Chapter 1 = Home

Billion Dollar Love (A Yoonmin AU)

Jimin sat at his desk and was writing. Being the creative person he is, he was writing a song, even though he wasn't good at it at all. Jimin knew it wasn't really anything special. A super famous singer won't read it, or anything fabulous. But it was just for him. 


Jimin looked up and saw everyone putting their binders in their backpacks, and walking out of the classroom. He folded the small paper he had, and shoved it into his pocket, along with his pencil. 

The moment he walked out of the classroom, he saw two boys running to him. 

"Jiminie!" They both managed to pull the so called 'Jiminie' into a group hug. One of them smiled, showing their bunny like teeth, and the other one showed their boxy smile and laughed. 

"We got a call from Seokjin! It's about the whole orphanage! Plus he said it was great news!" Jungkook said while separating away from the hug. 

"Well what is it?" Taehyung questioned while still hugging Jimin. "You haven't told me either." 

"I don't know either. He said it was going to be a great suprise>" 

"Welp that's no fun! Why did they have to even call us about it when they aren't even gonna say what it is?" Honestly, I don't really got those people." Taehyung finally said while letting go of Jimin to pout and complain. 

"Let's just start walking back.The sooner we get there, they are going to tell us what's up." Jimin said. 

And so the trio did. 

*~*+ *~* 

Yoongi sat in his office think about the huge decision he had just made. To be able to make himself and the company look good, he decided that with all the bedrooms and food he has, he could let some people stay and live inside him mansion. With that in mind, he ordered his butlers and maids to clean up each room, and make it as homely as any room could go. With some help, he called many places to see if they would want to live there. Orphanages. Sadly, most turned him down, leaving him with only one option. 

After a few long minutes, the called ended and the decision was final. 

Min Yoongi had all the kids n the Shino Orphanage to live inside his huge mansion. 

"Mr. Min! The bedrooms are ready! And the chefs are already making a huge meal for our guest's arrival. Do you need anything else to be done?" One of his multiple secretaries came into his office and explained the news. 

"No. That would be fine than you. OH! And tell Marget that she has to start cleaning up her act or her job is gone." Yoongi explained while looking at his list of Emails in his Inbox. Most of them were information on every kid in the Shindo orphanage. 

The secretary then bowed, and left the room peacefully, writing down on his notepad. 


They boys were about to open the door when Seokjin gave the trio their second group hug f the day. 

"Yay! More hugs. It feels go go to be loved!" Taehyung exclaimed while hugging Seokjin tighter. 

"T-Tae Tae.." Seokjin started hitting him." I can't breathe!' He kept on hitting Taehyung until he finally let go.

"So. What were you talking about on the phone?" Jimin asked breaking the small silence between the four boys. 

" know that guy Min Yoongi? Private investor? Owner of a super great working electronic company? The-" 

' Of cource we know him!  He also seems to have all the money of the world! " Jungkook said, while cutting poor Seokjin off. 

"Anyways...He. Called. The . Director! Anddd.. He invited everyone to live with him inside his mansion! And of cource that was an automatic yes! And we leae TODAY!"

In a flash, everyone was jumping up and down like they were at the kpop concert. They then went into their rooms to go pack their things. 

The speaker on the ceiling began to speak." Everyone! Please meet in the dining hall so we can make sure we don't leave anybody behind! Exactly at 5:50 we will take roll."

-A Few Moments Later - 

"Everyone's here! Now com on! Everyone get in a limo! They will take us to Mr. Min's mansion!" The director opened the doors and everyone saw five black limos waiting for the orphans to come inside. And take them to their new home. 

- Chapter 1 Fin - 

A/N: so... What do you think of the new book?! Leave an upvote and subscribe if you want to! Thank you! :3


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Ok! So I had a notebook that had the chapter in it, but I lost it. As soon as I can find it, I'll write the new chapter.


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Hopefully... :) . I had the whole plan for the next chapter, but I forgot to save , and it had like 2000 words... yeah
Chapter 3: Soooo Updates?? ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ..
1. Jin is younger than Yoongi by only one year. Jimin and Tae are the same age( 17) , and Kookie is two years younger than Tae and Jimin ( 15). Yoongi is 22.
2. as said, yes he is.
3. No, there are about twenty other kids that are in the orphanage. Except Jin, since he is the directors nephew.
Bchester #4
First question how old are each character that Jin, Jimin, Tae, and Kookie are still at an orphanage?
Second is Jin younger then Yoongi in this story? Third does the orphanage Jimin live at only have four kids?