Ipod Shuffle Challenge


So I stole it from Smalltowngirl98
So you Don't tell anyone. 
LOL Yeah. I know. Ironic. I told you to keep it a secret but the font is large. 
Whatever. There are stuff which are just really ironic.
So Imma explain it. 


I put my playlist on shuffle then I play a song.
I have to write a one-shot about it.
And since I am the most inspired when it comes to one-shots, this is perfect for me.
That's why you! you . Shall read this. Aryt?

Extra challenge: I am only to repeat the song for 3 times. After that. No more. 
I'll write it in A/N if I did the fic with E/C aryt?
*A/N = Author's Note E/C = Extra Challenge.

And just to remind everyone, I hate happy endings since they're too cliche.
I hate cliche. I just love being unpredictable and different, you know?

Well actually it's not like I hate them but I'd rather have the main character get together with the male antagonist.


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Haha ^^* You got found out!~ LOLZ
LOVE LOVE the poster and of course the One-shots.
I think you write one-shots better than me. .___>
Anyways, Hwwaiting! ;D
oh it's not! mianhae! we were tagged! ohhh mian mian mian mian! this isn't plagiarism!
oooh bad you stole this haha
i know smalltowngirl98! ima tell her! haha kidding1
but this IS plagiarism
LivingColor #4
Oh now I am curious. o.o;