Light or Dark?

Together forever

It's been a week since SinB tell the group to think about what should they do. SinB has been waiting in the rooftop together with Yerin since morning. The reason SinB is the one waiting is because Eunbi is too nervous to be near Yerin since she is her first girlfriend and she doesn't know what to do. Yerin have been trying to persuade SinB to kick Eunbi out since she wants to talk to her girlfriend

"oh come on, SinB-ah, just force her out" Yerin says while pouting

"i have tried, this little coward keeps saying no and doesn't even want to move from our mind" SinB says, annoyed at this two couple

"tell her, if she doesn't come out before everyone is here, we will break up NOW!" Yerin says with seriously annoyed face

Suddenly, before SinB able to say anything, Eunbi comes out panicking

"okay, okay, i am out" Eunbi says, panicking at her girlfriends remark

"finally" Yerin immediately hug the girl

"i miss you so much" Yerin says while still hugging the girl

Eunbi's face become so red that her face almost look like a gochujang

"m-me t-too" Eunbi says while stuttering

Yerin almost kiss Eunbi when "Eh-hem, so, what do we miss?" Sowon suddenly appear from the doorway with the other 4 of the group

both of them push each other away in panic

"no, nothing" both of them says

"well, it looks like someone almost got a kiss to us" Umji says while smirking toward Eunbi.

Both of their faces become red

suddenly, Eunbi change place to SinB

"so, everyone is here, nobody plan to run away?" SinB says

all 4 o them answer with determined voice "no, we will fight"

"what reasons do you have to fight this battle anyway?"

Yuju and Umji step forward and says "both of us owe a life to you"

"huh!?" SinB is confused

"well, you saved Umji's life once, and thanks to that, she owe her life, and i can meet her because you save her, that is why i also owe you my life" Yuju says, Umji blush at what yuju says

"oookaayy" SinB kind of confused but decide to let it go

Sowon and Eunha step forward together "and both of us want Yerin and Eunbi to owe us their life"

Now it's Yerin's turn to be confused "what?"

"After the battle, i want to ask for your permission to go on a date with Eunha, that is why the easiest way to do it is when you two owe your life to us" Sowon says, Eunha just slap Sowon's arm

"i don't know what to say to that" Yerin just let it go too since she doesn't even know how to respond

"okay, that is the weirdest reasons to go on a life or death battle, but it's up to you" SinB says

Eunbi take over to say a few words

"i have also listen to your reasons, although i agree with SinB, i will only say one thing, let us all fight together, and come back alive no matter what"

they are enjoying their playful banter over the reasons when suddenly, everybody feels a strong power suddenly appear, SinB forcefully take control of Eunbi's body

"JOKER!!" SinB ready her battle stance

"so, you haven't disappear yet, SinB. Still a quite little virus" Joker says

everyone got into battle position

"Nobody is disappearing here" Yerin says

"then Let's see how you fare against me" Joker says getting into his battle stance

The battle start with SinB throwing a darkness spear to Joker which easily caught, and destroyed,

SinB suddenly rush toward Joker holding another spear, Yerin also run behind SinB clenching her fist as hard as she can ready to punch a hole into Joker

Eunha uses all the water in her water bottle to create an ice spear and pass it to SinB, Sowon throw both of her hands backward as far as possible, ready to launch it forward, umji charge her into the sky, readying a huge thunder, yuju take a breath as deep as possible, ready to scream as loud as she can

as soon as SinB and Yerin's's attack touch Joker, each and everyone of them launch their attack at the exact same time,causing Joker to get a full force of all their attack and creating a giant explosion that will kill any normal human in the matter of seconds. But Joker is not an ordinary enemy. his power is double-counter, he can bounce back every normal attack at double the power. he return every single attack to each of them causing all of them to be thrown away from the rooftop to the school ground and pass out. Joker sees it as an opportunity to grab Yerin and throw a challenge letter to the ground

Eunbi that sees this from inside her body, and realised that SinB is passed out try to chase Joker but to no avail since Joker is practically teleport away. Eunbi's lightspeed power is not enough to chase him since she can only use a fraction of her speed

She then try to woke everyone up but they won't even wake up. After a few try from Eunbi, the first one to be awake is SinB since her body is practically running around. Eunbi then enter the mind world to communicate with SinB

*Inside Eunbi's mind

SinB look at eunbi and says "Sorry Eunbi-ah, i can't do anything, now your girlfriend is taken away"

"no SinB-ah, i am the one that are too weak, i can't even chase him" Eunbi cry while hugging the girl in their mind world

"it's all because of me eunbi-ah, i told you many times that i am a virus that hold your true power from emerging" SinB says

"no SinB-ah, you are not" Eunbi says, she knows SinB doesn't want to hurt her

"i think it's about time for you to let me go, let me be a fodder to your power, i will weaken my power as much as possible for your light to consume my shadow, that way, you can be as strong as heulin, and together with your friends you will be able to save Yerin and this world" SinB says

"No, SinB-ah, i don't want that, you must not die, remember what i said, everyone have to stay alive" Eunbi try to argue with SinB, even though she know SinB was right

"as long as you are alive, i will too, remember what you say to me last week? we are one, both of us are Hwang Eunbi and both of us are Hwang SinB, we will not die as long as one of us survive, you are the main personality, you have to survive for both of us" SinB says assuring Eunbi to let her go

"But, you say you will always protect me, how can you protect me if i let you go?" Eunbi began crying her hearts out

"look around us eunbi-ah, you have all the people you need, and didn't you promise to protect a certain individual? be strong Eunbi-ah, you have to let me go to save her"

Eunbi didn't say anything and just hug SinB while crying continuously

"Bye eunbi-ah, thank you for keeping up with me all this years, i'm sorry i couldn't do more, use this power to protect your friend, to protect the one we both loves, to protect Yerin" SinB says, suppressing her power as much as possible so Eunbi's light power can erase her power, and at the same time, her.

Eunbi can't say anything but keep on crying and crying until SinB's body disintegrated from her mind, and with it the mind world

*outside Eunbi's mind

Eunbi keep on crying realising that she can't access her mind world anymore which means that she now only have one personality, no more SinB, no more her go-to-safe-place whenever she is afraid.

She keeps on crying not realising all her friends have regain conciousness

"Eunbi-ah, where is Yerin?" Sowon asks

"She is taken by Joker" Eunbi says while still crying her heart out

"what? what about SinB? Is she okay?" Umji ask, realising that she doesn't changed even though she is sad

"She is gone" Eunbi cry even more

"Come here eunbi-ah" Sowon hug eunbi's trembling body

soon, everyone gather into a group hug, each saying a word trying to calm Eunbi down

after a while, Eunbi is able to calm down

"thank you guys, i don't know what will happen if you guys choose to run away" Eunbi smile while bowing her head 90 degree

"yah, we are friends remember, we are Gfriend, the most popular girl group in the entire school" Eunha says

"err, guys, what is this?" Yuju found the challenge letter on the ground

"if you want to save your friend, come to the abandoned warehouse near han river. you will find me and your friend there.

Yours truly,



"So, He challenges us to a battle, SinB and i are not the one to back down from a challenge. Besides, he kick our asses to many times" Eunbi says

"he kick all of our asses too many times" Umji corrected Eunbi

"so, want to give him a payback?" Eunha says

"Let's show him what happen to the one messing with Gfriend" Yuju says

"Let's save our friend and protect this world once and for all" Sowon adds

"Okay everyone, hold on to me, i can feel my power is surging, i will take us to han river using my lightspeed, we will be there before he knows it" Eunbi says

"i will boost you up using my electricity to make it faster" Umji says

They all gather up and get ready to saves their friend before the final battle.



2 more chapter to go, this is the longest chapter so far since too many things i want to write and my brain is on fire, it keeps giving me ideas that i haven't think of before when preparing the rough draft of this chapter. and this is also the first chapter that took hours to type, since it's hard for me to write about characters death. hope i can convey that feeling through my writing. i have to stop writing a few times since my heart is aching writing about SinB's death.

i will continue this story in 2-3 days, need to give my brain a well deserved rest and my heart some time to recover

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done, for good


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Waahh thank you so much for this story!!
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Don’t expect that epilogue, how you make sinB comeback to the story and give her an important role for her is really good. Thank you for the update! Can’t wait for your other story :)
Chapter 18: Guardian Angel.....
Is there any sequel? Please say yes...
Chapter 17: That escalated too quickly! Though, thanks for the update?
Chapter 17: The heck..?
Chapter 13: AN UPDATE :D
Chapter 12: should it be irene communicating to 10 of them
6 in gfriend + 4 other rv members
Chapter 12: :)) an update!
Chapter 11: Yayyy an update!! :)) thanks for the update!!