"Cute in My Hoodie"

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They didn’t stay long after Seulgi officially announced her relationship with Joohyun. They didn’t hold any Q&A either as planned. But surely, as soon as the news became public, everyone was quick to start giving their responses.

Most of the responses were positive. They love the couple mainly because Joohyun turns out to be such a drop-dead gorgeous woman so there is just no wonder Seulgi would date her. They were soon famously be known as ‘the visual couple’.

Even so, they still wonder about Joohyun’s background.

No one knew the Kang heir is associated with a Bae Joohyun.

Many assumed she’s like Seulgi, an heir to a big company runs by her family. Or that she’s the daughter of one of Seulgi’s parents’ friend. Or that she herself owns a famous company of her own and has been hiding her identity from the public all this time for privacy purposes. All the assumptions made it seem like there’s no way Bae Joohyun is an ordinary woman. She must have influence to the Kang’s company.

But both Joohyun and Seulgi only let everyone talk as they please.

They didn’t turn down the rumors, they didn’t address it either. It’s Joohyun’s whole background is her privacy and Seulgi’s mother thinks the most she can do is make Joohyun’s background stay hidden because when you’re associated with Kang Seulgi publicly, privacy could be the only thing you can hardly ask for.

“How are you feeling?” Joohyun turns her head to the source of that voice, Seulgi. “I know it’s a lot to handle and this is just the start—”

“I’m okay,” She cut her off, followed with a soft sigh.

“Talk to me, Joohyun.” Seulgi insisted, for whatever she feels like she knew there’s more to it.

They hold their gazes for a short moment before Joohyun finally give in.

“I’m serious, I’m okay… It’s just that everything is… quite overwhelming.” Joohyun let Seulgi hold her hand gently. “I never done that before, you know… Being in a press-conference… People watching and taking my photos in every direction… So many of them were watching me and I can feel it and it’s… I don’t know, I think I’m gonna need more time to adjust to all that…”

Seulgi didn’t know what to do about it. She can tell that her girlfriend isn’t okay even when she said she is. With their relationship being public now, most of Joohyun’s life will change and Seulgi couldn’t tell if it was for the better or worse.

Joohyun sighs again, a bit more like a relief one. “But other than that, I’m okay…” She notices the troubled look in Seulgi’s face, she knew the latter must’ve been racking her brain to try to make Joohyun feel better while guilt-tripping herself. “You’re with me the whole time so it helps…”

And then Seulgi starts cradling her hand and her eyes move to look at their joined hands.

“I won’t be able to stop those people from following you around, in fact some of them are still on my tail every single day. Even right now, as we speak… It’s not pleasant to have people try to invade your privacy, but I promise I will try to not change too much things for you…especially your personal everyday life.”

Joohyun didn’t realize she’s been holding her breath from the intense eye-contact and the way Seulgi talks.

“You’ve been dealing with this every day and everywhere you go?”

She looks away, shrugging as if she was uncomfortable saying it out loud that it happened far too many times that she sorts of gotten used to everything. “Well, with my status, it’s just how it is… It’s not so bad for me ‘cause I’m used to it but I can’t apply the same thing when it comes to you.”

“Mmhm,” She hums, “True…”

The small voice Joohyun used makes Seulgi feel a little insecure. “Do you…regret it?”

Joohyun didn’t even waste a single beat to say, “Of course not.”

“Thank you for sticking with me.” Seulgi smiles in return before kissing Joohyun’s temple as if it’s the most natural thing to do for her.

The thought quickly reminded her of what occurred when she met Seulgi’s parents. The part where they were talking about Seulgi’s feelings for Joohyun and all that. The part where Seulgi admitted that she’s falling for Joohyun. She wondered if Seulgi really mean it when she said it or if she only said that because she was trying to convince her parents to keep supporting their relationship.

“Seulgi-ah…” She softly called, earning Seulgi’s attention.

Joohyun badly wanted to fidget, hoping it would ease the nerves but the fact that Seulgi had no intention to let go of her hand stops her. She settles with holding Seulgi’s hand slightly tighter.

“I think we should talk…” She softly told her, her hand now playing with Seulgi’s fingers absentmindedly and for some reason, it helps calming her down. She’s grateful that Seulgi didn’t make a comment on it and just let her do as she please.

Seulgi blinks twice, replying after a beat. “Is that how I sounded like?”


“Whenever I told you that I have something to say or that we should talk about something. Is that how I sounded like?” She blinks again, it didn’t feel very pleasant and she gets it now why Joohyun often mistook it as something negative.

“Um, I guess? A, anyway, this isn’t something bad at all…” She stops playing with Seulgi’s fingers and now settles on holding it firmly with both hands. “I was referring to what happened when we met your parents earlier today.” She looks at Seulgi expectantly.

The latter didn’t immediately answer her, but after a short second, her pupils grew wider in realization. Right, we need to talk. Because Joohyun was referring to the time when Seulgi admitted to her parents that she had finally fallen for her girlfriend.

When she looks back at Joohyun, she didn’t have the heart to ask for time to talk about it with her unnie or at least to have third and fourth opinions from her friends whether she really feels the way she thought she’s feeling. It’s not like she really need others’ help to assure her of her feelings for Joohyun, it’s just she’s used to the routine of consoling to her unnie first before initiating anything big for Joohyun. What happened earlier that day was almost as if it was on impulse, it just came out and it didn’t feel wrong at all. Because Seulgi didn’t even hesitate nor did she regret it either.

And right now, as her eyes meet Joohyun’s expectant ones, she says, “You’re right.” And smiles.

Joohyun’s eyes immediately changed to something that looks kind of brighter, almost sparkling. It only makes Seulgi wants to smile even wider at the sight. Her girlfriend truly looks beautiful and Seulgi wants to see that sparkle in her eyes more often, especially when she herself becomes the main reason for it to appear.

The young heir suggested for them to talk at her apartment due to safety and privacy reasons. She also added that she wants Joohyun to stay the night there for the mean time.

The girlfriend shyly agreed, her face suddenly feeling kind of hot thinking about visiting Seulgi’s place as her girlfriend. And she’s even going to stay the night! Joohyun shakes her head lightly, throwing those thoughts away. It’s too soon—! She mentally told herself. Thankfully, Seulgi didn’t notice the weird and nervous behavior from Joohyun. They didn’t talk further, so Joohyun uses the time to check on her phone (lowkey trying to distract herself from any more ideas of being alone with Seulgi).

Admittedly, Joohyun feels a little lightheaded seeing the number of unread messages and a few of missed calls. She was never one who would use her phone much to interact unless necessary, so having so many people questioning many things about her situation was a bit too overwhelming.

“You’re quite popular, hm?” Joohyun jumped a little in her seat at Seulgi’s voice and before she can respond to her question, Seulgi apologizes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to peak but it’s just…in my peripheral view.”

She relaxes, “It’s okay, you know I get startled too easily. And no, I’m not popular—” says someone who gets confessed to with nearly all the male species at the university. “—they were all just asking the same thing, probably. Wendy and Joy have been bombarding me with messages since this morning. Chorong sent a couple of them too and then Yongsun and…your cousin, Yerim.” The last one perks Seulgi’s interest a little. “The rest of them…” Joohyun absentmindedly scrolling through her inbox, letting Seulgi look at the screen as well. “Well… It’s safe to say that I don’t really know them—hm?"

Seulgi’s hand suddenly grasp Joohyun’s, a small frown on her face. “Is that Jennie?”

Joohyun look at the list of unread messages and found ‘Jendeukkie’ and below is a short preview of her text message that says: “I saw the news… I don’t know what you—” it indicates that Jennie knew about Seulgi announcing her relationship with Joohyun to the public. Of course, she knows, it was broadcasted on national TV and is now probably trending on social medias.

Next to the name and message preview, was an unread message indicator that shows the number 5.

Joohyun wanted to just ignore it, but before she can do that, Seulgi says, “You’re not gonna check the message?” Joohyun was a bit surprised at that.

She hums, “Should I? Will that be okay?”

“It’s just text messages and there’s five of them. It could be important.”

Her finger hovers over the screen. “Alright.”

“Hyunnie, why didn’t you pick up my calls?”

“I’m so sorry that the news blew up. I’ve made a statement that we’re nothing but friends.”

“Are you still upset? Can we meet somewhere? I’ll come get you.”

“Hyunnie, you’ve made your point. I get it, but can I please talk to you in person? There’s something I want to tell you, it’s important.”

And after the previous four messages, comes the last one:

“I saw the news… I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I really need to talk to you…alone, if you can. Please…”

Once Joohyun read the last one, she immediately checks on Seulgi and find a very visible frown on her face. She knew that the idea of having Joohyun alone with Jennie doesn’t sit well in Seulgi’s head, especially now that she also knows Seulgi’s mother shares the same idea with her daughter.

“I’ll tell her that I won’t be seeing her alone.” She mutters.

Her fingers now already typing down a reply that says, “Sorry, Jen… If you want to talk, then Seulgi’s had to be there with me too, I can’t risk being seen alone with you again.”

“Done.” She let out tight smile, turning to Seulgi once again and place a comforting kiss on her cheek. “You’ll come with me, right?”

It seemed to work when Seulgi smiles a little and wow, is that a shade of blush on her cheeks too? “Of course.”

Joohyun then turn off her phone seeing that the battery is dying already and none of them talk for the rest of the car trip to Seulgi’s apartment. It only takes for about five minutes before the car drives into the building and up to the parking lot. They walked inside an elevator that takes them all the way to Seulgi’s floor.

The placement of the elevator was different than the one she took the first time she was here.

When Joohyun first visited the place for no other purpose than to deliver food to the 20th floor, her first impression was nothing over the top. She admits that she can tell it’s a high-end apartment, judging by the height of the building, it’s basically a skyscrapper. The interior inside screams expensive, she took a few seconds to admire a few things but other than that, she didn’t pay too much attention. After all, she was there to deliver food anyway.

But of course, she can hardly forget the moment she met Seulgi.

Especially how they kissed there in front of Seulgi’s door.

Joohyun shakes her head from side to side, wanting to not remember that moment which can lead her to thinking even further now that they’re going to be alone for the whole night. It didn’t help now when she finally steps inside the high-end apartment.

“Oh god, stop thinking, Joohyun…”

“Is something wrong? Are you okay?” Seulgi asked, face looking a little concerned. “Is it your head? A headache?”

“N, no…” She tries to brush it off, chuckling. “I’m okay, maybe I need a little drink.”

“Alright, you should sit down first and I’ll get your water.” Joohyun nods, letting Seulgi walk ahead of her.

When she finally looks up ahead, the sight of big windows greeted her at the end of the room. Wooden flooring underneath her feet, and an overall dimly lit short hall. The wall on her left was decorated with a few abstract paintings. Her eyes stop wandering around when Seulgi urge her to come further inside her place, the light automatically lights up at Seulgi’s presence in the living room.

Once Joohyun got a better look of the whole living room, she can hardly try not react too visibly. Everything was either in black, white, grey, light wooden pattern and yellow. It looked modern and design-wise simplistic. There’s also a little green stuff here and there, just small little accent to compliments the dominant black and white.

In the middle, there’s a long and wide L-shaped yellow couch. In front of it a rather small coffee table, by the corner there’s a lounging chair and a small similar one in front of it, on the right there’s yet another small coffee table, two books placed on it and a pair of reading glasses.

The light that illuminates the whole room was hanging from the ceiling and the shape was… Joohyun couldn’t tell what kind of shape it was but it looks simple and nice, artistic even.

She also noticed more paintings on the wall.

Joohyun remembers when Seulgi told her that she’s doing business mainly because she wanted to follow her father’s footsteps in becoming the CEO and her true passion and hobby is actually art. Now, just by looking at Seulgi’s living place, she can tell that she’s truly passionate in arts. She wondered if Seulgi drew some of the paintings on the wall, too.

Gosh, that’d totally make her even more admirable.

“You can sit anywhere you like.” She heard Seulgi says from inside the kitchen, which located on the far left of the living room.

With little hesitation, Joohyun sits down on the fluffy couch, pressing and caressing the couch’s surprisingly soft material with her palm. She suddenly feels the urge to close her eyes and lay down her whole body on it, however before she can escalate all that, she decided against it due to politeness despite her being Seulgi’s girlfriend and all.

Seulgi came back soon with a glass of mineral water.

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹