
Lovers Turned To Love Rivals

‘’Jennie honey?’’ Jennie’s mom knocked at her daughter’s door and when she didn’t heard any reply, she pushed it open and saw her daughter laying at her bed, her back facing the door with the room dark and...depressing.

‘’Asleep again?’’ She sighed before closing it and going back downstairs. She saw her husband looking a her with a worried face ‘’How is she?’’ He asked

‘’Asleep again. It’s been a week since she’s been like this…’’ Jennie’s mom said ‘’They won the competition and yet she came home that day like they lost’’ She shook her head ‘’Or rather…she lost. But what?”

‘’I’ll try to talk to her maybe tomorrow. I have a day off and maybe I could bring our girl back to normal.’’ Jennie’s dad said ‘’After all she takes after you. I do have a master’s degree on handling you, so our daughter will probably be the same’’

‘’Shut up’’ Mrs. Kim said while giggling and pinching her husband. He laughed and looked out the window ‘’Isn’t that Lisa?’’ He pointed out. ‘’Who’s the girl that she’s with?’’

Mrs. Kim looked out and nodded ‘’Oh that’s Chaeyoung, maybe her girlfriend already’’ She giggled as she remembered the incident at the mall.

‘’Lisa knows how to pick them, she looks like someone you can trust.’’ Her husband said. She nodded and thought something

‘’She sure does...’’

‘’Thank you for this day Lisa’’ Chaeyoung smiled and kissed her cheek

Lisa pulled her closer by the waist ‘’Still giving me little kisses’’ She teased, she softly held Chaeyoung’s cheek and whispered ‘’Now let me have my big kiss’’ Lisa leaned closer and kissed Chaeyoung square on the lips. Her whole body lit up in fireworks, she will never get tired of kissing Chaeyoung like this.

Chaeyoung smiled and kissed her back. It took them a while to release each other before finally separating. ‘’I’ll never get tired kissing my chipmunk’’ Lisa smiled widely.

Chaeyoung blushed and said ‘’Sleep early pabo. We have school tomorrow’’

Lisa groaned ‘’Can’t we just get married already?’’

‘’How will we be able to live on our own then!’’ Chaeyoung laughed ‘’Now go you dork’’

‘’Text me when you’re home!’’ Lisa yelled before sneaking a quick kiss on Chaeyoung’s cheek before running away quickly.

Chaeyoung waited until Lisa entered her house before finally walking away with a small smile on her face. On her way home, she passed by Jennie’s house and she saw Jennie’s mom waving at her

‘’Hi! Chaeyoung right?’’ She smiled at Chaeyoung in which she quickly returned it back

‘’Yes I am Mrs. Kim. May I help you with something?’’ Chaeyoung said kindly

She nodded ‘’Actually yes I have a sort of personal request to you, if it’s okay with you’’ She said a bit shyly

Chaeyoung giggled and thought ‘’She sure looks like Jennie when she’s shy’’

‘’Sure! I’ll try to help to the best of my abilities’’ She smiled

Jennie’s mom smiled and said ‘’I want you to have a sleepover on my house.’’

Chaeyoung blinked, she didn’t expect that kind of request and asked ‘’Uhmmm why Mrs. Kim?’’

She sighed ‘’Well it’s about my daughter…’’

‘’What happened to Jennie?!’’ Chaeyoung asked in alert, thinking something bad happened to her

 Mrs. Kim laughed ‘’No nothing bad happened to her…well physically.’’ She then sighed sadly ‘’She’s been locking herself up in her room for a week now…going home too early for her taste, not having dinner sometimes…it’s like she turned into a mute now’’

Chaeyoung looked worried, she did noticed that Jennie has been distancing herself for almost a week now, she just didn’t have enough time to really give thought about it since Lisa has been taking her out everyday

‘’I would love to help Jennie but…my mom needs to know about it’’ Chaeyoung looked at her phone and deadpanned seeing it dead. ‘’Err, it looks like I have to go home first Mrs. Kim to ask for permission’’

‘’Oh don’t worry I’ll handle that. Just point out your house and I’ll talk to her’’ Mrs. Kim smiled ‘’I’m sorry if it looks like I’m rushing you…I’m just really worried since she’s my only daughter…’’

‘’It’s okay Mrs. Kim, I understand’’ Chaeyoung smiled. She pointed out her house and Mrs. Kim nodded

‘’Wow it’s so near. No wonder you and Lisa are always together’’ She winked. Chaeyoung blushed ‘’M-May I enter?’’

‘’Sure dear go ahead. My husband will point out Jennie’s room. For your clothes, just borrow some from Jennie okay?’’

‘’I will, thank you for letting me help your daughter’’ Chaeyoung smiled

Mrs. Kim couldn’t help but feel warmth at her kindness which is quite rare on the youngsters these days. ‘’Thank you Chaeyoung. I trust you on this okay? I hope you’ll be able to bring my daughter back to her moody self’’

Chaeyoung giggled and nodded before entering their house while Mrs. Kim went to Chaeyoung’s house.

Jennie was laying on her bed, her back facing the door as she stared at the wall in front of her. She’s been rather…depressed. She can’t bear to stay longer within Chaeyoung and Lisa’s presence, her heart hurting everytime they do couple stuffs like holding hands, kissing and smiling lovingly at each other. She also can’t be more comfortable being next to Jisoo because all this time, she knew that Lisa was going to ask Chaeyoung to be her girlfriend and even helped Lisa to it.

‘’Why?’’ Jennie whispered as another tear went down her cheek ‘’Why does everyone I love against me? I just don’t want to rush things with Chaeyoung because of her past with Jisoo…but…’’

Was it wrong for her to take things slowly?

‘’Am I really too late?’’ She whispered before slowly crying again…she’s been masking up her tear stains with make up so that they wouldn’t notice. ‘’My hubby…’’

As she started crying, she didn’t hear the door creaking open before closing again. She didn’t feel the figure walking slowly towards her.

But then, she felt the warmth that she really knows behind her as her breath hitched when someone hugged her. She laid there stiff, letting the unknown person hugged and broke down even more hearing the voice she is missing and the person her heart yearned so much.

‘’I’m here my wifey…’’

She felt Chaeyoung laid beside her and hugged her from behind while her hair. Jennie laughed bitterly, the one who hurt her the most is unfortunately the one who is comforting her right now making her cry even more.

‘’H-hubby?’’ Jennie cried out

‘’Yes wifey?’’

‘’Nothing…’’ Jennie turned around facing Chaeyoung’s worried face ‘’To hell with it’’ She leaned her face closer to her in plans of kissing her to declare her love for her before stopping herself to do the deed. Chaeyoung's breath hitched feeling their close proximity since it is quite dark in Jennie's room.

Jennie thought about her past with Jisoo and took a deep breath as she settled in hugging Chaeyoung tightly ‘’…just making sure you’re really here…’’

‘’I am here…I’m sorry if I didn’t take any actions of asking how are you feeling…’’ Chaeyoung whispered softly as she exhaled, calming down her heart ‘’I’m here now…let me take away your pain my wifey’’

‘’Stop saying things like that Chaeyoung’’ Jennie thought ‘’How can I stop loving you if you're being like this?’’ She screamed in her head. All she wanted to do right now is steal Chaeyoung from Lisa and run away from everyone...everyone who unknowingly stabbed her from the back by supporting Lisa and not knowing her feelings...

‘’You okay now?’’ Chaeyoung asked after almost half an hour of hugging Jennie while whispering soft words to calm her down

‘’Y-yeah I am’’ Jennie sniffed, letting go of the hug ‘’T-thank you and…’’ She blushed seeing the tear stained shirt Chaeyoung is wearing right now ‘’I’m sorry if I ruined your shirt’’

‘’Then I just have to borrow yours’’ Chaeyoung smiled ‘’I’m sleeping over here anyway’’

Her eyes widened in surprise ‘’Right now?!’’ She exclaimed

Chaeyoung was surprise ‘’You don’t want to?’’ She frowned sadly

‘’No no I do want to!’’ Jennie said waving her hands frantically making Chaeyoung giggle at her ‘’I’m just curious on why you want to sleep over here so suddenly...’’

‘’Well your mom was really worried about you for the past week and as I was passing by your house, your mom stopped and asked me if I could sleep over here’’

‘’My mom did that?’’ Jennie shook her head and hid her face ‘’That’s so embarassing’’

‘’Well, from my point of view, all I could see is a mother whose concern on her beautiful daughter’’ Chaeyoung winked making Jennie blush

‘’Jeez stop making me blush’’

‘’I’m just cheering my wifey up’’ Chaeyoung smiled ‘’So did you eat dinner yet?’’

Jennie shook her head in which Chaeyoung frowned in disapproval ‘’You must always eat wifey! Don’t you know foods are important?!?’’

‘’Well I know it’s important and apparently it’s more important for you’’ Jennie said savagely

‘’Yah!’’ Chaeyoung pouted in which Jennie chuckled ‘’If only you weren’t so cute…’’ Chaeyoung grumbled before standing up ‘’Change your clothes to pajamas wifey, I’ll bring you something to eat’’ She said before going out of Jennie’s room.

‘’A sleepover huh’’ Jennie said to herself before shaking her head

‘’The universe is really ing with me’’ She chuckled before changing her clothes to a more comfortable one.

‘’Wow your mom makes delicious meals!’’ Chaeyoung munched happily. As she was only getting food for Jennie, Jennie’s dad insisted that she must also eat since she’s going to sleepover.

‘’Well…you ate more than me’’ Jennie shook her head in amusement. It’s been a while since she felt light after a horrible week of locking herself.

‘’Sorry’’ Chaeyoung said sheepishly ‘’Couldn’t deny the fact I appreciate delicious foods’’

‘’More like every food out there’’ Jennie teased

‘’Well not all of them’’ Chaeyoung said before scrunching her face in disgust ‘’I particularly don’t like avocado. That…fruit? vegetable?’’ She think about it before speaking up again with Jennie holding her laughter ‘’That thing doesn’t really go well in my mouth and it’s so mushy…and icky and I’m going to stop because your face is being funny right now’’

Jennie laughed ‘’What you’re being funny right now. I never thought I will hear the day that you will rant about a food that you dislike’’

‘’I’m still human you know…got my likes and dislikes of course’’ Chaeyoung grumbled before finishing her meal. ‘’You finished eating?’’

‘’Yeah for a while now since you’re ranting about your love for avocados’’ Jennie teased

‘’Yes I love avocados so much I could empty the world of it’’ Chaeyoung said in sarcasm effectively making Jennie laugh that made her smile internally. She picked up their dishes and said ‘’I’ll just wash these up and let’s have some girl talk before going to sleep’’ Chaeyoung winked before exiting Jennie’s room.

‘’Can’t wait then’’ Jennie finally let out her gummy smile for the week.

While Chaeyoung was washing the dishes, she heard the door opened and there entered Mrs. Kim.

‘’How is she?’’ Mrs. Kim asked upon seeing Chaeyoung finishing.

‘’She’s a bit fine now Mrs. Kim’’ Chaeyoung smiled ‘’We’re still going to talk about what made her distant after I finished washing the dishes. But at least she’s smiling and laughing a bit now.’’

That made Mrs. Kim sighed in relief ‘’I knew I could rely on you’’ She smiled ‘’Anyways, your mother is such great company Chaeyoung! She made me stay for dinner since she’ll be lonely for tonight so I accompanied her and had some great girl talk. It’s nice to finally have another female friend around the neighborhood’’

Chaeyoung smiled at that ‘’Thank you for that Mrs. Kim! My mom mostly stays at home right now and she must be getting lonely. I’m glad you two clicked immediately.’’

‘’No problem dear. Now you should go upstairs and have some good night sleep. Both of you have school tomorrow’’ Mrs. Kim said before remembering something ‘’Oh yeah here’s your clothes for tomorrow. Your mother packed them up for you so that you don’t have to stop by your home to get some clothes.’’

‘’Oh thank you Mrs. Kim.’’ Chaeyoung said sheepishly, accepting the clothes. ‘’I better go upstairs now. Thank you for everything’’

Mrs. Kim smiled as she watched Chaeyoung go upstairs to make sure her daughter is okay ‘’If she wasn’t Lisa’s girlfriend, I would probably set her up with Jennie’’ she chuckled before going to the bedroom.

‘’Hey I’m back’’ Chaeyoung smiled while entering Jennie’s bedroom. Jennie smiled upon hearing her voice and scooted at the end of the bed.

‘’Lay here’’ Jennie patted the space next to her.

‘’But it’s okay for me to sleep on the floor’’ Chaeyoung protested but Jennie firmly shook her head ‘’No. You’re sleeping next to me. I’m your wifey so you should always sleep next to me’’ She pouted

Chaeyoung chuckled at her cuteness ‘’Aw alright you big baby’’ She sat at Jennie’s bed which surprisingly fits both of them. ‘’So, what happened?’’

Jennie knew what she meant and sighed ‘’It was just a breakdown from myself actually…I’m really sorry if you guys got worried because of me…’’

‘’Can you tell me about it?’’ Chaeyoung asked gently.

Jennie took her time to think about it and bit her lip ‘’I want to Chaeng but…’’ She looked at Chaeyoung who was staring at her patiently ‘’it’s about you…I can’t risk losing closure to you.’’ She hugged Chaeyoung who was surprise at the suddenness but hugged her back. Jennie laughed bitterly inside ‘’You’re Lisa’s girlfriend…I don’t want to be a snake on your relationship’’ She thought sadly and swallowed the lump on ‘’For your happiness and my sake…I guess I’ll just have to bury these feelings…but I promise to never stop loving you my hubby’’

Jennie tightened her hug to Chaeyoung whose question still hanging and all she could answer is

‘’I love you Park Chaeyoung…Thank you for everything and for staying here with me’’

She felt Chaeyoung freeze a bit before her hair softly ‘’I love you too…I’m always here wifey.’’

Instead of feeling her heart whole, she felt it break even more as she wished those three words from Chaeyoung’s mouth meant the same way on what she said…

Both of them laid down on Jennie’s bed with Chaeyoung backhugging Jennie while humming to help her sleep peacefully. Jennie felt her eyes closed in sleepiness and thought

‘’I don’t want to lose this closure with you…’’

Since I don't want the Chaennie warriors asking for my head, here's a chapter about them. An aftermath you could say after Lisa's grand plan. I hope I didn't broke all of your hearts and you better get ready for more angst in the upcoming chapters :) Happy New Year's Eve to all! Let's start our 2020 with a smile and prays for a full album of our girls!  


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 59: Chaennie! Yey
Monkeyduck #2
Chapter 54: Chaennie!!!
this book really lives rent free in my head..
reread this for 3x already..

sorry i can't get over...
Minisculeeee #4
Chapter 59: I just read the end after so many days that i didn't read because I'm still not ready to let go HSISOWIWKKA😭😭
one of the BEST chaennie story😩🤍
potchiie #5
Chapter 59: Just finish reading this all in one day and i’m crying 😭 this is one of the best chaennie au i had read ..the way jennie waited for rosie and fight for her love and the friendship of the four is the best
potchiie #6
Chapter 32: Im at chapter 32 but my heart is breaking for jennie poor jennie my chaennie heart is broken ..i feel like i’m crying i wanna comfort jennie..i want someone to make a move to jennie so chaeyoung would realized her feelings with jennie
Chapter 11: Jennie saving Chaeng was so badass, and Chaeng accepting Jennie’s uality was so cute!
This is actually one of the stories that made my heart so heavy while reading it. Jennie's pain here is so contagious I cant help but feel my heart clenching also. You did a great job
Chapter 10: Of course Chaeyoung blew them away with her auditions! She’s so talented! This story is so cute
Frostbite_1178 #10
Chapter 59: cute story