“Their injuries are not severe. Just a few stitches. Thankfully it won’t scar” said the doctor standing up from the bed.

Shinee and the doctor were in their house. They were currently in RM’s room. He had already treated the others.

The chaebols [Shinee] had rushed to the car as soon as it cashed. The found their friends unconscious in the car. They were scared out of their wits and stood there not knowing what to do. Their friends were bleeding.

The only calm one had been Onew. He had taken out his phone to call 119 but had been stopped by Jonghyun. Everyone looked at him questioningly.

“Maybe we should call Dr Kim Junmyeon. If we take them to the hospital the press will come to know and they will be under more pressure. Also I have a feeling that there is something more to this. They don’t seem to be seriously injured” he said softly.

They looked and saw that the bleeding had reduced considerably. Jonghyun had always been observant by nature and so they decided to trust his instincts and do as he said.

They had called him. They knew that he wouldn’t reveal this to anyone. He didn’t ask any questions because he remembered the time they had come to him in the same state about six months ago. He didn’t ask them then and he didn’t plan to start now.

“Only a few stitches?” Key screeched. He looked ready to explode.

“It could have been a lot worse” said Dr Kim remaining calm.

“Thank you doctor” Taemin thanked him and took him to the door.

Minho and Onew went to check on the others. The doctor had put them under sedation and they were sleeping.

Jonghyun and Key went to the balcony and stood there in silence for a while.

“I am just worried. I didn’t mean to be rude” said Key. He looked ready to cry.

“I know. All of us are worried. It’s gonna be alright. They are gonna be okay” Jonghyun said softly and patted him on his shoulder.

All of them gathered in the living room and sat there lost in their own thoughts.

“Hyung, why did you say that there was something more to it? Wasn’t it an accident?” Asked Taemin hesitantly.

“Because there was no airbags” said Jonghyun.

“So you think someone disabled them” said Onew.

Jonghyun nodded.

“It’s a warning?” Asked Taemin fearfully.

“I think so. If we are dealing with big fish then yes” said Jonghyn.

“Oh crap. Not again” Key swore something he does only when he’s scared.

“Do you think they saw something they were not supposed to see?” Asked Minho.

“They hadn’t sounded like their usual cheerful selves when we had called them” agreed Onew.

“I don’t know” said Jonghyun grimly.

Minho called BTS’s manager and informed of the accident. The manager was concerned. Minho convinced him to give them a break for two weeks.

The next day the members of BTS woke up feeling confused and in severe pain. They got out of bed and found that moving hurt. They stood in front of a mirror and were shocked to see their bruised and battered selves.

Thankfully the wounds didn’t seem deep. They went down and saw the members of Shinee eating breakfast. They saw them and helped them to their seats.

After breakfast, they were made to sit down in the sofa. Their friends were standing facing them and refused to sit down. The members of BTS gulped in fear. Their friends meant business. They seemed to be on the brink of exploding especially Key. Taemin glared at Jimin angry at his friend for putting themselves in danger.

“OK talk” Key ordered them.

“Hyung you are scaring them” Minho gestured at Key to calm down.

“Take your time” Jonghyun said trying to make them relax.

“Frankly we don’t know” aid RM.

“What do you mean” Key got cut off by Onew.

“Relax” he said.

Key started to retort but thought better of it and kept quiet. They seemed to be deep in thought.

“Was it not a dream? No way” Jin mused.

“Was what not a dream?” Asked Taemin curiously.

“Nothing” all of them said hurriedly. They seemed to have understood what Jin was talking about.

“Guys, this might be the only thing we have to go on. Please tell us” said Minho.

“Don’t you think it might have been an accident?” Asked Jimin softly.

“No, the airbags were disabled” V refuted his claim.

“But if what you are saying is true and it was not a dream, then that means we are in danger” said J-Hope frantically. He was freaking out.

“Wait, tell us what happened” said Key who had been silent the whole time.

They told their story and sat in silence waiting for their friends to say something.

“Wait, have you guys read the news?” Asked Onew.

“No we didn’t get time” said Suga.

“When was this?” Asked Minho urgently.

“We started having the dreams a week ago” said Jungkook.

“Hey is it that gang killing, the one that took place near Gangnam?” Asked Jonghyun.

“Yeah it was a few minutes away from Octagon, is it that one?” Asked Taemin.

Key went and got the old newspaper and showed the BTS members the picture of the man that had been murdered.

“Is this the guy?” He asked.

The members of BTS sat their unable to comprehend the situation. They nodded their heads and sat there in utter shock. They looked guilty.

“It’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourselves” said Onew.

They sat in silence for a while. Their friends [BTS] were crying tears of sadness and guilt. They tried to comfort them. They calmed down after a while.

“But how did they know that we were there? I am sure no one saw us” said Suga starting to think rationally.

“They must have hacked into the security cameras” said Minho.

“The killers are professionals. The victim was not killed while being mugged. I am sure of that.You are in danger” said Taemin.

"How are you so sure?" Asked Jimin curiously.

"We just know" they didn't want to talk about it and the guys didn't press the issue.

“We can’t involve the police. We don’t know if the killers have connections there” said Key.

“Then what do we do?” Asked Jin.

“We need to get you protection” said Jonghyun.

“We have bodyguards” said V.

“No we need to get you bodyguards who can go undercover, who can also investigate and who we fully trust” said Onew.

“Do you know someone like that?” Asked Jungkook.

“Yes” they chorused.

“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” They asked each other all at once.

“Yes” they chorused again.

The members of BTS looked confused.

“So have you heard of the Chika?” Asked Jonghyun grinning.


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