Cartier Ring


Title: Cartier Ring

Author: Jongkeey

Genre: Um...fluff? right?

Summary:  They got together May 25th, 2008 and today is their tenth anniversary. Happiness ensues.

(err long) Authors Note: I used to read fanfiction a lot back in 2011-2012 but after I stopped listening to SHINee in around 2014, i eventually fell out of the SHINee world. But in late Nov 2017, I wanted to love my boys again and to cherish the joy that they all gave me. When the heartbreaking news broke out, I just wanted to talk to all my old friends again, so I came back on tumblr..livejournal..and asianfanfics now. I was surprised to see that I got fairly recent comments on OLDDDDDD fanfics from 2012 (WHICH I CRINGE JUST READING IT CAUSE I WAS LITERALLY 13...but I guess I'll leave the decent ones public cause idk its nice to face your demons)

So after being gone for years, I decided to take a crack and see what I can write. It's been about 6 years since I last wrote anything.

It’s tough right now. I miss jongkey so much. I miss Jonghyun so much. But let’s get better together. If anyone is still hurting, which you have every right to be, don't be afraid to message me and we can talk about it. Be strong !


Continuing on...

I hope you guys are okay. I know that it hurts a lot still and its definitely a wound that may never truly go away. SHINee was a big part of my life. They helped me through so much and taught me to be happy for myself. I thought to myself, how could I abandon SHINee, they were the biggest part of my life. So I wanted to reconnect with SHINee and watch every single thing they've been in. I literally made a post on tumblr a week or so before the news and I said that I missed SHINee so, so much.

So when Jonghyun's news came, I was so heartbroken. For weeks, I didn't even want to scroll tumblr or instagram or anything because I just saw so much of him. Eventually, I found the strength in my mutuals and we started to talk and cry together. And it has helped a lot. I just want you guys to know, even if it's been 4 months or 4 decades, I'm still here to talk about it. I know it hurts. It's okay if it hurts. We can heal together. <3

p.s.s: Honestly my Jongkey heart was shook as hell when Key updated us that Jonghyun bought him a gift from Cartier and I cried tears of happiness when they ate together lmao. So sweet.


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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 A moment that will forever be remembered! That day was one for the history books :)