Don't hide from me

In your arms, Everything's okay

A/N: Hi guys. This is a Joyri fic based on how Joy must have felt dealing with her experience for that drama, and Yeri being there to help cheer her up. Enjoy ^^


She wasn’t enjoying her second drama as much as she hoped. The people were not the same. The kind and welcoming faces now replaced by jealousy and pettiness. The fun she had making friends and learning more about what it meant to be an actress. Had been replaced by people who sought to ruin any potential good time she could have had. Sooyoung questioned how would she get through this experience, and tried to rationalize it as a difficult time that would serve to make her stronger. It was sometimes enough to get through the day.


Still, she couldn’t help but think of all the amazing events she had missed out on with her members. They went to Dubai, took part in a once and a lifetime chance to go perform in North Korea, and she missed the very first US fanmeet. All life changing events she wished she could have experienced with them. This was all because of her drama scheduling which was completely out of her hands. Sooyoung, ever the professional stuck to her commitments. All while enduring hate and negative comments about her missing important red velvet schedules.


She went in everyday to work with a smile on her face. She delivered her lines as intended, even when she felt sometimes sick to her stomach about being on set. Some days were better than others. Most days she just felt truly alone, even when surrounded by an entire staff and crew. She felt alone without her friends and members. She felt most alone without one special member in particular.


Sooyoung wasn’t sure if her friends knew just how very grateful she was when they sent that food truck to set. It wasn’t even all about the food. It was also their sweet message that came along too. It cheered her up so immensely. She couldn’t properly express those words at the time. But she felt on some level they knew how grateful she had been. There was also nothing like when Seulgi and Joohyun came to visit.


It felt so good to finally see warm and friendly faces that she has missed so. Getting to talk to her unnies had both cheered her up, and encouraged her to not give up even if this was a difficult time. Sooyoung almost didn’t want to let them go. She missed being around her friends that much.


“Fighting, Sooyoung-ah,” Seulgi smiled that day with eyes forming crescents.


Joohyun too smiled warmly. “I know you’re having a difficult time. Just know we’re all here for you, Sooyoung.”


She thanked them both, and from there carried on with her smile and head held high. After all, she was a professional, and that is how a true professional handles any trying situation. She could get through this. It was only going to be a little while longer.  But then there were the particularly difficult days. Long hours of filming took its toll on her, and made her feel more alone than ever. Today was such a day, and she couldn’t help but to find a quiet place alone to cry from all her constant stress.


It’s nearly 4am and as much as she would like for someone to be awake. She could really use someone to talk to now. She knows they would all be asleep by now. They’ve all been busy too flying around from place to place. Sleep was such a privilege these days and needed to be taken as much as possible. That’s what she needed to do herself. She needed to get whatever sleep she could before another grueling day of filming.


When she reaches for her keys to open the door. She wasn’t expecting to see Yeri wrapped up in a pink blanket on one of the couches.




“Hey,” the slightly younger girl says softly. “How are you, Sooyoung?”


It’s the way she calls her name. It’s such a soft and concerned tone. Sooyoung does her best to not start crying now. The last thing she wants to do is worry Yeri more than she already is. Yeri didn’t have to say she was worried about her for Sooyoung to know she was.


“I’m fine,” the taller girl nods with a smile. “What are you doing up, hm?”


Yeri gets up with the blanket still wrapped around her. Then walks over to and gives her a hug. Sooyoung pauses for a second in the warm embrace of her girlfriend. God how she has missed her arms. It gets hard whenever they’re apart. These days they’ve been apart more often than either of them would like. Yeri places one of her hands into Sooyoung’s dark locks.


“You don’t have to pretend with me, Soo.” Yeri whispers to her. She knows that she doesn’t have to pretend with Yeri, no not with her. This is the girl she had held when people were spouting mean, hateful comments about her joining the group. Yeri has always been there to hold when she can’t sleep, or whenever she herself feels scared about the future. She can’t hide from her girlfriend.


“I’m just so tired, Yerimie.” She admits softly. She feels the shorter girl nod against her. Yeri knows how tired she is. It’s not even just being tired of filming, or lack of sleep. Being in this life gets very tiring. That’s why you hold onto the people you love who are your strength.


“Come, let’s get you to bed.” Yeri takes her hand and leads her towards their shared room. Sooyoung is too tired to protest. Yeri helps her with her pajamas and brushes her back for her too. It’s moments like these the couple have to cherish. As even they are fleeting and rare for them. Yeri leaves a soft kiss against her forehead.


“Feel any better?”


Sooyoung feels better in this one moment with her than anything spent with her costars. The taller girl nods and thanks her.


“It’ll be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like it now. But it’ll be over soon, and you’ll be right back with us where you should be.”


She gives a nod. “Thank you, I know.”


Yeri tells her to try and get some sleep. Then turns to her own bed. She doesn’t get far when she feels a hand reach out to grab her arm.


“What’s wrong?”


“Can I please sleep with you? I just don’t want to be alone now.”


Yeri nods and, so they get under her covers in her bed. Sooyoung right away wraps her arms around her waist, and leans into her. The shorter girl carefully wraps her arms around her shoulders.


“You’re not alone, Soo.”


“Everytime I go onto set I feel so alone. I miss all of you, and hate how I can’t go to all the places you’ve all experienced.”


Yeri nods. It was never the same without Sooyoung too. Sure, they all had jobs to do regardless. That didn’t mean they didn’t leave that spot open for her wherever they could.


“We missed you too. Don’t beat yourself up so much. You’re doing the best you can, and we’re all so proud of you.”


Sooyoung is about to speak. But Yeri kisses the top of her forehead.


“I’m so proud of you.”


She really thinks she’s going to cry. Yeri saying she’s proud of her makes everything okay. She could go on to set later with all the strength to get through it. The filming will end soon and she just needs to hold out a little longer.


“Thank you, Yeri.” Sooyoung whispers then with eyes starting to droop. She is very tired, and being in her girlfriend’s arms. Yeri watches as she falls completely asleep. She knows better than anyone the particular stress she’s under. It hurts to see the person she loves going through something and she can’t help her. All she can do are these simple things, like holding her, or listening to her if she needs to talk. Yeri wondered how Joohyun and Seulgi dealt with the idol life while still being there for one another in their relationship. It seemed like the older couple made it all look so easy. Joohyun explained once that it wasn’t easy, the idol life. But the fact that she had her partner in Seulgi did make the hard times easier to face.


Yeri really gets it now. She didn’t when Joohyun first explained. However, when she takes one look at Sooyoung. She does understand. She would do anything to see her smile, or cheer her up in anyway. Just as Sooyoung has done the same for her. She leans her forehead on hers.


“I love you, Sooyoung. I know you’ll get through this.”


Because even if Sooyoung felt overwhelmed, or like she couldn’t do this. Yeri would be right there with arms waiting to hold her whenever she needed them. Yeri thinks her girlfriend is really awake. Because she feels her tighten her arms around her some.




There’s no response. Yeri thinks she is really asleep and is relieved she is. The girl gets less sleep than the rest of them at this point. They can talk more in the morning.


“Sleep, babe.” Yeri tiredly yawns herself. She feels a lot better now that Sooyoung is beside her too. They haven’t been able to be as together as they would like. That’s partly why she waited up for her too. She missed her, and especially wanted to make sure she was okay. She can sleep now that she has her girlfriend with her. She thinks they’ll keep being okay, as long as they have each other.


A/N: This is my Joyri heart basically crying lol. No but really Joy went through so much for that drama and got basically treated badly from all sides, except the genuine fans. I hope Joy knows how very loved she is because she’s really loved and it’s wonderful to have her back with the members. Hope this was an okay read guys.


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Chapter 1: This does things to my heart
Catmanager #2
Chapter 1: Thank you for writing this piece, it's really comforting. That spot Joy was in, ugh, it makes me so frustrated.
Yeri is such a sweetheart for staying up. Things like that can really make a bad day totally worth it, just the feeling of someone noticing that things are not perfect. It's almost bittersweet.
A painful but satisfying read, it's very enjoyable.
Until next time.
Chapter 1: This was more than an okay read. I seriously loved it and you truly expressed so many different emotions and thoughts through this. Pure talent! I can only imagine how tough it’s been for Joy. Like going to all those places with her members is something she should’ve done but stupid filming got in the way and when I read about her co stars and her it just made me angry. I just wanted the damn show to be over with so she could finally breathe. I’m glad yeri stayed up bc Joy really needed someone so ofc her gf was there. The whole ending scene with them was adorable yet a bit sad bc I know how tough it is for Joy and all of them. Thanks for writing this!
Chapter 1: You’re the best red velvet fan and writer ever ^_^, thank you so much for supporting them and giving us the chance to read yours stories.
cutey111 147 streak #5
Chapter 1: My baby joy went through a lot over pats months and I'm happy that her members were there for her. This one shot is really precious for portraiting their bond, so heartwarming!
Chapter 1: That was so sweet, god I love Joyri.
I like how you described their relationship and their understanding of each other. Felt really realistic and cute. Ahhh- this is making me emotional, I love them <3
caramelpudding5 #7
Chapter 1: This feel so real :( i wish i could hug her but yeah...yerim already does hehe