
The Run Away

Running.......That's what I was doing. With the clear night sky and the cold air hitting my face, I started to feel better. The adrenaline was pumping through my veins yet It felt as if my lungs were on fire and my legs were going to fall off any minute. For someone who's short, I ran pretty fast. Wondering why I'm running? It's because I'm running away. Running because I'm an idiot. Running to clear my mind. Running reason. I'm running like a child running away from their fears. Wondering what happened? Well the reason is extremely stupid.



"Yah, are you going to meet him after school?" Suzy asked. Yes Miss A's Suzy. She's the best unnie/sunbae ever! 

"Unnie......MY NAME IS NOT YAH! and I really don't know."

She looked at me with confusion written on her face.

"Wae? Usually you'd be excited when he calls you out."

"Well last time......."

Remembrance was filling her face as the memory was appearing in her head. If you're wonder who we are talking about,  we're talking about my friend and crush Changjo. He's friends and bandmates with my brother. My brother being the hyper active and persisting person he is, he would drag me everywhere with him. Stupid Niel never (or will ever) grasp the fact that at times I like to sleep or just relax at home then be bored out of my mind watching him practice at night. He claims that he does it so we can keep the sibling love we have. Sweet but it's tiring. At least I met Changjo and became friends with him because of that. No lie I fell with him from the start. His dancing, his voice, and personality just got me. To me he was perfect and I found it an extreme plus that he was also good looking. Anyways now you know my feelings and relations with Changjo, you must be wondering what happened last time. Well LAST TIME he asked me to meet him after school. Just like today but I was actually excited and eager to see him. The love high I get from being with him was something I was craving. But lets just say I found myself soaking a water public. STUPID NIEL HAS GOT TO STOP PRANKING ME! I still can't believe that Changjo was even in on this plan. Normally I would be like ok yeah you got me but not this time. I was humiliated in public and being laughed at by my crush. He didn't even help me out. He just took pictures and left me there, I was so frustrated that I haven't talked to him since. I did however forgive my brother. You know after I took some of his favorite shirts and forced him to take me shopping and have lunch with me at the Hello Kitty Cafe for the whole day. I even made him buy me some pads. kekeke I'm evil!.

"Well ~~~~~, that was the past. Just go I have a good feeling about this."

Time flew by and the day was filled with the usual crap we get that the teachers claim will help us in the future. Before I knew it, it was the end of the day. I was the last to leave the class because I like to leave when it wasn't so crowded. Also I was so out of it that I didn't realize that everyone left like thirty minutes ago. I packed all my belongings and headed out. I was almost out the gates when I heard someone yelling my name. i turned around with confusion and fright written on my face.

"Yah I was waiting for you." Changjo said.


Silence filled that air. I didn't know what to say. I felt awkward since I avoided him for such a long time. No lie, while I was avoiding him, I couldn't sleep and I barely ate. And I love food with my life so it really worried Suzy. Even my brother noticed my change of attitude even though he was so busy promoting his new song. 

"Look I'm really sorry about last time."

I looked at him to see the guilt and regret in his eyes. I felt a lot worse when he kept looking at me like that. 


"You know, when you were avoiding me, I felt empty and incomplete. I missed you always texting me good morning or good night. I missed hearing your bubbly voice even if it wasn't in person. I missed you nagging me when I wasn't taking care of myself. I missed all the times we spent together. I just"

He then pulled me into a tight hug. I was to lost and shocked to react. While he hugged me, he whispered the words I was longing for.




I found a bench and sat down. Too tired from that run and all my energy was gone. With a clear head I thought why did I run away? After he said those words.....why did I have to break away? Was it because I feared that he didn't mean it? What if he meant it as the way Niel means it when he says he loves me. Like an oppa to a dongsaeng. What if he really meant it? I find it hard to believe that someone would actually like me. It scares me and freaks me out. it's something different. Its more different then thinking that your love is unrequited. Knowing that they actually love you back, the constant worry of finally losing them to  someone else and losing that love they gave. I didn't really want to go through that yet. But maybe I do. I was so deep in thought that I didn't feel the sudden presence next to me. The stranger looked at me with worry and sadness once they started to se me cry. Why was I even crying? Maybe to get rid of the confusion building up in my body and the regret making itself known in my brain. Suddenly the stranger started to hug me. I finally acknowledged his presence. I didn't need to look at him to know who it was. Just the scent told me everything and his voice confirmed it.

"Please don't cry..........It hurts me when you cry." I could hear the sadness and pain in his voice. He started to call him an idiot and kept saying sorry. Just him doing that made me smile and I started to smile.

"Hey your laughing! Wait why are you laughing? What I do?" Changjo said. The utter confusion mixing in with happiness was spread throughout his face. He just looked like a lost puppy. 

"Aiggo you just look so cute and adorable!" I said. With realization filling me, I turned red and looked away. I hear him chuckle and continue to hug me.

Silence again. I took this opportunity to gain some courage to tell him wait i've always wanted to. To give him an answer.



"I love you too..."

He made me look at him and I saw a huge smile on his face. He started to close the distance between us and I closed my eyes in fright. Not really knowing what to do. I felt his lips on mine. the softness and gentleness felt right. The electrified feeling spread through out my body as I kiss him back. After a few seconds we parted. He rested his forehead against mine and smiled at me. Happiness filled my body and the moment just felt so perfect. Well that is till-----



"YAH! PABOS THEY HEARD YOU. ACT NORMAL! I REPEAT! ACT NORMAL!............oh hi guys pleasure seeing you here."

We found Teen Top minus Niel standing there with huge smiles plastered on their faces. We stood up embarrassed, creating distance between us. 

"H-h-hyungs, w-w-when did you get her?" Changjo managed to stutter in this awkward moment.

"Ohhhhhhh look whos stuttering!" L.joe teased. 


"Hey I just sent the picture I took to Niel Hyung. I wonder what he'll say when he sees a picture of his beloved baby sister and his friend making out kekeke." Ricky said. 

"YAH WE WEREN'T DOING THAT!" Changjo said. I just stood there quietly, red from embarrassment.

Everyone started to laugh and tease us while me and Changjo just stood there. Well that is until Niel tackled Changjo to the ground. We were all shocked at his sudden action. 

"YAH! EXPLAIN THIS PICTURE! EXPLAIN IT RIGHT NOW!" Niel screamed with the utmost rage. It scared me. I never seen him so mad before. It was different from the annoying, happy, talkative brother I see all the time. 

"I like your sister and we're together now......." he said with hesitance in his voice. Scared of what would happen after he said those words.

There was dead silence.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! OMO LET'S GO CELEBRATE KAJA!" Niel said. Nwo theres the weird brother I know.




SORRY IF ITS A BUNCH OF CRAP! Cause it kinda is..........

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Chapter 1: So cuteeeeeee. Niel make me laugh at the end XD
ahahah, Niel is wierd :)
Changjo, so sweet >_<
Teen Top, cute :)
Great story!
AsxeaKpop #4
Kyahh!!! Niel is so... weird but it's awesome! :)
cindyloco #5
Cute story ^^
Aw this is such a sweet stary
lol Niel made my jaw drop at the end and than i laughed
seems interesting though~ ^^ update soon :)