It's Official

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“Yes, she made it.”

Joohyun was the only person visibly surprised when she heard it.

They haven’t even scratched that specific topic about the progress of Seulgi’s feelings. So, the only right respond Joohyun can muster was surprised or taken aback or even shocked. The last time they had a serious deep talk about it was that night they spent camping in the car. Though it wasn’t that long ago, still, this is fresh news for the older one.

“Why do you look so surprised, Joohyun?” The question comes from Seulgi’s mother, who apparently had been keeping a close eye on Joohyun’s reaction. “Don’t tell me this is the first time you heard it too?”

“Um… That—”

Joohyun didn’t get to finish when Seulgi’s father says, “Seulgi-ah, you shouldn’t be like that to your girlfriend.” That makes Seulgi frowns. “You should always let her know that you love her. What if she mistaken it? You’ll end up having a hard time. I’m speaking from experience here.” He gestures to his wife who rolls her eyes in return.

“I’m sorry, father… It’s…a bit hard for me to express such thing.”

Seulgi cast a short glance at Joohyun who caught the slight crestfallen look on her face. So, she decides to save Seulgi at the moment. Besides, it is not a lie that Seulgi always have a hard time expressing her affections to her girlfriend.

“It’s really okay. This… This is really the first time I heard her admit it out loud but um,” She takes a hold of one of Seulgi’s unoccupied hands. “Seulgi always has her own ways of showing how much she cares for me and I think that should say a lot about her feelings.” She sent a light squeeze and when their eyes met again for very short moment, Joohyun couldn’t help but blush as she looks away. “Seulgi told me this is also her first time dating someone, so she’s still trying to figure out things couples usually do. It’s a slow progress, but she actually has gotten a lot better now.”

“Right, I am.” Seulgi says confidently, then catching Joohyun off guard when Joohyun feel Seulgi’s other hand on her shoulder and then proceed to land a kiss on the top of her head, almost too naturally.

Joohyun didn’t know how to react, so she lets her and blushes in deeper shade of red.

“She’s really her mother’s daughter, I see.” Mr. Kang commented.

When Joohyun finally looks at Seulgi’s parents again, she can see Seulgi’s mother sporting a proud smile. “Well, I’m truly glad that you two are getting along better now. But I do have one more question for you, Joohyun.” The change of tone immediately alarmed both Seulgi and Joohyun.

“Sure, you can ask me anything.”

“Were you always aware of Seulgi’s status?”

Joohyun frowns, seemingly didn’t quite catch the question but she did have her suspicion.

“Seulgi isn’t just a student in your university. Perhaps, she is just a student when she’s studying but other than that, Seulgi holds a much bigger role in her family. She is going to run one of the most successful companies in South Korea and right now, her father is preparing her for it. Knowing this, there’s bound to be people who would do anything to be with Seulgi and usually, we wouldn’t be worried because Seulgi has never taken any interest to be with anyone. However, we weren’t closed with the idea either. Seulgi is allowed to date anyone that catches her attention…but of course, we need to make sure that whoever ends up dating Seulgi, truly cares for her and not because she’s rich.”

Joohyun’s frown deepens. “I care about her. I… I’m aware of her status and how different we are judging by that alone. But my intention to date Seulgi was never about her wealth. I simply fall for Seulgi even before I found out about who she actually is.” Joohyun’s face hardens with determination.

There was a long pause lingering before Seulgi’s mother voice out yet another question.

“Are you sure it’s simply not because of her wealth?”

When Seulgi feels Joohyun’s grip in her hand tightened, she was alarmed. “Mother.”

Said mother didn’t budge.

“What? I just want to make sure, Seulgi-ah.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Joohyun suddenly said.

“I didn’t come to Seulgi because I need her money. I… Even before I start dating her, I was fine on my own. I may not make tons of money, but I can get by every day and even spare some for my family back home. So, you can be sure that I’m not after Seulgi’s money at all.”

Seulgi’s mother looked convinced and yet she still narrows her eyes at Joohyun.

It’s no mistake that she believes Joohyun’s words but if she remembers correctly from her sources, Joohyun and Seulgi had never share a time together at all before Joohyun confessed. And she claimed that Joohyun is already in love with Seulgi? Her mother was still feeling skeptical about that part. She couldn’t believe that a person can fall in love with someone they barely talk to. She wanted to see if Joohyun has more ulterior motives for dating her only daughter, after all this is for Seulgi’s sake. However, at the same time, it’s so hard to find one when Joohyun looks so determined and so sure of everything she said, she left her no room to argue.

“Very well, then…” Mrs. Kang drops suspicion and put on a smile. “I believe I must apologize if ever I offended you, but believe me when I say that I’m doing this for Seulgi’s sake.” She eyes her daughter who’s still sporting the same frown from earlier. “With a status like hers, it is quite a challenge to find someone who’s willing to overlook her status or simply her family name.”

“But I think you’ve proven yourself good enough, Joohyun.” Seulgi’s father said, pausing to let out a cough. “I approve of this, Seulgi. You’ve choosen well, kid.”

However, the cough continues yet again. It made his wife sigh; she then proceeds to call two nurses inside the room. The husband was quick to dismiss the two nurses, saying it was just a cough and nothing serious. “Stop exaggerating everything, I’m fine, dear.” It wasn’t enough to convince the wife though as Joohyun can still see the frown in her eyebrows.

Seulgi then step in, saying, “She’s worried, Appa.” She let go of Joohyun’s hand and stand up from her seat to walk toward her father. “I think you should lay down and rest now, you just got back from the hospital too.”

With Seulgi’s persuation, he finally gave in.

Seulgi personally volunteered to her father back to his room and while the gesture moved Joohyun, it also resulting in leaving her alone with Seulgi’s mother in the room. This is definitely not something she plan to happen at all. Seulgi was supposed to stay by her side the whole time! She couldn’t help but tenses up the moment the door closes.

Well, to be fair, there’s actually nothing Joohyun should be worried about. Seulgi’s parents have showed their positive first impression. They were welcoming. They were accepting. They were kind to her. So, why should she feel nervous and scared now she’s left alone with one of the parents?

“So, Joohyun,” The older woman started, breaking Joohyun’s train of thoughts on why she shouldn’t be too nervous anymore. “While we wait for Seulgi to talk about the important things, I would like to ask you a few little things beforehand, if you don’t mind?”

It didn’t come as a surprise for Joohyun that Seulgi’s mother turned out has more things to ask about her. “O—of course not, Ma’am—I mean, mom.” Joohyun cursed inside her head for her embarrassing stuttering.

“Relax, dear, I hope this is not too personal but… You did mention that you earn enough and sometimes even able to spare for your family back home. Do you perhaps work as a part-timer?”

“Oh, um…” She hesitates for a second, considering to lie but then couldn’t exactly think of any benefit coming out of it. So, she settled on telling the truth. “Yes, I do. I have four different part-time jobs for now. I’ve been wanting to get a fifth one but I doubt it will fit into the university’s packed schedules, so yeah…”

“I see…” Joohyun sees the older woman leans back in her seat, arms crossing in front of her while looking at Joohyun carefully as if studying her. “Isn’t hard though? Balancing your part-time jobs and studying?”

Joohyun only shrugs slightly. “Only at the first few weeks, but eventually I got used to the routines.” ‘I had to’ was left unsaid.

Everything was a struggle of course and they’re still is up until now but Seulgi’s parents don’t have to know about that. She can get by everyday on her own just fine while at the same time helping her parents too. That’s already more than enough for her.

“Then…how can you go on dates with Seulgi?”

“Ah, well…” She couldn’t help but get flustered. “We sometimes spend time at the library together. Other times, we’ll go eat dinner together. There’s even one time when Seulgi prepared a late-night picnic date far from the city.” ‘We stayed the night under the tent and kissed for the first time too’ was definitely left unsaid.

She doesn’t know why she had to mention that specific one.

Maybe it’s because that’s the most Seulgi has ever done for Joohyun.

“Really? She did?” Before Joohyun can confirm, the double-doors opened and Seulgi walked inside. “Good timing, dear. We were just talking about you.”

“Yeah?” Seulgi didn’t occupy the empty seat, instead she went back to Joohyun’s side and back to holding her hand again. “It’s nothing embarrassing, I hope.”

“Oh, no, no… I’m saving that for some other time. Joohyun told me you’ve taken her for a late-night picnic somewhere. I never knew you’re such a romantic, Seulgi-yah… I’m impressed!” She did small claps expressing her excitement in knowing this truth, genuinely happy for her daughter. “You’ve really grown, baby bear.”

“M—mother, please refrain from calling me that in front of my girlfriend.” She muttered, embarrassed. Joohyun on the other hand was very entertained. Seulgi getting babied and getting embarrassed is just so adorable to her, she couldn’t help the small giggles from escaping.

Her mother only scoffs, “Oh hush, she must’ve babied you a lot too, don’t you, Joohyun?”

“Well, not really.” Joohyun smiles, stopping herself from laughing even more. “Seulgi was mostly…formal and proper. She very rarely acts spoiled though, when she’s with me… I think I’m the more spoiled one between us, hm?” She looks up at Seulgi, wanting to confirm if she was right.

“Not exactly, you’re mostly mature too. Though, yes, I can vouch for the amount of times you pulled off the puppy eyes and pout.” Seulgi’s smile look so genuine that Joohyun’s heart skipped a beat and she instantly blush when Seulgi kisses the top of her head once again.

“Gosh, look at you two~” Mrs. Kang cooed.

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I am still updating this story, if you wonder.


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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Been reading this for the nth time. Hope you're gonna upd this beautiful fic of yours soon I miss it so much.
Hoyan33 #2
i miss this :( i hope youre doing well though! we'll wait respectfully
agentprincess #3
waiting for ur cb 🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 31: hope u come back soon 😭🩷
hi author
ultchae #6
Chapter 31: Hope you will come back to this 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
hope u doing great author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
update please author nim 😭😭😭
AnneTokki #9
Chapter 31: Authornim, hope you can complete this, Chance please
AnneTokki #10
I wanted to cry, I am on the last 2 chapters when I noticed this is not yet completed 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹