Melting The Ice

Marriage With A Twist || DISCONTINUED

Halfway our conversation, a knock on the door has been heard. I open the door and Hongbin steps in.

''I'm sorry to cut your conversation, but dad has just announced that the wedding with be held within 2 weeks. Until that time, Hakyeon has to stay here for sure.'' Hongbin says and my mouth breaks open in surprise. So he has announced our engagement and he has planned when the wedding will take place?

''Why is he doing this behind my back? Dad knows I'm not ready for it!'' I snarl ,ignoring the fact that Hakyeon sits on my bed, and Hongbin takes a deep breath.

''Dad wants you to grow up, Taekwoon. You have to focus on your future and this belongs to that too. Whether you like it or not, you have to marry Hakyeon. You can't avoid that. And you better make sure that you fall in love with him, because you'll be stuck to him forever. Whether he is human or not.'' Hongbin says and I glare at him. Hongbin leaves my room and I close the door.

I slide down the door and I take a deep breath. My dad is good at kicking me in my back like this, I don't wanna marry a person like Hakyeon at all. But I have no choice, I must do this as the heir of the throne. I look into Hakyeon's direction and I see a shocked look on his face.

''Are you two always like this? I'm an only child, so I'm not used to these fights.'' Hakyeon says and I look up to the ceiling. Right, Hakyeon is in this room too.

''We have these fights since we're young. But because of the wedding coming up, it's worse now.'' I tell him and I take another deep breath. I really hope that Hakyeon will realise that this is becoming reality for both of us.

''But to the point, Your Highness. During my stay until the wedding, I have to eat human food. Because of the fact that I'm human.'' Hakyeon says and I still refuse to look at him, even though it's becoming a lot harder now.

''We have to take care of that, but I don't know if my dad will take care of right now or not.'' I answer and I can notice the uncomfort of Hakyeon. Ugh, why is Hakyeon making it so difficult for me? And why do I keep thinking about him?

I have to do everything not to like him, but that's gonna be tough. I don't wanna fall in love with Hakyeon, too bad that it's already happening.


I have asked Hakyeon to go to his parents ,who are in the livingroom with my parents, and I walked over to the kitchen to make sure they will serve Hakyeon 'human dishes''.

''Ah, Your Highness. What can I do for you?'' one of the cooks asks and looks at me.

''My fiancee will stay here and I would like to ask you to not only purchase blood bags for us, but also human food for my fiancee. Because he is human.'' I tell the cook and he nods in responds.

''Ofcourse. We will take care of the wishes of your fiancee.'' the cook says and I give him a quick nod in response, before leaving the kitchen. I walk towards the stairs and I overhear the conversation that is taking place between my parents, Hakyeon and his parents.

''So, you tell me that my son is exactly the same as how you met him a few hours ago?'' my dad asks and I roll with my eyes. He is the one who is arrogant as heck, not me.

''Yes, Your Majesty. He is just like he was a few hours ago. I think it's gonna be hard to break that wall that is standing in our way, though I think it's wrong to take this step. How can I marry someone who doesn't look me straight in the eyes during a conversation? I would almost hate your son.'' Hakyeon says and the last part of his answer scares me a lot.

He hates me because of the attitude I have put on towards him? Wow, never thought that my own actions would scare me. Do I want Hakyeon hate me so much? Oh, come on Taekwoon! You're not supposed to love him, but I have to love him.

I then startle when Hongbin stands in front of me.

''Great job brother, Hakyeon hates you already! That was what you wanted huh?!'' Hongbin snarls and slaps me in the face. I look at him and I only take a deep breath.

''Hakyeon is mine now, thanks to you!'' Hongbin adds and I grab his wrist before he can walk away from me.

''You stay away from my fiancee, you little brat!'' I yell and I show Hongbin my fangs. My parents are standing in the hallway with Hakyeon and his parents and I startle when I see them after I let go of Hongbin


My dad slaps me after Hongbin did and I take another deep breath.

''This was not what we had promised each other, Taekwoon! You have made sure that your own fiancee hates you, but that's what you wanted right? Well, great job!'' my dad snarls and I glare at him. Hakyeon then steps forward and I look at the ground, what the hell am I doing?

After a deep sigh, I look up and I look Hakyeon straight in the eyes.

''Hakyeon, I'm sorry for this. I wanted to shove this off, because I feel like I'm not ready to get married. I didn't know you wanted to cut off the engagement, because of the fact that you hate me. So, go ahead if you wanna leave.'' I tell him and tears fill Hakyeon's eyes. I turn around and I walk away, but apparently not fast enough.

''Prince Taekwoon!'' Hakyeon screams and chases me. I feel his arms around my waist and I feel his head against my back.

''I'm sorry Hakyeon, but I felt too proud to admit that I have to get married to you.'' I say softly and Hakyeon lets go of me, before he makes sure he can face me.

''I'm glad I could shake off the ''Ice Prince'' image of you, but I really love you and I can't wait to get married to you.'' Hakyeon says and his face comes closer to me, before I lean in and start to kiss him.

''I told you that my son Hakyeon could change your son?'' I hear Hakyeon's father say and Hakyeon giggles, before he wraps an arm around my waist.

Do you remember that I said that no one can change my attitude? I take those words back, because someone did manage to change me and I also will get marry him: Cha Hakyeon.


A/N While writing this, I listened to a piano cover of Error. And boy, that almost made me cry. That's why this chapter contains some emotions between the two.

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I'm on a semi-hiatus, so I won't update that much as I have done before I went on a holiday. So please, be patient.


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Hi, I realized you have discarded the poster but please be kind enough to put it up in your forward atleast with the credits
Chapter 12: Loved it <3
Chapter 11: Its defo a good story. Looking forward to it.
joanna20 #4
Chapter 8: Hi. R u considering to permanently leave AFF? Or u r still considering because of your hectic schedule? If u r still considering, i hope u will stay. We will wait for u. U can update when u r free from yr schedule. Take care.
Bap_IsEverything #5
Chapter 5: Happy 20th Birthday !? ??
I wish you good health and happiness .
Do not force yourself to write anything that makes you uncomfortable. Thank you for the gift of a update ^_^•