Chapter 2

A Vampire and His Baby


Chenle's always nervous when Jisung asked him to drink his blood. First of all human are fragile. If you accidentally puncture carotid artery it's game over, the blood will burst freely like fireworks and within one minute the human will bled to dead, older and experience vampires with high pride who often have less empathy for human, love to feast from carotid artery because it carry blood with fresh oxygen. They said it taste like fizzy water, fresh and rejuvenating, but others rebutted, drinking from carotid artery is messy and do not represent vampire in elegant way, so they prefer to drink from jugular veins on each sides of the neck, where oxygenated blood will stream out gently, easy for them to savor it, like depicted on every vampire drama, movie or picture.

But, either way are not good, medical attention is still needed if vampire bites human like that, so Chenle has a different way to drink, he prefer to drink around shoulders smalls veins.

Jisung undresses, well because it is not easy to clean blood stain on t-shirt, and they don't want to make the launderer worry.

Jisung's waving his hand to call his hyung. Chenle feels his temperature drops although he always cold, he feels colder now. He is staring at Chenle, Chenle looks down. He knows he is ready. Chenle places both of his hand on Jisung's back and hug him.
"Why you are still afraid of injection needle but not being afraid to be bitten by me, Jisunggie?"

"It's different! Needles are pointy and sharp. Hemm...but your incisors are sharp and pointy too...Ya know maybe because I love you, you don't scare me."
Chenle blushes because of the sudden confession, he secretly save it in his unbeaten heart.
"Just bite already! This suspense is killing me too" Jisung stares dagger at him so Chenle show off his shining incisors and Jisung smiles, it fascinated him greatly.

"Huff well if you said so, bon appétit" Chenle takes his first bite. "Owww...oww..oww it's hurt" Jisung's nagging while he stay still and clenching his fist.
He precisely draws blood, below Jisung's pectoral bone, and gulp serenely. "Ugh Chenle can you make it faster?"

Chenle doesn't change his pace, everything should move according how it flows. Jisung feels a little drowsy but it is hurt, hurts like ants biting your sweet fruit relentlessly. Jisung grabs a handful of Chenle's hair and tucks, he just wants a small revenge, Chenle knows and keeps swallowing languidly while Jisung starts to pinch his neck.

Seconds are running away. The alarm rings and startles both of them. Chenle stops, and excess blood on Jisung skin then sterilize and patch him with nearby big square bandaid. He drank almost exactly one pint, basically, Jisung gave the same amount as a person who donated blood for red cross.

"Thank you for the meal" Chenle pecks Jisung cheeks.
" Just invite me to a fancy dinner and we're even" Jisung kiss the tip of his nose and goes to their bed chamber, followed by Chenle.

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1489 streak #1
Chapter 4: they're so silly and cuteee (*˙˘˙)♡(*˙˘˙)♡
golden-sunflower #2
Chapter 4: This is soo cute :3