The Alien in White Armour


While on her exchange program in Seoul, Erin runs into some trouble. A guy named Nick has decided that, based on her being a cute girl and him being attracted to her, they will eventually date. Now he's trying to convince Erin of that by following her around on her university. One day, Erin can't take it anymore and asks her friend Taehyung for help with getting rid of Nick. Taehyung agrees, and the two start spending more and more time together.


I know that I have many unfinished stories left to finish. I wrote this whole thing as a drabble to get over my writer's block and I at least managed to finish this story. 
With the experience of finishing at least one story, I think I can get back to my other stories with new inspiration.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this type of story at all :) I hope you do!

Note: dialogue in cursive is said in English. Dialogue written normally is in Korean.

I completed a story for once, yaay for me?
I am considering an epilogue but the whole thing about epilogues is that they happen after the story has concluded so even if I do ever write that, this story is complete!
I'll get back to the other ones now.


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Chapter 4: Awww this is very sweet and I hope that maybe they could make a future together beyond university. However the ending paragraph is quite real, at least they are enjoying their time together.