Chapter 4: The Library.

My Gangster Sweetheart.

I swore technologies were so freaking advance nowadays.

By the time during lunch break, the news of 'Kang Daniel has a girl' were everywhere on the school's forum.

I usually didn't pay attention to such things, but I realised that I was listening to every girl's conversation each time I walked passed them.

Probably because it involved me and that was why I was paying way too much attention to it.

Whatever it was, I didn't have the mood for lunch because I was afraid that the girls might find out that the mysterious girl was me.

That had become an issue when I overheard a bunch of girls plotting their plan on how to find the mysterious girl and destroy her.

It was beyond a nightmare.


I told Eunwoo that I had some stuff to do for my newsletter committee and excused myself for lunch. 

It wasn't like I was trying to find an excuse but I literally have things to do for the newsletter committee and since I had some free time, why not?

I made my way to the library and greeted the head librarian before proceeding to the respective bookshelf I needed for my reference on my upcoming article about how technology corrupts the new generation.

Yeah... I got that idea through the Kang Daniel's incident.

I was focusing on which book to choose because there was a wide selection and I needed to pick the best academic research to support my fact on how corrupt it was.

Little did I know, someone was peeping over me through a small, but visible enough hole, from the bookshelf.

I jumped when I saw his face.

No doubt, he was Kang Daniel.

He put this arm on the opposite shelf as he leaned on his arms to look at me with his smile.

Yes, that smile when he looked at me last Saturday.

"What do you want?" I put my hands over my beating heart and rolled my eyes at him.

"Nothing." He shrugged and smiled.

*Urghh... I totally get it why Eunwoo is falling overhead heels for him. Just look at his face!*

"Okay." I shrugged and walked away as I tried to ignore his cuteness.

Literally, I got to admit. - *KANG DANIEL IS CUTE.*

Kang Daniel then decided to walk over to me and with his arms folding as he leaned on the bookshelf.

"Can...I help... you...?" I asked because I was uncertain about his whole intention.

Honestly, I had no idea why were Kang Daniel acting that way. It was like as if he had something to tell me but he wanted me to guess it.

"Nope. Just want to let you know our schedules are about the same so I'm seeing you more than last time." He shrugged, STILL WITH THE SMILE ON HIS FACE.

*Can someone let him know that it's illegal to smile like that?!*

"Is it? Well, I don't care?" I shrugged and faked a smile to him before walking away from him.

*I secretly do care a little. I mean come on, you have a cute guy hogging at you! Why didn't I notice about him last time?! My life could be so much better....*

Kang Daniel pushed himself away from the bookshelf and followed me from behind.

"You do know you are my girl now right?" he asked.

I immediately stopped walking and froze on the spot. I swore I could feel my cheeks were heating up a little.

"I'm not," I answered him firmly with my back facing him, I couldn't let him see me blushing.

It would be so damn embarrassing.

"Yeah, technically you're not. But everyone is trying to find out who is the mysterious girl. You better start being friend with me or else your life will be miserable as hell." he said with a cheeky tone.

I knew he was a bad news from the start.

The way he said was so demanding and I could sense that he was only asking me so that he could get something that would benefit him out of this whole situation.

I could have bipolar but he words really kind of pissed me off.

"Whatever. I don't like playing one of your games and thanks for the help." I said and walked away immediately before he could continue pissed me off.

My impression of him was pretty good until just now when he got to say those words to trigger me.

Why were guys always like that?!

Pretty face, but dirty mouth.

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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 6: <3333
Chapter 5: thank you for the update authornim! I'm really hooked with your story, until the next update ;)
Baby117 #3
Chapter 4: I'm new reader. I thought i've still reading chapter 2 and it's actually the latest already. That's too quick. Please update soon ;)
Chapter 4: “You do know that you are my girl now, right?”
Damn, Kang Daniel.
I will gladly be yours.
Chapter 3: Aww this is too short! I wonder what will make her comes out as Daniel’s girlㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: First time reading Daniel as a gangster and I'm loving this!!❤❤
Chapter 2: This might be good, I need more Kang Daniel in my life.
gaofushuai #8
Chapter 1: Aww~ nice start!
I can’t wait for upcoming story !
Keep up the good work author-nim!
Azieee #9
Chapter 1: Good story..please update more?