C10- first fights

Not what it seems

The girls are practicing on the training room for almost an hour already, but they cant still do it flawlessly. They know something is off between Yuqi and Miyeon and its suffocating them. Soyeon who is their leader, is trying really hard for the YuYeon dating members (because they arent still a couple) to reconcile but it doesnt work if she wont take a side. Personally, she thinks that Miyeon is being irrational but she is right too. Yuqi's reason is sincere too so in the end she doesnt have a side and she doesnt even want to have one. 

"Theyre going to be okay" Minnie whispered to her girlfriend when she saw Soyeon sighed again. 

Miyeon couldnt help but feel jealous about how the SoNie couple could be so open about their relationship. She wants to be acknowledged too, but she isnt and that what cause their fight. Miyeon's eyes started to well up again but she hold it.

'She didnt even said sorry. She just keeps on defending herself but she never apologized' Miyeon thought and her heart clenched more as the flashback of what happened haunted her poor mind again.


The grouo had already performed and theyre currently on the backstage resting when the door opened. It revealed the group of people the group was misiing so badly, their parents.

"OMMA! APPA!" Everyone shouted and made their way to their parents and hugged them.

"Its been a while isnt it?" Soojin's asked to everyone and they all nodded. 

"So, I heard that my daughter and your leader are dating" this time, it was Minnie's mom who spoke. They are a bit shock but nodded nonetheless. 

"Well, i know Minnie is a good girl. She would take care of my Soyeonie well" Soyeon's mom said which earned a nod and a smile from Minnie while Soyeon kept her head low.

"Are you okay about it mom? Dad? And aunti? Uncle?" Soyeon asked to both of her parents and Minnie's parents slowly. Her girlfriend walked in to her and intertwined their fingers. 

"Of course. Minnie had never been so happy before until she met you. Yoire a good leader and a good friend and now lover, to our daughter. And actually, your parents and we, had already discussed about." Minnie's dad said and motioned Soyeon's parents. Soyeon is pure korean so she is a bit unsure if her parents are okay with her and Minnie's relationship.

"And were okay with it. Same reasons" Soyeon's dad said while smiling. Minnie and Soyeon ran into their parents and hugged them.

"So Soojin baby, the 2 out of your 6 members are already couple. Why arent you with someone?" Soojin's mom aske with a bit aegyo which made her daughter cringe a bit. 

"Actually maam, I am courtingbyour daughter right now" Soojin's parents gasped but smiled when the realization hit them.

"Ooh, so this beautiful lady is courting our baby?" Soojin's dad said teasingly which earned a pout from her daughter. Her parents are also okay with it as long as they keep it innocent. 

"Miyeon-ah, are you all in your group are dating already?" Miyeon's mom asked. Her dad isnt there since he is busy with something. 

"Yeah they are"

"So, are you too?" The question made Miyeon look at Yuqi which is staring at her too. Miyeon is okay with them dating but still not a couple but she cant but feel neglected if she couldnt say that Yuqi is her girlfriend.

She want the world to know that theyre together or even just her closest friends and her family that Yuqi loves her and she also love her as much but Yuqi keeps on insisting that they just do it that way. Secret.

"Hey Miyeon. Are you okay?" Miyeon's mom asked as she saw Miyeon looked at Yuqi's direction and started to think with god knows what.

Miyeon just nodded and looked at Yuqi again. She is silently pleading for Yuqi to own her but unfortunately, Yuqi didnt. Miyeon is a little bit hurt but she tried to ignore it, she knows Yuqi has her reasons. The group keeps on talking and discussing with their parents while eating dinner when suddenly, Yuqi's dad asked.

"Yuqi, Soyeon is with Minnie, Soojin and Shuha too. And i saw you staring at Miyeon. Are you two a thing also?" Her dad's question made Yuqi choke in her food and her mother offer Yuqi a drink. 

"So dear, are you?" Now it was Miyeon's mom's turn to ask Yuqi. She looked at Miyeon and smiled. Everyone thought that Yuqi would already call themselves as couple but what she did is the direct opposite.

"No were not. Were just friends" and with that Miyeon's heart shattered into pieces. The others keeps on looking at her but kept it subtly since they dont want to interfere to Yuqi's decision.

After their dinner with their parents, they went back to the dorm and arrived in one piece, except for 2.

"Miyeon why are you ignoring me? Are you mad?" Silence. 

"Is it because of what i said on your mom?" Miyeon looked up with bloodshot eyes. 

"It is. Im okay about you not declaring me as your girlfriend but not this time. My mom and your parents are there. They would atleast gave me their blessings but do you know what you did? You just denied that were not a thing. That we are just friends. And you know what hurts more? You didnt even told them that you love me or like me or even have feelings for me" Miyeon said as she stood up and cried harder. She just want to stop the pain cause its torturing her.

"Miyeon you know i cant. What if your mom dont like me?"

"You just gave her a reason for her to not like you" Miyeon said coldly. 

"Look, I already explained it to you. Were a thing but i dont want to let others than the group to know because im scared of what theyre going to say, to do. And i dont want to lose you" 

"If youll keep on doing this, then youre probably going to lose me"

•end of flashbacks•

Miyeon unconsciously cried. She could still feel the pain, its hunting her everytime she see Yuqi. 

"Are you okay Miyeon-unnie?" Shuhua walked into the latter's and hug her. Miyeon just cried harder at Shuhua's embrace. Its comforting but not as much as Yuqi's. 

"Just let it out unnie. You could do it. Youre strong" Soojin also went to her unnie and hugged her too. The ShuJin couple isnt unfair but they think that Miyeon's place is going to hurt more if theyre on the same shoes.

"Why cant she just tell them im hers?. I am willing to proclaim to the world that she is mine. Does she think i dont deserve her? Does she think im a disgrace? Does she think im embarassing? Does she even love me?" Miyeon poured her heart out and sobbed while saying the last part. She loves Yuqi so much but what Yuqi had said keeps on torturing her.

'Were just friends
Did you hear what Yuqi told you?
She said that because she doesnt like you' the same thoughts keeps on running on Miyeon's mind until she could feel her heart beating faster. She couldnt hear what others are saying. Her heart is clenching. There are sweats on her whole body and all of them are cold. She could see blurry visions and she passed out, with Yuqi's words and image on her mind.

"Unnie? Are you okay?" Shuhua aske with worried eyes since Miyeon's eyes are close and your not moving. At first she and her girlfriend thought that their unnie is just asleep but she is unusually pale.

"OH MY GOD!" Soojin exclaimed which caught everyone's attention including Yuqi's.

"MIYEON UNNIE IS DEAD!" Shuhua shouted which made the others run to their member. They could see Miyeon's fatigue and pale form. Her lips are dry and pale. Her hands cold but what made them panic more is the lot of blood on Miyeon's shirt.

They all called an ambulance and their manager and went to the hospital together. The doctor ran a test on her and the other girls went outside. They are all crying especially Yuqi and Shuhua. Yuqi was crying because the girl she love is inside and she knows it her fault while Shuhua is crying because of guilt. She couldne help but think that she should be the first one to stop Miyeon from cutting herself on that night.

Yes, the blood found on Miyeon's shirt is because of her bleeding arm. She cutted herself on the bathroom while crying, and Shuhua saw all of it but she thought that it could her unnie so she let it go off. Shuhua is so guilty but she think that Miyeon is inside the damn hospital because of Yuqi. So the makne stood up and went to Yuqi's side before slapping her.

Everyone held Shuhua and was stunned.

"What are you doing Shuhua? She is your unnie" Minnie asked Shuhua which earned a sarcastic chuckle from Shuhua. 

"Dont you know that its your fault why unnie is there?! Its because of your insensibility and irresponsibility! She is crying because she thought that maybe you see her as a disgrace!" Shuhua shouted as she sobbed hard and Yuqi cried harder. 

"Shuhua stop right there. Yuqi unnie has her reasons too and cant you see? She is too guilty. So please, lets just not pry into their problem and try our best to help them and not burden them or one of them more" Shuhua's girlfriend calmed her but she snapped again.

"ARE YOU TAKING YUQI UNNIE'S SIDE? THEN MAYBE BOTH OF YOU ARE JUST THE SAME!" Shuhua immediately widened her eyes on what she said. She saw Soojin widened her eyes too but its not from shock or anger, its hurting. Soojin looked down but even insane people could tell that she is crying. 

"Why are you like this Shuhua?" Soojin asked and faced her girlfriend.

"I-im s-sorry ba-babe" She tried to hold her girlfriend but Soojin reacted faster and went into Yuqi's side and the both of them hugged each other and cried. Shuhua is guilty and jealous at the same time. She doesnt know why she reacted that way though. Maybe she is really guilty and worried on what happened to her Miyeon unnie.

Everyone went silent until the doctor came out and told them that everything is already under control and Miyeon just loss blood and stress had been eating her recently. Everyone went inside the room and Yuqi immediately ran into the girl's side and held her hand. 

"Please im sorry. I love you so much. Ill do everyhting for you. As long as your parents would visit you, ill shamelessly going to tell them that your mine. Please, just dont leave me. Im sorry so much Miyeonie. I love you" Yuqi whispered and kissed her girlfriend's crown while still holding her hand.

Yes, she admitted it already that Miyeon and her are now a couple. She forgot her reasons when she saw Miyeon on the hospital bed. She is so afraid shes going to lose her, call her dramatic or insane, she doesnt care.  

Meanwhile, Shuhua looked at Soojin who still has her red puffy eyes. She wants to break down too but she know better than to burden her unnie's more. Suddenly, she felt a hand on hers and fingers being laced into her own. She looked at the intruder and saw her girlfriend looking at her while smiling slightly. 

"Shuhua, dont feel guilty so much okay? I know that you know what you said to Yuqi unnie is bad and i dont want to be a bad girlfriend whose going to spoil you with that, im just trying to protect you and you should know that. Im hurt i admit but i realized that im your girlfriend and relationships isnt always about rainbows. Im willing to apologize, forgive and name other things for you okay? I love you" Soojin said sincerely and Shuhua broke into a crying mess. She hugged Soojin tight and Soojin tiptoed and kiss her girlfriend's crown.

"I love you too" Shuhua whispered too.

Soyeon and Minnie couldnt help but to admire their groupmates. They are still kids but theyre too mature for their age.

"Im so happy for my kids" Minnie said while smiling.

"Your kids?" Soyeon asked confusedly. She doesnt get Minnie's point at all. Minnie looked at her and grinned.

"Our kids. Were their moms and theyre are kids" Soyeon immediately blushed when Minnie continued. Minnie laughe which earned a playful glare from the younger.

"Yah! You smooth talker!" 


Long update

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AngelikaStruk #1
Chapter 11: Please update I love it!
VampireAlice #2
Chapter 11: Update soon ❤️
Chapter 2: soojin is the 3rd oldest, yuqi and shuhua are the maknaes.
oldest to youngest: miyeon, minnie, soojin, soyeon, yuqi, and shuhua
Chapter 11: Love it so much ~can't wait ~
Chapter 11: Minnie must be really jealous~she so cute
Chapter 11: I'm crying really hard too~I'm such a crybaby~It make me feel sad somehow
Chapter 11: Thanks again for updating~Hwaiting~
Chapter 11: Thank you for mentioning me~I'm feel so happy~thank you so much~ thanks for your hard work~
Chapter 10: MIYEON UNNIE IS DEAD I'm dying SHUHUA lol~