A song For my HYUNG...

A song For my HYUNG...

"Ryeowook-ah"!!! Ryeowook-AH!!!.... Leeteuk calling his name excitedly , he run upstairs and went  towards his dongsaeng room. he found ryeowook to his mini table busy to his keyboard, Ryeowook love to compose song, classic song is his favorite....



"hyung!!!" what are you doing here..?

"ryeowook-ah" look what ," TADAAAAA"  I got my license today.!!!!!....Leeteuk said while showing his new license ..

"woah!!! hyung !!! congrats.."

"thank you ryeowook-ah ,now I can freely use our car, you want to come with me"?

"ahh. ...hyung, sorry  I cant look Im busy ,I need to finish this composition"

"ani, you have to go with me, we will not going too far, Im just excited to use our car"

"but hyung!!!"

"come on", only this time ,I know you can do it later"  



Leeteuk and Ryeowook get in the car,


"hyung are you sure , you can drive ?"

"Of course, How did i get my license if i cant drive"


"dont be scared ryeowook-ah trust me ok"


The engine start ,Leeteuk is so happy , while on the road  Leeteuk decided to pick up his other friend ,

Leeteuk went to pick up Heechul and Kangin 

"woah, Leeteuk-shi, your amazing, your car is great,, heechul said

"now you can , easily pick on girls,, " Kangin said

"yah, kangin shut up your mouth , my dongsaeng is here"


While on the Road.....


they are so busy chatting and laughing, Ryeowook feel awkward inside the car,

"hyung, i think we should go home now" ryeowook interrupt...

"ryeowook-ah its still early , and Im hungry I think we should eat something " leeteuk said

"yahh, better!!!!    WE should eat something, kangin and heechul said..


Leeteuk decided to park  the car in a near restaurant, Ryeowook has no appetite to eat , so he decided to stay in the car but truthfully he need to record something .....


"hyung I will just stay here, I dont have an appetite to eat"

"are you sure"?

"ne hyung Im fine here"

"ok", we will just eat and come back after ok"

"ne.hyung" Ryeowook simply nodded and smile to his hyung


-----while they are busy eating inside the restaurant ,suddenly an unexpected incident happened----


 All of them heard a loud crash in the street , 

Leeteuk started to freak out when he saw his car bumped by a big truck,because of the impact their car turn upside down, he hurriedly went towards the car and he saw Ryeowook inside unconcious and covered of  blood..

he hurriedly opened the door he duck inside and slowly get Ryeowook outside of the car..

He laid Ryeowook in his arm..



"Ryeowook-ah, please wake up open your eyes ,, hyung is here,,please" Leeteuk keep on shaking him to wake up


Ryeowook heared his hyung , for him its hard to open his eyes,but he tried...


"hy....ung~"    Ryeowook sofly mumbled...

"Ryeowook-ah ,,, "

"hy..ung,, Im sca...red"

"shhhhh....dnt be scared , hyung is here.".....PLEASE !!! someone call an ambulance!!!!! Leeteuk yell...Kangin and Heechul rush to call an ambulance.. 



Ryeowook was still holding his recorder , he slowly lift his hand and show the recorder to his hyung>>


"hy...ung",......... wh...at     ti...me is........it?   Ryeowook weakly asked..

"its about to midnight "   Leeteuk said while sobbing

"hyung, take this ,,,its my gift for you..hyung.its not so good but I hope you will like it.. "tomorrow........"Advance Happy Bday hyung~.."



That's  the  last word that Ryeowook said before he close his eyes...



Leeteuk lost his dongsaeng  a day before his birthday, now he fully understand why on that day ryeowook want to finish his composition and hesitate to go with him, Ryeowook want to make a suprise for him, he want to make a song for him, when Ryeowook realize that its not going to happened because its about to midnight and he have no time to finish the song, he decided to be left in the car so he can record his voice..

------ a week after that incident------

Leeteuk slowly went inside to his dongsaeng room he want to listen to the song that ryeowook recorded , 

and then he pick the recorder out of his pocket  and decide to listen to the song that Ryeowook sung..

he press the play button .....


he was about to turn it off but he stopped when he heard his voice..

"hyung-ah, mianhae,  I should give you a nice present but, i have no time. to do it,, hope you like the song hyung, its for you..."

"hyung-ah... Saeng il chuka hae.....SARANGHAE"...

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jRYEO13 #2
Thumbs up!
hmmmm~! i cried!!!! nice story!!
kyulovewook #4
Aww, that was so sad, I was tearing up but couldn't cry...my sister is here next to me.

Great job though :D I love it!