Chapter 3

An ordinary love story


A/N: Listen to this song <3


“Okay, so he actually said he loved your eyes????” Amanda squealed in excitement.

“Yup.” Her ‘wifey’ approved proudly. “AND he asked me if I am free tomorrow.”

The two girls were home and talking on the phone about their best experience so far. Never did they think they would meet their idols and then go on dates with them.

“What about Siwon? Did something happen?”

“Haaaa I don’t even know where to start! We are such a good match in every way. We’re both energetic and we like races and games, we’re into cars, we’re obviously into each other hahaha He kissed my cheek in a contest and-…”

“He did what? Do you understand what’s going on? One of the iest men in the world likes you. “I think you hit the jackpot, honey!!!” Monica exclaimed happily, “I’m going to bed now…”

Amy interrupted, “You sleep early to look beautiful tomorrow, don’t you?”

“Yes! I can actually see your smirk over the phone. Knock it off!”

“I’m just happy for you, you idiot!!”


Next day, Monica headed to work for a few hours before she went on vacation. While vigorously managing everything it had to be done, she felt her phone buzzing  a few times in her pocket. When she got it out, she noticed it displayed a photo of a man who was making her heart pound like crazy.

She read two texts: ”Hello, pumpkin *smiley face* don’t forget about me tonight, I’m want to see you asap. Your bias misses you!” “P.S.: You told me to remind you to call Mia and tell her to meet with Henry. Take care of you, Moni ^^”

I’ve never received such cute messages before…this guy…, Monica thought, opening the text box to write a reply.

How can I forget about my bias?? And thanks for the reminder! I’ll give you a little present for that. See you tonight, Hae *wink face*

“Please hurry up, I’m suuuper bored in this hotel.”

“Why don’t you go out and explore?”

“I’m alone. The others are out with your girlfriends…and I want to see you cuz time flies when I hang out with the adorable Monica :D”

She sighed when she read ‘adorable’,“Come in front of the big building, I’ll be down in 15 minutes.”

“I don’t want to bother you. Just go ahead and do your job, then we can spend time together.”

“It’s ok, I actually did extra work from home just to get out of here faster. I rreeeally need this vacation! Especially because there is a bonus.”

“What bonus?”


“What bonus??? You don’t want to tell your bias? :‘( “

“Aish, are you going to tease me with this bias thing the whole vacation? :’( You are the bonus…”

I’m the bonus, Donghae thought as he smiled from ear to ear, jumping out of bed to get ready.

After 10 minutes, he was showered, dressed, with his hair nicely done, and in 5 minutes he arrived at the meeting point. As Monica was getting closer, she started to feel nervous, especially because he was more and more charming then. He was not shy anymore, starting to chat freely with her and being comfortable.

“How come you finished work so fast?” he approached her with a bear hug.

“Anything for my bias!” she chuckled, hugging him back.

“Now you started with the bias thing!”

“I know! Hehe...Amy asked if we want to go clubbing tonight. What do you think?”

“Yeah, actually I was thinking about it too.”

“Great, now let’s go eat something. I’m starving! I’m so hungry I could even eat you.”  She laughed loudly at what she said.

All of a sudden, Donghae got really close to her face and kissed her cheek sweetly, “Not if I eat you first because you’re so sweet.”

Oh God.

They enjoyed the rest of the day going to the park and taking photos, teasing each other and getting cozy. At some point, they sat by the lake, sipping some diet coke.


“Uhm, Hae? I have a better idea than going to the club.”

“I’m listening.”

“I know a place where we can do karaoke!”

“Hmmm it sounds good.”

“I see you are not so excited, maybe because you sing a lot, but you gotta hear Amanda sing AND you gotta see me dance.”


“Yes!” she said proudly, “I took some dancing classes.”

“Karaoke it is!” he had sparkles in his eyes when he heard what she said. He was enthusiastic about seeing her dance. Who thought she was into that too?


At the karaoke place, Amy was pouting, having her arms crossed.

“Why are you sulking about, Amy?” Siwon asked, smirking.

She smacked his arm playfully, “I don’t like karaoke and you guys are going to kick our asses at it anyway.”

“I promise I won’t be that good…I’ll just be brilliant at it!”

At this point, Amanda started to punch his chest, “Love, stop.” He said softly, gently grabbing her and keeping her close to his chest. She was shocked, quietly enjoying what was happening.

“Monica will kick your asses!!” Mia jumped out of nowhere with a beer in her hand and her other hand was in Henry’s.

“So soon?” Moni asked reffering to the holding of hands.

“It’s already 7, what’s wrong? It’s just one beer, don’t worry.”

“No, I mean…” she continued to analyze her until she saw Henry with a burgundy lip stain on his lower lip, “Come with me for a sec?”

The two girls went further from everybody for a private chat.

“Mia…have you and Henry kissed?? Are you crazy? You know the guy only for a few hours…and him, how could he-….”

She cut her friend off, “Wait, wait, if we hold hands, it doesn’t mean I kissed him. What got into you? Is your glucose level high?”

“My glucose level is in charts, for your info! But stop being concerned about me, I saw your burgundy lip gloss on his freaking lip!”

“First of all, please lower your voice a bit…second of all, we didn’t do anything.” She looked at Henry to check if what her best friend said it’s true, “I can’t believe THAT happened…”

“What did happen?” she was losing her temper.

“This won’t sound good, but it is an accident.”

“Accident how exactly?”

“He took my lip gloss earlier and made a mess with it on both of us. You know how he is playful and he even put some on his lips too to make me laugh. Promise me you calm down now.”

“I’m an idiot…” Monica lowered her head, feeling guilty.

“Heyyy, you, it’s totally understandable. You worry about me because we are practically sisters. Let’s go back and I’ll let Henry know what happened. I just hope everybody else don’t have eagle-like eyes like you.”

“Still…sorry…you may be right, I should check my glucose level.”

“Great, do it and let’s head back.”

You think the writer might be crazy to say something about glucose level? You’ll see later, dear reader! I told you at the beginning it’s not a happy go lucky story till the end.

“Who wants to start the fun?” Henry asked, coming back clean, smiling awkwardly at Monica. She smiled back and showed him the ‘ok’ sign.

“What about you do it if you asked.” Eunhyuk put the microphone in his hands. Henry being Henry, started to give all he got. He was truly talented, dancing, composing and singing. And he had a new fan. Mia was going bananas about him because she didn’t expect that. Then all the boys sang something, fooling around like they always do.

“Alright, that’s enough. It’s our turn to shine.” Amy got the microphone from Henry, pushing him aside. “This is yours, hope you remember how to dance to this one. And sing at the same time.”

“Oh yeah. I’m sure I do remember!”

She searched a song in Spanish, the guys knew who was singing it and Amy smirked at that. She looked at Monica, signing to get ready as she hit play. They knew the choreography as they took the dance classes. The song started to hear in the speakers, making everybody look at the two women on the little stage they created.

“Watch this, guys.” Christina said as she watched her sister with loving eyes.

Monica started to sing, “Yo no se si tu me quiere, pero a mi me va y me viene…”

Donghae grabbed Siwon’s fore arm, “We…they…”

“I know, they’re truly amazing.”

“Damn.” He cursed under his breath, watching how Moni’s hips were moving to the beat.

“And hot.” Shiwon pointed out, not taking his eyes off his crush.

After the song was finished, the girls got down the stage with flushed cheeks.

“I want to go to the club right now! I’m so in the dancing mood, I need to kill this mood somehow.”

“Totally. Hae, what do you thi-…”

“You’re not just sweet, you’ve got lots of talent.” He grabbed her hand and dragged her behind everyone else, who were heading to the door. “Let’s write a song together! And we will perform it in Korea, we’ll also feature Hyuk for a rap part. And we’ll have a music video and-…”

“Wow, Hae, I don’t know what to say. I’m not a professional, you know…”

“Yes, you are. Stop fooling around. You are gorgeous. The way you move like that you make the world spin,” he grabbed both her hands, “When you sing is like a mermaid calling the sailors…wait…that’s not a good thing to say haha because they’re going straight to mrs. Death.” he made her chuckle.

“I understand what you mean, but still…”

“Please…I want you…” Monica widened her eyes. “…I-I mean, I want you in my music video. I’ve been told we look good together.” He was speaking softly, slowly approaching her face again like the other day, starring at her lips, which were trembling at that point. His eyes went up to look into hers, then down at her lips. Just a few millimeters away…

“You’re not coming?” Christina went back to make sure her sister was alright.

They pulled apart quickly. “Y-yeah, in a bit!” Monica shouted back. “We should go too.”

“Yeah…” Donghae kissed the back of the hand he was holding and heading to the exit.


At the club, everybody was moving to the beat. There was a sweet scent in the air, which made them a bit dizzy, but in a good way.

“What do you want to drink?” Hae put a hand on Monica’s lower back. She was wearing skinny jeans, boots and a shirt with back cut, so he could feel her smooth, warm skin.

“Don’t give her something too intense, she’ll go nuts.” Amanda made fun of her best friend again.

“You should shut up.”

“Hmmm make me.” She teased some more, but it seems it triggered something in Moni.

“Oh no, you didn’t. Maybe I can drink more than you think.” She challenged Amy.

“Is this an invitation to a contest?”

“Maybe it is! Let’s see you, tough girl.”

“Ohoo Monica is starting to get braver.” Mia pointed out as she made an omg face.

“Are they always like this?” Henry asked, looking like a scaredy cat.

“Nah, I don’t know what’s got into them. Or maybe I do…” she started to laugh at the realization that they try to drink to have more courage to be around their beloved men. Especially Monica.

After two beers each, they went on the dancing floor. They were sweaty, they were feeling euphoric in the shallow light. The beat was slowing down, but it was still catchy. The alcohol made Donghae and Monica get closer and closer. He could feel her warm breath on his chest. Her arms were around his neck, his were around her waist. It was actually clicheic. But the feelings were for sure real. Their lips finally touched and it was like an ignition! Fireworks, butterflies, everything. They hungrily kissed, their hands roaming around their bodies, staying as close as possible. Maybe it wasn’t just the alcohol, but the waiting, the frustration and the magnetism made them desire this moment.

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