I Know You So Well

You Were Flirting

"I love you different than everyone else."

Momo laughed silently.  

"It's hard for me to say this out loud," Sana complained. 

Whenever Momo felt awkward, she would retreat into herself, but Sana had to chatter through the awkwardness.  Momo knew this, and let her explain her way through until she got to the point.

"It's just that... you know me so well but also, we have different things in common and you know friendship isn't just about having things in common but like... I've seen you when you were just a kid, and still didn't have a figure, and still barely spoke Korean.  I feel like I know a whole different part of you that nobody else did because they just weren't there.  So it's different, it'll always be different."

Momo nodded, turned her head so she could poke Sana's cheek with her nose.  (It didn't reach, it was too short.)  "I know," she mumbled.

Sana elbowed her.  "Why don't you say it back then?  You're just gonna leave me hanging?"

"I didn't make you say it, you said it because you wanted to."

Sana rolled over suddenly, throwing her leg over Momo's waist and burrowing into her neck.  Momo felt her nose rub against her skin and she squirmed slightly.  "That's right," Sana said, "I wanted you to know.  I love you.  So much.  And not like anybody else."

Momo's grip around Sana's back tightened.

"I know."  After a long silence.  "Me too."

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jealousy's a . take a page out of sana's book. if you like em just tell em. that's how the animals do it


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1241 streak #1
Chapter 2: Is this story still ongoing?
Chapter 3: Ok but as sweet as that is, Sana has a lot of problems and she’s just been ignoring all of em. In general that’s not a good practice, she’s even passed out for Christ’s sake. I wish she’d take care of herself more :(

Away from those depressing thoughts though, OT9! Wew~ Jeongyeon is adorable as hell though. It’s pretty adorable. I look forward to the next update!
SaMoLover #3
Chapter 3: i love it so much :(((
Dougherty #4
Chapter 2: Okay, this was sooooo cute I can't even handle it *-*
1241 streak #5
Chapter 2: Ahhh~~~~so sweet <3 ^^
1241 streak #6
Chapter 1: SaMo is LOVE,and we all know bout it <3
Dougherty #7
Chapter 1: I liked it...can I hope for more since the end was a close not close? Lol anyway, good job
Chapter 1: Ah, the ending seems rather open... I’m surprised that the story is completed already as it seems like Sana and Momo are still conflicted and their feelings are still muddled. They seem to have different ideas of where their relationship stands.

Anyways thanks for writing author :) !! Would you perhaps consider writing an epilogue to the story?