
Take me back to the night we met (A JENLISA FANFICTION)



An encounter in the elevator with Lisa changes everything for Jennie. Maybe fate is like a magnet. Everyone talks about how magnets attract but they also repel. Maybe we are so much of the same stuff we keep pushing each other away instead of holding each other close. 


Jennie walked inside YG agency, through one of the double patio doors and to the garden that's more of a polo field with some array of flowers on one side and a couple of tables near it. Their stuffs are standing all over, chatting, snacking, laughing, doing things that people do during socials. Until they started greeting her and she greeted them back with a polite smile. She have to run some errands today and after that, she'll probably hangout with her bed and watch movies all nights. 


As she get in the elevator. She briefly remembers that she had come directly from her late-show in the next city, as she always did, driving for two hours then crashed in Jisoo's place after a hot shower, just before dawn. Jisoo had let her sleep until her bedroom floor was warm from the late spring sun, then they'd had breakfast—or lunch, Jennie couldn't remember—Her life is distressing or perhaps, adult life in general is highly distressing. 


In summary, it was a stagnant life. She wake up, have breakfast, watch the news, go to the studio to make music, go on a concert tour, work, lunch break, more work, go to the studio again, her manager reminding her of her schedule, interviews, eat something, crashing in Jisoo's place, shower, watch the news while cleaning up, go to sleep.


Repeat five times a week.


Even weekends were the same, to be honest. Off days were spent at home, watching movies, eating pizza, reading, sometimes sorting out extra work.


Always the same.


There's no way anything could go different on her Thursday when the elevator ding at the second floor of the building and someone had stepped in and called her name, "Jennie?" 


She knew that voice, she looked up and sees it's Lisa that entered the elevator and had settled beside her. She holds still for unwavering support, as she stumbles backwards a little at the surprise. There's something cold enveloping around her as she turns and stare. 


They stand there, looking everywhere but at each other. They're now just two people, who had the world at their feet. Two people, who used to be in love with each other.



It's almost a year since their last performance together at the MAMA. Lisa looks good that's for sure. It's not like Jennie expected those months that have passed to be bad to Lisa. If anything, Lisa looks even better. Her brown hair looks great. It looks soft, softer than the last time she's seen Lisa's hair anyway, having been colored and re-colored over and over throughout the years. She looks like she lost a bit of weight, defining her jaw and cheek bones even more, her nose becoming more prominent on hee face. Her eyes are still the same, though, dark, the type that can be expressive when it wants to be. It's also the kind of eyes that can shut out emotion, which Jennie imagines, is the case right now. She's always hated it when she can't read Lisa. Not that she expected to be able to anymore after all this time.




Sup. After so many years. Heartbreaks. And all she can say is sup.


But Lisa smiles and something, something eases in Jennie's heart.


"Sup," Lisa responds in almost a whisper.


Jennie reaches up to her neck to loosen her scarf when she remembers she isn't wearing one. She feels like throwing up. She tried to focus on herself, she closes her eyes and started to determine if she still feel the same way about the younger girl. Only to find that she feels suddenly nothing but nervousness.


Jennie noticed Lisa's eyes quickly roam over her body. Feeling her eyes on her like that still gives her a thrill deep inside that it did back when they were together.


"I thought you went back to Thailand?" Jennie managed to break the silence. Hoping to find out more about Lisa's life. 


Lisa nodded and smiled widely at her, "I did. That's true, but I had to go back here to do a collaboration for Nonagon, you know. A woman have to earn her money." Jennie laughs at her failed joke.


"So you're just here for a few days?" Jennie queries, Lisa shook her head and Jennie suddenly felt a twinge of excitement. 


"Nah, I decided to sign a contract, and stay here for work. Maybe, I'll go traveling from time to time. I'm running out of money, don't want to be a homeless overseas worker." And they both shared a laugh. 


"Are you busy? I would love to catch up." Jennie asks hoping for the younger girl to say yes,


Lisa looks down at her watch and does some calculating in her head before answering, "I've got some time. I'm suppose to be doing a photoshoot later today, we could catch at the same place after," 



Jennie nodded happily. After a long time. Jennie doesn't feel the pain anymore.





It's not easy to sleep when all she dreams of is the past. In dreams, she tries to hold onto memories of the life she can't have anymore and wishes for a future that has left her. She has never believed in destiny or fate, but the moment she feels something calling her to the place they met, Lisa doesn't hesitate. Life is weird and fragile, the universe is cold and cruel. The whole thing launches Lisa into an existential crisis, has her thinking about how she can lose everything she's ever had.



It is a universal truth that a single one in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a person in marriage. Or in certain cases, a husband. No one cares so much about that these days. Gossip is gossip, and a marriage is a marriage, regardless of gender. Her parents have been trying to find her a match for the passed years but she did everything to avoid it. She went to France and took up accelerated course but doesn't use her degree anyway, she travels places to places, wasting money and finding and knowing herself. 


She was a mess, a huge mess.


Lisa thought that five years is enough to get over Jennie, and it was really enough. But Lisa wasn't a teenager anymore who's incapable of making her own life decisions, she wasn't a kid who needs her parents to do things for her. Now that she's determine to get her life on track and find someone who she wants to be with her the rest of her life. A companion, someone she's been waiting for the passed years. So she decided to went back in Korea and hope for the best. 



She knew that she still love the girl but it's not the same love the she has when they were younger. She doesn't feel the same love that makes her go crazy whenever Jennie touches her. Lisa seeks for solitude, and a companion in her life right now. Though, she's not crazily in love with Jennie anymore, and neither Jennie wasn't that in love with her, she thought perhaps she could work it out, perhaps they could work it out and make themselves fall in love with each other once again.


Lisa just hope for the best.


She just hope.







All movement stopped as Jennie entered their favorite restaurant in ages and the people stopped talking almost comically, their faces alight with interest at the new comers. Jennie let the service crew lead her towards their reservation table. Jennie's eyes roamed over the people catching on one in particular; a dark brown haired girl with a defiant look as she bowed before her. When she stood her eyes met Lisa's and she smiled when Lisa inclined her head, smiling back. After everything had settled and the people had started to talk again, and Lisa pulled a chair for her and she took a sit gently giving the other girl a warm smile.




Falling in love isn't always rainbows and butterflies and in Jennie's case, falling in love ends in heartbreak and sorrow. Today Jennie sits across the one who caused it all. Lalisa Manoban, her first and greatest love.


It's not too fast. It can't be, after years of being separated and years of sorrow, they needed time to relearn about the other. They talk about everything, the break up, Lisa tells Jennie about she went to her concert in Madrid, Jennie tells her about her career, they talk about how they've been and about their families and the last movie they saw. It's slow and reminds Jennie of when they first started dating and were scared to even look each other in the eyes.


They learn to outgrow the shadows of their younger selves. Together, and then apart. Sometimes, hours can feel like minutes and sometimes, a single second can last a whole lifetime. For Jennie, the second that would never end was this one. They just fell into a comfortable silence. Jennie feels happy catching up with Lisa. She thought that it was really nice to have their friendship back. 


When Lisa clears , and gave Jennie a hesitant smile, and asks, "Are you-uh..are you seeing anyone right now?" Jennie felt her heart beat loudly in her chest and mimicked the red tint on the younger girl's cheek.


Jennie all of a sudden, felt shy answering the question. She bit her lip and looks down on her hands. "I..I'm not dating anyone," Afraid to look on Lisa's face.


Jennie heard Lisa giggling, and that made her looked up to see Lisa's teasing smile, and then she found herself frowning because Lisa might have find the situation amusing, "What's funny?" Jennie asked with a playful y tone.


Lisa shook her head and grinned at her, "Maybe I could take you out sometimes, I mean, only if you want it." 


Lisa looks at her then waiting for her to show her in some way how she feels. Jennie was left speechless, staring at Lisa's eyes and getting lost to them. Jennie might have expected this to happen and might have prepared for this moment but she didn't know what to do all of a sudden.


"I-Lisa..I'm not that in love with you, I don't think that I feel the same love that I had for you back then," Jennie confesses, afraid to hurt the younger girl's feelings.  


But Lisa just shrugged her shoulders and smiled understandingly at her, "Me neither." Jennie's eyes widened at Lisa's bluntness and somehow felt rejected. 


"Oh," She responded and took a sip on her drinks, but Lisa's still smiling at her and she feels weird and somehow annoyed. 


"Why are you smiling like that?" 


Lisa giggles, "Because I know that it will annoy you," Jennie rolled her eyes at Lisa's remarks, "But you didn't give me a proper answer, it wasn't a yes and a no either," Jennie choked on her drinks and Lisa laughed at her. 


Jennie wipes her lips and blush a little before saying, "Seriously, Lisa?!" 


Lisa laughed and noticed that Jennie missed a tiny drop on her cheek, so she took a napkin and wipe it, and smiled sweetly at the older girl, Jenne of course, blushes like crazy and sent her a death glare, "I'm serious, Jen. Our feelings may have changed but something remains and besides, you're not seeing anyone, I'm single and you're single." Lisa said while raising her eyebrows in a funny way.


Jennie thought the idea for a while. She thought that they were both healed, and contented in their lives. She doesn't fear for her career anymore and she already thought months ago that she's open and ready for a few dates. Sadly, no one had the guts to try and sway her because they were scared to get rejected because Jennie was known for rejecting half of the men population in South Korea.


"Alright then," She said, nodding her head. And she watches Lisa gave her a flirty wink that doesn't fail to make her laugh. 


"In case I forgot to mention, you looked incredibly hot tonight. Makes me want to take you home instead." Lisa bluntly told her, and if there is something to poke in , she could have been choked but she just die inside instead.


She feels suddenly hot and she glared at the younger girl, "In your dreams, Manoban." 


Lisa laughs at her remarks but continued to for the rest of the night. 



And then she realises something that sometimes when you deny your hearts desire you simply need a good push to get back to where you belong. What they had was never supposed to be love, but somewhere along the line they both had lost their way. But as they say, when you're looking for something you lost, the best way is to go back to where you first started.



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yespoopoo #1
Chapter 5: One of the best I've ever red. Thank you author!
Jannishi #2
Chapter 5: I super love it! I hope you can write more about jenlisa but honestly the idea of blackpink being disband is too much to bear. Haha
Chapter 5: Love this story. Can't express my happiness while reading it~ ❤❤?
Chapter 4: HOLY
Ishiuwoo #5
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful... Been cryin happily while reading.
Chapter 5: Ugggh oh my gosh author I'm in tears right now i love the book you're a blessing to the jenlisanation
NatsuChanx5 #7
Chapter 5: Great story xD
Chapter 5: A HAPPY & SWEET ending! *clap hands*
Chapter 5: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
z3iggy #10
Chapter 5: Awwwwww...!! Awwww... :3
Awwww... this was so cute and a little angsty and beautiful, thank you for sharing this :)