025: Don’t Walk Out On Me I

Hearts Aflame
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This chapter is still unedited for now, but I’ll edit it a few hours from now. I’m kinda doing something but I didn’t want to delay this chapter sooo, here it is. I also have four bonuses ready, two which I already half way wrote while two still thinking off. I’m thinking of one day where I’ll be able to post them off without taking a chapter’s day and stuff, kekek.

Q: Who do you miss the most from the boys after this chapter? Answer below!

Urgh, Hangovers.

Mina groaned, twisting around in the fluffy something under her body. Her head was pulsing, in a totally deadly way, and she could hear that said pulse echoing in her ears. So now she was going through two headaches. One in her actual head, the other in her ears. How was that possible is a mystery, but Mina’s body seemed to be deteriorating, for her normal headaches continued to grow luxuriously through the months that went on.

The longer she continued to swim— or whatever she was doing on her bed, yanking her arms upward and curling her legs inward, releasing a deep, throaty groan, stars dancing around her closed eyes, and drool falling past her chin. She heard a sound of a snort, and knew someone was with her in the room, watching her in amusement. However, she didn’t shriek, or throw the shoes she still felt them dangling her toes at them, she just clutched her head and went on with her feast. The figure standing across her bed with a bottle of medicine released another snort. This one, however, elicited a reaction from her. 

“I think I ing hate hangovers.” She whined with a loud voice, kicking her dangling shoes off of her feet and hearing the heels making contact with the ground. The sound of the heels, plus her high-pitched whine made her head pound more, and she groaned. 

“You really should,” she heard someone reply back, the ringing familiarity of the sound echoing in her ears and past them. “You stupid .”

“Minseok!” She screamed, a loud hurl of voice that made Minseok wince, and then she began to whine again at another pulsing pain in her forehead. “My head is killing me, Minseok. It hurts! My eyes, they burn!”

Eyes tended to burn and tear when there’s a burning pain in your forehead and the back of your head, right? Whatever it was, Mina’s eyes were shedding tears down her cheeks, and she imagined that she looked absolutely awful. 

Thankfully it was only just Minseok.

Wait, no, abort, abort! It wasn’t just Minseok! He was that cute older guy who told her he loved her! Or had a crush on her! That great soccer player who came picked her up while she was drunk and had, perhaps, a few words to share with her cafe colleagues. Mina’s cheeks began to burn. God, how did she act drunk in front of Minseok? Why was he in her room still?

“Maybe because you’re yelling?” Mina heard Minseok’s faraway voice coming closer, and suddenly, there was a warm, sweltering hand on her forehead. She grimaced at the warm touch, her eyes tearing again. “And maybe because you’ve outdrank yourself yesterday night?”

“Wait, yesterday night..” Mina began to slur in a drunken-like haze, her eyes opening up and staring at the ceiling of her room halfheartedly, tears falling. Minseok watched her squeeze her head for memories silently, crossing his arms over his chest. “I was with the girls.. and I called you. Where are we now?”

“Your apartment?” Minseok gave her a deadpanned look, and she shot him a cheesy grin that lessened her pulsing headache, because Minseok was holding a smile back and that was literally the cutest ever. “Damn, I guess your hangover is severe this time if you can’t recognize your own room anymore.”

Mina found herself turning around her bed to check where the heck she truly was, through the tears, and there was her desktop with her silver laptop on the right. On the left (which took her another groan when she twisted her head to check) sat her backpack, her small wardrobe which she keeps her shoes, and a packet of gums sitting atop. There was also her glasses strewn carelessly there, and the sight of them gave her an epiphany in her head. Damn, her eyes were tearing down because she slept in her damn contacts. 

She twisted back around so she can face Minseok, blinking her eyes in hopes to moisten them through the sharp glades of hell, aka her lenses. “How did I get into my bed?”

“I carried you? Duh?” Minseok gave her a look as if she was the most moronic person in the universe, loosening his arms around his chest so that he’d look less intimidating. He even softened the glare of his eyes. But, he was still hovering over her from where she laid on her bed, and Mina remembered that Minseok wasn’t even close to being soft. “You think I’m incapable of carrying your two pounds body?”

See? Soft, her .

“First of all, wow,” Mina grumbled, flinging an arm over her face, or her eyes specifically so she didn’t have to look at his peculiar, brown eyes, the eyes which easily teared down her walls, especially now when she was familiar with his true feelings. “My body is not two pounds! That’s literally impossible, and second, I didn’t think about you carrying me because my head is currently pounding in my ears if you haven’t noticed?”

“Okay, you’re clearly very in pain,” he sighed, deep and low, and when she peeked at him through her arm, he was massaging his forehead. “I got you some pain killers.”

“That‘s super amazing, thank you.”

He leaned down on the bed, placing one of his knees on the side of her body so he could easily lean over her without squishing her, wrapping an arm around her waist and then helping her sit up. She didn’t let him go when she was sat down, even though he was drizzling with a kind of heat that made her ability to inhale practically disabled. She, instead, brought the back of her head on his chest, leaning herself on him, and something minuscule — and evil — whispered to her that he definitely stiffened at her gesture. 

Minseok, however, didn’t dwell much on her position so comfortably leaning over him, trying to convince his palpitating heart that she was sick, and tired, and hungover. If he flung her off of him, it’d be too obvious. He already went rigid like a damn rock when she first leaned on him, and he was damn sure she noticed. He didn’t need to give her another reason to tease.

He handed her the packet of pills from between her face and her shoulder-blade, where he easily wedged his arm there so he could drop them down her awaiting palm. He watched, with agape mouth, as she pulled three pills and popped them inside . By a single jerk to her wrist.




“Did you sleep over, why are you here— no, don’t tell me, you took the stalker gene from Sehun, didn’t you?” Mina began to speak, casually, after taking down those three pils, sighing softly and leaning back down Minseok’s chest. He didn’t dare touch her. “You’ve been standing in front of my door all day watching me sleep, and then sauntered inside my room once I woke up like you haven’t done anything, didn’t you?”

There was a clear tone of jest in her voice, something like she was finding entertainment in his awkwardness. Minseok wasn’t going to fall for her kitty-like of devil, and gave her a flat look.

“Mina, do you hear yourself right now?”

“And I’m not a stalker!” They heard someone exclaim before Mina can say anything, the sound sharp and loud, coming from the first floor. Mina and Minseok blinked, hearing the thundering footsteps walking upon the stairs, and halting in front of her room only to smack the door open. Sehun stood seething, wearing no shirt, of course, and dark blue jeans, hair dripping with water. Apparently, he overhead them from the shower. “It happened one time and I was drunk! I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. Trust me, you’re not that interesting enough for me to watch. Also, you drool in your sleep.” 

Mina and Minseok eyed each other, Minseok having a flat look on his face while Mina was biting down a snicker of amusement. Seeing this, Sehun’s lips curled into a growl ready to be released. Clearing , Mina tried to shrug carelessly, but a snicker still came out of her lips.

“No I don’t drool in my sleep.”

“Yes, you do!” Sehun exclaimed back, raising a finger and pointing it at her forehead from where he stood. It’d take him nothing less than few more seconds to march over and smack her on the head. From Mina’s ears came steam. She was quickly boiling, and Minseok couldn’t help but sigh.

“No I don’t!”

“Yes, you do! You remember that time when you fell asleep beside me on the couch and you put a large pool of drool beside me? You even had the decency to blame my freakish, werewolf heat!” Sehun continued to annoy her, his own face turning into a massive degree of red, and the whole temperature of the room began to overhear. Mina, however, didn’t notice, too busy spewing the same kind of venom he was unleashing on her.

“Well, your werewolf heat is freakish! How do you know it wasn’t the reason I drooled? It’s superhuman after all!”

“I thought you have a headache?” Minseok finally interrupted, hearing the tone of their voices rising. Sehun smirked, calming down quickly, whereas Mina pointed her squinted eyes at him. Minseok raised his brows. “Why the heck are you screaming?”

She realized that Minseok was right, she truly was screaming, her voice reverberating through their apartment’s walls like a bouncing bullet. Her head too, was quickly increasing the power in which it was pounding into, the sound loud and large in her ears. Her eyes, thankfully, weren’t blinking down tears, and she considered taking her lenses quickly off when these two boys leave.

“Sorry, Minseok,” She grumbled, knowing she needed to apologize for being a to Minseok and reluctant to do so at the same time, hating the winning smugness in Sehun’s face at doing so. However, she bit on her tongue and forced herself to be the mature one. “I do have a headache, Sehun’s just amplified that.”

“Your iness amplified that, and your irresponsibility,” Sehun snickered, actually taking the remaining few steps toward her room and smacking the door closed behind him. Mina shot him a face. “Why would you drink so much in a school night? Do you know how many lectures you’ve missed?” Oh My, Oh My, behold, Sehun, the biggest slacker on human history, was scolding her.

Sehun was scolding her about irresponsibility and maintaining a perfect record. How the heck did that happen? When did their tables twisted around?

“This comes from you?” Said Mina with wide eyes. “And why the heck are you in my room? You’re not invited.”

“It’s my apartment, I’m invited everywhere.” Sehun sassily retaliated. Mina caught Minseok’s roll of eyes from behind her, and whipped her head toward him with large, puppy eyes.

“Minseok, can we throw him in the garbage can?”

Minseok gulped at the sight of her large, heart-like eyes resembling an innocent animal like a delicate rabbit, or a damn cute puppy; and couldn’t help but swallow. He knew she was acting like a brat, Sehun too, and he should be the one to tell them to knock it off considering he was the eldest. However, he didn’t care at that moment aside the fact Mina’s adorable-looking eyes got to him.

And they got to him hard.

“Unfortunately, his long legs won’t fit.” He found himself saying, smiling at Mina’s delighted laugh and Sehun’s groan. Her smile was so pretty, so inviting, the shape of mouthwatering, and awakening his sensors. Her phone released a ding!, and it brought everyone from their own carved fantasies. 

Mina took her phone, which she found was on her desktop beside her laptop, with a groan, having to crawl a little bit over Minseok’s legs, reaching one of her long arm to grab it, and then once again returning back to her previous place nuzzling between Minseok’s legs. The elder didn’t mind. 

‘I’ll get you painkillers. Don’t drink Minseok’s!’

She found a text message from Jongdae, and she found herself wondering if everyone knew of her escapade of yesterday. She quickly overthrew the thoughts away. It didn’t matter what they knew and what they didn’t. Even though Jongdae’s text came a little too late, considering she already swallowed three; she still sent him a cute text back while snickering. 

‘Done. Thanks baby.’

‘You’re welcome dear.’ Jongdae’s text came back quickly, like he hadn’t even left her page, and Mina’s heart began to pace. ‘Also, don’t pick up Baekhyun’s call please.’

Eh? What does that mean? Mina blinked, wondering if these two were fighting again about being unable to “share” her and that bull. Either-way, it was unfair of her to ignore one of them just because the other was incapable of handling his jealousy. She rolled her eyes. 

“Can’t promise that.’

She sent, for Jongdae, knowing one hundred percent that Minseok and Sehun were still in her room, eyeing her like the creeps they were. She was just about to turn her attention towards them, done with Jongdae’s childishness, when her phone began to ring, this time an incoming call rather than the ding of a text message. Thinking it was Jongdae ready to fight her for ignoring his request about Baekhyun, she picked up the call while swallowing a deep air within her lungs, readying herself to be a bigger . However, it was definitely not Jongdae who replied.

“Mina, you ,” Came Baekhyun’s angry, frustrated growl. She blinked. “You went clubbing with your girl-friends and didn’t invite me? How dare you!”


She could see Sehun and Minseok shaking their heads right across her, murmuring about Baekhyun’s boy self and his never ending confidence. She, in the other hand, wondered why the two boys were so casually overhearing her conversation with everyone just because they can, and debated whether it was worth it to kick their asscheeks or not. Thinking that it was definitely not the time, considering Baekhyun was being a bad again, she began to sigh, catching everyone’s attention. Sehun and Minseok, and Baekhyun from the other line.

“Nice to hear your voice too, asshat.” She murmured, boringly, playing with the thread of her blanket right between her legs. 

“That’s not important right now, Mina. You went to the club with GIRLS and didn’t invite me how?—“ she can practically hear the capitalization of the word girls in his tone, and snorted. “—Why the heck not? We could have a pulsing headache together by now!”

Oh, that . He was such a party , even more than her, and she knew a part of him was simply teasing her, because she had disappeared yesterday for a long time (according to Minseok) but still, she wasn’t the type to be teased, she was the type to tease others. That was how things worked!

“Geez, you man ,” She snickered once she heard Baekhyun’s scandalized gasp at his nickname. “I know you’re kind of a and you can’t help it, but dude, we’re together now.”

“Oh,” Baekhyun unintelligently let out, but even she, who wasn’t a werewolf, could hear the teasing tone underlining it. Mina wondered if he was borderline smiling. It was a Baekhyun thing to expect, really. “Right. But still! We could have been grinding on each other on the dance floor! Or maybe even have a y navel shot and then I’d kiss you sensel—“

“You know,” Mina interrupted with a seriously bored voice, messing with him. He stayed silent. “Remind me to listen to Jongdae’s words more.”

“What the ? What the hell did he tell—“

“Goodbye Baek.”

“Mina! Don’t freaking hang up—“

She did just that. She pulled the phone away from her ear and pressed the end call button, ignoring his continuous splutters and never-ending cheeky side. She placed her phone beside her head and stretched, releasing a loud moan of relief after that. Her headache was slightly decreasing because of the magical pain killers, and having the two boys around her kinda helped her become less of a that she usually is in the morning.

“Well, that was interesting.” Minseok muttered from behind her, a delicate hand moving around her hair soothingly. She realized that she leaned right back on Minseok’s chest, and surprisingly, she neither detested that or was afraid of it.

“When were you going to tell us about Baekhyun Hyung anyway?” Sehun found the opportunity to ask curiously, crossing his bulging arms around his chest and eyeing her down while she laid on her bed, something flashing in his vampire-like eyes. 

“How do you know about it?” Mina waved her hand at him, then at Minseok, squinting her eyes. “You don’t look very surprised.”

“Jongdae tattled about you.” Sehun instantly said, smiling a little at the prospect of being a tattletale himself. Mina, catching on to his mischievousness, pointed it out right away.

“You realize this makes you as much of a tattletale as he, right?”

“Don’t change the subject,” Sehun borderline whined, sitting on her other side on the bed beneath her thigh, his eyes drizzling with deep curiosity and a sudden love for knowledge that didn’t suit the boy. Mina instantly narrowed her eyes at him but stayed silent. “When did it happen?”

“It’s too early for this ! I have a headache!” Mina exclaimed, smacking an arm around her eyes and head in emphasis. Her headache was quickly going away, and her body was starting to grow lazy, and hungry too. She wasn’t as tired as she made it seem, and she was craving for a bowl of cereal as well. 

She just.. she didn’t feel like she wanted to discuss her relationship with Baekhyun. It was complicated for her as it is, and she had a superstition that if she didn’t talk about it, it would not become more tangled up. Beside, the boy himself doesn’t know , even though Suho explained things for them. It just felt too odd, and too.. peculiar, so they agreed not to divulge too much into it. They’d let their strong emotions guide them.. and that’s it. But how do you explain that to someone else? Like Sehun? How do you tell him you guys decided to follow your hearts because Suho’s words still didn’t register fully inside your heads?

Sehun would definitely laugh at her and call her a sissy. It was just in his blood to be an .

“You just swallowed three painkillers,” Minseok rolled his eyes. He didn’t sound nearly as excitedly curious as Sehun. He was just there to be that annoying older brother that shot his younger brother’s stupid questions. “Which, may I remind you, is very ing unhealthy.”

“Minnie, don’t be rude like Sehun,” Mina whined, taking one of Minseok’s arm and pouting up at him childishly. “No one likes Sehun because of that.”

“ Please,” Sehun quickly found an opening to retaliate, especially since she was mocking him. “Everyone likes me.”

“Probably in your wet dreams they do.”

“Guys,” Minseok huffed, shushing them both up. But they still shot identically narrow eyed stares at one another. Minseok rolled his eyes again. “Do you ever stop arguing? Shut up. And Mina, you still have one class to take, so get the hell up.”

“Can’t I just skip?” Mina, once again, pouted c

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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47 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!