034: Of Strangers and Awkwardness

Hearts Aflame
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Mina’s eye contact with the concrete wall is brutally interrupted with a violent smack from the back, or maybe it wasn’t a violent smack, but she was so absorbed in her daydream that she jerked vigorously forward, a yelp escaping her fair lips. She whipped her head backward with a glare readying itself around her round eyes, but the glare softened away when she remembered exactly where she was, or who, she was glaring at. Her rough facial features contorted harshly into something soft, forcefully, in a sense. She wasn’t exactly in a mood to play the gentle girl but being in the cafe with the girls, surrounding exactly by that, made her feel like she had to soften her face.

After all, she was in a den of lions, or ferocious girls she didn’t know how to react to or act with considering she never had girl friends before (semi-friends), so she opted to make herself look presentable, feeling like so or not.

“Are you okay?” Joy asked, raising her eyebrows high across her forehead. She looked funny. “I can’t help but notice you’ve been staring at the same spot on the wall for over half an hour now.” Joy crossed her arms over her chest in an overreacting “i’m-your-boss” pose and Mina blinked her eyes. 

“Huh?... What? What?” 

Actually, it wasn’t like she was oblivious or trying to act like a , but the smack on the back was so sudden that it made her reaction slow. So she was blinking like a total idiot, mouth open ajar like a deprived baby asking for continuous supply of milk.


“Are you okay, Mina Unnie?” Yeri jumped on the conversation and stood behind Joy on her tiptoes so she could send Mina a worried look. Her worry was appreciated and Mina felt herself grow soft genuinely. “You don’t look too well.” Yeri finished, pouting sadly like a cute, yet abused puppy. Mina wondered if her eyes would fill up with actual tears, and grimaced at herself. 

“I’m fine,” Mina murmured unsurely, scratching at her eyebrow. “I think, what were we talking about?”

“We weren’t really talking,” Wendy butted in from her position behind Yeri, serving a customer a drink but still keeping her bat ears located on their conversation. Mina didn’t understand how someone could be so good at multitasking. “But it looked like you had such an interesting conversation with the wall, with your eyes constantly on it. Tell me, what is the secret you have with it?”

Was that supposed to be a joke?

Apparently, because Joy ended up chuckling, high-fiving her best friend. Mina rolled her eyes exceptionally slow. 

“That wasn’t funny.” Even while she said so, he cheeks were a little red.

“You gotta admit, that was a little bit funny.” Joy chided, eyes all knowing and bull. Mina didn’t know when Joy stops joking around. She hadn’t seen the girl serious, like ever, and she wondered if Joy was even capable of arousing that expression out of herself in the first place. She decided to ignore her, and the laughing Wendy, to focus on more important things, like wiping the table she was positioned behind for instance. 

At this time, Seulgi came from her own trash-taking duty from the back, which was like at least thirty steps away from where they were standing — not like anyone was counting. She inserted herself so sneakily between Joy, Wendy, and Mina, leaning her head downward to peer at Mina expressionlessly, but dare Mina say, her eyes were glinting a little bit in worry.

“So, are you going to tell us what’s on your mind?” 

Mina’s surprised at many things: like how Seulgi even heard them and their discussion from where she was, and because she was so forward about it too. Mina found herself stuttering like a dummy. 

“It’s, uh, it’s n-nothing serious... really.”

“If it’s not serious, then you wouldn’t have been staring at the wall like that.” Joy leaned on Seulgi who took her place in front of Mina, her eyes sparkling all too obviously with non-malevolent curiosity. Mina was actually quite scared with her burning wonderment. 

“You’re not going to drop this until I tell you, are you?” Mina sighed helplessly.

“Yup, pretty much.” Wendy pushed both Joy and Seulgi aside so she could too, shove her face closer to Mina’s. 

“I don’t think you guys should push her,” Yeri seemed to be a little bit nervous to say this, her eyes flickering to all of her friends as if she was afraid they’d attack her because of her betrayal. “It could be a personal matter.” 

Mina’s surprised this hadn’t come from Seulgi as well, considering the girl always told everyone to keep out of her business. Seulgi looked interested enough, though, her eyes squinted harshly to dare Mina to say anything aside the thing they wanted to hear, or spread a lie. Seulgi’s not exactly the girl to be obsessed with others’ matters and she wasn’t a gossipy girl either. Mina guessed this sudden curiosity of hers’ is what made her similar to the other girls. 

“Yeah well, nothing stays personal when you’re working in this cafe.” Joy snorted.

“Joy’s right. I adhere to this rule as well.” Wendy snickered, clasping her hands together like a gypsy woman getting excited for the upcoming stream of gossip. With her new blueish wispy hair, Mina thought the description oddly fitted her.

“You guys are horrible, you know that...” Mina groaned, lying her forehead on the table. 

“Horrible as in amaze-balls, ya mean!?” Joy placed an exaggerated hand on her hips. 

“Or horrible in being the best friends you ever have?” Wendy shared, striking the exact same pose of Joy.

“Or horribly amaze-balls?” Yeri beamed, clapping her hands, and Joy went ahead to ruffle her fluffy blonde hair.

“Joy already said that, Yeri Dearie.”

“Hey! That rhymed!” Yeri giggled too carelessly, and Mina stared at the girls like she was watching a funny movie, with all their giggly, hyperactive remarks. Is this how she becomes when she is amongst trustful friends? She imagined her friends, the pack of wolves she came to love so much, and face palmed. If there was one thing she was sure of, Mina was positive she acted like an absolute moron with them, they treating her the exact same too. She guessed it was because they had a deep trustful bond together, and she had already thought this through; it was their werewolf blood, it made relationships deeper than human people could ever understand. No normal friend could ever do what the boys did to her at all, they were special, with her and with themselves.

It seemed, Mina thought as she glanced at the girls, even Seulgi’s eyes softening considerably a lot at Yeri’s exclamations; the girls had that same bond together too, that supernatural bond.

So what were they?

The question lingered in her mind, even though she pushed it to her subconsciousness for now. 

She tried to sneak away, seeing them distracted by cute Yeri, but she got caught by Seulgi with a hand on her elbow almost right away. When she looked back, panic stricken, Seulgi wasn’t even looking at her! “Don’t think you can run away from the subject, Mina. There are dark smudges of black around your eyes all the way down to your chin. Tell us what happened.”

“Nothing,” Mina cleared and rolled her eyes, trying to look brave. “It’s just that my father’s in the hospital. I’m worried about him. That’s all.”

“Your father’s in the hospital? Why, what’s wrong with h—“ 

Seulgi’s question is interrupted by a customer knocking on the table they were gathered around with his knuckles, intercepting their intimate moment. Mina was instantly relieved, and she turned to the customer with a giant smile, only for that smile to be wiped brutally away.

“Can I order my coffee now or will you five still busy gossiping?” The customer said with his low-pitched, commanding voice, his eyes on his mobile phone. Mina noticed another tall guy behind him, lingering, his small eyes glinting in something foreign when they fell over hers.

Seulgi looked at the man in a mode to fight, never fond of disrespect, but Mina interrupted her with her words.

“Oh, I’m sorry sir, you can order your coffee from here. What can I get you?” She pretended as if she didn’t know him, not with the girls’ annoyed glares at being interrupted shooting at him from behind the counter.

Mr. Wu’s eyes snapped away from his phone when he recognized the sound, and when they fell on hers, the angry, commanding aura he’s usually possessing drained away. Mina caught another flash of familiar red, but the flash was so minuscule and little, so fast, that it was gone as soon as it came. Mina wondered if she imagined it yet again, however, she told herself that at Suho’s office, Suho had let his eyes glint so easily golden, as if he didn’t care that Mr. Wu saw, and she concluded that she wasn’t hallucinating. Mr. Wu was a supernatural, too. What kind? — she didn’t know.

Why was she surrounded with supernaturals?

“Double shot espresso,” Mr. Wu announced casually, or ordered, and pocketed his phone. “I didn’t know you worked here.”

Mina forced a grin on her face. Wow, he was still as handsome as ever. “Oh well, you’re not the only one.” She blushed because what the hell does that mean? “I mean, you’re not the only one who doesn’t know where I work.”

He just smiled like she’s super amusing, or like she aroused his curiosity, his thin lips turning curvy forcefully as if he wasn’t much used to shooting smiles at people. From behind him, his tall friend stiffened at seeing his smile, and he looked away. Mina didn’t shrug off this oddity.

“You mean to tell me Mr. Kim is unaware of this adventure of yours?” Mr. Wu raised his eyebrows, and she didn’t exactly know how to answer this question safely. So she just put on her steel armor of false bravery, and tried to be honest, shrugging like things like these didn’t matter to her or affect her. 

“I’d appreciate it if it stays this way.”

He smiled more and then nodded at Seulgi in acknowledgement, Seulgi’s who was still protectively standing beside her, visibly glaring at him. Before he could say anything to her, Mina pointed at his friend with her eyes.

“Who’s your friend?”

“He’s Tao,” Mr. Wu answered quickly, dismissively; “He’s my assistant.”

“Mina, do you personally know these boys?” Seulgi asked after holding to her silence for a while. She looked threatening as always, eyes squinted dangerously and face curving murderously. It reminded her of the same face she pulled at her the first time she met her, guarded and judging. Mina knew that face of hers could cause huge misunderstandings, especially because it wasn’t welcoming at all. There was one difference to Seulgi’s face than the time she first saw her, this time it lacked its underlying amusement, or curiosity, or even unguardedly like how she stared at Mina. Seulgi looked honestly vicious, hostile almost, like she was ready to attack them if they pulled anything. Mina realized that none of the girls were around her either; suddenly, they were just gone. 

“Not exactly—“ Mina was about to say, hoping to loosen the stiffness around everyone’s shoulders. However, she was interrupted by Mr. Wu’s reply and his wide, wide smile. Tao looked even more closely to the ground.

“I’m hurt, I thought we were past introductions.” 

Mina gave him an awkward smile.

“Anyway,” she shot Seulgi a look, a scathing one that told her to calm her , for freak’s sake. Then she told her. “Can you go and ring his coffee?”

Seulgi guided her withering eyes from Mr. Wu to Mina, and they significantly softened. “You want me to be out of your way, little Miss Mina?” 

Mina’s cheeks slightly colored in embarrassed red. “That’s not the point at all, Seulgi.”

“Whatever,” Seulgi rolled her eyes and threw the rag she was holding on the table, getting ready to leave. “I understand when I’m third-wheeling. I’ll be out of your back.” She even waved her hand out sneakily. Mina swore there was a smirk upon her fair glittery lips.

this , that was totally not what she meant. 

She looked back at Mr. Wu with pursed lips, unamused, and Mr. Wu’s eyes glinted in amusement at her annoyance. 

“You live close by, Mr. Wu?” She tried to open up conversations, and she didn’t even know why the heck she was trying. 

“Call me Kris, please, and yes, I do live fairly close from here. This is the first time I have visited this cafe though. Tell me honestly, how is their coffee?”

“I’d have to say pretty darn well, Kris-sii.”

“Please, no formality,” Kris, or Mr. Wu, waved his hand at her, a spark of irritation going on his eyes at being addressed with formality even though he had mentioned his name a few times already. “It was a pleasant meeting, Mina, hope to see you more often.” There went his small glitch of redness in his eyes, but he twirled around as soon as his eyes glowed. He gave Tao a signal with his hand to follow and went to his seat before she could even make sure she wasn’t imagining things, the cat-like man Tao, following after him stealthily, his feet not even making a sound as he walked. 

Seulgi brought their coffee over just as soon as he walked away, and Mina rolled her eyes, giving her the kill-me-now look. Seulgi, of course the witch, ignored her pleading eyes and pushed the coffee with her knuckles to her side of the table. Mina was tempted to smack her head on the table, but she was aware of Mr. Wu watching her from where he sat. So, reluctantly, she took the coffee to them. 

“Here’s your coffee, Kris-sii,” she placed the hot cup on top of his table, ignoring his smile. “I really hope Junmyeon doesn’t hear about this.”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head,” Mr. Wu said and she blatantly ignored his sweet smiles. “You’d know I’m a great keeper of secrets.”

She wasn’t exactly too stupid to understand whether he was flirting with her or not— he totally was, but she couldn’t help but feel a little bit awkward, not liking this sort of attention from the male, whether he was partners with Junmyeon or not.

“Thank you.” She cleared , taking her sight off of Kris to eye the silent Tao. “Now, can I get you anything, Tao-sii?”

Tao opened his mouth as if to say something, but Kris interrupted him right away, raising a hand so her attention would divert to him. He was a little bit possessive like this, not wanting her eyes to be off of him even for a slight second. Mina had to admit, this wasn’t something she liked or enjoyed even a bit, but considering he wasn’t being blatantly rude, she couldn’t say anything to him. Is this why Suho didn’t like her to interact with him at his office? Or was his jealousy just affecting him? Whatever it was, Mina wished for Mr. Wu to be gone by now. 

“No, Tao won’t be having anything,” Kris answered. “And thank you, Miss Mina, I’m good. As I said, don’t worry a lot.”

She bowed and awkwardly retreated back, heavily aware of the eyes made of steel watching her as she walked away. 

She did her work for a few minutes, watching the customers go in and out, ignoring the set of eyes constantly falling on her from no one other than Kris. She did her job diligently, aware of the girls giving her teasing stares as they walked past. God, she couldn’t help but wish the day would end quickly.

Half an hour flashed away and then quickly an hour. Kris surprisingly stayed over through that whole period, and he seemed to be discussing some lengthy maters with his assistant Tao, his eyes finally removing themselves away from her figure so he could focus and do some actual work, something she was immensely grateful for. 

Someone surprising then came sauntering through the front doors of the café with his group of friends. Mina’s eyes widen instantly when she recognized Sehun’s tall and fit figure, whereas Sehun hadn’t noticed her at all, saying something stupid to his friends and earning himself a playful slap in return. He was surrounded by at least four other boys, and Mina tilted her head in order to try and catch their faces. They enter past the door and across the cafe, and only when his nose started to itch that he recognized the familiar smell, did he catch it. He didn’t look where the smell was because he didn’t really care, but when he turned his face away to avoid the slap, his eyes caught her eyes, and they instantly widen. She, on the other hand, shot him a sweet smile, blinking her eyes like a girl trying to swoon a guy by their charm. 

Sehun just grimaced.

When he came closer to the counter, she caught his grimace easier, and she immediately wiped her sweet, fake smile away, glaring at him instead. 

“Yah, Sehun, since when do you go to cafes?”

Sehun’s friends turned to her with question marks on their heads at the rude and familiar way she addressed him, while Sehun just blinked. 

“What the heck are you doing— hold on, this is where you’re working?”

Mina held the hem of her white shirt and stretched it forward so he’d get a closer look. Sehun’s eyes did flicker down to her wardrobe choices and she mentally wished she could whack him on the head. “As if you can’t see me wearing my uniform. Why are you here?”

Seriously, Mina didn’t understand how this secret of hers didn’t get exposed to everyone by now, considering none of the boys were capable of holding secrets, especially Chanyeol who had seen her. S

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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32 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!