Mutual Understanding

Mutual Understanding



My name is Choi Sooyoung, single, 25 years old and currently in between jobs as of the moment. The tall, y, lanky guy with me right now is my best friend, Shim Changmin. He’s also single, 26 years old and working as a senior programmer for some big- computer software company.

We’ve known each other since middle school although we weren’t friends then. I was one of the popular girls on campus while he was one of the quiet, studious ones.

Our paths crossed again when we rode the same train going home from university one night and got reacquainted. That time, I was taking up a business course in Seoul Women’s University while he was studying computer science and programming in the nearby Seoul National University. (A/N: Not entirely sure if these two schools exist and are situated near each other but hey, this story is fiction after all.)

Since that fateful meeting, we’ve been coincidentally taking the same train together almost every night. We seem to get along pretty well during the course of those numerous 30-minute rides…chatting nearly nonstop and just about anything and everything we could think of.

That was more than five years ago from today. Changmin has become my most trusted friend, impartial adviser, constant companion, favorite eating and drinking buddy and close to a big brother than any other guy friend I had.


“So Soo, seeing anybody recently?” My close friend Tiffany asked out of the blue while we were out having dinner with the girls.

“No, not really. I’m still not ready to date yet.” I told her quite honestly.

“Come on Sooyoung! It’s been three years since you broke up with Siwon and you’re still not ready?!” Yuri incredulously exclaimed.

“More like three years since Siwon broke up with her…” Yoona corrected her rather bluntly missing the wince that graced my face for a split second there.

“Wait, haven’t you been going out with Changmin lately?” I feel like Tiffany’s about to poke her nose into something which was totally none of her business.

“We’re going out as friends, it’s not like we’re dating or anything like that!” Did that sound a tad bit defensive to their ears? As if I care, anyways.

But Yuri had to force the issue further. “Why don’t you two just date already? I mean, he’s single like you are, right?” Aish!

I shook my head vehemently. “Really girls, our relationship is not romantic like what you may all think. We’re simply good friends. We don’t see each other any other way than that.”

“Whatever you say, Soo…” Yoona looked at me disbelievingly.


What I told them was entirely true. Changmin and I started out as friends and never really thought of going down the road to romance. I was thinking all along that I just wasn’t his type. He wasn’t certainly my usual although I don’t really have anything against him.

I was just more into the pretty boy types. Pretty boys like Choi Siwon (no relation!) who made me fall so deeply in love with him only to drop me like a hot potato the second he found someone else. Someone better, he says. What a waste of a good two years of my life, the bastard!

Min knew all about my heartbreaking experience and would never fail to remind me that I deserve someone better. He said I shouldn’t feel so insecure since I was one great catch. He told me any guy would be crazy mad not to want me excluding him, of course, since as my best friend he’s already grown immune to my charms.

When he wasn’t ‘exclusively dating’ anyone, he’d go out on ‘friendly’ dates with me. Just the usual dinner and a movie, afterwards if we feel like it, we’d often go drinking. We don’t really think much of it since we were both aware that we’re just friends and we did have some sort of silent agreement not to let it go any further.

“Just friends, no French kissing, neh?” was what we used to joke with each other.

It was another Friday night and Min called me up to ask if I wanted to watch a movie and maybe have a few drinks at our favorite hangout. Since I didn’t have anything else planned, I agreed to meet him at 9.

The morning after, I had a nasty hangover and sent him a message,


To: ChangMin

Fr: SooYoung

Did I pay for the ramyun we ate this (early) morning? >.<




I got his reply four hours after,


To: SooYoung

Fr: ChangMin

just read your msg…keke! don’t remember… U did say ‘twas ur treat. keke!




To: ChangMin

Fr: SooYoung

TBH, I don’t really remember if I paid or not! >.<




To: SooYoung

Fr: ChangMin

are U sure that’s all U don’t remember? ^_^




To: ChangMin

Fr: SooYoung

Neh! Is there anything else I should know? :-/




To: SooYoung

Fr: ChangMin

keke… don’t worry Soo, I didn’t kiss U! :-*




To: ChangMin

Fr: SooYoung

I know, duh! You’re immune to my charms. ^^~




To: SooYoung

Fr: ChangMin

told yah ur safe w/ me! but I almost lost it last nyt. bwahaha!!!




To: ChangMin

Fr: SooYoung

Bwoh?! Don’t joke or I’m not going out with you ever again, Shim Changmin!!! :-|




To: SooYoung

Fr: ChangMin

U should be flattered coz even ur bestfriend can’t resist ur charms! keke…^_~




To: ChangMin

Fr: SooYoung

Should I be afraid of you now? Let’s not go there, pls! >>.<<




To: SooYoung

Fr: ChangMin

relax Soo… I won’t take advantage of U. don’t get me wrong though, U are desirable! ^__^




Who says two people of the opposite can’t be friends? And best friends at that! There is such a thing as platonic friends whether some of you may believe it or not. As long as Changmin and I know each of our own limits and stick to them, we’ll be fine, right? Or will we?!




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CutieWay #1
Chapter 1: it is great story
hope you write sequel
you really should write a sequel to this, y'know xD
Did they kiss?? :DDD Wahaha!Please make a sequel for this T^T
cliffy but well planned :D
Depression2412 #6
Nice story, by the way!:)
CGShin #7
another cliffhanger to cry for T.T

no you won't be fine, syoo. because you'll fall in love with each other and make pretty babies :))))),hgjmhg
_ninx_ #9
sequel please!!! haha
yuncasso #10
that's all?me demanding the longer sequel..thanks