002: erts

Hearts Aflame
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Mina kept busy with grumbling for a straight hour and a half, watching Minseok playing soccer with his local teammates and flashing his gorgeous body physique and his super white teeth at the fainting girls on the bleachers right behind the private bench she was sitting on, face expressionless, aside the murdering intent continuously sparkling in her eyes whenever Minseok noticed her staring and flashed her a killer wink.

She always hated having to be Minseok’s little slave, especially when it included his obsession over soccer, since it made her quite close to his ert teammates that degraded women and thought of them as objects of pleasure. Knowing this, Minseok instantly ordered her to come be his little slave whenever he has his usual trainings for a month until his tournament starts afterwards. The only reason she was allowing his monstrosity was because she lost against him in a game of soccer she so ignorantly started when she was drunk and wasted.

She always does stupid things when she’s drunk and the gentlemen boys of hers took advantage of that every.single.time.

So, her glares were justified, her annoyance was justified; and her sharp scowl on was so incredibly justified. Minseok was an , but she was also an idiot, and she was kinda pissed at both him, and herself.

“When will you ever hate soccer?” She asked the older guy when his couch released a shrilly blow by the whistle around his neck, announcing the start of the break; and he started jogging towards her with sweat dripping on his forehead, glistening his face and highlighting his pretty plump cheeks.

“When Jongin starts smiling at bystanders.” He answered cheekily yet breathlessly at the same time, bending down on the bench beside her and snatching the small towel beside her thighs. He stretched back to hover over her, shooting her a look. She was just glad he didn’t throw his used towel on her face.

“That will never happen.” She grumbled unattractively, the voice coming out guttural, low, and so extremely annoyed. She rolled her eyes at the smirk glowing on his face because of her irritation, not caring about how beautifully boyish he looked with his stupid smirks and his stupid damp hair.


“Indeed, sugar pumpkin,” He flirted like the sap he truly is, wanting to evoke a reaction out of her that never really happened. Sure, her heart stuttered at the sweet nothingness, but she knew he was the biggest flirt in this whole world and his words never really meant anything. “That’s kinda the point.” He continued, winking and throwing the towel in the same place he found it, right beside her thigh. She crinkled her nose in disgust and made a deliberate, wide gap between herself and the rotten towel, shooting the male a look he so earnestly smirked at.

He lived to annoy her.

“Do I have to pick up your duffle bag and wipe your sweat for a whole damn month?” She whined like a child throwing tantrums, giving him a pitiful look with wide innocent eyes – that really fooled none of her friends – but Minseok. Although he didn’t want to admit it to himself, he has this huge soft spot in his heart for her, which always comes out in the form of sappy, ugly flirting that turned her off all the time. He choked on the water he was consuming from his bottle at the face she was pulling, his eyes twitching, before capping the bottle and throwing it on her face. She let out a loud yelp at the smack to her face.

“Nobody told you to be a little and challenge your Oppa with soccer,” He emphasized on Oppa deliberately because he knows how much she hated to adress them like that. True enough, her face soured at the word, and she momentarily stopped rubbing her sore face. “C’mon, even that Luhan guy, who is a soccer prodigy, won’t dare challenge me.”

“Even that Luhan guy won’t dare—“

“Watch it now, sugar,” His voice dropped into a deadly, husky volume, and delicious shudders sprung up in her body at the dangerous spark there in his tone. She liked it when they used their werewolf voice on her, it was incredibly y. “You don’t want a ball to your face.”

She scowled at that, all traces of excitement at his tone of voice flying across the window, and she folded her arms pitifully around her chest, snapping her head sideways with a huff.

Minseok returned to the field soon after to talk with his teammates about tactics and actions to practice throughout the whole month they have until the local tournament between all of the other local clubs of soccer around the city, his captain band wrapped around his upper arm with clear, blood red, and without her consent; Mina’s heart swelled with pride. She liked that he was a successful soccer captain whose teammate respected, and she liked that he was also studying architecture like her even though he took too many years gap to think about his options until he got inspired by her passion to draw structures and decided to pursue the same major, although in an international university better than hers.

She looked at him jog around the field with a ferocious smile, with her mind thinking about every great achievement of his, until her eyes fell on his teammates, whom were looking at her as if she was fresh meat; sharp shark-like grins on their faces. They had the audacity to wave at her when they found her looking, their grins shifting into smug ones. Mina didn’t hesitate to glare, hard and sharp, her natural expression that people said they were terrified of taking its place on her face. However, she was coming to this soccer club too many times, and the awful boys were used to her blank face.

It didn’t ward them off.

Once Minseok was back at her side, huffing like a blow fish and outlining his sharp features, she shot him a pretty sarcastic question.

“Can you at least tell your soccer mates to close their eyes before I punch their pretty little faces?”

Minseok’s eyebrows shot to his hairline, and he looked at the part of the field his erted friends were, and back at her, a grim expression flashing on his face.

“I cannot tell my team to close their eyes, Choco pie, how else will they play?”

“Well, they can start signing up for the disabled team.” Mina replied intelligently and sarcastically at the same time, clasping her hands together and pretending to be a docile, innocent child. Minseok’s lips cracked into a small, amused smile.

“How about you sit down and watch your Oppa kick their asses for you? And teach them a few things about respecting women?”

“I’m all in, Minseokie Oppa.” Mina actually giggled gleefully, clapping her hands in a theatrical gesture and bouncing on her seat like an overexcited puppy. Minseok shook his head at her, still looking highly amused with her antics, and then jogged away at the same time his couch’s whistle drew all of the soccer players together in the field.

Mina watched the training unfold while leaning down on the bench with all of her body like an octopus, bored, trying to make sense of the moves and passes that happened with the ball in the field, all sort of rules for the game Minseok and the boys tried to drill in her head, but still not understanding from the game at all. She waited for at least forty minutes for the boys to finish, while preparing another water bottle for Minseok and replacing the used, sweaty towel with another one, a fresher one, and then laying back on the bench with another sorrowful sigh.

She watched with narrowed eyes as Minseok and his teammates threw boosters at each other, giving out different tactics and shooting encouraging nods, before they were going their owns ways. Minseok’s eyes connected with hers, and they were shining, in a completely cliché way, causing her heartbeats to lodge in at the look. They kept having their eyes locked together; until two of Minseok’s teammates were jogging behind him, one of them clapping a hand on his shoulder and nodding at her with a cheeky grin.

“Your is here again, Minseok? Is she going to be here for the entire tournament?”

Mina glowered in anger, and she was instantly standing beside Minseok, trying to claw at the boy’s face, but Minseok caught her in the waist by his arm, pushing her back into his chest and caging her there. The boy released a small oh at the surprising attack and took a few steps back, before he was yet again smirking, the fire in her eyes not dousing the fire in his.

“Watch it, Kim,” Minseok threatened in his low-pitched, delicious voice, and if it was the proper time; she’d have melted. “She’s not my .”

“Oh fine,” The boy released a pretty cocky sigh, tilting his head sideways; and Mina flashed her teeth at him. “Can she be my  instead? I’d like her to wipe my shoes and wash my laundry. Imagine a pretty little thing like her bent down over my—“

Suddenly, Mina was free, Minseok no longer holding her; and with a blink; she realized Minseok was holding the boy’s jersey collar in his fists, dragging the measly fly down to lock their jaws together dangerously. Mina could feel the boy’s fear radiating off of him, and she cursed in her head. The boys’ freaky werewolf abilities were rubbing off on me, she could feel people’s fears now?

“Kim,” Minseok released a small, soft growl; but it was deadly, emitting fear to those smaller souls, and Mina was surprised Minseok was using his werewolf growl on a human. “Do you want a punch to your ing face? Is this how you’re gonna talk about your captain’s girl, or any ing girl in this world?”

Mina decided she should ignore how Minseok referred to her as his girl when she wasn’t.

The boy, Kim, looked scared, terrified actually, and his wide eyes were a clear giveaway he knew exactly what kind of a creature he was dealing with. The other boy with Kim didn’t seem to hear the animalistic sound, and tried to come between the two boys, but Minseok was bent on showing this Kim some of his wrath.

Kim swallowed thickly, dropping his head down in submission and apology, although he didn’t verbally vocalize that. Minseok was satisfied enough though, and he released the boy with a violent push back, making him stumble a few footsteps backwards.

“I thought so, go ing wash the bathrooms, you’re on duty today.”

Mina whooped loudly, drawing attention to her from the two males and Minseok, who shot her a smug grin she returned so happily, heart bursting with joy and affection for the cranky male for defending her honor.

“But captain,” Kim’s measly, helpless voice calling for Minseok made them all look at him, and Mina couldn’t stop her smug grin from showing. He was all smug and an two seconds ago, and now he was a mere fly she could crush with her feet easily. “I have a dinner with my family early, and washing the bathrooms will take me ages to finish.”

“You should have thought about that before talking like a ing low- dirt, now shouldn’t you?” Minseok waved his hand towards him lazily, showing disinterest, and Mina held on a giggle. Minseok could be a real when he wanted to.

Kim’s eyes flashed with an assortment of hate, annoyance; and shame all together, before the light of his emotions faded into an unreadable expression. Mina squinted her eyes suspiciously at him, Minseok too, and Kim turned around to leave with his friend. However, Minseok called out to them, and they turned to him confusedly.

“And I’ll know if you ditched, so you better not ditch.”

Mina giggled while the two males’ faces shifted like they’ve been force fed sour cheese, Minseok showing a proud smile he shot at her direction at the many giggles he elicited from her lips. God, she never smiled and laughed this much when he was around her, because he was a cheeseball and he kinda terrified the heck out of her since he wasn’t so easy to read and acted in an unexpected way sometimes, but seeing her so joyous because of him made him actually at ease.

God, he was so whipped.

Once Kim and his friend left, she pounced around like a bunny and finally latched herself to Minseok’s arm, shooting the guy a pout he raised an eyebrow at.

“I could have punched him in the face.”

“Sugar,” here goes Minseok with his failed pet names. “I know you could have, which is why I was holding you back. One punch from your deadly hands would finish his entire soccer career.” Mina looked proud of his words while he basically shuddered, recalling that time she accidentally punched him for being a cocky bastard and hurt him like , he, a damn werewolf. He knew then why limits were a thing and why he should keep his with her, or he wouldn’t only get a punch to the face.

“That’s what I planned to do.”

“Sweet sugar pumpkin,” Minseok cooed a little too sweetly at her pout, ruffling her bangs gently. Mina practically forced her pout on her face, not wanting to scowl at the childish way Minseok was treating her with, only because she was a bit indebted to him at the moment. “That guy is a freaking elf, he has a whole clan backing him up. Do you think punching him, you, a measly little human, would end up well?”

“Oh.” Mina blinked her eyes, her face contorting with disgust. She knows what elves are, nasty little human-frog mutants with sharp ears like those Christmas elves decorations. They could take the shape of a human any time any day. They are harmless, naturally, but like werewolves, they have clans and people to connect with like family. If you hurt one of them, you hurt the entire clan. No wonder Minseok growled at him with his werewolf voice, the two of them were on the same grounds.

“I have you pretty werewolves to back me up though, don’t I?” Mina then batted her eyelashes sweetly at him, still hanging on his arm like a koala. Minseok sighed through his nose, a smile on his face.

“You’re helpless, Sugar.”

They lapsed into silence for a minute or so, Mina watching the older male pack his things so they could finally go home and she’d finish with her third day of being Minseok’s slave. Today was actually pretty eventless, if you excluded that Kim accident. Minseok didn’t order her to do a lot of nasty like wipe his own sweat and pour water down his body for a cool breeze or actually clean his socks for him like usual, so she thought of this day as a peaceful one. God, she doesn’t know what she’d do for the remaining twenty six days serving her punishment like an obedient girl, because bets are sacred between her and the boys and she doesn’t back on them or her friends would call her a .

Not like she wasn’t one when it compared to them, honestly.

Once Minseok was finished, she latched her hands to him again and blinked her eyes owlishly at him. Minseok looked suspicious.

“So, can I not come wipe your sweat for a month anymore?”

“You wish to be able to slip this quickly from your punishment.” He snorted, long and loud, pushing her forehead away from his face, and she released a long, high-pitched whine.




Mina decided, although reluctantly, to go to the boxing ring right across her street to follow through her monthly membership registration that she all so happily ignored in the past two weeks, opting to party and sleep all of her days off instead of being an obedient little boxer, just like the party junky that she truly is.

She wouldn’t really have gone anywhere if the ring itself didn’t call her and demand she come to either cancel her membership without giving her money back – because she deserves it, really — or retrieve the two weeks l

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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32 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!