`RV [+1]

replace with fc



 cinderella  — 2 dreams
 aurora  — 2 dreams
 ariel  — 3 dreams
 belle  — dream chosen
 mulan  — 1 dream
 snow white  
— 2 dreams
 jasmine  — 2 dreams
 rapunzel  — 3 dreams
 merida  — 1 dream
 total  — 16 dreams



all applications will go through adhra first, before it is converted into a dream for the princesses. adhra will then evaluate the possible agents into two categories; 'oopsie!" or 'hooray!'. if the candidate receives an oopsie! from adhra, that means that there are errors in the applications that need to be fixed, while hooray! would mean that it is accepted and already converted into a dream. all the best and good luck! warning, i write long- reviews.


hidden in the forest

♛ any parts that would need further elaborations will be listed here!


trapped in the dungeon

♛ it seems like you've made a mistake! please fix everything that is listed here!



replace with fc or love
replace with fc




s cr eams hiii there gabby! thank you so much for being my first applicant; i saw you a lot in other applyfics and you were always early so i was kinda expecting ; coughs; but you still surprised me when you sent your application in hahaha- anyway, let's get to your review!


before i get to the other stuffs, i saw something on the quote section and i don't know if i misundestood things, but just in case; the girls are not reincarnations of the princesses- they are just agents who are gifted with the princesses' magics. that is why the password is her reaction upon meeting their princess. i hope i have made that clear, and sorry if i misundertood what you wrote haha


now that we've settled that, let's start from the beginning- i love her nicknames?? second place screams all those second leads in animes and chacha is so cute haha! the other things in the basics are fine as well and yas a satoori buddy! seriously the other applicant is another satoori enthusiast so this girls will end up talking korean to each other without understanding each other- what a concept.


and yes for doyeon as a faceclaim, that is one y agent, i am screaming. her apppearance is fine as well and yas i love her style, totally dig those tbh omf-


an introvert yas- she is like the total opposite of joojoo to be honest, with the intelligence and all. her personality is well-written and i seriously feel like she screams those second leads from animes to be honest, so yes, i like her personality a lot! her mother though omg, leaving poor soncha at a young age asdfghjkl; but then she got a new kind mom and i m soft but then she's the mom of her rival hahahha- the dramas. i love this collab's concept, so good job!


moving on; april is my favourite month too! just bcs it s my birth month but whatever- and yas i feel you gurl chocolate with raisins is not a good combo i should've strangled that person who created it asdfghjkl- anyway i love all of those trivias and quotes for her too so thank you! i also love her relationship with yura, and thank you so much for including my baby!! i totally adore their relationship omf-


her magic section is okay too! and yas hahaha, her magic would be pretty useless in combats but she would be a great support, so don't worry baby. 


no love interest? no problemo actually! whispers i am actually very bad with romance; joojoo is my second oc to actuallly have a love interest tbh hahaha 


and we have arrived at the end of the applicaton! if any of your characters are chosen, i would be glad to include their characters development in the story! her password is accepted and the scene suggestions are cute af so yes! son chaeun is accepted and the dream is on its way to jasmine!


hidden in the forest

♛ clarified !


trapped in the dungeon

♛ clarified !

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Kim yeyeon


hello there! ok like tbh, when i saw your username i was like, who is this bean i haven't seen her around and she is not subscri- oh, so she changed her username- oh ok hahahahaha tthank you so much for sending in an application and seriously yall are so fast omf-


let's start with her review! her nicknames are cute especially ddorayi and then we got that cereal killer omf- reminds me of jacob from the boyz, who is another cereal addict hahha and yas another satoori buddy! i mentioned this to @sugalgi too cause both of you guys made them love their satoori more i am kinda wondering what more satooris are coming in hahha- the basics are all fine so good job!


next, omg i love her faceclaim- i haven't watched mixnine before but she is cute af; her appearance is also nice and her style is so well-written? she sounds aesthetic af and seriously love everything bout her style- good job girl!


moving on, i seriously love her personality? it is very well-written and i like the proud and confident attitude; and yas that boyish quote; i live for that. her background is another thing that i love bout your app too, it is something new for me and i love everything with the horses bits and her chidhood; her horse riding skill would totally benefits their adventure in faeritael tbh; and if she's chosen- i am definitely making her teach the other girls how to ride a horse. other than that, i also like how she ends up in seoul! so good job!


her trivias are all fine too; i find her dislikes for scary movies to be cute tbh hahaha- and this is out of the story actually, but both applicants i've received so far has a habit of cracking up their knuckles, and i personally has a fear of knuckle cracking so i dont know if i can even write that scene; reading it has scared the out of me already huhuhu; but whatever, sorry for the out of context nonsense. quote, playlist and aesthetics? i s c reamed, yasssss good job !


then to our ! i s cream ed once again yasss i totally love her power! the idea of burning down the strands and the limitation to it is brilliant! i also love the part where she can summon the dragon if she's worth it- so yeah in short, i love this power. 


an a.c.e member omf !! he's adorable to the max- their reationship with each other also screams cuteness and adorableness i cannot- but i saw some ardenes in the trivias? must be a copy and paste error hahaha


and yas! we have come to the end of the app; all of the scene requests are baes af so yes if she's chosen, i'll try to see where they can fit! her password is also accepted and to conclude; kim yeyeon is accepted and the dream is on its way to mulan! all the best!


hidden in the forest

♛ none


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Yang haerin


hello there britz! omf your name actually reminds me of the bratz doll,, i miss them so much omf- but okay, whatever- hey, thank you so much for applying! now let's get to your review!


her basic section is all simple and fine! and yass! another busan buddy for joojoo! to her appearance; a snowflake birthmark? brilliant! and i also love how her style is mostly in white, gives you more of the snow white vibe, isnt it? hahaha


moving on, her personality section is also fine! i love how she is a busybod person; to their advantage, it can definitely aid her or the group in getting more information. and for her background, can i first just say how shook i was when i read her parents bought her a freaking zoo? just aftr i reread i realized that it must be a typo for brought hahaha- but anyway; omf? poor babygirl getting traumatized for life like that- i would be scared too! but it's one great reason for a handicap; and her reason for being in seoul is also understandable, so good job!


her trivias are fine as well, and so is her relationships with her family members- can i just say how much i adore the father and the baby sister? the faceclaim for the father totally fits, and a sarcastic baby sister? i approve!


next, to the ! i lowkey expected someone coming with this power for snow white tbh hahah but it's all fine! one question though, you mentioned that the animals will do whatever she tells them too because they understand her; so will the animals blindly follow her, or do they have their own will in doing what they are told or not? because i dont think understanding her is good enough a reason for them to follow her. if you would please elaborate more on this, her magic section is good to go!


no love interest? no problemo! and that ould mean that we have reached the end of the review! her password gif is hilarious and yass- if she's chosen, i would definitely include her moments with baby haeri! so all in all, if you would just clarify the stuff bout her password, she'll be all good to go! yang haerin is accepted and the dream is on its way to snow white! thank you!


hidden in the forest

♛ clarified !


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
snow white
replace with fc


Kim seulmi


hi there ocha! thank you so much for applying! and no bb, i wouldn't mind a gloomy sweetheart one bit! i'll receive this princess with all my heart, so don't worry! now, let's get to her review!


and hottie? omf her apps is already screaming dramas from the start hahaha- but i've watched quite a few j-dramas to relate to this even though i haven't even experienced it myself, thank god- anyway, her basic secion is all good; and yas! another busan buddy for joojoo! i am thrilled! good job!


her appearance and style are all good too! and whispers tbh, i lowkey have always felt like aurora is the visual among the real princesses, so i really feel like her appearance fits a lot! but i am also kind of curious if every girls hate her because of her beauty, because that would just be tragic omf what is wrong with people-


anyway, moving on! her personality section is fine, i can imagine how she is as a character, i hope so, so that's good! for her background, is it okay if i ask you to explain who her father is actually, and wat major is she in in college? i just figured if she's chosen, the inforations can be helpful in the story! other than that, it is all good!


her trivia section is all good as well! i like how fairytale is both her likes and dislikes; but it's okay baby- all princesses experience hardship before they get their happily ever after; i'm sure you will find yours! but omf? old phone with no social media? gurl i am lost for words- and i also got confused to why her mother dyed her hair pink if she hates it hahaha but anyway, it's all fine! 


her relationship with her mother though, this is just so sad omf poor sunhee- if she's chosen, i would definitely make them slowly grow closer to each other as she gets older- i don't care! but oh lookie lookie who we have here! it's my baby girl omf- i like how they knew each other from childhood and their relationship! joojoo would probably be super sad that she got distant omf- poor them both.


now to her magic! i love all of the extra details you put in like what would happen if she pricks herself in public and crawling when it rains; so good job! i also love how her magic helps her find her significant other! but omf- kentaro and kento together? heroine shikkaku ? i approve babe! their relationship with each other is sweet, too bad not all agents will have their happily ever after i cry--


anyway! it seems like we have reached the end of the review! this girl is so sad, if she's chosen i'll definitely make her have a good time in faeritael and with the agents! i also love your scene requests, i am soft for her crying for joojoo and then omf ijkr ? poor our merida bby but it'sk okay i still love her a lot- so all in all, kim seulmi is accepted and the dream is on its way to aurora! thank you for applying!


hidden in the forest

♛ clarified !
♛ clarified !


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


SON yura


hi there pam! i have been waiting for you ever since i've read gabby's app hahha! also on a side note, whispers; i still cant differentiate between shownu and jooheon; please tell me i have the right man there hahaha sorry- so, let's get to her review!


drizella? omf i approve of this nickname- and wow a 98-liner; i've received a lot of 97 girls so having one 98 surely makes me excited! her basic section is all fine, and i love the mickey mouse tattoo? it is so cute, and so is her style! it really screams aurora to me, so good job!


i also love her personality a lot, and how her backstroy shaped her into what she is now! and tbh, one thing i like bout yours and gabby's app is how they find their step-parents to be perfect for them, which i am very soft for. it is also because in the fairytale world, step parents are usually wickedly evil; so i love the change here, good job!


her trivias section is all good; and omf 120- imagine yura bringing them all to faeritael omf- i m soft. but it's so sad how she'll never celebrate her birthday anymore after what happened. i also love her quotes a hell lot! i also like the deal she made with minhyuk and what eventually turned out to be when they are older? good job!


now to the ; no baby, i don't mind it at all that you are using the one from the plotline! it is there to help anyway hahaha one question though, why is she left with huge bruises each tme when she only needs to be pricked? sorry i m a bit dumb but it would be great if you can elaborate on that! and omf this girl be teasing enemies with her power smh girl-


and i was shook to see the essay for her love life? hahaha not that i minded- and i have only heard of the movie but haven't watched it; but it sounds like a good movie. one thing i would like you to do for the brothers though; maybe you can decide on one surname for them since they are brothers in this story? other than that, i don't find anything wrong with her love life !


and so we have reach the end of the review! her password is accepted and thank you for all the youtube and gifs links! they are totally fun to watch! anyway, the surname thingy isn't a big of a deal to give her an oopsie, so yura is accepted! the dream is now on its way to aurora! thank you!


hidden in the forest

♛ clarified !


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc




hi maggie! thank you so much for applying! tbh, when i saw your comment i immediately went, 'oh, two new apps!' because you and marshybleep are always together hahaha anyway, let's get to your review!


mama seo yas- i like me some motherly friend! if she's chosen, she would make a great addition! her appearance and style aew also fine, and i love how you mention her acnes? i don't see them often but it's a great addition there!i can see her basics are all fine, so good job!


moving on, i like how she is the mom but she's messy in the same time? it differs from all of the moms i've met- and tbh with you, if all of the girls who have applied are chosen, this is one hard group to deal with because they are all stubborn af lmfao- not that i minded though, hahaha- and omf her mom, thank god the parents are divorced or else the sweetheart would suffer even more; and the mom is not even a stepmom omf asdfghhjkl-


her trivia section is all fine as well, and oh god a-cha! haven't heard that song in a decade, remind me to listen to it back after i have finished this review hahaha to her relationship, i like how she is awkward with her father intially because it seems more relaistic that way. her roommate is also one great touch and i like the drama going on between bitna and ahri!


now to the magic, i like how you include a fee for every transformation and even an hourly fee? i dk why but i found that hilarious hahaha and even another extra charge at 12 omg this girl will have a hard time surviving- anyway, it is all good so well done!


now to the love interest, can i scream how mch i love you for using ricky? oh my goodness i miss this guy a hell lot so it's very exciting to see someone applied with him. i also find their relationship to be really cute, but okay- if she's chosen, i'll see where i'll go with their ending hahaha


so it seems like we have reached the end of the review! the password is actually supposed to be when she meets her own princess, so in her case it's cinderella, but i guess it's no problem? all in all, seo bitna is accepted and the dream is on its way to cinderella! thnk you for applying!



hidden in the forest

♛ none


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Kim ahri


my last review for toay, yas! hi there annie! seriously when maggie said your app is coming soon, i was expecting one or two days later tbh but turns out you guys are super fast so thank you! now, let's get to her review.


omf, her height reducing to below 130- i cant imagine it omf; why did i use this i am making the poor girl suffer hahaha i also love the snow white inspired quote in her appearance, and her style sounds good to me so her basics are all fine! good job!


moving on! her personality to me is quite the opposite with her faceclaim? hhahaha not that i minded but it's sure going to be one noticable thing for her if she's chosen when people would expect her for someone cute and lovelyz haha her background is fine as well! it's not too bland and the mother's death adds a nice (though unfortunate)  touch so yeah, well done!


her trivias are cool, and omf she only knows the original version- they are all fcked up girl fcked up! she must be weirded out when she arrives in faeritael omf haha- and i also like the twins? they are cute af and escaping to their sister's dorm from school; sounds like something i would do but too bad that i am the first first born hahaah 


next to her magic, i don't find anything wrong with it so it is good to go! and the last section is their love story, in which i think is cute but cuter that he got worried bout ahri getting shorter omf- that is hilarious hahaha anyway, nothing wrong so well done! 


so it seems like we have reached the end of the app! and yes, i do agree that snow white is pretty passive compared to mulan or merida, but she still has her kindness with the animals and dwarves hahaha- glad you made a strong ahri for her! so all on all, kim ahri is acceptef and the drem is now on its way to snow white! thank you!


hidden in the forest

♛ none

trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
snow white
replace with fc


Shin joori


hello there vivian, once again, thank you so much for applying! i am still shook at how fast you can get this in but oh well, some people can really work the magic ; anyway, let's get to your review!


"all chu joo is lie" ? brilliant! i love how punny her friends are- and i thank you so much for bringing in a 2000? i mean, i have changed joojoo's birthyear to 1999 so that would make you the youngest character i have received so far. umji is also such a cutie and fits her really well! her appearance is very well-written and i love how you write bout the girl's efforts in promoting herself for the hs romance part.


her personality is also fresh? instead of the agents part, she fits the dreamy and princess-y plot so well. if she's chosen, her parents' story would make a fine plot ideas for the story; their story sounds both cute and sad in the same time, but luckily the family is living happily with each other. her trivias scream cuteness overload as well; so good job! i specifically love the last trivia.


and i was surprised when i saw that you haven't the relationship part filled in the first time but i do agree that it will make it easier for me and you; if i am ever in need of any, i will hit you up! her magic section is also cool, and yas omf that kid swinging barbie around like i hv seen that and it actually scared the out of me y dont even know- but everything there is fine so well done!


no love interest? no problem with me! and that means that we hav arrived at the end of the review! yes, i do enjoy your oc and i can't wait for the second one! the password is accepted and if she is chosen, i will make sure the first scene request is in the story! so, shin joori is accepted and the dream is now on its way to rapunzel! thank you!


hidden in the forest

♛ none


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Seo soobin


hello there vivi! i am extremely sorry for the late review, but i tried my best to do this on my phone [which is actually pretty annoying bcs i have to switch from aff for your app and notes for the review bcs kakcksksanak i still want to give a long review eish]— anyway, thank you so much for applying! let's get to your review—


first thing first, thank you for being my first ariel applicant! i do agree that some princesses need more love but i am glad each princesses have received their own dream(s) as of the moment! dustbin is a cute nickname hahaha and jennie as a faceclaim????? did you hear me screaming??? no???? and chungha too??? omf gurl you dont wanna make me choose asdfghjkl—


her personality is all fine, but i have a lil issue with her background; i love how she has a twin sister bcs omf i am soft for family relationships,, and how she got inspired to become a doctor after the drama bcs that is basically me??? but the second paragraph needs to go because the agents are all gathered at the same time and so the backstory dont line up with the story! although, the scene can totally make a scene request if you want!


next, the relationship section has a lil problem too— as much as i screamed bcs i saw jin and his kids, i feel like the amount of her celebrity relatives is a bit excessive?? i mean, you can still keep them all but maybe change some of them to non-celebrities, if that is possible for you! and it would be very helpful if you can explain why she is cousins with meisa who, if i am not mistaken, a full-japanese while soobin is a full-korean. sorry if i am being demanding, but i hope you can fix those!


her magic section is all fine, and thank you so much for including the cause of her aquaphobia! i see that you have no love interest, and so we have reached the end of the review! and yes sure, i don't mind you putting erika as her crush. the app is now pending until you can fix the mistakes i pointed! thank you so much for applying!


hidden in the forest

♛ none.


trapped in the dungeon

♛ clarified!

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


im haewon


helo there sweetheart! okay so like, i don't know if i should call you crazy lady or cat mom or boba because they all scream cuteness overload to me but asdkcl ok whatever— thank you so much for applying and let's get to your review! i love her middle name??? hahaha well at least it is not her first— and i love all of her nicknames especially brownie and the won puns bcs omf cash and dollar baby lmfao! and yasss a mixed korean, we barely have any in the group so thank you so much! she's also a youtuber omf— i bet she must be struggling to have these disney singing moments on her youtube channel because i know i would— next, let me just scream again bcs you used solbin as her faceclaim like omf yasssss i love her so much! i also love how her parents influence the siblings in being stylish with their fashions like yas again babe! so all in all, her basic section is all fine so good job! movong on, i am so in love with her personality and all the quotes! maybe it's because i am an enfp myslef so it's very easy for me to relate to her— her background is also hilarious especially her birth moment but that drake part made me go eahhhh a little?? it's ok since she's legal and everything but it still made me go eahhhh hahah so can you please explain more especially when she moved to korea and everything. i won't put this as a mistake but i hope you can elaborate on this! her trivias are all fine and i especially love that lil cute vandalism of hers! charlemagne xavier king wow gurl— oh and thank you gor her aesthetics too! RYAN REYNOLD AND SAMUEL I AM S C R E AMING LAKDOSOAOAOAAOAI okay i am going to sue you bye. lowkey want to have blake here too bcs they are my top ship akdkak— her magic section is hilarious too and it is fresh for me! d O NOT! smack the white rabbit i tell you— we do not condone violence unless necessary— i feel you gurl, having namjoon with a different name is awkward for me too but ok, you do what you wanna do. the meeting is cute af and wtf are you doing ignoring the boi gurl— ok so they are cute. full stop. we have reached the end of the review yey! the password is accpeted and yas i love chat messages too akdksks so all in all, im haewon is accepted and the dream is on its way to ariel! thank you for applying!


hidden in the forest

♛ drake lol


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


chae byulgi


yayyy hi back vivian with their second character!! i thank you so much for applying twice and yessss you applied with a merida!! so now all of the princesses wil be receiving their dream(s) i am hyped! let's not waste more time and get on with the review!


lioness is such a cute and fitting nickname to be honest- i love it! but imagine calling her lioness when she's in her bear form and some clueless faeritalians would assume the agents are stupid omf— anyway, all of her basics are fine so good job!


next, i am extremely sorry to say that i will be using junghwa as her faceclaim instead! i feel like junghwa fits better age-wise although goeun is as a faceclaim is actually pretty hilarious,, hhahaha the hair is a fine touch bcs imagine byul meeting merida and they just have a hair bonding moment to make rapunzel and her agent jealoua omf—


moving on, you actually came with a more agent-like character this time like you promised hahahahah omf imagine putting julie and byul together hahahah they would be so cute together— i love her personality in conclusion. her background is also well-written, and awwe poor bby girl; divorce can really damage children like akdksjdid but i am happy her mom found someone else;


brave star omg that is cute,, and i told you byul and julie would be cute together like imagine julie getting sulky with byul for looking down on her fairytale— cue joojoo actually glaring at the girl too tbh. her trivias are all cute so good job too!


next, her magic section is all fine— i especially love the scratching part omf it must be so fckimg satisfying i feel you bears. and hi sehun— i was actually hoping to see him bcs you seem to love him so much hahahah i love the idea of the faeritael and reality version of sehun; and yes, i am going to try my best to not make things that similar to the oroginal or the disney version of fairytales, so there will be lots of different effects here and there; whixh like i mentiomed somewhere before, the agents will influence the story flow! and if you want it to be a bee, who am i to deny that wish hahahahh although, they get the magic from the princess prior to their time so hahahah


and so we are already at the end of the review! and no hahah the time in faeritael runs a lil faster than reality, think narnia hahhaha but the 10 years will just focus on the moments where all of the disney things are happening together all at once, so there is like, no ancestor times even if they talk about ancestors— it's a lil ridiculous but it's just for the story hehehe i hope i explained that well; AND YAS HAVING CHILDREN ON YOUR OWN IS PRECIOUS OKAY I LOVE BABIES TBH I AM MORE CHILDREN THAN HUSBAND TYPE OF PERSON TBH OK BYE. chae byulgi is accepted and the dream is on its way to merida! finally, she's been askimg me for her dreams tbh—


hidden in the forest

♛ none.


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none.

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Goo jeongshi


hello there yolk! omf- yolk, sorry but that is so cute- and i also love the yolk better than the white eggs omf hahaha- anyway, i am extremely sorry for the late review; i just got my hands on the laptop so let's not wate more times and go straight to the review!


woowwee, hi there, another busan girl! and she is also another maknae yass i thank you so much! we have so much 97-liners i really do appreciate younger agents that would be more similar to the princesses' ages. oh and, before i forget- can you please check if i use the right picture of jiwon? ehehe i am so sorry because i am only familiar with some of the girls from fromis_9 tbh. anyway, all of the basics are done nicely and i really love how you write her appearance, good job!


moving on, her personality is very easy to understand, and i especially love that you make her a scaredy-cat! i mean, in every group of adventures, it won't be fun if there are none of those scaredy-cats who would hesitate first before they go jump into whatever risks they are doing, right? kudos for you on that! and wowwee, the girl is a trainee- i love the idea but; i do think it will be hard for her once she has debuted since the girls would always be called into the faeritael world like all of the sudden- so i don't really think it would be a very good idea? but anyway, if you can come up with a solution for this problem, i would really consider it! sorry for making you fix things- anyway, the rest of the section is fine! lmfao that strawberry stuffs- the girl does take some risks sometimes hahaha oh and one more thing; in case if we go on with the idol idea, can you please include why she has not debuted yet considering she has kasper as her talent twin? thank you! oh and, i also love that she has a second mother to take care of her in seoul- omf i am soft


next; her magic session is also done well! i love how she is a rapper but has to sing fo her magic to work, and singing the whole healing incantation song? good luck baby i am praying for your voice- peterpan as a love intrest i 100% approve of this! their relationship is so cute but too bad every girls having a lover in faeritael won't get their happily ever after; the irony oh god. but it will be long before i will even finish this so let's enjoy ll the fluffs first, eah?


and walaa it seems like we have arrived at then end of the review! also, don't worry bout peter's faceclaim hahha- all characters that have a faceclaim from disney will use just that- unless if you would like to use obbie (cause he is bae af omf he is like hotter than his own grandchil whot), we can chang it to robbie! her scene requests are all cute and if only you would fix on the idol section, i will gladly accept goo jeongshi! thank you so much for applying!



hidden in the forest

♛ none


trapped in the dungeon

♛ clarified!

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Jung saetbyeol


finally "ur bij" i was waiting asdfghjkl- now let's get to her review! and smh her name is so long like look, she's the only one who's name is not on the same line as her surname lololol hahahh


first of all, yasssss a codename! i think she's the first applicant yet to have one (if i remember correctly) so kudos bub! but that explanation though lmfao- but wowwee yass!!! sae and joojoo are the same age; i seriously did not notice you changing the birthyear tbh. and then omf yas scientific names; i had a biology teacher who uses scientific names to curse if you must know. if she is chosen i might start making her name other agents with scientific names lmfao


AND THAT QUOTE omf i m w h eezin g- am i the only one who started singing meghan trainor's no because of that quote? no? clears throat; moving on- omf muscles dayum girlie /winks/ but who tf get triggered by jeans and slippers don't yall do that or hv your lazy days smh. anyway, everything seems to be good so far, well done bub!


moving on, smh my curious just googled PLATICHTHYS FLESUS and lmfao was that intentional cause "flounder" lolol. her personality is so well-done like all of your characters bub and i like how you use the students', professors' and her own perspective on her for it. having someone who is not a team person would add another "problem to be handled' in the storyline and scenes for characters growth!


next, the background that got me hOLY MOLY SHT- because it was long but i love it! i love long apps tbh don't ask me why- ; her background is well-written too and explains her well; and you telling me bout the jeju sea women is honestly the first time i heard of them so i am definitely thankful for that. that librarian sharing stories to sae just sound like a start of an adventure book's heroine tbh and i love the feel for it hnggg her reason for being in seoul is good too so well done bub!


and excuse you but this stranger got a name, and it is adhra, thank you. adhra aka your mommy's master, thank you unu. anyway, love that format bab. oh and i ll make sure you'll love joojoo even though she is that loud-loud, thank you hahahaha AND OMF WOKE YAS PERIOD IS A BIG NO-NO ! and i am actually more dusgusted by her waking up before her alarm than the overcooked noodle omf but isok honey, you do you. 



magic section next! i love all of the details and cracks supply you provide for me, my pleasure- aND WHY CAN'T I LET HER HAVE HER FUN LET HER DO THE HYBRID STUFFS smh isok bby your aunty got your back-


and here comes the cutie alis! his relationship with prince eric is so cute and even if it's not similar, the relationship reminds me so much of merlin and arthur fro the serioes and i cant stop smiling hng 


that meeting with alis though lmfao gurlll you seriously just middle-fcked in front of a prince, i shall have you beheaded honestly; jkjk hahaha their interaction is cute af but i would honestly still ship him with prince eric coughs bye and wow is so meone demanding a marriage-


AND FINALLY WE HAVE ARRIVED AT THE END OF THE REVIEW!  i know i told you i ll do it tomorrow but my father is not home cause world cup so i have extra time on my laptop : DDD THAT MAGIC SECTION IS GREAT DONT ARGUE AND YES TO THE SCENE REQUESTS i will try my best if she's chosen- overall, she's a very fun character so i am glad to say that she is accepted! the dream is now on its way to ariel and thank you for applying !


hidden in the forest

♛ none


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc




hi, bub! i am so sorry for the late review but i was caught up with anime that i didn't go on aff hehehehhe please forgive me ;; so let's not waste more time and get to haneul's review1


mama bear is such a cute nickname, and i am soft for mother-ish characters! and jinsoul is so beautiful too, i bet if one is to trick the faeritaelian that she's a princess, i am sure the people wold believe it. a question though, may i know if her birthdate is the second of january or first of february? since people write them differenlty- it's not a mistake thouh, don't worry! if she's a 2nd february, then that would make sense she's the momma given she's the oldest hahaha


her friend asking her to wear blue contacts is cute too, and i just relate so much to her obsession for floral design tbh, since i am one myslef! like i don't know, floral design is the best to be honest- and omf running around barefooted is so cute! so far she seems good, so good job!


i am also soft for haneul's personality; like i mentioned before, i like the motherly and good girl vibes around her- and lmao nurses sending her christmas card is just so cute though hahaha- but i feel like rather than intp, she fits infp better? correct me if i am wrong though.


her background is also cute, and i am happy haneul has such a great aunt to take care of her- question, don't the aunt have her own family? anyway, everything so far is still cute so well done again!


next, trivias! gurlllll vanilla smell is my bae what you mean you hate it asdfghjkl ok jk jk- for her habits, you mentioned that she hurts herself often; i am assuming by accident, right? and omf tea lover; time for tea party with the other agents then! her quotes are all cute too and i can totally imagine haneul doing the last one; and molly weasley's hugs- wait why am i so soft omf ;u; her friends are also the cutest i also support- having the most popular guy in school and that haneul is pretty too, was there any gossips in school?


moving on, YES!!!!! i so have forgotten bout barbie's rapunzel after tangled came out to be honest, thank you for ringing my memory back!! the magic is all good; everything is dtailed and i like the little things you add into it! all well done, bub!


hoseok as a love interest, i ship! and so we have reached the end of the review! i knew i asked a lot of questions but none of them are even serious to have her as pending, so bae haneul is accepted! the dream is now on its way to rapunzel, all the best!


hidden in the forest

♛ her birthdate
♛ habit 


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc




hi there, bub! thank you so much for applying! to be honest, when i first saw her name, i thought it was youngjae and i was like whot? hahaha but then i read it back and oh, it's youngae lololol now let's get to your review!


yey !! another codename! lavender is a cute choice, its refrence too- though i never finished the movie?? and now they are even coming with ariel's and mulan's live-actions omf i hope they are good tbh. kitchen princess is such a cute nicky and hooray for another maknae line! i can see that she's one of the rare mixed girl, hooray for that too! somi is such a cute faceclaim choice, and wowwee she workouts! at least she is fit enough for all the missions in faeritael, good job there! her style is also so cute, i can totally see somi working it out!


moving on, her personality is good, and thank you for explaining them well! her background is too! i can see the resemblance with cinderella and i particularly like that it's a step-dad instead of another boring step-mom. although, their relationship is still something we cannot avoid, huh ?? huhuhu i wish lil youngae can cope with living in korea; and i like how you make her ended up in seoul- good job bub!


and omf tsum tsum i am soft ;u; but omf i am softer for the rabbit yesss but wtf i need that deluxe pass too no fair youngae asdfghjl jkjk but girl all the best for paris and her teaching bakery to kid is just the cutest! i also like that she was dissapointed it wasn't her favourite princess that picked her and omf fear for birds- if she's chosen, she might have to cope a little since birds are one of cinderella's bestfriends. one question regarding the relationship section though, is her stepsisters her age or younger?


next! the magic! i love this part the most! being able to summon the animals t o help her and transforming the glass slippers as weapon? clever bub! i also like the handicaps, and omf imagine this girl screaming for cinderella omf that would be funny since this era' cinderella won't even recognise her haha; anyway, good job bu!


now to the love interest, i am afraid i am not familiar with the movie, sorry bub ;; i mean, i've seen it somewhere before like on tv if i'm nost mistaken, but i don't think i watched it with focus that time- but i'll make sure to check it out later! anyway, i love his personality, and i like their relationship too it's simple and cute, but wowwee the ending ;; isok bub, it will be long till we reach that part huhu


and it seems like we have reached the end of the review! don't worry bub, even after 2 years you are still good! and don't worry out the powers, i am okay with them as long as they are believable! the hallowwen and yoga idea is the cutest, and i am happy to say that youngae is accepted! the dream is on its way to cinderella, all the best!


hidden in the forest

♛ none


trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Yang taeyeon


hello there bub! i am so sorry that this review is so fcking late, but i had to finish my overdued app first omf please forgive me cries ;; and and and, can you please check if i use the right faceclaims for the both of them ?? hehehe okay, so let's get to your review!


ok omf push-over how dare they call this munchkin with such nickname i m in rage asdfghjkl but anyway hng ! another girl for the maknae line!


also, elris visuals are really stunning? although i am not familiar with them so i had to get help from a friend to see if she's really bella hahahha but omf she's the cutest tbh hng! i also love how realistic you make her appearance section, with the breakouts and stuffs! caution though bub, i do hear that hairs can make the breakout worst, just telling. her style is cute too, and i find it totally adorable when girls tuck their shirts in to be honest, i don't really know why- and seeing how she uses her brother's stuffs too, i can sense that they are pretty close hnggggg kudos bub cause i am weak for siblings goals tbh


moving on, please tell me how to code aesthetically like you senpai please. reading her personality made me explode into a big uwu, like she is such a precious cinnamon roll infp.


AND OMF YOU DID NOT MENTION IT S NOT JUST A BROTHER, BUT A TWIN BROTHER OMF hit me there dfhfgjg BUT OMF PARENTS WHY OMF POOR THE TWINS oh well at least they are still together but it's so sad seeing twins who can't even be separated before drifted apart i--- i m glad they are okay now huhu


her trivias are all fine, although i must say taeyeon not being a disney fan shocks me a little haha, it's nothing bad really haha i love how she's the top in her school too, but still hasn't found her passion yet . the father's app also sounds very interesting to me and would help a lot of youngins or anyone really inancially. 


her relationship with the brother is also extra cute, especially how taeseon checks her rank first like hngggg the aesthetics are so cute too !! it's quite sad how her brother's bestfriend is listed but there is none for her i ;; bUT OMF HI THERE YOU INCLUDED MY BUB THANK YOU! i can definitly see taeyeon being unsure when it comes to joojoo, and im excited to see how their relationship will bloom!


her magic section is also very well-done, i thank you for being so detailed in it! all of it gives me so much ideas and i can see how the older girls will probably overwhelm her in their attemppt to help the younger hahahha


moving on, wang kai's story reminds me a lot of general shang, and so it is no problem at al with me; we can definitely use him for taeyeon's love interest! allthough, holy moly sht the story is so fcking long omf i probably will need to reread things back if she's chosen later. anyway, their story sounds interesting; i especially love how kai is different off and in training session, to me it shows how professional the male is. and hnfff the onlyperson who make her feel all the angers and frustration omf; they did say only special people can make you feel a thousand of feels. all in all, it's a nice story, and omf i admit gulty because most of these girls aren't getting their happy endings tbh. 


finally! phew, this is so fcking long i am sorry- anyway, to answer your question- it's pretty much runs like narnia. like when the agents enter faeritael, they'll return back to the real world maybe a couple minutes to a few hours after they first went, even after you have been weeks in faeritael. although, after they've return to the real world, the time here and in faeritael will become align back; pretty much the agents entering faeritael is influencing the time. i hope that explains it, feel free to ask me more!


your scene suggestions are all good and so is your password; i'm happy to say that taeyeon is accepted and the dream is now on its way to jasmine! good luck!


hidden in the forest

♛ none

trapped in the dungeon

♛ none

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Full name


your review will be here!


hidden in the forest

♛ any parts that would need further elaborations will be listed here!


trapped in the dungeon

♛ it seems like you've made a mistake! please fix everything that is listed here!

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Full name


your review will be here!


hidden in the forest

♛ any parts that would need further elaborations will be listed here!


trapped in the dungeon

♛ it seems like you've made a mistake! please fix everything that is listed here!

replace with fc or love
replace with fc


Full name


your review will be here!


hidden in the forest

♛ any parts that would need further elaborations will be listed here!


trapped in the dungeon

♛ it seems like you've made a mistake! please fix everything that is listed here!

replace with fc or love
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「 OUAD 」planning to start on characters' introductions but i still hv no idea what to write for joojoo ghgftryhv sen d h e l p


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Chapter 4: hey, this is also a late comment... but don't worry!! it's all good!
you got both fcs right, hehe. they are all really pretty!! and hence why taeyeon continues breaking out.. (is because of her hair)..
siblings who bicker are cute.. but i, a sibling goals Enthusiast.. also, i think, taeyeon does have "friends", but i think none that she would consider 'really close'?? that's why??
also, i went ham with the l/i story section.. and i'm glad u liked it... i love general shand and i thrive in angst... also, thank u for answering the q!! and for liking her too! ^__^
Chapter 6: Okay i just read yeyeon's drabble and i didn't know it was done hahahahaha!! It was really accurate how she treats horses better than humans sometimes that was spot on!!!
14 streak #3
I can't wait to see who you choose!
ooooh deadline is here!
excited to see the story start heheheheeh
hi!! i know this is late, but could i get an extension? (੭ ・᷄﹏・᷅)੭ु⁾
hullo..i was wondering if i can get an extension please? thank you! <3
Chapter 4: HEEEY. thank you for liking Haneul and for your nice review !! :))
Her Birthday is the 2nd of January. And yes the hurting thing was referring to her clumsiness, not self harm :)
Her aunt never married or had children, sorry, I should've made that clear. That is why she cherishes Haneul so much.
She actually was supposed to me a INFP .. little misspelling happened there, sorry :D:D

P.S. Dunno if you made a little mistake there.. but the love interest fc is actually shin hoseok (Wonho) from monstaX and I think you chose a pic from pentagon's Hongseok (not sure tho..) but if you prefer him you can take him as a fc aswell :)
Chapter 4: yay thanks for the cute review!! i'm glad you like my precious kitchen princess youngae c:

tbh her name throws me off sometimes too lmao i saw an app for another applyfic where the character's name was youngae and i was like ooo unique i'll save it for myself

bruh i'm so excited for the live action mulan I almost auditioned for fun l o l but you had to be fluent in mandarin for the role of mulan and my mandarin is v crappy so i was like forget thisss


but anyways youngae's stepsisters are about the same age as her! one stepsister is one year older than the other one tho
Chapter 6: the jack and jill kdhfd so adorable
i love the drabbles and certainly enjoyed your writing *heart icons*
also screaming @ the deadline !!
btw the pic you used for alis is actually rowoon and not jaeyoon LMFAO
and yeah i highkey ship alis and prince eric like wth XDDD
but marriage >.>