
Your Scent

"Come on Jungkook, hurry up!", my mother, the principal of my school, yelled from downstairs.

"Okay! Okay!", I yelled back and sped up my pace.

Werewolves have an enhanced sense of smell and to most that's a gift but to me- it's a nightmare. I was born sensative to basically any smell that there is, which is extremely uncommon for an alpha like me. I am forced to wear a mask for every hour of the day, though it doesn't completely cover the scents of things, it does dull it down for me.

After I grabbed my backpack and phone, I headed downstairs.

"Alright, let's go!", My mother said cheerfully and pulled me to the car.

She is a sweet omega but I feel bad for her because dad is an idol and only comes home 2-3 times a month. She gets lonely a lot so I always have to cheer her up. She loves when I have friends over because it makes her feel wanted when she caters us. I have no friends though and haven't brought anyone home since I was 5 years old which was almost 13 years ago.

Halfway through the drive, mother turned down the music and got my attention.

"I forgot to tell you, a new student enrolled! He's a nice boy, I met him yesterday. He is in your grade as well. I hope you make friends with him, he has a nice sense of fashion", she mumbled the last part.

"I'll try and make friends with him but only if he seems nice. What's his name?", I asked curiously.

"Oh! Right, it's Park Jimin. He's also an omega too", she explained and then unbuckled herself as the car came to a stop at the front of our school.

"Alright, now get out. I best head to the office now", she smiled at me and she locked the car as we walked our opposite directions.

We always get to school early since she's the principal and has to set everything up. I always have to wait outside my homeroom for about 20 minutes before the teacher actually shows up to let me in.

The first thing I did when I entered the school gate was calmly walk to my locker and get my chemistry book for homeroom along with my sketchbook.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the homeroom door which was at the end of the school hall right next to a fully glass wall. 

I leaned my back against the door and slid down until I was on my . I took my sketchbook out and opened to a new page, passing all the sketches of scenery I had previously made.

I really love scenery but it's ironic because I can only look at it from afar. If I get too close to trees, water, grass, or anything of the sort, the scent will flare my nostrils and make me lightheaded. If I don't escape fast enough I will faint. This not only applies to the enviornment but also perfume, chemicals, smoke, and basically anything that smells, including people.

I have never done a day of P.E in my entire life because that means either going outside or the overwhelming smell of B.O which doesn't body well for me.

Instead of P.E, I'm sent to my moms office where I either do homework or sketch. My mom is careful of not letting anything smell good or bad or too strong (including herself but that doesn't always work out for her) so that way I am actually able to take my mask off but not for too long.

Most people assume that I am a stuck-up bad boy because I don't participate in most events and I always hide behind a mask but really, I'm just a sweet and shy alpha which is rare since most alpha's are cocky and rude. I'm mostly feared around the school but sometimes I'll get picked on for being a loner.

I didn't want any pity so I told my mom to tell no one of my condition other than my teachers. She was reluctant but agreed anyways. 

I took out my sketch materials and started to sketch out the outline of the cherry blossom tree outside of the glass window. I love cherry blossoms but I can't do much about it now can I?

After adding details here and there, I stood up and stretched my legs. Then, I heard the sound of the building doors opening which was odd because no one comes at this hour.

My head snapped over to the sound and I saw a beautiful boy around my age walk in with wondering eyes and he looked like he was rushing until he saw me. When he saw me, he smiled and quickly walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm new here and I'm looking for the office of the school", the boy said and he has the most smooth and soothing voice that I have ever heard. After a few moments of being shocked at his perfect voice, I quickly brought myself down to Earth.

"Oh, Jimin right? I'm Jungkook", I asked friendly and bowed at him, he bowed in response.

"Uhhh, yeah. Word already get around?", he asked with a chuckle.

"Kinda but I didn't know until my mom told me this morning. She's the principal, I'll take you to the office", I responded and started walking.

I don't know what came over me to be casually speaking with him, a stranger. I always stutter when talking to others and I'll also fidget around a lot when doing so. The only people I don't stutter around are my parents.

Once we arrived to the office, I knocked and let myself in.

"Mother, Jimin is here", I said and he bowed at my mother as I stayed standing at the door.

Jimin turned to me, "Thank you for showing me the way here Jungkook", he said and pulled me into an embrace.

I gasped as soon as his arm touched my shoulder. My body felt tingly and I could feel my eyes turn my ranking color (alpha-red beta-blue omega-gold) of red. Quickly, Jimin pulled away with a gasp and I saw his beautiful looking gold eyes.

When he hastily pulled away from the embrace, he accidently pulled my mask down and I rushed to pull it back up but I smelled the most heavenly scent ever and it made me feel tingly but in a good way rather than bad. I noticed that scent was resonating off of Jimin and I pulled him back into an embrace so the smell was stronger.

His scent was the only scent I have ever been able to smell without fainting. It was like his scent of vanilla and choclate was zeroing out every other smell in this room.

"Cough cough guys cough cough", my mom said and when we pulled away she squealed rather loudly.

"MY SON FINALLY FOUND HIS MATE! OH MY GOD- AND HE CAN SMELL HIM!!", she practically yelled and ran over to us.

"You can smell him right?", she asked me when she noticed that my mask was barely hanging on my face and not covering my nose.

I quickly covered my nose and took a step back and nodded when she got too close and I started to feel dizzy.

"Oh , sorry", she said and quickly went back to behind her desk.

I took my hand off of my face and gave a smile "it's okay, you were just excited"

"Ummm...what are you guys talking about? Can Jungkook not smell or something?", a confused Jimin asked and he looked so cute.

"Well, Jungkook was born with a sensitive smell and if he smells anything too strongly he will feel dizzy and then faint. Unfortunately, since wolves have a good sense of smell, Jungkook smells everything strongly so he needs to wear a mask 24/7 and can't participate in many things. He also has no friends because everyone thinks that he's scary and they make fake stories about why he always has a mask on. Jungkook asked me not to tell anyone about why he wears a mask so no one knows why and they make stupid assumptions", my mom explained to Jimin.

Jimin was silent for a second, presumably processing everything, until he gasped and pulled me into yet another embrace and dug his face into my neck. 

At this action, I was able to actually take a wiff of Jimin's scent again and it calmed me down.

"So cute~!", my mom squealed causing Jimin to blush and bury himself in my chest and neck more.

"Jiminie, I know this might be fast but can I mark you as mine so people know not to mess with you and I can protect you?", I asked in a hushed voice.

He nodded with a blush and unburied himself from me and tilted his neck so I could mark him.

I leaned down and put a kiss to his sholder before sinking my K9's into his neck and when I was done, I where I bit and watched the purplish mark form.

Jimin did the same to me and we were both happier than we can ever be.

Apparently, Jimin lived alone and my mom invited him to stay with us because she wanted to teach him her omega ways and he was willing.

Narrator POV

Everyone was shocked to find that the "heartless" Jungkook had marked the new kid but took it as a warning sign and left Jimin alone.

Once Jimin and Jungkook graduated, Jimin had news for Jungkook that he was 2 weeks pregnant and that Jungkook was (obviously) the father.

Jungkook was never that happy before in his life. Although Jungkook was still sensitive to smells, he had Jimin who made him feel like he had an escape from all the madness.

Two weeks after Jimin's news to Jungkook, Jungkook proposed to the love of his life and 4 days before the baby was born, they had their wedding. Jungkook wasn't sad that he had no friends to invite because all he needed was Jimin.

Jungkook's father came for his wedding and also had news that he is retiring from being an idol so he can be at home with Jungkook's mom more while they were gone.

They moved into a big house (since Jungkook gets babied by his dad who was formally an idol, he has a lot of money) and named their omega baby girl Jung-Min and watched her grow into a fine young lady who was beautiful, respectful, and smart. They were so happy when she came home with her mate named Taeyong. On the outside he looked like a bad boy but he was super kind and totally daddy material.

After 2 months, they got married and then 4 weeks later announced that Jung-Min was 2 weeks pregnant.

Jimin and Jungkook were so happy that they would have grandchildren. Jung-Min had a baby boy and named him Taemin (not the Taemin you are thinking, I just thought Taemin was a good mash of Taeyong and Jungmin)

And the story just goes on and on and on.

Jimin and Jungkook were so content with the life they created and they loved eachother to the end.

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