The man and his guitar

The sky and beyond

Sometimes I wonder if this world will end in song and glory or pain and tears.
Today, I'll find my answer as I search for you.
It's a wondering sensation, as I sit beside these waves, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
For you are infinity. When everything falls to dust, you alone will remain.
Little did I know that you would tear me from this mortal realm and set sail my soul with yours for all eternity.
My heart reaches out in vain. As I realize my fears, I know that together, we mismatch.
Yet, somehow, apart, we are perfect for each other.
I reach out to again. Your fingers tremble across the distance.
Our surroundings collapse into ink and dissolve into darkness.
We are left as wandering spirits as we never found an anchor while we were alive.

Jungkook stood before the waves, his bare feet digging into the moist sand. The cool water washing over his toes sent tingles up his spine and made the hair on his skin stand up. He sighed happily, collapsing to the ground, not caring anymore that all his clothes will get wet. "This is bliss," he thought as he lay back on the sand. The salty breeze and the half moon taunted him, reminding him that he has only a few days left before he has to say goodbye to the Italian city and it's beautiful sights, and go back home. Just as he closed his eyes, he heard the faint sound of a guitar and a muffled voice. He let the distant music lull him. He grabbed a handful of wet sand and felt the soothing cool grains against his palm. Before he knew it, the beach had emptied. "It must be really late," he guessed. With another sigh, he got up and made his way back towards the restaurant shack where he had left his belongings.

The sound of the guitar from earlier began to get louder and louder until he finally heard the words the voice was singing. He was taken aback because he understood them.
"Like the gentle breeze that carries the scent of distant lands, your kiss takes me around the world within a second. Why do we have to go? Let's stay awhile. Baby, don't say no. Let's believe this beautiful lie. Our busy days, they come and go, but tonight is one of a kind. So stay. Stay and dance with me. Take my hand, let the music wash away our pain. So stay. Stay and dance with me. We can work our banks full, but we can't buy today."

He sat before the hooded figure and listened. The man's fringe fell over his face, covering it. He had long fingers, pale skin and was wearing a casual oversized hoodie and ripped jeans. His sneakers looked expensive and new. He did not look like somebody who sang for money by tourist spots. Jungkook felt something pull in his heart with every line of the song. When the song ended, the man began to set aside his instrument and looked like he was about to leave. Jungkook reached out. "Sir? Sir! Wait." The figure seemed to freeze, surprised. "Sir, what's your name? Your music is beautiful. I really enjoyed it." 
The man turned towards him and said, "Thank you. I appreciate it". And with that, he left, leaving a slightly irritated Jungkook behind.

"Who was that man? He didn't answer my question. Will I see him again? Oh well. That was an experience," he thought to himself.
Unfortunately for him, it was more than an experience because all through the night, the hooded figure's music was all he heard in his dreams.

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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: Interesting...
Will wait for the 2nd chapter....