Still Using You

Cafe War

"Heechul," Donghae whispered, "we're going to plan something. Most of our customers are gone, only two or three come now."

"Why are we whispering? No one's even here!" Heechul exclaimed in his regular voice. Donghae shushed him quickly, which made Heechul jump.

"As I was saying, we need to plan something and you're part of this. We have to use Jessica again," Donghae whispered. Heechul widened his eyes, his heart in pain. 

"We can't!" Heechul shouted. Siwon smacked Heechul behind his head as Heechul lower his voice.

"Why can't we?" Siwon hissed.

"I love her!" Heechul confessed. Donghae and Siwon gasped.

"Well, then, we have a problem," Donghae sighed, thinking.

"We wanted you to get secret information from Star's Cafe. But since you love her...." Siwon sighed.

"We'll have to fire you," Donghae finished. Heechul widened his eyes. Fire me?! FIRE ME?! IMPOSSIBLE! I need this job! Aish... I'm sorry, Jessica.

"I'll help. How do we do it?" Heechul asked. Donghae smirked and started to explain the plan...

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The next day, Jessica entered her class again, and saw everyone respecting her. She felt nervous, adjusting her glasses. Heechul stared at her, nervous about what he was going to do to the one he loves. 

"Jessica! I painted my nails just like you wanted me to! What do you want me to do next?" a girl a bit shorter than Jessica asked. Jessica sighed, rolling her eyes. I asked you the paint your nails because you were bothering me and you wanted to do something for me instead of going away! You didn't have to paint your nails!

"Um, great! Er, you can erase them off if you want--"

"I'll only erase them off if you want me to," the girl replied, smiling. Jessica gulped. I'm not a judge, girly, Jessica thought coldly.

"Just move our of my way," Jessica snapped. Heechul raised an eyebrow, worried. She never acts like this. I wonder what's going on... Heechul thought. Jessica quickly took her seat, as the girl kept crying and crying. Heechul turned to Jessica.

"Hey Sica," Heechul smiled. Jessica smiled back, trying to warm up to him. 

"Hi Heechul," Jessica greeted back.

"So I remember you saying that you were, like the leader of Star's Cafe?" Heechul said. Jessica scrunched her eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" she asked coldly.

"Like, remember how I saved you from Sohee and Jo Kwon? You said that they asked you for some help?" Heechul reminded. Jessica nodded lightly. 

"Well, er, yeah!" Jessica lied. 

"Then tell me, do you remember anything about the history and Star's Cafe?" Heechul quizzed. Jessica nodded. She knew everything, including the secrets, about Star's Cafe!

"Well, Star's Cafe opened somewhere when your cafe opened. We always had enemies, and fought with them. Eventually, we won! Oh, and we were named after the owner, who was a star. So that's why our cafe was called, 'Star's Cafe'!" Jessica said. Heechul bit his lips, getting very impatient. That tells me nothing about your weaknesses! Heechul thought. Jessica kept going on with the history of Star's Cafe, which bored Heechul.

"But, then, there was something really important I wasn't suppose to tell," Jessica said slowly. Heechul's ears started listening carefully.

"It's about our weaknesses. Each year, we would compete with the same cafe. We would lose, but eventually, at the end, there would be a tie. We don't know what the cafe name was, but we would lose from them. Do you know why?" Jessica asked. Heechul shook his head. This is really good information! Heechul thought.

"We would lose from them because we would be blinded by love," Jessica finished. Heechul kept that in mind. Only weakness for them is love. Remember that, Heechul! he reminded himself. After school, he rushed to Super Expresso. He looked at Jessica once more, and felt guilty. I'm sorry, Jessica. I'm really, really, really, sorry!

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"Love?" Donghae asked, his eyebrows raising up. Heechul nodded slowly.

"That's what she said. The only weakness for them is love," Heechul explained. Siwon chuckled.

"I don't think it's possible. I mean, Yuri? She never shows any love to boys," Siwon laughed.

"Well, we need to drive them out, right?" Donghae asked. The two boys nodded.

"Then we'll do it. We'll make them fall in love with us. Heechul, you're first," Donghae said. Heechul widened his eyes.

"M-Mwoh?! Why am I first?" Heechul asked, shocked.

"Because we already know that Jessica loves you. You make her love you even deeper, which she already does, and break her heart," Donghae explained.

"B-but how?" Heechul asked.

"Simple! By kissing her worse enemy," Siwon smirked. Heechul widened his eyes. So I have to kiss.... SOHEE?!?!

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@HanuelJung: Haha, thank you! ^_^
this was cute!
@YoonHae38: Unfortunately, I don't write like this anymore. My writing style has, in a way, matured a bit compared to the past. :P
I really loved this story (one of my ultimate faves hehe) and you're one of the best writers i've ever seen ^^ hope you continue to write like this in the future :D
@ILufIU: Oh my gosh really? :O I'm so honored to be the reason for you to join asianfanfics! ^^ I also love you as a supporter of this story! Even though it's not my best writing piece, I'm thrilled to know that someone gave this story a chance and caused them to join this site. :D Thanks!
This was the second fanfic I've ever read, and it was the reason why I joined asianfanfics. So at that time I was a Yoona and Heechul shipper and I was searching for videos of them. Until I saw a link of asianfanfics, I clicked and I thought it was going to be an article of the couple, but instead it was a story, as I finished chapter 1 I was so amazed with your writing, I thought this website is interesting. Now it's been 2 years since I've read this the first time. Love you author nim! As a reader!~~
@shikana: Thank you! :D LOLZ XD 5th time? Wow, that's a lot! XD Mm... I'll be thinking about that request. :) There's a good chance that I'll do it, but I'll have to think about it. >_<
This is actually 5th time reading this and I'm not feeling tired of reading this over and over again! You're officially my favorite author!

Can I request? When you finished one of your stories, can you write a fanfic with YoonHae and WooU in it? I really love all your YoonHae and WooU fanfics!
@iknowright: Thank you! ^_^