Fame Monster



He had the looks of a thousand moons that every female would swoon for. His milky skin shined radiantly every second, and there was never a dull speck on the beautiful face. His hair was always healthy. The way that it lightly fell before his forehead was something that he had pride in. Many people thought of him as tall and very slim, however, the masculine structure hiding behind his lose shirt was his secret treasure, which he had worked hard for. Moreover, he knew the massive amount of power he had when he simply smiled, showing his pearly white teeth.


Not only was he beautiful, but he also had the personality. He could instantly turn from the cute and innocent maknae that everyone was so used to, to a y and fierce young man by changing the twinkle in his eyes. He was slowly becoming one of the most demanded television host in all of Korean entertainment.


His popularity was inclining. With such an amazing image, how could the fan number not increase? The variety shows that he was featured on in the past were popular due to the presence of the young star. He was young, and had immense talent in singing and dancing.


Lee Taemin had it all. But, it wasn’t enough. He wanted fame. More fame.


The only thing that Taemin ever dreamed about was the lime light. The lime light that only he had. All of the attention would be on him and him only. His dreams were crushed when he found out that he would be debuting with four other members in a boy group called SHINee. In his world, there was no such thing called SHINee. It was only Lee Taemin.


Fans called SHINee a family. After a while, that was how Taemin began to think. Key was like him nagging mother. Onew was his father who helped him with anything. Jonghyun was his advice giving brother. Lastly, Minho was his comforting brother, who was always there for him.

Taemin began to feel more comfortable at the fact that they were like so close. However, as soon as he heard that fans began to choose biases from his group, jealously over whelmed him. He was the superbly talented one in his group.


Time passed by, and Taemin began to feel it. He was rising to popularity. Slowly by slowly, he began to see more ‘Taemints’ that ever. All of them shouting his name as he passed by, or looked at them during a concert. He reminded himself to keep his cute and innocent reputation as he kept eye contact. Even with his hyungs, he reminded himself to keep the act.


After a while, Taemin realized that his company was doing. During all of the Japanese songs, Taemin realized that he was slowly taking Jonghyun’s and Onew’s lines. He was singing more, and the spotlight was on him. He was in the middle of the pictures, he was dancing in the middle. Taemin noticed that the majority of the lights were on him. At this point, the plan was to have all of the lights on him.


Hey! I'm Simran. This is my very first story. It will be short and sweet, and I really hope you like it. It is pretty much about SHINee and their relationships as a group, and Taemin's thoughts. I don't think that Taemin is like this, I just wanted to make the character a little more...dynamic.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own SHINee, or anything that I mention in here that is related to SM Entertainment. I am simply wiritng a story, and this is a fictional story. The plot is mine. I made everything up except for the characters.


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