
The Silhouette Of Your Voice

After Jin had finished delivering his letter to the Jeon household, he headed to work.

After burying himself to what had seemed like a million papers, Jin managed to finish only half before his break.

Checking his phone, he found out Jungkook hadn't texted him long ago. (His phone is on silent mode.)

                                       Jungkook                                                          Jin

I can't fully accept.

I am willing to speak to you after you get home.

Why can't we talk here?

Aren't you at work?

Yeah, but I'm on break.

Just meet me at my house.


Not exactly a convenient response, but it was something. 


"Looks like we're done for today. Thank you for your hard work!" Namjoon announced.

Just an hour to before I usually leave.

"That quick, sir?"

"Yes. Also, you don't need to call me sir. Just Namjoon is fine. Don't need to be so formal. Besides...,"

After walking up to Jin, Namjoon whispered in his ear. "That's Jimin's job to call me sir."

Jin turned beet red, whilst Namjoon walked away, smirking.


Jin walked straight to the Jeon's house.

He used his key to unlock the door. 

"Jin. What a surprise! You usually don't come this early," Junghyun smiled knowingly. 

"Jungkook's up in his room. I'll leave to you." Then Junghyun walked to the kitchen to "prepare food" (A.K.A. Preparing for Jin and Jungkook celebration for finally getting together.)

Jin walked upstairs slowly, pondering the fact whether or not Jungkook would reject him.

Jin twisted the cold knob.

Will I be doing this when Jungkook rejects me?

"Jungkook?" Jin tapped his shoulder.

"Oh. Jin-hyung."

I'm sorry. Jin writes.

"Because?" Jungkook gave him a pointed look.

I was actually scared.

"Of what?"

Of falling for you.

But I did anyways.

I can't stop my heart from beating wildly for you.

But, would you accept me?

I'm really sorry.

I know I was a idiot.

"Of course I'll accept you. What type of question was that?," Jungkook says softly, smiling. "To be honest, I was guilty when I just yelled at you and stormed away without your side of the story. So I'm sorry too."

Jin grinned. 

"I love you, Jin."

Jin pointed to himself. I.

Jin made a heart. Love.

Jin pointed to Jungkook. You.

That symbol alone was enough to make Jungkook run into Jin's arms, and they finally kissed a sweet kiss, a kiss that meant they'd never leave each other again. They'd never let each other go.

(Sorry with the pun. But the song is so damn emotional! I'll never leave you, BTS!!)




The ending was a bit rushed. And if you're wondering, there's a bit of a mention of Minjoon in this chapter..😏😏😏😏

So thanks for reading!!

Hope you enjoyed! :3




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Chapter 3: But why does Junghyun wants Jin to take care of his brother when he himself can?