
break my head (not my heart)
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II. gladiolus —remembrance



Woohyun sat at the table in Paradise’s, sipping a cold Ice blended Chocolate as he waited for his date to make an appearance. He checked his watch again, irritated that the other was fifteen minutes late. And since it was Friday.


Friday is Woohyun and Sunggyu’s day. It’s the only day where they both have an only morning class and free for the rest of the day. They usually spend the day in the comfort of their bedroom and watching a rerun of Friends or Marvel’s (more like Sunggyu watching the movies and Woohyun spending the day staring at his best friend), chilling and talking about anything and everything.


Or, if they felt adventurous enough, they might invite themselves to any party, and get themselves wasted with cheap beer and coke. A typical frat party. And then, the two best friend will spend their weekends to nurture their hangover and health back into places. And although it’s a pain in the , it’s amazing.


“This is stupid.”


The raven was disgruntled for agreeing to go and meeting Sungyeol just to humor his best friend. He was more than sure that Sungyeol, from what he’d seen, has close to none feelings for him, and if he was going to be forced to endure this meeting, then he might as well do it quickly.

He’d spent the better part of his morning clinging to Sunggyu and hoping for his best friend to change his mind and actually ask him to accompany him to the library for his research. Hoya had even made an appearance, only he’s more than happy to shove Woohyun away, taking his spot as Sunggyu’s best friend for a day, with a smug, -eating grin.  Traitor.


How a person could cause so much jealousy was beyond his imagination.

His trip to the café had soured his mood more when the barista (no Sungjong today, thank God) ask for Sunggyu and grinned in a rather ridiculous way when Woohyun explained about his reasons for being here, alone, without his Sunggyu.


It would seem like nothing Woohyun did would ever make Sunggyu change his mind about finding Woohyun’s crush, that he has been in love with for so long. And the older can earn as many professional degrees as he wants, but Woohyun refused to acknowledge his genius self unless the brunette actually notices Woohyun’s feelings that he has been lay out openly.


Because seriously, how much stupid can you be for not noticing his effort?


All the little cuddle and kiss isn’t for nothing. He prioritizes Sunggyu’s happiness and health over him, willing to go an extra mile just to please the other. But did he notice? Of course not. 

Woohyun downed the last of his ice blended and shoved the empty container across the table where the dustbin has been placed on. As he glances sideways, he saw Sungyeol come in through the entrances. To his surprise, he comes alone as promises. Not good, no.


He was dressed in tight-fitting jeans and a regular white T-shirt. There was a hint of makeup dotted on his face. He looked remarkably clean-cut and wholesome. He looks good and that was something that Woohyun can’t deny (damn it). And Woohyun almost melt at his effort to look good for their supposed-to-be-date, but then a certain brunette come flashing into his mind, and yeah, the magnification of their situations suddenly feel ridiculous again.


Sungyeol’s finger was shoved into his jeans pocket, and he looks around to ease the tension. The awkward silences. He looks uncertain, but then again who wouldn’t be? He was struck by the odd sense of vulnerability, and forced to accept the invitation for the sake of Sunggyu.


Finally, his gaze locked with Woohyun and he lifted his hand in greeting. His eyes were wide and expressive, glancing over at Woohyun, a shy smile spread across his face. He retreats his hands and slides up to the seat in front of Woohyun.


Making himself at home.


“Nice place,” he began.


“I know so.” He held up a finger and motion for the waiter to take their order. “Coffee? Tea?” He asked Sungyeol when the waiter walked over to their table. 


“Ice Americano.”


“Ice Americano and plain water,” Woohyun ordered.


Sungyeol leaned forward and sighed deeply, probably rethinking his life decision for daring to interfere with someone else relationship. As he wiggled his body to move forward and trying to gain Woohyun’s attention, he caught a sight of Woohyun’s lock screen.


A freaking picture of Sunggyu kissing his cheeks, surrounding by too much happiness.




Nam Woohyun is the last person that you’re going to thoughts about whenever the words subtle comes in. Nam freaking Woohyun looks so in love, he wonders how Sunggyu were still unable to see all of it.


“So,” he said, making a wild gesture with his hand complete with an eye roll. “Here we are.”


Woohyun nodded. For some weird reason.


Sungyeol sigh and straighten his posture to look at Woohyun. “Look, let’s at least be honest. I don’t like you, you don’t like me. Neither of us wants to be here and you don’t want to spend any more time talking to me.”


Despite the words, Woohyun chuckled at the reality of the situations. It’s funny how the outsider understands him more than a guy who he has been pining over since forever.


“Not even trying to deny, yeah?”

Woohyun shook his head, eyes light with delight. “Nope. I don’t see the point in denying the truth.”


Sungyeol sighed again. “I’m guessing you weren’t given any more choice than I was.”




Or maybe they are here for a reason, even against all the odds that have been thrown their way. They are not just looking for a reason to make their situation sound better and to be cliché, but maybe something needs to be done in order to put some sense into a certain brunette’s head.


“I honestly don’t know why I even agreed to this. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see how madly in love you are with Sunggyu.”


Woohyun swear he didn’t get flustered, thought the rosy pink decorating his cheek prove otherwise. “We aren’t going to be best friend forever here, but in order to please my friend, we need to sit here for a few minutes, you can have another glass of Americano, and then we can leave and pretend we played nice.”


“Of course, sure. I can play nice for a few minutes.”


Yes, of course playing civil would mean completely ignoring each other for the whole two minutes of their stay before Sungyeol getting bored and trying to work his head for something. He doesn’t know what happened between the two best friends but he knows that Woohyun wasn’t in the battle of love alone.


Sunggyu might not show it but Sungyeol knows he appreciated Woohyun’s presences as much as the raven do. He probably has been in love all this while, except that he was too afraid to confront his feelings and admitting defeat. 


“Why didn’t you tell him about your feeling yet? It makes me sick to witness you guys dancing around each other under a best friend disguise.”


Woohyun rolled his eyes and shrugged in a supreme ‘I don’t give a ’ gestures. “It’s none of your business.”


“Clearly it is mine since I am here right now.”


Woohyun sighed in defeat. Maybe, he’s right.  They have unconsciously got him involves into their mass of emotions. “It’s not as bad as you think. I bring a lot of it on myself.”


A small smile curved the corners of Sungyeol’s mouth and Woohyun was more than sure that it’s not good, and whatever he’s been thinking right now should be dropped off.


“Why don’t we pretend to be in a relationship for him to realize his feelings for you? We don’t have to get along for this to work but you do need to listen to my directions. Every word.”


Woohyun was taken aback at the idea. Never in a million year would he lie greatly to his best friend. Especially not something involving a matter of the heart. But then again, hasn’t he been doing this all along? Lying about his true feelings?


“He won’t be affected, dude. He doesn’t love me. Besides, I’m not going to intentionally hurt him, like that.”


“It doesn’t matter. And you were the one who said that he didn’t have any feelings for you, so what’s the loss?” Sungyeol sipped his drink slowly before proceed with his next words. “And if he did felt something for you, you can use the jealousy against him.”


“I don’t know. I felt like someone might get hurt along the journey.”


“You’re both at the losing end either way. So why don’t you try?”

No matter what the decision right now, he’s going to mess it up, he knows the risk very well. But the good part is he gets to decide how he’s going to mess it up. Maybe if Sungyeol’s right, he can get his own happy ending.


So Woohyun nodded his head like a guilty child, who’s still unsure about the future. “Yeah but please stay out of my way as much as possible.”
“Deal.” He gave Woohyun a flip and strode out of the café, not forgetting to wink at the raven. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow, boyfriend.”

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697 streak #1
Chapter 6: so in love with this fic ❤️
Simran20 #2
Chapter 6: Rereading it again. Really miss all these kind of old fics.
CloudGyu #3
Chapter 6: Well... I'll just thank you for this... great and lovely fic
Chapter 6: Finally they're together! It's painfull to watched Sunggyu's super dense self. My heart ached along with Woohyun. How come a grown up be that oblivious?

Anyway, good job, author-nim! Respect for your work!
Chapter 6: aaarghh! so sweet! thank you for this cute treat authornim! fighting for your other stories!
Chapter 5: a huge thank you! at least woogyu's gonna give themselves a chance and i think it's gonna be awesome!

way to go authornim, i did miss you really, so much!
Chapter 4: i wanna celebrate bec heck, woogyu had freaking done it all the way! but the ending had me really confused! why is woohyun overreacting like that? i hope they'd be able to talk things out now that they were able to show how they really feel about each other! haaaissst!
Chapter 3: oh c'mon! i just wanna cry and start pulling my hair out! may i commend yeol for doing a good job? of making gyu jealous of course! hahaha!
Chapter 2: aha! slightly got yah there kim sunggyu! go on hyunnie, keep this genius gyu thinking and retrospecting about what's bet you two! hehehe, this is cute!
Chapter 1: goodness, it's frustrating how dense and oblivious sunggyu can get! they even had to call each other thru some endearments, i wanna cry! hang in there woohyun, perhaps, gyu's just into reverse psychology and he thinks you are the one dense? hahaha!

i miss your writing by the way authornim!