Rule #1: Don't gaze into my eyes

If looks could kill...

"NO! NO, no, no, no, no, no! Hell no! Why?!" 

Ah, Ten A.M. A fair-weathered Saturday morning, light breezes cooling everything in a very feel-good way.The perfect time for an on-base disturbance to occur.

"Dahyun, I'm telling you this because it's for your own good. Think about it as control training, but this is still very much a mission." Jihyo rubbed her temples that were too quickly beginning to ache, not because of Dahyun- well okay, yes, because of Dahyun, but not at all due to her power (Both Jihyo and Dahyun knew better than to look at each other on such bad terms; the younger girl had eyes trained to the floor while Jihyo's to the document containing the details of the mission.) , rather she was being a stubborn little girl. She had already explained it over and over. What more did she have to do to be able to convince the girl? "What's so wrong with going to school?"

"Leader Par-"


"Ehem... Jihyo-unnie, why in the world would you, first, assign me on this type of mission when you know I'm uncomfortable with it, second, I'm uncomfortable with it for a very valid reason and that is because I'm a living breathing threat to the world if you haven't noticed over the past seventeen years!!" The blackette explained with a huff, breaths heavy from her hard reasoning, her edgy voice echoing off the walls of the closed vicinity.

Jihyo would have been annoyed at the argumentative responding, if not for that last little bit of Kim Dahyun's statement.

"You're not."


"You're not a threat to the world, Dahyun. I- We both know this. As long as you're not mad or feel anything negative; If you control those negativities and stay positive, you can heal! You can help. This is why Head Jinyoung is so relieved that you developed a bit of optimism while on base."

"Yeah, I developed an optimism because I knew I could help!"


"Help by looking at those wrongdoers and being angry at them for hurting innocent people! I've looked at them! But this is different. This is actually facing the people who are in need of my help. A risk. I could simply be annoyed with them and a look at any part of them could hurt them, the longer I do, the more damage. Looking into my eyes is like asking for demise! Please, why can't I just be back up, called to clean up once they find the guys? Why are you assigning me as a scout?"

Dahyun's face was scrunched up in frustration, and Jihyo knew she had to keep her eyes on anything but the younger girl's own glowing red pair no matter the urge to deny the statement by looking at her with her most honest sincere gaze. Dahyun was right after all. A bad-mood Dahyun and eyecontact was a combination for an absolute death wish. She knew it was only because Dahyun was thinking of everyone's safety. True, she had also thought of protesting at first, but then she realized that-

"This is an opportunity for you to grow." She replied. "Dahyun, you know that you can heal-"

"What, I told you I can't! You're just imagining based on coinci-"

"You can. It's not imagination, not coincidence. Many people can vouch for that."

"Disappearing headaches the moment people see me at my best and chancing a glance at my eyes doesn't mean a thing." Dahyun regretted not wearing those special sunglasses twentyfour-seven on base, or keeping her eyes trained to the floor.

"It happened more than enough times to be more than just a coincidence. You're just afraid that you might not be able to utilize it because you are unable to use it at will. I know it's harder. It's unnoticeable after all, and situations where things get bad are easier to find- chances for you to use that killing gaze is easier to acquire. But when you're fighting and a teammate is injured, you can't stay angry at whoever did it. You have to help your ally first. You have to be hopeful for them and heal them. This is why I think this will be good practice."

Dahyun's eyes softened, the brown hue returning to them.

"I want you to be able to grow so that one day, what happened to us then, won't happen again." Jihyo vaguely pointed out to a nasty mission they were paired in, and suddenly, the red glow returned along with a few unshed tears in Dahyun's sad orbs.

"I'll always be sorry about that." She murmured. She recalled wanting to kill herself for letting that happen to Jihyo, staring into her reflection in the mirror, hoping that she could kill herself with her own resentful, regretting gaze.

'Don't be. I can still walk, my heart still beats, my mind still thinks. I'm all patched up... Maybe not as good as then, but maybe... hey, someday you might be able to be the one to give me back everything I had and more. You can fix me."

Jihyo dared to chance a glance into Dahyun's eyes, finding herself extremely lucky as she caught a glimpse of small specks of gold; her head felt light- in a good way, her shoulders- suddenly unburdened as if she had the most wonderful rest, and her earlier tiredness from the work at base and arguing with Dahyun dissipated into the thin air. There. There it was. Dahyun just didn't know it yet. It was too weak to make much of a difference, but it was there. And who knows, if Dahyun did in fact learn to control this, she might just become one of their best- no, the most important person in their healing facility. 

She could hold lives so easily in her grasp. Whether killing them off with one look, or saving them with that tender gaze. This was Kim Dahyun's ultimate power. If only she could use it completely now.



"If the reason is that I can help you once I acquire my healing side... I will definitely do my best. I owe it to you at the very least." Dahyun nodded, accepting the mission package and list of all the details and things she'd be needing along with basic information, her means of living: where and all the requirements. Even her school, classes and schedules, supplies, everything was there and most were ready in the place where she would soon be going home to. She even had a car.

"Your apartment will be a five minute drive from the university. We arranged it so you would be sharing with one of our highschool undercover agents. Two of them actually; they were actually the ones who sent in the report of the suspicious activity. but the duo have their own mission on the same campus. They'll just be in a separate building. You can help them out if you have spare time and actually, the Head would like you to look out for them as much as possible."

Dahyun groaned. "So I have to babysit too? You know I don't get along with a lot of people on base because I can't hold eyecontact. Do you know how many behavioural complaints I've received on a monthly basis? Especially when new people come in and they don't know about me! It !" Dahyun grumbled, always being misunderstood. "I can't believe this company made a periodical briefing orientation just for meeting me to explain!"

"Well, the Head did get tired of having to explain one-by-one each time someone complained." Jihyo laughed at the disgruntled Dahyun who still couldn't believe it. "Why not just take it all in one go, right?"

"Still! Do you get my point now? That's why I can't-"

"And that's why you'll be with people who can. They understand you and I'm pretty sure you'll like them." Jihyo grinned, telling Dahyun that the older girl knew something she didn't. Something like how her new roommies would be the kids she had a extremely soft spot for. "You'll know them when you get there."

Dahyun muttered some inaudible words under her breath before accepting the bunch of keys for her room, apartment and car, as well as one that was a gadget to use for any and most locks.

"Have fun~." Jihyo sing-songed teasingly with a wink.

"You wish." Dahyun retorted, walking away with a wave over her head.

"Yeah... I really do wish."


Dahyun found herself buried under two heavy weights coming from the two most angelic little dongsaengs in the world. "Tzuyu, Chaeng." She smiled, now really, really glad at the revelation of her two new housemates. "Am I glad that you're the ones I'm staying with."

"You're still so anti-social." Chaeyoung laughed, before whining - the younger girl trying to get away, sitting up and placing space between them as Dahyun messed up her hair, ruffling it up harshly as revenge for the comment that was pretty true actually. "Yaahhh..."

"Tzuyu." Dahyun smiled at the quieter one that was still latched onto her body. "How have you been?"

"Suffering. Chaeyoung's jokes are getting worse the more time we spend together. I'm not paid enough for this." Was the blunt reply.

"Hey! I'll have you know you were laughing at them last week, if you don't remember. That was mean." The smallest of the three pouted, but recovered quickly as she stood up to help Dahyun with the bags she had discarded on the floor when the pair tackled her upon arrival. She effortlessly carried an equipment-filled duffle bag in one hand and had a large box propped on her shoulder as she walked calmly to the room.

Tzuyu got up, pulling Dahyun along with her as the three worked as a team to transport the eldest's personal belongings to the room she would be staying in for the entirety of her stay there for the length of the mission.

Dahyun smiled softly to herself as she watched her two friends bicker as they arranged some of  Dahyun's things by her bed that was kept and already covered with sheets and adorned with the most fluffy looking pillows. She began recalling the time she first met them, she was seven when Chaeyoung first came into the company at six. The orphanage she had been living in labelled her unfit for adoption due to her supposed rowdiness and reckless behaviour, destroying multiple public properties in rebellion.

What they did not know was that Chaeyoung was having a hard time controlling her impossible amounts of strength that simply turning on a faucet tap turned into ripping the whole thing off and flooding the bathroom. Playing catch turned into destroying multiple breakables such as pots, windows and unbelievably, brick walls. She broke spoons and forks easily. It always  came as a wonder how gently she could maneuver pencils pens and brushes however. Skillfully completing works of art almost daily.

Couples who came to take a look at children always found her adorable and loveably sweet, but after certain advice from the staff, withdrew their claim on the poor girl.

And then the next thing happened and Head Park took her for adoption, ignoring the "warnings" of the management of the orphanage, rolling his eyes at every demeaning comment about the child. He finally snapped after one particularly harsh comment. "Monster"- they had called her. He's heard that far too many times. It was cruel. Children weren't monsters. They were gifts, blessings, he believed. Some were just created greater than most.

"You don't deserve to run an orphanage, hypocritical oafs." He told them before leaving them to wallow in self-regret from realization.

Chaeyoung was a quiet girl, entering the agency. Only ever expressing herself through art. Until she saw someone even quieter and lonelier, always wearing silly looking glasses as she looked at herself in a mirror daily, every single day.

One day, the smaller girl saw the bespectacled one staring at the mirror, but this time, she was slowly beginning to remove her glasses. Curious at the change, the little artist spoke up. "Going for a new look?"

The other girl jumped, startled, but did not react in the usual manner that would be wide-eyed and facing the sudden disturbance. She visibly jolted, but her eyes immediately snapped to the ground. She didn't utter a word.

Chaeyoung wondered what was wrong. Was she unusually shy?

"Are you wondering if you're pretty? I always see you looking in the mirror. Did you want to see yourself without those?" She pointed to the glasses. Dahyun remained mute, shaking her head. "Hmm.. is that so? Well... I guess I'll just tell you that I think you're really beautiful." She watched as brown eyes shyly (and very cautiously) lifted to meet hers. Did she see a golden sparkle? Her heart felt so light and happy, she wondered what kind of magic was in the mesmerizing smile she was now granted the pleasure of witnessing.

Sadly, it lasted so short as the smile disappeared and the pale-skinned girl walked away, not without leaving a last message. "Don't get involved with me."

And from that day, six-year-old Chaeyoung followed her anywhere and everywhere, never leaving her side.

The sounds of Tzuyu's laughter and Chaeyoung's whines brought Dahyun out of her fond reminiscing. They were now in the kitchen, the youngest of the three pitting verbal jabs at the cub-like girl. "Do you remember the time where Chaeyoung would follow you everywhere like a baby cub, Unnie? That was so cute. I was wondering when you'd ever get tired of her." The tall maknae joked.

"Stop, that's so embarrassing! And I stopped when we were fourteen didn't I?"

"Took you long enough to grow up." Tzuyu grinned, though both younger ones knew it was a just for laughs. They shared similar feelings about Dahyun after all. They never wanted to leave her side after being together as they grew up. It was only a few months after Chaeyoung's independence from Dahyun that the two were assigned to a separate mission (the reason Chaeyoung began to realize she couldn't always follow Dahyun anymore) in a highschool. Due to the nature of their kind of work, and because the two were covert agents, not even fellow agents- as long as they weren't involved in the same mission- knew about them. The three friends hadn't communicated at all in well over three years. They were so happy to see their older friend- no, sister- again.

"Well, at least I wasn't a crybaby who would always cry to Jihyo-unnie or Dahyun-unnie." Chaeyoung smirked victorious as Dahyun remembered the time her eyes first took in the sight of Chou Tzuyu. She was a refugee from Taiwan, abandoned in a building and found by the branch of JYPExclusive over there. Dahyun was ten at the time.

Tzuyu was even thinner than she was now. And it was a very unhealthy thin. She was naturally tan, but her skin then had a dark spots that were obiviously no tan. Burns. Dahyun remembered seeing Chaeyoung wince and cry because she felt so hurt for the girl who looked at the pair with lifeless eyes. At that time she was smaller than Dahyun (it made the older girl chuckle at how big that once-tiny foreigner had grown now in the present.) and much weaker, always struggling with so much as lifting her utensils at lunch, or taking a bath by herself.

When Head Park saw how much Dahyun took care of Chaeyoung, he instructed the older girl to do the same for Tzuyu who hadn't opened up to anyone at all. Maybe Dahyun would be able to work some miracle, he believed, for the eight-turning-nine-year-old child. 

At first, it was like having a hostile cat approaching an abandoned puppy. Dahyun being wary of her unwanted powers, and Tzuyu being afraid of practically everything and everyone unfamiliar.

One day, the girl heard a bang from one of the equipment crashing down. Call it trauma, but the next thing she knew, tears were running down her cheeks as she curled into a ball on the floor. Moments of horrible scenes flashed in her eyes before suddenly, she was pulled into soft, warm arms, being told everything was alright. When she mustered the courage to look up, golden eyes sparkled, and everything became okay. There were no scenes of an attacked little village, of crashes, screams of pain and terror. Nothing. She felt the calmest she had been in so long. All the hurt was cured.

And there was a smile directed her way. "It's okay." An immense feeling of joy ecompassed her and she couldn't find it in herself to let go.



"My... name... Tzuyu." She said in her broken korean.

Eyes formed into crescent moons as that warmth pulled her in closer and tighter. "I'm Dahyun. I want to take care of you. Will you let me?"

"As I thought, Dahyun-unnie is the best person to hug. She feels like home." Tzuyu's voice broke another reverie as Dahyun found herself being embraced by the giant girl. "I really missed you, unnie."

"Aww..." Dahyun cooed, returning the hug. "I missed my favorite Chewy too."

The pair laughed as they saw Chaeyoung sulk in the corner. "I thought I was your favorite!" She pouted, not wanting to look at the two meanies.

"This one-" Dahyun released Tzuyu from the hug and patted her head. "Is my favorite Chewy." She then walked over to Chaeyoung. "While you..." Pulling the small girl into a tight hug and planting a soft kiss against her temple- along with the nickname that followed elicited a smile from the younger. "You are my most precious, favorite Daiki Princess. Are we good?"

"If you treat the two of us to Pizza, we'll be settled." Chaeyoung grinned cheekily as Dahyun rolled her eyes, releasing the girl, but still dialing the pizza place on her non-mission phone. "And here I thought you two were cooking for once."

"Well, when we have such a kind, generous unnie, why cook?"

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too."

"Love you more~." The pair chorused, before Tzuyu went to prepare some popcorn and Chaeyoung choose a movie. They had a free night to enjoy and be normal teens before the morning came, the sun rising along with the ugrencies of a mission.

Dahyun was glad. Normal for once. She really wished it for all of them.

"Ready for your first day of school, unnie?!" Chaeyoung woke her up roughly by diving under her covers with her and shaking her rudely awake. "Come on, Miss college student! Better get running!"

"Why the hell, Chaeng." Dahyun would've glared at the girl if not for her condition. One of the reasons she hated it, really. She could never show how annoyed she was with friends. She didn't want to pain them in the worst way.

"Come on. Tzuyu made pancakes! Race you!" Dahyun let the energetic girl win easily, opting to go through her morning routine before pulling on a white hoodie, comfy black pants and sneakers, leaving her room with a backpack slung over her shoulder with her class schedule and books, a black cap in her hand and special sunglasses hung in front of her hoodie, ready to be worn the moment she stepped out.

Tzuyu greeted her with a mug of hot chocolate, made in a very specific way that Dahyun loved. She nodded her thanks before sitting beside Chaeyoung who was diving into her pancakes, drizzled- more like drowned- in strawberry jam.

"I can't believe we're in school." Dahyun voiced out. All the agents had to have basic education, a vital requirement for all to have knowledge that could prove to be useful in any situation. And by basic education, it meant knowing a variety of things, up to college material. They were to learn it all by the time they turned fifteen in case they were sent undercover to colleges and the like. For kids that were sent undercover in elementary schools, they had to at least have knowledge up till highschool stocked up as to not fall behind because despite working, they still had to do projects and assignments and the like. One of the downsides to that part of the job. It was tedious.

Dahyun, who had been under the agency's care since she was an infant, learned everything long before the time Tzuyu entered, a bit late for the younger girl so she became the tutor to help the younger girl get up to date in learning. It took her only five years, record time. Third only to a certain other agent whom the outside world saw as an idiot, but was actually a hidden genius, (Her record was four and a half years.) and Kim Dahyun who could basically be placed in strategy, or among the higher ups if based solely on the things she knew.

"Come on, it's actually pretty fun." Chaeyoung said through a mouth full of pancake. Dahyun placed a finger under her chin, shutting the girl's mouth to make her chew. Tzuyu hummed her agreement from the counter as she sipped on her coffee.

"I just don't want anyone to interact with me and hope I find this threat fast for elimination."

"Aww, don't you want to spend more time with us?" Chaeyoung jested, though she knew the rush was for the safety of all. Before anyone got harmed, they all hoped the issues they were dealing with on their own parts could be settled soon. If they were lucky, their next mission would be together.

Dahyun had been on edge all day. Too many people were trying to take a look at her. What were their nosy asses so curious about? She was just a new student who wanted to get through a peaceful college life. To the outside eye, that is.

"Umm... Miss... Kim." Dahyun couldn't comprehend why her real name was being used in this mission. Chaeyoung's looks could pass as a foreigner so she was known as Katarina. Tzuyu somehow chose Gucci, her code name, as her name here. So why did she have to suffer being called her own name?

A throat clearing prompted her to look to her irked teacher. 

"What?" She said blankly.

"Miss Kim, if you don't mind... Your shades aren't allowed in class."

"Oh... I apologize sir, I actually do mind because I have conjunctivitis right now, but I was forced by my mom to attend my first day of classes because apparently it's more important to make good impressions than her daughter's health. You know, moms. She was worried about me transferring in mid-year so..." Dahyun hoped he bought that on-the-fly answer.

"Umm... is that so? Y-your mom seems to be strict w-with your education. Umm..." Not knowing how to respond, the man nodded, gesturing her to an empty seat near the back, on the column second to the window side.

And thus Dahyun's boring surveillancing college life began. Dull and without bother. Just like how she'd  like-

""Pssst...Hey, you look pretty young to be in college. I don't mean your height or anything, just... you have real nice skin, and just.. I dunno..."

Her seatmate by the window suddenly decided it would be perfect to talk to the new girl who clearly did not want to be associated with anyone.

"I'm Minatozaki Sana." The girl extended a hand that Dahyun only glanced at before training her eyes to the much more interesting floor. "Shy much? Hey what's the real deal behind those shades? You don't expect everyone to buy that bs right? You look perfectly fine to be hiding sickness over there."

"And what makes you assume I'm lying?" Dahyun found herself talking back, surprising herself for uttering a peep. She was just getting so bothered.

"I know a lie when I know it."

Dahyun could've face-palmed at the stupefying logic. She was getting annoyed so she dared not look into curious eyes or look at any part of the girl. She focused her vision outside, trying to calm down as the professor began explaining today's lesson. She saw a bird and directed her attention to it. Only then did she realize calming down wasn't as easy as she hoped as the bird suddenly fell down from its flying course after she stared at its wing a couple seconds. She cursed under her breath.

"So? Why are you lying, Miss newbie?"

"Can you just not talk to m-"

"Kim, Minatozaki. Out. If you're not going to take my class seriously by continuing your yapping back there, find a better way to learn than my seemingly boring class to you." Dahyun felt a fuse burst within her as she wordlessly complied right away. On the bright side, she'd be away from the stifling presence of people who might accidentally become victims if they pushed the wrong buttons on her.

Much like this Minatozaki Sana person.

"Oh, and Miss Kim..." Her teacher stopped her. "So much for first impressions. Tell  your mom you're sorry."

"Oh, I damn will." Dahyun muttered under her breath.

"Hey! Wait up!" Sana called behind her for the tenth time, chasing after the speed-walking figure. "Why the rush?"

"Why are you following me?" Dahyun grumbled in response.

"Woah, bad mood."

"Whose fault do you think it is?" Dahyun asked the girl who giggled innocently.

"I wonder...."

Turning on her heel so she no longer had to tolerate the girl, Dahyun marched on randomly on the campus grounds, avoiding other students, head ducked low.

Suddenly a hand grasped hers and pulled her around. "Hey, be careful and watch where you're going. Don't just stare at the floor." Dahyun didn't realize in that state of mind that she had been looking at the hand that touched hers for a moment to long. She only realised when-

"Ouch, damn.. did  my hand just cramp?"

"S-sorry." Dahyun stuttered, redirecting her gaze elsewhere. That caught Sana off-guard.

"Sorry? What for? My hand cramping? Why, you didn't cause it?"

Oh, if only she knew.

"Anyway..." Dahyun wondered why the girl suddenly went silent until eyes popped out in her line of sight and she had to keep looking away as Sana constantly tried to get in her vision space.

"What are you doing, stop that!" Dahyun retaliated, tired of this little joke of a game.

"Why won't you look at me? Don't tell me you're shy because you like me." The woman teased, trying to reach for the glasses that Dahyun kept out of her reach. "Why do you wear these all the time? You're obviously not blind, I know that much. You walked and avoided a ton of people and obstacles successfully. Why won't you- do you have a sty or something?"

"If that's what it takes for you to quit taking my shades off, yeah!"

"Uh, uh, uh, no lies remember?"

With one last spurt, Sana grabbed the barrier that shielded Dahyun's dreaded eyes, dancing a bit in victory before she got a good look, honey brown orbs studying the face before her. "Oh. Wow." She blurted out. "You have really pretty eyes."

'Oh, wow, and pretty eyes are right.'  Dahyun thought, referring to the visual pleasure that greeted her as she finally looked at Sana. Then the compliment registered.


"No?" Sana cocked her head in confusion. "I'm telling you you've got really great sharp eyes. Really hot. Gives you this vibe."

"D-don't look!" Dahyun spluttered, covering her face, hiding her eyes.

"But why? If you're worried about looks, I don't think you got much of a problem there, sweetie." Funny how Dahyun remembered Chaeyoung at that moment.

"Just, don't look into my eyes!"

"Why, you afraid you'll fall in love with me?" Sana asked in a joking manner, before worriedly caressing the agent's shoulder. "You know, if you can't look at people, friends will be hard to find. You can't make any with that attitude."

"I don't mind. I don't want any."

"But what if people like me want to be your friend, hmm?" Dahyun was stunned. Unintentionally, she looked into kind, welcoming eyes, before turning away, grabbing her blonde hair to cover her face.

"W-well..." Why the hell was she a stuttering mess right now? She was one of the best agents. Why the sudden pathetic air? "If you really want to be my friend..."


"Rule number one..." She got out as her voice finally stabilized, turning on her heel, back facing Sana. "Don't gaze into my eyes."

And she ran.

A/N: Feedback is appreciated~



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Wilddvacat #1
Chapter 2: Really hope you update soon. This is good!
EkizEleErreOksho #2
Chapter 2: Ohhhhh!!! Me a encantado!!!
Esperare la siguiente actualización!!!;)
Dumbster #3
Chapter 2: I like it hoping for the next one soon
Chapter 2: More pleaseee :)
Chapter 2: but rules are meant to be broken right sana? ;)
Chapter 1: Can’t wait XD
Chapter 1: I already like it, can't wait for the first chapter!!
Lazyafternoon #8
Chapter 1: aaaaa it'd be great if this continued!! supernatural aus are always welcomed, and this concept is very interesting!!!!!
Chapter 1: Interesting....