Not used to this

Something about you

A/N: I really love and adore Joyri. I will be writing more of this ship because they deserve to have fics and I really love them. I know most likely none of these will be read compared to my seulrene fics, but it’s so much better to write the way I want to and be satisfied with the result.


Park Sooyoung was the kind of girl that knew all of her strengths, and played to them. She knew that people found her to be fun, charming, beautiful, and once she fully understood those strengths for the power they really held over others. Sooyoung knee no matter what she had ways to protect herself. She would never allow anyone the chance or opportunity to hurt her. Park Sooyoung would leave someone hurt before they could strike first.


She was a playful teen that grew into an equally playful adult. When it came to her relationships that is. When it came to her career she was focused, determined, and a perfectionist through and through. Park Sooyoung found out quickly she was a damn good liar. She could act with the best of them. She could spin a tale for a potential lover, a friend, or employee and they would latch onto her every word. Park Sooyoung knew from that alone she would be a lawyer. Again, it was playing to her strengths.


She prided herself on her strengths. She was the one in control. She was the one who called the shots. Sooyoung loves and leaves them. No one will ever make her weak or question her priorities. That is what she believed for nearly 24 years of her life. Until she met, Kim Yerim. The gorgeous, 22-year-old part time bartender at her favorite bar. Sooyoung remembered being so entranced by the pretty blonde who was mixing drinks. She just knew that girl would be hers, and proudly told her friends she would make it happen. That didn’t turn out like she hoped, however.




Sooyoung was out with friends. Law school was kicking her and she needed a drink, or several to pull herself together. It wouldn’t hurt to find someone to spend the night with either. No one is of interest to her. Not until she notices the cute, blonde bartender dressed in a crimson shirt and dark skinny jeans. She must be new as Sooyoung wouldn’t forget a pretty face.


“Who’s the new girl?” Sooyoung nudges her friend Joohyun. The woman is already on her way to making partner at the firm she eventually wants to work for. She likes to hang out with the older woman because she’s fun. Even though she’s already married. Joohyun likes to go out and have fun. Tonight it’s them, and some classmate of hers.


“I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before,” Joohyun admits.


“She’s cute,” Sooyoung nods. When in reality she thinks the blonde is more than cute. She’s very attractive and someone she can see herself going home with.


“She looks underaged,” Joohyun teases.


“Just because you’re a grandma.”


“Excuse you,” the dark-haired woman smacks her in the arm. “I’m not a grandma.”


“You’re married,” Sooyoung deadpans. “You’re old. Now, excuse me while I go make this girl mine.”


Her friends cheer her on and that gives her even more confidence. She has this in the bag. Women don’t ever turn her down. They usually come to her. When Sooyoung gets to the bar. The blonde is causally drying some shot glasses. She really is beautiful.


“Hi, cutie. What’s your name?” Sooyoung smiles in her usual charming manner. The blonde looks up with a puzzled look.


“What are you drinking?” She completely ignores the question.


“I didn’t come here for a drink. I’d much rather know your name.”


The blonde is now looking at her with slight disgust. It’s a look that Sooyoung is not used to. No women look at her in that way.


“Do you want a beer or not?”


“What?” Sooyoung thinks. She’s starting to get offended.


“You heard me. Do you want a beer or not?” The bartender places a beer on the counter.


“Oh, I get it. You’re just playing hard to get. Anyway, my name is Park Sooyoung and all I want to do is know your name.”


The bartender simply shoves the beer into her hands. “Whatever you want. The answer is no.” She turns around and goes back to what she’s doing.






Her friends never let her live that down. The Park Sooyoung was rejected. No one would have believed it had they not seen so. Sooyoung never got over that rejection. She wasn’t used to someone saying no. For some time the law student questioned her ability to make women weak. Why else wouldn’t the y bartender girl want her. It had to be a fluke of course which is why she kept trying. Each time the blonde said no and Sooyoung didn’t understand.


She tried everything. She was charming and flirtatious. That didn’t work. She offered her dinner and she never does that. Park Sooyoung doesn’t ask for dates. This was sounding like what a first date might be. Still, the woman said no. Tonight she will try again and see what happens. It’s been several months of rejections. Maybe tonight the bartender will say yes.


Kim Yeri was having a day. She was tired from working her first job at her university, plus her class, and now her night shift at the bar.


“Hey, Yeri,” her coworker taps her. “The hot redhead is back.”


Yeri rolls her eyes as she hears that annoying woman is back. She doesn’t know how many ways or times she can say no. This Sooyoung character doesn’t seem to take a hint. Yeri know the kind of person she is. It’s time to finally put her in her place.


“Hi,” she hears the smile in her voice. “May I please have a vodka on the rocks.”


“Coming right up.” Yeri nods, and gets to making the drink for the redhead. She feels those predatory eyes on her. She wonders if she will get in trouble for throwing her drink at her. Sooyoung is dressed sharply in a dark, gucci dress and matching shoes. Her long red hair flowing down her back and parted off to the side. She is certainly a beautiful woman. That doesn’t matter to Yeri, however. Sooyoung could be the most gorgeous woman in the entire world. At this time she wants nothing to do with her.


“Here,” Yeri passes the drink. Sooyoung takes a hold of her hand gently. The blonde looks at her with a puzzled expression.


“Will you please tell me your name?” She says it hotly in the bartender’s ear. Yeri pulls her hand free.


“My name is none of your business. Just have your drink.”


“Aw, come on. Don’t be that way.” Sooyoung slowly runs her fingers along her shoulder. “I can treat you really well.”


Yeri rolls her eyes. She knows what that means. Sooyoung strikes her as the kind of woman who is used to getting what she wants. She probably is not used to hearing the word no. Yeri knows this sort of woman, and she doesn’t have the time.


“I don’t know if you’re hard of hearing, Ms. Park. I know the kind of woman you are. You’re only here so much because I told you no. You seem like the type of woman who has had everything handed to her. You’re not going to get me into bed and make me one of your playthings.”


Sooyoung’s eyes widen in surprise. She wasn’t expecting the blonde to speak to her so harshly. She isn’t wrong in the sense that she isn’t used to hearing no. There hasn’t been a woman to ever tell her no. Well, at least until now.


“I wouldn’t…” she stops.


“Yes, you would. I’m not going to be your toy. Finish your drink and get out.”


Yeri turns then and continues to make drinks for more customers. Sooyoung sits there for while simply stunned. She feels as if someone has rocked her world entirely, and not in the good way. She leaves from the bar with so much disappointment. She had no idea what to do with herself. No one has ever spoken to her in such a way. Sooyoung wonders what this could all mean. The blonde bartender had shaken up something, and she needed to find out more. The redhead returned the next day with roses. She never buys roses for anyone. It is usually her that gets the flowers. But here she is waiting to talk to the blonde. Yeri has barely started her shift when she sees the familiar redhead. She has the feeling she must file a restraining order soon.


“Do the words harassment mean anything to you?”


“No, wait. Can we sit down to talk? I promise I won’t hit on you.”


Yeri is reluctant to sit anywhere with this woman. Then there is something sincere in the way she’s holding onto those roses for dear life. Against her better judgement she does sit at a table with her. Sooyoung practically shoves the flowers into her hands. It leaves Yeri stunned for a moment.


“What is your problem?”


“I’m sorry. I never give flowers, okay.”


“What?” Yeri blinks.


Sooyoung looks away suddenly. She tries to compose herself. Since being around the blonde is causing her heart to speed up in ways she’s not used to. Sooyoung is the one that makes other people’s heart race. This is all new to her.


“I don’t give flowers.” The redhead repeats. “I’m not used to doing all this chasing. Women usually come to me.”


Yeri figured as much. What she didn’t understand is why Sooyoung kept on coming back? She has been turning her down for months. What is her point to keep trying again and again.


“Then go find a woman you don’t have to chase. Why are you bothering me so much?”


“There’s something about you,” she admits. “I don’t know. There’s just something about the way you spoke to me. I’m not used to anyone saying no, or making me think about things I don’t normally.”


The blonde thinks she does understand some. Again, that really is not her problem. What is she supposed to say to her?


“I don’t know what you want me to tell you.”


“You can start by telling me your name. Can we start over?” The redhead hopefully asks. She just wants the chance to get to know her better. No one has ever affected her like this before. She needs to know more about why this one woman is making her feel this way.


“I’m not going to bed with you.”


Sooyoung chuckles. “Are you sure? I’m really good in bed.”


Yeri rolls her eyes. She shouldn’t have sat down to talk to her. She is seconds away from throwing the flowers in her face. When Sooyoung takes her hand again.


“I’m kidding. Hey, I’m sorry about coming onto you strongly. I also know you have no reason to want to give me a chance. I’d just really like if we could start over. I want to take you out to dinner, um this is all so new to me. I’m sorry,” Sooyoung nervously runs her fingers through her hair. Hell if she knows what it means to ask someone out. People normally ask her first. But again there is something about this woman. Yeri doesn’t know what to do. It’s not as if Sooyoung isn’t pretty. She is certainly pretty. The problem is she has such a bad impression of the woman.


“No, thank you. I need to go back to work now.”


“But…” Sooyoung begins. Yeri doesn’t look back instead she just heads back behind the bar. The redhead doesn’t get why that didn’t work. She was being sincere this time, and she is never this way with others. What more can she do? She thinks she might have an idea.


Yeri becomes so busy with customers and mixing drinks. She doesn’t pay attention to anything else but the time. She is dying to get home and into bed. It’s her night to close the bar, so she won’t be going home as fast as she wants. She’s wiping down the counters when she hears someone enter.


“We’re closed.”


“I know,” Sooyoung speaks. “Can I possibly give you a ride home?”


The blonde turns suddenly. She almost drops the rag on the ground. What the hell is she doing here? Now she really worries she might need that restraining order after all.


“I’m going to call the cops.”


“No, don’t,” the redhead stops her. “I’m not a creep stalker I promise. I just never left. I know you didn’t want to give me a chance. But I meant it when I said there is something about you. I just really would like the chance to show you I really want to get to know you. I don’t just want to take you to bed.”


Yeri is eyeing her curiously. Again, the woman sounds sincere. What can she do? She can just agree to get this date over with. That seems like the logical answer, or she can do something else.


“I’m seriously going to call the cops.”


“If all I wanted to do was have . I could have already found someone for that. I really want to know you. Can I please know your name?”


Yeri supposes that she can at least say her name. Sooyoung is trying here, and that much she can see.


“My name is Yerim. It’s Kim Yerim.”


Finally, she has a name to go with the face. It’s a pretty name for a really pretty girl, and now she knows she can show her that she is genuine. She does want to spend time to get to know her.


“Hi, Kim Yerim. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Park Sooyoung,” she politely tells her.


“Hi, Sooyoung. I’m still not going to bed with you.” Yeri says in a deadpan voice that makes the redhead laugh. She has a good feeling about this woman. She hopes at the least she can take her out soon.


“I would settle for being able to take you out.”


“Okay, but I want to go somewhere with fried chicken.”


The loud, happy squeal that erupts from Sooyoung causes Yeri to flinch. Maybe she should really call those cops after all. Then the redhead pulls her into a huge hug.


“Get off, what’s wrong with you?”


“I love chicken so much. Oh, my god you could be the one.”


Yeri pushes her away. She must remember to put the cops on speedial. There’s no telling what will happen to her with this woman.


“Let’s not get carried away. I’ll go out with you. But I wouldn’t go crazy here.”


“I’ll win you over, Kim Yerim. I’m very charming. Now, would you like a ride home.”


“I’ll catch the bus.”


“I’m driving a maserati.” Sooyoung grins.


“Let’s go,” Yeri nods and leads the way out. The redhead laughs to herself. She knew there was something about this woman. She knows she will certainly will her over.


“Just you wait, Kim Yerim. You’ll be mine soon enough.”


A/N: I think overall it’s okay. Not bad at least. I want to keep on practicing with Joyri as a main pair. So I’ll see what else I can come up. But if anyone does read this. Thanks so much ^^


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Chapter 1: I just found you out author 😱, and I’m shocked!, you have a LOT of Fics!!!, thank you really for the time you put in every fic that you write, I find amazing when the environment of the story it’s funny, and you deliver it with this one :) it’s hilarious and so freaking cute, thank you author!
Chapter 1: why is this so good:(((
Chapter 1: I rarely read joyri story but this is a good start i guess
Chapter 1: This is a JoyRi story everyone deserves. Can't get over the cliffhanger. If you'll give this a sequel, I'll thank you with my life huhu.
Chapter 1: A sequel please
Chapter 1: Sequel juseyooooo.
Chapter 1: a sequel please!! :D
Jasaguilar209 #8
Chapter 1: Please make this a story I want to know what happens!!!! This is so amazing
Chapter 1: Omg I loved this one shot so much! Thank you for blessing the Joyri tag! I could totally see Yeri being the one who makes Sooyoung feel these new feelings where she can’t leave her alone. She needs a woman with a strong back bone. Her playful manner and boy attitude was something Yeri smelled from miles away. But I died how her friends would non stop with her being rejected for the first time. I’m just happy that she was being serious about the other girl to work it out. Sooyoung is just glad she got her quick before the next day the cops are on her . The ending made me crack up, when she mentioned the vehicle she drove in, Yeri was like ‘alright, the bus’. Thank you for writing this once again, I can’t wait to read more Joyri content, you wrote them well :)