


“Aren’t you gonna introduce us to your girl?”


The Junior student responds by rolling her eyes. She offers a hand, silently asking Dahyun if it’s appropriate to be introduced.


She takes it, internally savouring the feeling of holding someone’s hand. Not just someone but a really pretty girl whose lips Dahyun cannot ignore if it killed her.


“Guys, this is Dahyun. Dahyun these are my idiotic friends – and Mina. Jeongyeon, her girlfriend Nayeon, then Momo.” She points at each one of them.


Momo is the first to react. “Oh! So you’re the Dahyun we’ve been hearing so much about.”


The said girl then turns to the person that has been softly holding her hand. “You’ve talked about me?


Nayeon answers instead. “She talked plenty. From the moment you ran to her a month ago.”


Mina giggles. “You two caused a ruckus, but Sana was still smitten.”


“She picked well though, I think. Sana never dates anyone unless she’s sure of what she’s getting herself into.” Jeongyeon shrugs, fixing her glasses the place.


Okay, are you guys done?” Sana says in an irritated tone, but her face appears more pink-ish than before.


You know damn well, we aren’t.” The oldest Japanese grins.


“Well, I am.” Her best friend retorts, pouting. She turns to the shorter girl. “Do you have another class?


Dahyun shakes a head, slightly confused. “I’m done for the day.”


“Let’s go then.”


What? Where to?”


Sana flashes the biggest grin. “You’ll see.”


As she is being dragged away, she hears the boisterous laughter of the group as Jeongyeon cracks a joke. “If she takes you to her apartment, run away; Sana ain’t in bed.


Dahyun bursts into a hearty laughter when she hears Sana mumble to herself.


How the hell would she know.




It turns out that Sana wanted to go to a lake, picking a few flat stones to skip waters, mindlessly.


“Sorry about my friends; they love ruining my life.”


Dahyun stays behind, simply absorbing the calming view that surrounds.


“It’s fine. You didn’t take me to your apartment so we’re good.”


The older skips a rock – bouncing three times – before turning around; a soft look in her eyes. “I would never do that.”


Never?” The athlete raises a brow.


She wishes that she could see Sana’s expression as she answers but the latter turns away, facing the waters once again.


“Not unless you wanted me to.”


There is something that has been bugging Dahyun for a while, but has never found the courage to seek an answer to.


Why did you disappear for a week?


Sana stops mid-picking the second round of rocks. “I finished my project with Taehyung. I would have texted at least, but I didn’t have your number.”




Why? Are you finally warming up to me, hottie?” She teases, with a bit of hopefulness somewhere along the sentence.


Dahyun picks up a random rock. “Y-You wish.


I do wish that.” Sana skips another rock. It bounces only twice this time. “I don’t entertain myself with just anyone; it would be nice if it becomes a mutual exchange.”


Little did she know, her wish had already been granted.




Funny enough, the two did somehow end up in Sana’s apartment. Dahyun refuses to go home for some reason unknown, and Sana had offered some ramen.


Dahyun’s favourite food in the world – aside from chocolate treats.


As if Sana weren’t perfect enough already, she just had to be a great cook apparently.


Great, another reason to like her.


Dahyun really only has the “uncrustables thief” as a reason to hate Sana. That is it. Literally nothing else.


Out of all the million things to like, it is odd of Dahyun to cling onto the one - petty - reason to be put off by the older.


“Your place is pretty clean.” Dahyun comments with a mouthful of noodles.


Thanks.” She gives a chuckle. Looking away from the television to look around. “Jeongyeon loved calling me out for the messy apartment, so I got used to cleaning. Sort of.


“Who knew that you’re actually pretty good at following orders?” The younger humours.


“I already told you, I like my women assertive.” Sana winks, laughing at the unamused expression.


The two watches the movie while occasionally munching on their food. Dahyun’s ramen is long gone, replaced by the sweet taste of candy that had been given by Sana. Apparently Japanese people enjoys a refreshing taste of sweets after a bowl of noodles.


A problem arises shortly arises though. Not so much a serious one, but awkward – very awkward.


Scenes buildup as any movie should, and the tension grows steamier by the second until the actors starts to kiss. No, they are making out – an intense act of French kissing.


Dahyun visibly gulps, clearly flustered by the sudden shift in atmosphere.


“Have you ever made out with someone?” Sana asks. Just a simple question filled with innocent curiosity. Dahyun tried to analyze for further intentions but she finds none.


The younger’s ears become warm at the personal question. “Y-Yes, I have…


“Really?” The foreigner perks at the response. “How did you like it?”


Dahyun thinks that the question is quite odd since they have only known each other for roughly a month, but then again it is Sana she’s talking to.


Settling for the off-putting truth, she says, “Uh, it was b-bad…


Sana cracks up at the words along with the embarrassed reaction. “Really? How bad?


“S-She um…” Expectations heightens at stretch of word. “Bit my tongue so hard, I uh– bled and went numb for days…”


The Japanese girl lost it. She throws her head back, with the biggest struggle in breathing. “Oh my God – no way.”


Dahyun chuckles at the memory, slowly absorbing the hilarious past. “I never really had the heart to kiss after that again.”


I’m always here if you ever change your mind.” Sana grins, bobbing her eyebrows.


“Sure, sure. I’ll be sure to contact you first.” The younger plays along, scoffing playfully.


On a roll, the older throws an air kiss along with a flawless wink.


“I just remembered that you stole my uncrustables, last month. That’s a deal breaker.” They both know that Dahyun is joking but the petty grudge is there. Neither of them think that it is ever going away.


Sana looks bright as ever despite the insult. “Just date me and I can buy you a box every week.”


The soccer player pouts, looking tempted. “That’s not fair.”


Why not? I’ll buy you as many as you’d like until you forgive me.” Sana’s pure smile turns into a smirk. “What do think? Do we have a deal?


In frustration, Dahyun makes a huge slip in words. “Why do you have to be so hot?


That is a huge mistake for a seductive goddess like Sana.


So you think I’m hot?” She giggles, seemingly a little giddy from the confession.


A useless form of denial is ready to slide but the older’s mouth is quicker to interrupt. “What, no–


Dahyunnie,” Sana whispers in a low, sultry voice. She leaves her spot, crawling towards Dahyun’s side.


W-Whoa, what do you think you’re doing?” The younger stammers, backing up further – her back digging on the cushion of the couch.


Sana smirks, drawing dangerously closer. “Making myself comfortable.”




An eyebrow raises at the soft command. “You’re quite stubborn aren’t you? Why can’t you just admit that you like me too?”


Dahyun furiously shakes a head. “No.”


Sana knew better. “Is that so?”


Giving up internally, Dahyun comes up with a plan – to fight back. She will fluster Sana by being aggressive with her flirtatious actions as well.


Dahyun will move closer to Sana’s face, which will force the older to move back.


Yes, sounds good.


It will work, right?


So wrong.


“I’m not the only stubborn one.” Dahyun moves her head forward, angling it to move as close as possible. But her plan backfires hard when Sana’s eyes only grows but she doesn’t move.


Their lips touch, much to both of their surprise.


Sana’s jaw drops at the unexpected turn of events. While Dahyun could faintly smell the scent of the Japanese girl’s lip gloss.


“Y-You just kissed me!” Sana – for once – is the stammering mess of the two.


Dahyun squeaks a reply. “That’s because you wouldn’t m-move!


“But you still leaned in!” The older argues.


“I was hoping you’d move!”


Sana raises the volume a notch. “Well, clearly I didn’t.”


“I can see that!”


Now we’ve kissed...” The Japanese girl’s tone is still loud, but clearly a little more shy than previous.


“It doesn’t count, and you’re a bad kisser.” Dahyun doesn’t know what possessed her to say such a thing.


Sana gasps in offence. “How would you know? That was barely a kiss!”


“I could tell!”


The Japanese girl doesn’t say anything. Instead, she cups a swift hand on the younger’s nape before leaning in, her lips landing square on Dahyun’s.


Sana’s mouth works it’s magic, dizzying Dahyun to madness. It turns out that the former’s lips taste exactly as it smells; a mixture of strawberry and peach.


Dahyun hates peach but they oddly taste decent on Sana.


Still a bad kisser to you?” The latter mumbles in between their kiss, smiling at the feeling of Dahyun’s reciprocating lips. Their mouths move, with Dahyun completely forgetting their petty argument, and her last words to the older – which clearly had been the most wrong of the wrongs.


Sana is one hell of kisser.


Her taste; how the subtle waft of her perfume clouds Dahyun’s senses; the way her fingernails elicits the right nerves when she leaves a light scratch on the younger’s jaw.


Sana single handedly cured Dahyun’s fear of kissing.


  1. pull away, breathless and… amused? The foreign girl is looking smug, and Dahyun – beet red.


Will you go out with me now?” Sana asks in between panting, her eyes curling in hope.


Dahyun thinks that if she turns down the offer, she will never taste the soft pair of lips ever again, and she doesn’t want that.


She’s had a taste of the heavenly feel of a real kiss, and she wouldn’t mind going for seconds, or is it thirds?


Dahyun mumbles, still a tad flustered by the lingering taste of Sana on her lips. “Only because you’ll give me a lot of uncrustables if I did…


It’s crazy how quick Sana’s image changes. Now she is back to her gentle girl-next-door aura. “All the flavours. We can share; it’s my favourite too.”


Her tone is happy, and Dahyun thinks it’s super cute.




Sana’s heart picks up the pace; even faster than it has been. Her inner chest is hammering in anticipation. “F-Fine, what?


“I’ll go out with you…” Before she could even finish her sentence, Sana is already on her – sitting on the athlete’s lap to hug Dahyun tightly; as if she has been waiting a while – she has.


The younger continues, mumbling against her (now) girlfriend’s shoulder. “But we’ll break up after I get my food…


Sana beams at the meaningless words. “Sure, sure.” She knows that the younger is all talk. “I’ll just have to win you over again with more sandwiches.”


Dahyun bursts to a hearty laugh, her arms finally moving to wrap themselves around the skinny frame.


Sana might have been an odd sandwich thief, but she’s a great kisser so Dahyun will have to excuse the crime.


Her logic is laughable but nothing matters anymore because she has a hot Japanese seductress as a girlfriend.


She’s in a relationship, with numerous uncrustables boxes coming her way – who knew that her petty greed over food could score her a perfect lover?


One more reason to list under: why store-bought sandwiches without crust is the best thing ever.




Taehyung almost passes out when he catches the sight of his little sister receiving a goodbye kiss, from the girl whom he had been crushing on since freshman year.


But what can Sana do?


Dahyun is obviously the cuter of the Kims.








A/N: I did this because I somehow had to make up for the slight drama in my story, Time To Love.


This was saucy’s idea. Sue her instead of me if this uwu :)


stream dtna, or buy the album if you have some dollars to spare lmfaooo


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426 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was adorable af 😚
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 1: I love this lmaooo i also find it cute how u paired dahyun and taehyung as siblings again XD loved this fluffy pieceeee
Chapter 1: up to this day this remains as one of my favorite saida fics! when i have a bad day i reread this and suddenly i'll have a smile on my face.
Chapter 1: Hey.. it has been 1413 days and i’m still reading this.. one of my fave one shot in this site. I always comeback and read saida one shots whenever i’m having a y day. So yeah, i’m here again
KimMinatozaki #5
Chapter 1: When ppl said that "Sana's determination to get Dahyun is 1000000000000× than the others" I think I should really agree with that 👍
Sana irl and Sana in stories is just the same, 10000000000000× determined just to get Dahyun
Chapter 1: Rereading this again cause why not? XD

Well-written one-shot with cute and amusing storyline! It's pretty long too,, Ahhh i just love this. I can't believe it's been two years already 😭

Sana stone skipping in that Twice TV Healing Camp episode tho 🥺
Chapter 1: Yo even the ships are all the same from TTL! This was so cute, nice break from angst.
Chapter 1: this too authornimm! I really love this! it is too so cute and a well written oneshot of saida! I love the way it gives me that feeling of butterflies hahahaha.Thankyouu authornim!
LoveTwice09 #9
Chapter 1: This is so cute~
klcwnkookz #10
Chapter 1: Hahaha Why is this soo in cutee