first mission

The Secret Service

Daegu headquarters, Secret Service.


After receiving basic medical treatment, Namjoo and Hayoung gathered in the meeting room as they waited anxiously for the return of their members. With their own headquarters destroyed, the two were lost at what to do next.


“Hey, can I borrow your laptop?” Hayoung asked, restless.


“As long as you don’t go searching up and tarnishing my search history.” Sooyoung joked, passing the Apple laptop to her. “Your friends should be here soon. Irene unnie will inform you the details later. In the meantime, just relax. Do you need any drinks?”


“We’re fine, thank you.” Namjoo smiled. “Thank you again for saving us.”


“It’s nothing. We’re all part of the same family aren’t we? Family should protect each other.” Sooyoung returned the smile but soon turned her head to Hayoung as her hands nosily danced on her keyboard. “What in the world are you doing?”


“Blue Nation. I’m looking up all of their records.” Hayoung said as her eyes were focused on the screen. Ever since she received news of Mr.Son’s betrayal and death, it simply intrigued the agent further. She was certain that the leader was given a sort of hypnosis drug because his actions were not himself.


“Don’t stress yourself Hayoung. Let the FBI handle this.” Namjoo said, noticing the growing anxiety in her member.


“I can’t. For all we know, there could be more spies working among us. How can I trust everyone?”


Namjoo and Sooyoung went silent. It was the hard truth. Ever since the incident, agents could grow to be suspicious of each other and in turn, an internal problem could break out.


“Look, let’s just wait for orders from our superiors. We can’t do everything by ourselves.” Sooyoung said.


“She’s right.” Irene said as she entered the room, followed by Chorong, Eunji, Naeun and Seulgi.


She was holding a thick file, containing all of the information in regards to the incident and The Blue Nation. “For the meantime, Seoul team can take shelter in the temporary Gangnam office, built for emergencies like these.”


“It will take time for us to investigate on this case. Our main priority right now is to find who is the leader behind Blue Nation and their motives.” Chorong explained. “Please take the time to recuperate. We will resume our operations once our new member is ready.”


Eunji scoffed, obviously not happy with an addition to the team. “That newbie won’t prove any help to us- ouch!” Naeun pinched her thigh, subtly telling her to shut up.


“Our new recruit is Yoon Bomi and she will be joining us shortly. That is all, you are dismissed.” Chorong announced, noticing the gloomy faces of her members.


It was too much to handle. First, Yookyung’s death. Then, Mr. Son’s betrayal and the destruction of their own headquarters building, they were not ready to accept anything new. But time does not wait. As the leader, Chorong had to set her emotions aside and lead the team in times like these.


“Thank you for helping us out, Irene-ssi.”


“No problem. You are free to use our weapons and equipment, as long as you don’t break them of course.” Irene chuckled.


The two leaders exchanged a handshake. Words were not needed to know how much they felt, taking in the heavy responsibility and burden of leading their team. It was a synergy that only leaders would understand. At least, they were not alone in this battle.





Back at the training camp, Bomi continued to undergo various tests and lessons throughout the week. This would range from martial arts, shooting, acrobatics, first-aid classes, rock-climbing and of course, a theory course that the agent found herself falling asleep most of the time.


While she and her fellow recruits had no idea what happened outside, they placed their full attention on training. They had their phones and gadgets confiscated meaning no contact of the outside world. Enclosed in the training facility, they only had each other and that brought the bond closer.


At first, Bomi was overflowing with confidence, talking big about her own abilities. But now, she has changed. Meeting other people who were much stronger than her and learning from others, she began to understand that there was more out there than she actually thought. Her friends helped her to the best ability and together, all of them were now well-grommed and ready to become an official agent of The Secret Service.


 “Today is the day.” Amber said as she sat on her bed, flipping a camping knife between her fingers. “I’ve been assigned to the Chuncheon team.”


“I think we are all assigned into different regions.” Taeyong said.


“But I’m sure we will all meet again at some point. The Secret Service is like a family.” Matthew said with hope.


“Just hope we won’t end up having to point guns at each other.” Baekho joked, reading his favorite car magazine.


“Promise me that none of you will die.” Nana said as she looked at all of them slowly.


“There’s no way we will die so easily.” Bomi scoffed. Throughout the one- week training, the girl was glad to meet these people who proved her wrong. She was able to learn that teamwork is important and the core values of being in The Secret Service.


The door opened as their instructor, Choi Minho greeted the batch of recruits. He was holding a file and ready to assign the newbies officially into to their own teams. He was confident yet, behind his eyes was fear.


Often, the success rate of a rookie surviving The Secret Service within 3 months of admission, is 2 out of 10. Most die or end up dropping out because they could no longer cope.


But this is a secret that only instructors know. As dark as the truth may be, there is still a small light of hope at the end.


“The time has come.” Minho announced. “Within two weeks, training has been tough but all of you made it. Me and the instructors have evaluated your performance and determined that you are ready. Congratulations on completing your training.” He smiled, clapping his hands.


After a simple ceremony, the recruits parted ways, following their new teammates into the vans. But, Bomi’s team was late. Standing all alone at the foyer, she couldn’t wait to meet her new teammates, especially Chorong.


She wondered how Chorong had been doing, excited to show her all the new skills she had learnt.


“Sorry for being late.”


Bomi turned around, eyes wide open. “Y-You’re in my team…t-teacher?”


“That’s right. And please don’t call me teacher, it’s weird.” Naeun chuckled. “Why do you look so surprised?”


“N-Nothing. You just look really pretty, that’s all.”


“Why, thank you for the compliment.” The lady smiled, walking over to the last van parked in the foyer. “Let’s get going, Bomi.”






“I heard the new recruit is coming over today. Fresh out of the oven.” Hayoung joked. She spent day and night, restoring data from the yellow USB drive she had saved during the attack. As long as she had it, there was no need to start from scratch.


“Hey, she’s older than you. Mind your words.” Namjoo frowned, assembling and fixing the old weapons that have been kept in the temporary office for years.


A week since the incident and being busy kept their mind off things. After all, the fresh scent of flowers proved to be a therapeutic effect. The temporary office was none other than Chorong’s “flower shop” which was simply a disguise as another place for The Secret Service. There were secret basements and rooms on the upper floor. But the funny thing is that not once, has a customer entered to actually buy something.


Quietly lifting weights in one of the rooms, Eunji continued to train and prepare for her upcoming missions. It was her way of releasing her stress and anger.


After all, it wouldn’t be a good idea to show a bad side on the first day of meeting her new member. Eunji could tell that Chorong had been under a lot of stress lately and didn’t want to make it worse by creating a whole scene.


A new leader was appointed and quickly, he got straight to work. Regional teams all worked together towards one goal, The Blue Nation. Everyone was busy except one, The Seoul Team. Because they were not complete as a whole, it was not advisable to go on missions. It frustrated Eunji more as she wanted to just get out and kill those Blue Nation bastards. But at last, the wait is over.


Today is the day.


“Assemble at the meeting room. It’s time to welcome the new recruit.” Chorong said, peeking in. “And please don’t create a scene. I don’t have time for your childish behavior.” She sighed, closing the door.


Eunji scoffed as she stood up, putting her weights back to place. “Does she think I’m a kid?”


Members gathered in the meeting room, seated and dressed in black suits as they awaited the arrival of Naeun and Bomi. There was an oddly tense atmosphere, knowing that Yookyung is no longer with them.


“Finally, you’re here. Welcome to the team, Bomi.” Chorong said, greeting Bomi who was more than overjoyed to reunite with her. “Please sit down.” She said, rejecting Bomi’s friendly hug.


“Let’s get over the introductions quickly. I’m Chorong, leader of the team. That is Eunji, our martial arts specialist. This is Namjoo, our sharpshooter. Hayoung, weapon specialist. And I’m sure you’re familiar with Naeun. She’s a professional with stealth and other things.”


“Nice to meet all of you.” Bomi bowed, somewhat nervous because all eyes were on her.


“Now then, let’s get straight to our mission.” Chorong said, clicking the button that caused the screen to flash with a slideshow.


“About time we got a new mission in the house.” Eunji said.


“There is a broker who has connections with The Blue Nation. Our objective is to take him hostage and obtain all the necessary information we need. He will be attending an auction ceremony this Friday in France. But remember, we must not attract any attention. I have already issued fake passports and IDs to ensure your admission.”


“Any questions?”


The members remained silent, glancing at each other. They were ready.


“Good. We will leave tomorrow. All of you are dismissed.” Chorong announced.






Bretagne, France.


A modern-ancient city with years of history lies The Grand House, backed by oak trees and lush hills. An annual auction house that has continued its tradition since the Roman and Aztec age, built with silver stone and red brick, surrounded by a beautiful moat and flower garden. A perfect combination of water and nature. It remains to be the most treasured landmark of Bretagne.


When night falls, that’s when the magic begins. Colourful lights shine the auction house, a hue of orange and yellow, embracing a warm welcome. Merchants and businessmen alike arrive one by one at the entrance, greeted by classical stone statues bearing the identities of famous French poets and artists. Rounding up at the water fountain, guests walk in with hopes of getting their treasured prizes.


A distance away is the lighthouse, serving as a beacon for oncoming trading boats and ships. At the top of the tower are two agents observing from afar. Lying down with her sniper rifle is Namjoo, fixing her eye onto the scope as she observed the people through the large, clear windows. Beside her, is Hayoung. With a brand new laptop, she had a blueprint of the building on her screen, showing live, blinking, red markers of where her team members were at.


“Okay, I see you. You’re all set.” Namjoo buzzed through the radio, looking through her scope as she focused on her four members, disguised as guests.


“The ballroom will be on your left. If you need the toilet, head straight and it’s on the far right.” Hayoung said.


“Does it look like we have time to go to the toilet?” Eunji whispered, her arms linked with Naeun as the two were dressed elegantly. Luxurious accessories sprinkled all over and a hint of light makeup on their faces, no one would think that they were Secret Service agents. “Can we get this mission done? I hate wearing these high heels.”


“Don’t worry, I got you.” Naeun chuckled, finding Eunji’s awkward walking, rather funny.


“So we’re looking for a man named Shindong? If I remember, he’s a little fat.” Bomi mumbled.


“That’s a little mean, but yes Bomi, you’re correct. Just don’t make it obvious that you’re looking for someone. Don’t attract any attention and blend in.” Chorong said.


“Alright, alright. You’ve repeated that for the hundredth time today.”


“You’ll get used to her nagging.” Eunji replied.


The four agents handed in their “invitation cards” and were allowed entry into the Grand House. Large chandeliers dangling from the ceiling, shiny marble flooring and gold ornaments as decoration pieces, it was indeed a house of luxury. Before the auction, there is a ballroom where guests would dance and have fun before the big event. And of course, alcohol wouldn’t be forgotten.


Joining the crowd, the agents dispersed into different areas of the ballroom, keeping their eyes out for Shindong.


Chorong casually picked up a glass of champagne from a waiter, blending in with the crowd as she carefully walked around. Bomi on the other hand, stayed in a corner and kept her eyes peeled.


“Hello beautiful, would you mind for a dance?” A man asked, offering his hand to Naeun.


“Oh, um- “


“Sorry. She’s taken.” Eunji smiled, smoothly intervening as she intertwining her fingers with hers, pecking onto Naeun’s cheek to show off. “We’re a couple you see.”


“Oh, my apologies. Have a great night you two.” The man was surprised, quickly bowing as he left.


“Really? You had to do that?” Naeun chuckled, looked at her girlfriend.


“How about a dance, my lady?” Eunji smirked, bowing like a gentleman as she reached her hand out. Her girlfriend gladly accepted and the two were now arm-to-arm, swaying gently as they followed the rhythm of the mellow music.


“You know; it won’t take long before Chorong notices about our relationship.”


“Oh please, I can simply tell her that we are disguising as a rich, lesbian couple. Anything works.” Eunji said with confidence, pecking Naeun’s luscious lips, lightly tasting the sweet strawberry lip gloss. She wanted to steal every possible chance to shower her with love.


“Please focus on the mission, Miss Jung.”


“Roger that, my lady.” The agent grinned, her eyes all for her one and only girlfriend.


On the other hand, Chorong took a quick glance at Bomi and signaled her to come over.


“It’s that man over there.” She whispered, looking at far right direction. “He’s heading into the kitchen.”


“Let’s go.” Bomi said as the two carefully walked through the crowd, taking glances to make sure nobody noticed before entering the kitchen.






Back at the lighthouse, all that could be heard were the sounds of Hayoung’s fingers dancing on the keyboard. While there was nothing much to do besides making sure that her members were on the right path, the girl played a game of pacman in a small window at the corner of her screen.


Under the silver moon of a chilly night, a cold breeze breathed through, causing Namjoo to shiver.


“Damn, I should’ve brought a jacket”


Upon hearing that, Hayoung removed hers and placed it over Namjoo.


“Aw, how sweet of you.”


“Your role is more important than mine. Focus, Miss Sharpshooter.” Hayoung smiled.


With that, Namjoo returned to her scope but realized that she lost track of Chorong and Bomi. But glancing back at Hayoung’s laptop screen, she was relieved as they were in the kitchen. It was out of her scope.


Although Eunji and Naeun are still at the ballroom dancing away, the girl noticed something suspicious among the crowd.


She couldn’t help but to feel anxious.


“Uh Hayoung, how many guests are attending the auction today?”


“250. Why?”


“I don’t think there’s 250 people attending. More like 500.”


“Well…” Hayoung closed her laptop. “.”





Heading into the kitchen, Chorong and Bomi sneaked past the staff who didn’t seem to notice their presence at all. They followed Shindong behind, going through the maze-like kitchen as they turned corners. Eventually, they were led into an empty wine cellar.


A dead end.


Immediately, the two agents were engaged in a hand-to-hand combat as they were ambushed by several other armed men who were hiding. Shindong knew that they were coming and prepared a little surprise for The Secret Service agents.


Easily dodging punches and kicks, the duo made use of Hayoung’s gadgets that came handy in situations like these. After all, it was not like they could bring a gun whilst wearing an expensive dress.


Chorong stabbed their necks with the poisoned pen, paralyzing them. Meanwhile, Bomi used a silver blade, disguised as a USB drive, hitting the vital areas of the men as she did not hesitate to kill. The two showcased good teamwork, easily taking down Shindong’s men.


“Surrender now. It’s over.” Bomi aimed the blade at Shindong’s throat, cornering him.


“Never.” Shindong smirked as he suddenly opened his jacket, revealing a set of explosives strapped onto his chest. “For the Blue Nation!” He yelled.


“Take cover!” Chorong shouted, pushing Bomi aside as the two threw themselves to the ground.






The couple gazed into each other’s eyes, clearly distracted as they kept swaying and dancing to the mellow music. It was a rare moment for them and they wanted to use every opportunity possible.


But it was cut short.


Eunji noticed a man from afar, walking with quick steps. Thanks to her sharp eyes, she saw a metal blade secretly tucked between his sleeve.


“Move!” She yelled, shoving Naeun away as she swiftly dodged the attack. Right and left, the aggressive slashes continued as the agent kept walking backwards, deflecting each attack.


Deciding that there was no longer any point in disguising themselves, Eunji quickly took out a handgun strapped on her waist, hidden underneath her dress as she swiftly aimed at his head.




As his body plopped to the floor, blood gushing out of his head, gasps could be heard among the crowd as Eunji and Naeun dashed up to the second floor.


Men disguised among the crowd suddenly took their guns out and began firing at the couple. Civilians at the floor could be heard screaming, running to safety as glass shatter from the impact. Taking shelter from the balcony, the couple took off their high heels as it would prove a hindrance in combat. Reloading her handgun, the hot-headed agent was ready to go all out.


“It’s all a trap!” Naeun exclaimed, stopping Eunji from heading into the battlefield. “We need escape now.”


“Fine.” The girl sighed. While she doesn’t listen to Chorong’s orders, her girlfriend is an exception. She scanned her eyes around for an escape route. “That window over there!” She pointed.


Naeun nodded in response as the couple held their hands tightly, making a run as they dashed in the midst of the bullets that shot past them, crashing into the window as they leaped out of the Grand Hall.





A/N: First mission for new agent, Yoon Bomi and things aren't looking good. Oh boy~

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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 17: AH THIS IS SO GOOD
cbennh_tjsthysys #2
Chapter 1: what does a191625 mean
srlee012 #3
Chapter 17: i love this so much!!!
1241 streak #4
Chapter 17: Here again after years :') still love this so much ^^
chobom06 #5
Chapter 16: I love this story so much and i would love to see a sequel about it. Plss Author-nim hehehe
Ydvvfjkch #6
APINK service ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 17: I loved the Pink Cinema concept, and I love how this story was inspired from that.. I love the twists in the plot and the way you roll them out..

Thanks for another great fanfic!!
sunhi13 #8
I just read this. I just really love action ㅎㅎ I really enjoyed your writing style, it’s easy to follow and not boring.

I really hope you’ll make another one of Apink Action!! Thank youu ㅇㅅㅇ
Chapter 17: Woah!!!! what a roller coaster, action filled story!! I really enjoyed the ride!! Thank you so much
dakbaljokbal #10
Chapter 17: this is such a great story ! thank u ^^