Upcoming stories

Author's thoughts [not a story]

So, I've been working on two stories for quite some time now. The reason why I haven't posted anything yet is because it saddens me when authors abandon their stories so I'm only going to publish them when they're finished (or when I'm writing the last chapter).

I still have one more exam next week and then I'll finally have the time to properly work on both stories so hopefully I'll start posting chapters of one of them this summer (I know it seems too far away but I'm being realistic here. English is not my first language and I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I can't write fast).

The two stories are really different: one is reaaaally angsty and is about bigbang as a kpop group and the other is set in college so it's definitely a bit more lighthearted.

Anyways, I hope to bring happiness into your lives with my words and imagination but if not it's okay. The main reason why I write and read fanfics is to fill the (huge) void left by bigbang. Though I'll ask you this: if there's something about my writing or the story that you don't like please tell me that in the comments so I can improve!

Oh yeah, I've also started writing an one shot but it was so random that I don't know if I'll feel like finishing it any time soon. Oh well, you never know!

Thanks for reading :)

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ValRomero #1
Chapter 1: Thanks for posting this. I'm excited to get some new reading material!! I also agree to many fics left unfinished. I look forward to hearing more from you soon.