

“Is it cool that I said all that?

Is it too soon to do this yet?

‘Cause I know that it’s delicate—

Isn’t it?”



“I can’t believe you talked about memes on your date,” Chaeyoung exclaimed, shaking her head at her older friend.

“I panicked, okay? Without the alcohol in my system I didn’t know how to talk to her. All I could think about was memes!”

“You’re a piece of work, you know that?” Chaeyoung replied, snickering at Jeongyeon, who gave her a death glare.

“You’re one to talk, miss ‘friends to lovers, slow burn.’ How’s that confession to your dear Tzuyu coming along, anyway?”

“Shut up,” Chaeyoung muttered and crossed her arms. Her and Tzuyu had been friends since middle school. They got along well—with Chaeyoung’s tendency to try to understand and learn everything she could and Tzuyu’s unflinching ability to put up with Chaeyoung’s existential rants.

Chaeyoung wondered aloud and Tzuyu listened.

They were a good pair, the two of them. Short and tall. Painfully observant and incredibly kind. One with her head in the clouds and the other rooted in reality. They were best friends for a reason.

But it wasn’t until the end of highschool that Chaeyoung began to feel confused. Chaeyoung began to crave Tzuyu’s touch and whenever her tall friend laid eyes on her, Chaeyoung felt an indescribable, fluttery feeling in her gut. At first, she thought perhaps it was normal—after all, aren't you supposed to care deeply for your friends? But she didn't feel quite the same when she hung out with her other friend Dahyun. There was no flutter, just a pleasantness. When Chaeyoung told Jeongyeon these feelings, the older girl gave Chaeyoung a pat on the shoulder and said: “that’s love, squirt.”

Chaeyoung had been hiding these feelings ever since, afraid she might scare Tzuyu away if she confessed. It was almost impossible to read Tzuyu sometimes.

“Nayeon knows I like her, you know,” Jeongyeon said, breaking Chaeyoung from her vacant stare as she disappeared into her own thoughts.”I made that much clear to her.”

“You really like her, huh?” Chaeyoung asked, slightly surprised Jeongyeon knew for sure so quickly.

“I mean...ever since that night I haven’t been able to get her out of my head. It’s been kind of annoying, actually.” Jeongyeon made a face.


The front door to the apartment flew open, revealing a raging Momo. She stomped into the apartment with her fists clenched, not even bothering to close the door.

Jeongyeon tried to hide behind Chaeyoung but the younger girl leapt up from the couch and began backing away, avoiding the line of fire.


“Ha...about that...funny story…” Jeongyeon put on a smile.

“I’m gonna leave now,” Chaeyoung murmured.

“Don’t leave me! I need a witness to make sure Momo doesn’t murder me where I stand!” Jeongyeon begged.

“How could you do that to me?” The anger on Momo’s face shattered, leaving a very tired and embarrassed looking girl. She set her backpack on the floor gently and hung her head.

Jeongyeon’s terror changed into a feeling of guilt. “Jihyo and I just wanted to get you out there. You’re always too scared to do anything.”

Momo continued to pout.

“Can you really say eating lunch with Sana was that bad?” Jeongyeon asked.

Momo’s mouth twisted. “Yes. Absolutely terrible.” She picked up her backpack and walked straight into their room. Momo collapsed on her bed dramatically and stared up at the ceiling.

“What are you gonna do?” Chaeyoung asked Jeongyeon quietly, jutting her head in the direction of Jeongyeon and Momo’s shared bedroom.

Jeongyeon sighed. “I’ll get Jihyo and apologize...but I’m telling you, Momo will thank us later.”

“Good luck. I gotta head out to go volunteer with Tzuyu anyway.” The short girl picked up her purse off the couch.


“It’s for a class...we’re volunteering at a dog shelter.”

“Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t be volunteering on your own time,” Jeongyeon teased, and Chaeyoung stuck out her tongue at her older friend.

“Well, I’ll see you later if you’re still alive.” Chaeyoung put the strap of her purse over her shoulder and was out the door like a speeding bullet.

Jeongyeon poked her head into Jihyo’s room, seeing the girl was hard at work on some assignment with music blasting through her headphones. “Hey, Jihyo!” Jeongyeon called. The girl didn’t respond and continued to bob her head to the music. Jeongyeon walked over and tapped the girl on her shoulder. She immediately pulled out her ear buds and spun around in her office chair, facing Jeongyeon with wide eyes. “Momo is home, we should talk to her. She’s not happy.”

“I figured that much.” Jihyo paused her music and stood up, following behind Jeongyeon as they both entered the other bedroom. Momo hadn’t moved from the original position she first flopped down in.

“We’re sorry,” Jeongyeon and Jihyo said in unison.

Momo to her side and curled into a ball, ignoring them both.

Jihyo sat down on the bed beside Momo. “Sana’s pretty lovely, isn’t she?”

Momo remained silent.

“We didn’t match you with anyone else, don’t worry,” Jihyo assured. “Sana was just a prank. She’s one of the most popular girls on campus so we figured we’d give it a shot and she seemed to really like you.”

“You guys are mean,” Momo pouted, still avoiding eye contact.

“But we got you a date with Sana, didn’t we?” Jeongyeon replied, crossing her arms. “Please tell me you secured another one.”

Momo sighed. “She does want to hang out again…” the girl mumbled.

“Oooooooooo!” Jihyo practically squealed. “See, this all worked out!”

“But I don’t know if I want to hang out with her again.”

Jihyo’s smile instantly turned into a frown.

“Why’s that?” Jeongyeon asked. “Every gay girl on campus drools whenever she walks by.”

“Exactly. She’s a flirt.”

“So what?” Jihyo asked.

Momo buried her head in her hands. “She’s gonna break my heart.”

“I love this time of year,” Tzuyu said, staring out at the snow-filled landscape in which everything was coated in a fresh layer of white.

“I do an aesthetic sense. I don’t care for the cold too much though.” Chaeyoung had her hands stuffed into her pockets and she could feel her teeth chattering.

“Doesn’t it make you feel alive?”

“No, not really. More like miserable and depressed.”

Tzuyu smiled fondly down at her friend, who was dressed in a huge, oversized puffy coat that looked adorable on her.

“You look cute today,” Tzuyu commented, and Chaeyoung could instantly feel her heart fluttering. Tzuyu always loved to shower her with compliments—and Chaeyoung would often feel slightly embarrassed but secretly loved every second of it. It was funny how differently the tall girl acted with Chaeyoung versus the rest of their friends. Tzuyu rarely ever complimented their friend Dahyun, and wasn't afraid to smack her when she did something unbearably embarrassing. She was usually quiet around their older friends, too. Chaeyoung got to see a side of her that no one else got to see.

“Even with this huge thing on?” Chaeyoung replied, looking down at her puffy jacket that practically looked like it was engulfing her. “Thanks.”

Tzuyu smiled brightly at her friend and hummed to herself quietly as they walked down the sidewalk side by side. Tzuyu had volunteered the both of them to work at a local dog shelter to fulfill a requirement for one of their classes. While Chaeyoung liked dogs enough, she couldn’t say she was particularly thrilled about it. However, it beat the other options they had for volunteering, like working at an old folks retirement home. It’s not that Chaeyoung hated old people or anything, but they gave her the creeps a little bit.

“This is it,” Tzuyu announced, as if Chaeyoung hadn’t seen the shelter during the million times they passed it on their walk to the strip of stores and restaurants just outside of their campus. “You ready?”

Chaeyoung simply nodded and Tzuyu opened the door, causing a bell to chime as they entered. The place looked small on the outside but felt surprisingly large and homey on the inside.

A middle aged woman was sitting at a desk at the front and she looked up at the two girls and smiled. “Tzuyu and Chaeyoung?” the woman guessed. Tzuyu nodded.

“Thanks for coming! We really appreciate the help. First thing I’ll have you girls do is set your jackets down in our little break room, then I’ll have you start cleaning out the pens. You’ll let the dogs out one by one...clean out their pen, and then let them back inside!”

Yup, just what Chaeyoung really wanted to do this afternoon...clean up after dogs. But the look of complete adoration and happiness on Tzuyu’s face made Chaeyoung it up and accept the task with determination.

As expected, cleaning up after the dogs was not fun. However, playing with the dogs made up for that. They were all happy and wiggly—with their tails wagging at all times. A huge Saint Bernard took a liking to Tzuyu especially. When they played with him outside he never left her side. Chaeyoung snapped a picture of the two buddies together and the smile on Tzuyu’s face was just about the purest thing she’d ever seen.

The day was over quickly. They’d gotten to know each dog in the shelter. Chaeyoung had to practically pull on Tzuyu’s ear to get her to leave without adopting one.

“I’ll just get one…” Tzuyu murmured as they were leaving.

“And where exactly are you gonna keep it? In our tiny dorm? Dogs need space and so much have work and classes.”

Chaeyoung watched Tzuyu’s face fall slightly so she rubbed the taller girl’s back. “Hey, they’ll be adopted by great people, okay? And when we graduate and you have your own place you can get as many dogs as you want!”

Tzuyu’s face brightened and Chaeyoung immediately regretted her words as she imagined a house full of twenty dogs roaming around.

The woman at the front thanked them both and signed some forms for their class to prove they volunteered. They exited the shelter into the cold, winter air once again.

“See, that was fun, right?” Tzuyu asked.

“Yeah, you were right,” Chaeyoung admitted. “Those dogs were adorable.”

“Dogs can’t take care of themselves so it’s up to us help them out.”

“I’m glad we did...thanks for setting this up.”

Tzuyu smiled down at her friend. “Of course!”

There was a light snow fall from the clouds above. Chaeyoung stuffed her hands into her pockets and mumbled to herself about the evilness of winter.

On their walk back to campus, Tzuyu stopped when she came across a deserted playground layered in snow.

“It looks so pretty and undisturbed,” Tzuyu observed. Chaeyoung looked up at her friend’s focused expression and then to the playground. It was very aesthetic. Chaeyoung pulled her phone out of her pocket and snapped a picture of the sight.

They were getting close to the campus, but Chaeyoung really didn’t want this day with Tzuyu to end. Something was different between the two friends and she couldn’t put her finger on it exactly. Without thought, Chaeyoung grabbed Tzuyu’s hand and began to pull her in the direction of the playground. Their feet crunched in the snow. Luckily they were both wearing boots so their feet stayed dry.

“What are you doing?” Tzuyu asked, but Chaeyoung remained silent until she pushed a tall layer of snow off a bench with her gloves.

Chaeyoung made sure her long jacket, which went down almost to her knees, was pulled down all the way before she sat down on the bench. The padding of her coat protected her from the cold. She looked at her friend expectantly, who also hesitantly sat down after making sure her coat would protect her from the cold bench as well.

“Let’s sit here for a little while.”

Tzuyu didn’t argue with the older girl, although she was surprised with Chaeyoung’s sudden change of heart. One minute she was complaining about the cold and now she wanted to sit out in it for awhile more.

Chaeyoung turned to look at Tzuyu’s side profile. She froze for a moment when she took in the snow flakes which had fallen down and were resting in Tzuyu’s black hair. They made her head look like it was the night sky scattered with stars. Chaeyoung took Tzuyu’s hood and pulled it up over her friend’s head.


“I’ve really enjoyed today. I don’t want it to end,” Chaeyoung confessed while turning away from her friend’s gaze shyly. “I like spending time with you.”

“Me too.”

Chaeyoung began to wring her hands together. What was she doing?

“Tzuyu I…”

“Hmm?” Tzuyu was looking at her expectantly and her eyes were shining.

Just say it, Chaeyoung. What do you have to lose?

Her brain began throwing images of her time spent with Tzuyu since they’d met. They’d always been close. They seemed to understand each other in ways no one else did. Tzuyu was Chaeyoung’s best friend. She couldn’t lose her. Chaeyoung couldn’t bare to scare her friend away with these feelings she’d been hiding for awhile now.

Do you want to lose this? Do you want to risk losing her? Another voice in Chaeyoung’s mind asked.

“...can I take your picture?” Chaeyoung asked. “You look really pretty with the snow right now.”

Tzuyu smiled and her eyes crinkled slightly. “Sure,” she replied. Chaeyoung pulled out her phone and angled the phone’s camera so it highlighted Tzuyu’s sculpted features and the snow collecting on the faux fur-rimmed hood of her jacket.

Chaeyoung took a few pictures and turned her phone over to Tzuyu so she could assess her work.

“Perks of being friends with a photography student,” Tzuyu said, admiring the pictures. “You always manage to make me look so nice.”

“That’s easy, because you look nice all the time.” The words came out naturally—after all, the girls often complimented each other—but for some reason this time felt different. Tzuyu returned the phone to Chaeyoung and looked at her friend with a delicate gaze.

“Chaeng, what were you going to say earlier?”

She’d been caught.

Chaeyoung took a breath. “You know you’re my best friend, right?”

Tzuyu nodded. “You’re my best friend, too.”

There was a heavy silence.

“Recently I’ve been thinking...about things.” Chaeyoung shoved her hands into her pockets as she stumbled for words. It was ironic how she wrote poetry like it was nothing but found her ability to express herself dried up whenever she was alone with Tzuyu. “ and me.”

“I like you, too.”

“And I think I—wait what?” Chaeyoung’s brain stopped functioning as she took in what Tzuyu just said. She looked at her friend with wide eyes, but Tzuyu had turned away, staring at the frozen playground in front of them. “ me?”


“Huh…” Chaeyoung couldn’t quite process what she was hearing.

“I’ve always liked you, I think,” Tzuyu replied quietly. Her lips formed a shy smile.

“Really?” Chaeyoung’s voice rose in disbelief.

“Well, you’re kind of adorable,” Tzuyu admitted—which caused Chaeyoung to scream internally. “And you see the world in such a beautiful way...I wish I could get inside your head and see things the way you see them.”

“Well, you’re like the most beautiful girl ever,” Chaeyoung breathed out with some newfound courage. “And you’re so caring...seeing you with those dogs today was almost too much cuteness for me to handle.”

Tzuyu giggled. The two girls looked at each other.

“You know...this would be the perfect place to have a first kiss.” Chaeyoung smiled slyly at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu looked around. “Yeah, you’re right.”

There was another pause. Chaeyoung closed her eyes and leaned toward Tzuyu. Tzuyu did the same. Both of their hearts were beating erratically. Their lips met. Chaeyoung found that Tzuyu's lips were cold and tasted like dewdrops.

“Okay, now let’s head out because I’m FREEZING!” Chaeyoung exclaimed as soon as they broke apart. Chaeyoung jumped up from the bench and stuck out her hand toward Tzuyu.

“You really just stopped here," Tzuyu gestured to the playground, "so you could confess to me, huh?”

“I braved the cold for you,” Chaeyoung admitted. “Now c’mon!”

Tzuyu took Chaeyoung’s hand and began walking with her toward their campus. Their cheeks were each red, but not just from the cold anymore. Hand-in-hand, they were truly happy.


Momo told herself she wouldn’t reach out to Sana (the girl had texted Momo her number a few minutes after their “date” with a kissy face emoji), but the radio silence she was receiving from Sana now was killing her. Momo had expected to receive a bunch of flirty texts, only there had been nothing but the initial text message. A few days passed and every time Momo’s phone chimed she reached for it with a pounding heart—eyes scanning the notification on the front desperately. Every time it wasn’t Sana, her heart sank.

Momo said she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hang out with Sana again, but she’d been kidding herself. She knew she could fall in love with a girl like Sana the moment she’d first seen the brunette walking up to her at Jisoo’s party. That’s what scared Momo.

But the truth was, she wanted to see Sana again very much. And with how flirty Sana seemed to be at lunch the other day, Momo had to admit she was surprised Sana hadn’t reached out to her yet. In fact, it was driving her a bit insane.

So, Momo caved and texted Sana first, knowing this was probably going to be her downfall. She texted Sana about hanging out again soon. After a few minutes the other girl responded back and Momo breathed a sigh of relief.

They hung out again, casually. Then the hung out again, and again. They met for lunch. They hung out after class. They even met in the library. The way Sana looked at Momo never changed, and Momo found herself wanting Sana to never take her eyes off of her. Sana had a way of making everyone feel special, and Momo was no exception.

After having a few successful hang outs, Momo decided it was time to make a move. Jeongyeon and Jihyo would be proud of her, but she would only tell them if it went the way she wanted it to.

Momo: I’m practicing for a dance routine later today at 4:30PM. Meet me in the dance studio then?

It was right to the point, but Momo didn’t feel like playing games.

A few minutes later, she received a reply.

Sana: Sure, see you then! :)

Momo exhaled loudly. This was it.

Alone in the studio, she began to play the song for her routine. It was 4:00PM. She figured she’d get some practice out of the way before Sana came.

Her body carried her, as if on autopilot. She’d practiced so many times that each move came naturally and easily. Power was put behind every movement.

When the song was over, Momo heard excited clapping. Momo spun around to see Sana had snuck into the practice room without her knowing it.

Momo yelped and Sana instantly looked regretful. She practically ran over to Momo, looking concerned. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you!”

“It’s okay,” Momo assured, all too aware of the fact that Sana had gently placed her hand on Momo’s upper arm. “What are you doing here early?”

Sana shrugged but looked slightly mischievous. “I just wanted to see you in your natural element. You’re incredible. The way you move your body is...”

Momo waved her hand dismissively. “I still need a lot of practice.”

“It looked perfect to me,” Sana assured. She finally took her hand off of Momo’s arm and instantly Momo craved the other girl’s touch once again.

“That’s because you have an untrained eye. It’s easy to impress someone who isn’t trained to find mistakes.”

“It isn’t easy to impress me, but you do...very much.” Sana’s voice was playful and edged with something that made Momo feel nervous. Momo turned away from Sana’s intense gaze—the same one she’d received when they’d eaten lunch together and the same one Momo had been thinking about for days on end afterward.

“Uh, well I’m glad.”

“Well, don’t let me distract you,” Sana chirped. “Get back to it! I’ll just be a fly on the wall, watching.” She gave Momo a thumbs up and Momo managed to give Sana a small smile in return.

Momo restarted the music and got into position, feeling slightly self-conscious knowing Sana’s eyes were trained on her. Again, she let the music carry her. She kept her abs tightened and her movements sharp and precise.

After the dance was over again, Momo observed herself in the mirror—staring at the bangs that curled over her forehead, slightly damp from sweat. There was Sana as well, leaning against the wall and watching with a smile on her face.

“You don’t have to stay here, you know,” Momo replied. “I’m just going to be practicing the same dance over and over.”

“I know.” Sana didn’t budge, she just kept that pleasant, closed-mouth smile plastered on her face. Her eyes were twinkling. “I like watching you.”

“Alright,” Momo shrugged. She started the same song again. Again and again, she practiced with her eyes trained on herself in the mirror. Sana remained silent, watching Momo with a determined focus.

After about an hour, Momo took a swig of her water bottle and decided to call it a day. Sana, who had plopped down onto the floor, stood up and looked at Momo expectantly.

“You’re incredible, do you know that?” Sana said.

Momo picked up her sweatshirt off the floor and slipped it over her shoulders. She could feel her cheeks blushing. “Thanks.” Momo knew she was good, but hearing those words come from Sana’s mouth made her feel all the more special.

“Dancing makes you all hot and sweaty,” Sana giggled, eying Momo’s damp bangs and her glistening forehead.

“It’s hard work, ya know,” Momo explained. She grabbed a towel she’d brought with her and wiped off her face. She looked slightly embarrassed though and figured maybe she shouldn’t have gone as hard as she did in front of Sana. “It gets hot in this studio.” Momo began to fan herself.

“Don't worry, I find it attractive.”

Momo gulped. Sana’s loving glare was turning into something darker.

“Oh,” was all Momo said. She couldn’t move or think of anything to say to that. You dummy, you invited her here to make it clear you were interested in being more than friends.

“Thanks for letting me watch one of your private practices.” Sana took a step toward Momo. “Let’s hang out again soon, okay?”

Again. Momo knew this was dangerous, but Sana looked so beautiful with her oversized sweater and black specs on that Momo could barely stand it. Momo wanted Sana, there was no denying it anymore. Even if Sana broke Momo's heart in the end, so be it.

“Any time, any place, just let me know,” Momo said cooly. “I’ll be there.”

Sana’s slight smile turned into a full out grin. “Damn,” she whispered under her breath. She bit her bottom lip and took another step toward Momo. Were they going to hug, kiss, shake hands? Momo could only watch helplessly as Sana made her way closer ever so slowly, seeming to revel in Momo’s nervousness.

“You know I’ve been wanting to kiss you since Jisoo’s party, right?” Sana whispered. Her face was right in front of Momo’s now, tilted slightly.

Momo reached out and let her fingers slide through Sana’s dark brown hair. It was smooth and silky. Naturally, Momo reached out and touched Sana’s face next, lightly caressing the girl’s cheek. Sana’s skin was like porcelain. There were no imperfections in sight.

“You can kiss me now,” Momo breathed out.

Sana leaned forward and pressed her lips against Momo’s gently. Feeling the stickiness of Momo’s skin beneath her fingers, Sana gripped Momo’s exposed shoulders. The girl's sweatshirt had slipped down off her shoulders, and the tank top Momo was wearing had Sana internally screaming the moment she walked into the dance studio.

Momo kept her eyes open at first, looking down slightly at Sana’s closed eyelids. Her eyelashes were curled up at the ends slightly and accentuated by a thin layer of mascara. My god, she’s so beautiful.

Momo closed her eyes and fell into the kiss. It wasn’t like Momo imagined. In fact, it was much softer. Sana was gentle and cautious, as if she too was nervous.

Their lips opened up for each other. Sana’s hands found the back of Momo’s neck. Momo could only keep her hands on Sana’s face, lightly brushing the smooth skin of the girl’s cheek with her thumb.

The kiss was over as quickly as it started. The girls both drew back and looked at each other shyly. With parted slightly and eyes widened, Sana looked so innocent. Momo turned away, feeling her heart pounding.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sana said with a grin on her face, once her senses came back to her. They hadn’t made plans yet, but Sana knew that they’d make the time to see each other. Momo smiled back dopily and nodded.

And Sana was gone, leaving Momo alone in the room which suddenly felt very empty.

“OHMYGOD!” Sana trilled, bursting through the door of her apartment.

Mina, who was searching the refrigerator for something, nearly jumped a foot in the air. “Geeze, Sana! You can’t just come in here screaming!”

“I SAW MOMO’S ABS. HOLY MOLY.” Sana was practically fanning herself, leaning against the kitchen counter dramatically.

Mina put her hands on her hips and shook her head, judging Sana hardcore. “You’re such a ert.”

“They were just there, okay? She was showing me her dance routine and her tank top rode up. It’s not like I was actively trying to see them.”

“Whatever you say.” Mina went back to looking in the fridge. Sana pouted at the younger girl.

“You saw Momo’s abs?” There was Nayeon, walking into the kitchen from her room to join the commotion. “She has abs?”

“She’s freaking toned!” Sana cried, smiling like an idiot.

Nayeon smiled slightly. “I know Jeongyeon is too.”

“Our girls are fit legends,” Sana cheered. “We just need Mina to confirm if Jihyo has abs and then we can officially dub that apartment the “Abs for Days” club.”

Mina slammed the refrigerator door shut. “S-shut up!” she whined. With a container of sliced watermelon in hand she began to retreat toward her bedroom, muttering under her breath.

“Oh c’mon, don’t go,” Sana begged, moving to block Mina’s path. “I won’t say another word about Jihyo, okay? You need to hear about how incredibly talented my girlfriend is!”

“She’s not your girlfriend,” Nayeon replied.

“Yet! But she will be, don’t worry. I’ve got her wrapped around my finger.” Sana held up her pinky as if there was a physical string connecting her and Momo tied around it.

Mina and Nayeon collectively rolled their eyes. “It’s good you’re ready to move on,” Mina said. “Just be careful not to rush into anything, okay?”

Sana clicked her tongue. “You worry too much, I’ll be fine. Momo’s a good kid. And...we kind-of-sort-of kissed today,” Sana gloated. She jumped up and down excitedly as Nayeon raised an eyebrow at her.

“Kind-of-sort-of?” Mina asked.

“Okay...we definitely kissed.” Sana pointed to her lips. “Momo got a taste of this.”

“Ew,” Nayeon grimaced.

Sana slightly shoved the older girl. “My lips taste like strawberries.” She puckered up her lips and blew a kiss at Mina. Mina covered her own lips though and brushed her hand aside, as if she were throwing Sana’s imaginary air kiss to the ground.

Sana looked offended but quickly giggled. “I’m gonna text my girlfriend now!” Sana waved her phone around at Nayeon and Mina as if they cared, before she pranced into the living room and plopped down on the couch.

Mina and Nayeon looked at each other. “But seriously,” Nayeon began, “you should try to figure out if Jihyo has abs. I’m genuinely curious.”

Mina huffed at Nayeon. “I told you I don’t like—”

“Yeah, yeah, save it for someone who believes you,” Nayeon waved her hand.

Mina pouted, holding the container of watermelon to her chest tightly, before she marched into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

“Since both of us are experiencing love, we can’t leave our dear Minari out,” Nayeon sighed. “If she’d only get out of her room more often, maybe she’d find a girlfriend too.”

Suddenly Sana’s eyes lit up. “Mina doesn’t have a Tinder, does she?”

Nayeon threw back her head and laughed. “Mina on Tinder? Yeah, right.”

Sana wagged her eyebrows. “I happen to know from all my swiping that a certain someone has a Tinder…”

“Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”

“That depends, were you thinking I was thinking we should set up Jihyo and Mina?”


“I like the way you think. I happen to know from personal experience that sometimes all people need is a little guidance.”

The two roommates smiled devilishly at each other.

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Thank you!
If enough people want more, like a sequel, I will add it to my list of fics to work on! Let me know in the comments below.


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1241 streak #1
Chapter 2: More SaMo and 2Yeon please :3
Buddygooo #2
Chapter 3: Pls continue. I need MiHyo
Buddygooo #3
Chapter 3: Pls continue. I if Jihyo likes Mina too
Buddygooo #4
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1335558/2'>don't pull away</a></span>
Damn. Sana's confidence
Samoforever #5
Chapter 3: OMG more Please that is just so cute i can't ! Please do a Next chapter
Chapter 3: Moree
Chapter 3: I stan the Abs For Days club and their founders
Chapter 3: Sequel please~ we’re all in for MiHyo :3
I’ve read a couple of your fics and this one is my favorite so far. I’ll be looking forward to a sequel if you ever write one. :)
Nachomisan #10
Chapter 3: SEQUEL ON MIHYOOOO yassss