Next Target

Cafe War

BAM! went the door as Heechul entered the cafe. Donghae and Siwon quickly ran up to him.

"So? Did you do it?" Donghae asked. Heechul slowly nodded, holding a fist. Donghae and Siwon grinned widely.

"Great! One down, two to go!" Siwon cheered, hugging Donghae. 

"I don't have a chance with her anymore," Heechul muttered. The two stopped hugging and stopped to listen about Heechul's problem.

"What do you mean, Heechul? I mean, we're winning!" Donghae exclaimed. Heechul hesitated, looking away.

"Never mind! Who's the next target, anyways?" Heechul asked, changing the subject. Donghae pointed to Siwon.

"This is your job, Siwon," Donghae said. Siwon widened his eyes.

"Eh? Why me? Yuri is has a brick heart! I can't break that!" Siwon protested. Donghae shook his head.

"She must have some kind of weakness towards you!" Donghae said, slamming his fist on a table. 

"Well she doesn't, and I know for sure. She's my enemy, and I studied her. No weakness! She just frowns and snaps at people, especially me," Siwon confirmed. Donghae sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"Look, she got to have a little weakness!" Donghae said. Suddenly, the door opened. The three boys got up quickly, hoping it would be a customer. But instead, it was Yuri.


"YA! KWON YURI! DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S DISRESPECTFUL TO INTERRUPT PEOPLE TALKING?" Siwon shouted. Yuri stomped towards Siwon and smacked him on his head.

"Don't you know it's rude to break someone's heart!?" Yuri asked, her eyes tearing up. Of course you don't, you love someone else, Yuri thought. Donghae raised an eyebrow, seeing how Yuri was reacting to Siwon.

"Well, it's not one of us, right?" Siwon asked, looking at Donghae and Heechul. They just shrugged.

"Then I'm staying here until one of you guys confesses," Yuri said, sitting on a chair. Donghae and Siwon eyed of Heechul, hoping he would confess. But instead, Heechul swept the floor, avoiding everyone's gaze. Donghae gave Siwon a look. Siwon scrunched his fore head. He sighed, and Siwon went up to Yuri.

"Well, if you're staying here, I should talk to you until you're bored to death, hm?" Siwon offered. Yuri scoffed.

"Pu-leaze!" Yuri said, rolling her eyes. Siwon narrowed his eyes.

"So, as I was saying, none of us did whatever you were talking about to Jessica! We don't even like her!" Siwon protested. Yuri laughed, slamming her hand on the table.

"Don't lie, Choi Siwon," Yuri said seriously, pointing at him, "If you lie, I can make sure you have the worse time with me EVER." Siwon gulped, leaning back. 

"Er, what do you not like?" Siwon asked dumbly. Donghae groaned as Heechul slapped his face. Yuri glared at him.

"Nothing. Except you," Yuri snapped, crossing her legs. Siwon took a deep breath. I knew she had no weaknesses!

"I hurt Jessica!" Heechul finally confessed, raising his hand. Yuri got up and stomped right towards him. Ready for her blow, Heechul shrank. Seeing how weak Heechul was, Yuri crossed her arm.

"Babo! You knew she loved you! I don't know if you loved her, but you didn't need to kiss her enemy in front of a whole crowd! I hope you can be able to change her mind of how she thinks of you," Yuri said softly, glaring at Heechul.

"What, what do you mean change her mind?" Heechul asked, shocked.

"Aigoo~ She's dating Jonghyun now!" Yuri announced. Heechul gasped, widening his eyes. He look away, his eyes darkening.

"He's a jerk! Why would she date someone like him?" Heechul mumbled. Yuri just shrugged. Just when she was going outside, she turned around.

"Jessica gave Yoona and me a weird warning, thought. She said, 'Beware of the one you love.' Do you guys know anything what that means?" Yuri asked. The boys widened, quickly shaking their heads. Yuri sighed once more and went out. Quickly, Donghae went up to Siwon.

"I think I know her weakness," he winked.

"Mwoh? What is it?" Siwon asked, getting all excited. 

"I'm pretty sure she loves you!" Donghae smiled. Siwon laughed.

"Oh yeah? Show me proof!" Siwon demanded.

"Do this: kiss Tiffany when you're in front of Yuri and her friends. If she runs away, ask her friends what is wrong with her. Do this all calmly. After that, you say you want to 'help' her out. You run off to Yuri to 'comfort' her. Right then-- BAM! You break her heart just like that!" Donghae explained, his hands moving all around.

"Alright, Donghae. I'll try. But I bet you it won't work," Siwon betted. Donghae just shrugged.

"Just do it. We're one step closer of being the king of the cafe here! Won't our manager be pleased about this, Siwon?" Donghae asked. Siwon nodded slowly.

"Sure. I'll start it tomorrow in the morning," Siwon said, winking at Donghae. You're gonna regret it, Siwon, Heechul thought, continuing to sweep the floor.

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@HanuelJung: Haha, thank you! ^_^
this was cute!
@YoonHae38: Unfortunately, I don't write like this anymore. My writing style has, in a way, matured a bit compared to the past. :P
I really loved this story (one of my ultimate faves hehe) and you're one of the best writers i've ever seen ^^ hope you continue to write like this in the future :D
@ILufIU: Oh my gosh really? :O I'm so honored to be the reason for you to join asianfanfics! ^^ I also love you as a supporter of this story! Even though it's not my best writing piece, I'm thrilled to know that someone gave this story a chance and caused them to join this site. :D Thanks!
This was the second fanfic I've ever read, and it was the reason why I joined asianfanfics. So at that time I was a Yoona and Heechul shipper and I was searching for videos of them. Until I saw a link of asianfanfics, I clicked and I thought it was going to be an article of the couple, but instead it was a story, as I finished chapter 1 I was so amazed with your writing, I thought this website is interesting. Now it's been 2 years since I've read this the first time. Love you author nim! As a reader!~~
@shikana: Thank you! :D LOLZ XD 5th time? Wow, that's a lot! XD Mm... I'll be thinking about that request. :) There's a good chance that I'll do it, but I'll have to think about it. >_<
This is actually 5th time reading this and I'm not feeling tired of reading this over and over again! You're officially my favorite author!

Can I request? When you finished one of your stories, can you write a fanfic with YoonHae and WooU in it? I really love all your YoonHae and WooU fanfics!
@iknowright: Thank you! ^_^