
✧ Myungeun Drabbles ✧

The school bell rang, indicating the end of the class. Naeun slowly packed her things. This is her last class for this semester and she doesn’t like it. She looked in front to find the reason why she always looked forward to attending this class. But he is nowhere to be seen. Kim Myungsoo already left the room. She hurriedly packed her things and dashed outside. Naeun looked for him in the corridors but he is not there. She went out of the building and there he is, walking slowly. She inhaled deeply and walked towards him. No, she’s not planning on talking to him. She just wants to see him for the last time.


She continued walking slowly, making sure that there’s a safe distance between them. She stared at his retreating back and suddenly, Myungsoo looked back. She immediately hid behind the big post covered with flowers. Her heart beat went wild. After a few seconds, she peeked to see if he’s still looking. Luckily, he isn’t anymore.


“That was close!” Naeun thought. She thought of following him again but decided not to since she’s afraid that he might catch her for real.


Myungsoo was busy taking pictures of random things when Naeun first saw him. He was too focused on taking pictures that he didn’t notice her watching him. His mysterious facade was the reason why she was attracted to him. He looks like someone who won’t pay attention to her or even look at her but nonetheless, she was still attracted to him. After that, she always went to the same place to see him. The attraction she felt towards him turned into a crush. Every time she sees him smile, a smile would also appear on her face. The little things he did made her heart flutter and sent butterflies to her stomach.


She always dreamed to be his classmate even for just one subject. To be able to see his face when he’s focusing on a topic, his face when his having a problem in answering a question, his face when he got the correct answer, she wants to see different sides of him. It seems like luck was on her side. They became classmates in Statistics, a subject that she really hates. She hated any subject related to Math and hated the days which had Math in her schedule. But because of Myungsoo, Statistics became her most anticipated subject.


The first time he entered their room, Naeun’s eyes almost popped out from her eye sockets. She was really shocked to see him. The fact that he is her classmate didn’t sink in to her until their professor came and started the class. Naeun almost jumped in joy. She kept on smiling to herself throughout the class.


Monday, Wednesday and Friday, those are the days that had Statistics in her schedule. She attended the class three times a week. She never skipped her Statistics class because she knows that if she did, she won’t see Myungsoo. In their class, she learned that he really likes Math. He always listened and paid attention to their professor. He always focused on the problems that their professor gave. She always admired his determined face whenever he’s solving something.


There were times when she caught him looking at her but she never thought that there’s a meaning behind it. She always thought that he’s just looking around and she suddenly saw him looking at her. She always thought that it was all coincidence.


The first time he talked to her was when he asked her about the schedule of their quiz. She wasn’t able to answer him at first because she was in daze. She lost her focus for a split second and answered him with an unsure smile. He smiled at her which made her insides turn upside down.


She had many opportunities to talk to him and be friends with him but she didn’t grab those opportunities. She was too shy and she doesn’t want to look desperate like those girls who have been crushing on him. They follow him around and ask for his name, that she will never do. Seeing him was enough for him. But the truth is, she really wants to be close to him. She wants to make him smile, to make him laugh. She wants to be a part of his life but she’s afraid that if they become close, she might expect something more from him.


“Kim Myungsoo, will I be able to see you again? And when that time comes, will I have the courage to talk to you?”

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These are from my tumblr account (under the same username), hopefully I'll add something new here in the near future ♡


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Chapter 7: These drabbles are really good. The fluffy ones made me squeal with happiness and the angsty ones made me sad. Please do post more of these