
I'll never let you go


No one’s POV:

Class was almost over, and Onew’s heart was beating fast. It’s like he’s going to meet a ghost after this. He can’t even focus in class and he keeps thinking about the girl whom he’ll meet after school. He even writes what he will going to say to the girl to make sure that he said the right thing. All it’s left to do is to wait for the school bell to ring.

“Mr. Lee, are you listening to what I’ve been saying?” asked the tall and slim teacher. She’s been watching Onew day dreaming the whole time.

After hearing his name was been called, Onew quickly turn his face from looking outside the window to his teacher.

“U-umph...y-yeah, sure.” He replied.

“Well then. Can you explain how does the....” before she finished her words, the school bell rang.


‘That was close’ thought Onew.

“Okay class, that’s all for now. Don’t forget to do the homework that I’ve gave you. And for you Mr. Lee,” she paused for a while, thinking what kind of punishment she would give to Onew for day dreaming in her class.

Onew gulped a little, hoping that he won’t get detention. He never had been for a detention before. Not even once!

“You need to write ‘I won’t day dreaming in Ms. Seo Yeo Kyung class again’ for about 200 times and hand it with your homework that I gave. Understand, Mr. Lee?” The teacher said.

“Yes, Ms. Seo Yeo Kyung. I understand.” Onew said with a relief.

He packed up all his things, and quickly went to the hallway beside the school library. On his way, he keeps memorising all the things that he want to say to the girl. He surely is nervous.

A few more steps Onew will reach at the hallway, but suddenly he stopped behind a locker. He saw the girl, who wrote him the love letter. He looked at the girl and to his surprise, that girl is not any other girl. He was sweating and his heart throbbing. He closed his eyes for a moment, hoping that it was all a dream. When he opened his eyes, he still sees the girl. No, he is not dreaming! It is Minho’s sister!

‘Oh God, please help me!’ he prayed. Guilt and fear of having a broken friendship surrounded him. He really doesn’t want to lose his best friend because of this but what he really can do? He can’t force himself to accept her, and if he accepts her, how will he went through his relationship with only her loving him?

‘Yah! Be strong Onew! You can do it! Just tell her the truth and apologise. Tell her that we can be friends. Easy right?’ he thought.

He comforts himself and let a sigh. ‘Here goes nothing.’ He said.

With all his confidence, he walked towards the girl.


Writer's block! Aigoo..the chapter is too short..Mianhae2! >.<

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sha2wolz #1
KyungMi must be shock because the ghost is so handsome and funny xD
sha2wolz #2
Finally..I found this story..
Kirana unnie,I thought you stopped writing this story
and thank you for post it here :DD
hehehe show time ;) can't wait ...
Lol aigoo Onew~ wae you can't do the flying kick? I thought you as a ghost can fly :P
The teddy SO kyeopta! you're forgiven! :P
teddy is so cute ! i want !
hope your assignments and finals go okay
thanks for the update!
poor Jinki :(
(I really like the poster)
I like this fic *interested face*
Kyung Mi meeting Taemin already! Whoopss Annyeong:)New subscriber here :P Sorry for being silent reader nae unnie >_< Wonder when she;ll meet Onew well properly meeting I mean :D
Anyway, update soon ^^
@vanilla448 TQ! ^^
LightWind #9