
Secret Keepers

Title : Secret Keepers (Part Two)
Pairing : Yongseo
Genre : Romance
Rating : PG
Summary : Hush. This is a secret between us. Don't tell anyone.


OST : "Marry You" by Bruno Mars. I've been replaying the song for days now. Can somebody make a Yongseo FMV with this song? Please? Anyone?

They sat in silence for some time, side by side, hands tangled together in the taxi. He was busy with his own thoughts and she looked at the passing scenes of Niigata’s streets.

“When did you first think about this, Oppa?”

He turned to her, “Last week, when I passed a church in Seoul. And then I remembered you. And our upcoming performance in Niigata. It just clicked”.


After getting quiet again for a while, he asked, “Are you very surprised?”

“I am. You have to admit that this is something crazy to do”

Yong Hwa felt his throat was clogged, he couldn’t breathe for a second. And then, suddenly, in a rush, all of the feelings he had been trying to push away resurfaced. Seo Hyeon. Her life. Her heart. The only one he loved. And yet, this?

“You know what? Let’s just call this off!”

“What? Oppa—“

But Yong Hwa already asked the driver to turn back around.

“No. This is wrong. I’ve lost my mind because I haven’t seen you for too long. I can’t do this to you”

“But Oppa, we—“

“You deserve better than this” he explained in urgency, “I can’t just drag you to a lawyer and marry you like this. I can’t make you do this without your parents knowing. And your unnies too. You—you love them all. And you are also very important for them! I’m so sorry, Hyeon, forgive me. Maybe one day we can—“

“Oppa……” she called, trying to get his attention in his panic ravings that he said was for her, “Yong Oppa, what makes you think, that I don’t want this as much as you do?”

Her soft, clear voice, and her eyes, that looked straight into his, successfully shut him up. He found it rather hard to say anything.

“You do? You really want this too?”

“Yes” she answered quickly, he could trace no doubt in her voice.

And then, inevitably, he proceeded with, “Why?”

“Because I love you……” she whispered, eyes watering, “I too, want to have this binding vow with you. Sure, maybe it’s better if we wait several years to do this properly. It might be more beautiful to marry in front of our loved ones. And yet………I don’t want to let this moment go……” she tightened her hold in his arm.

“I think,” she continued, “If you’re the one changing your mind now, I’ll make sure that you will still do this with me” she stopped to breathe in, the flowing confessions sent her somehow out breath, “that’s how much I want this, Oppa. You’re the one who suggested this. Then finish your plan. Let’s do it”

Yong Hwa looked at her, to the serious, determined face of Seo Joo Hyeon. His heart beating fast with the stubborn will etched in her face.

“Alright. Alright, let’s do this”

“Together” she finished with a smile.

They were silent again, as they passed a road that seemed to be a shopping a centre. One of it was a jewel shop.

“Ah” he exclaimed regrettably, “I didn’t buy wedding rings”

“That’s okay”

“I’ll buy it for you as soon as I can. Online maybe? So you could choose the model yourself”

“I bring my couple ring” she informed, opening her bag, extricating a ring box and took her couple ring. “Do you bring it?”

He took his wallet and took out his couple ring.

“Should we just use this?” Yong Hwa asked.

“I was about to say that” Seo Hyeon giggled.

And the taxi stopped in front of a rather big house.

“We’re here” Yong Hwa announced.

He paid the taxi and then together, they stood in front of the gates, pushing the bell.


Junichi-san proved to be a very agreeable man. He had a spacious home, the decoration was more Japanese than western, and he talked to Yong Hwa as if to a long lost son. It was nearing midnight and yet it seemed as if the whole lamps in the house were on.

Junichi-san was famous in his line of work. He had met many people, from the labors who seek justice from their employer, to the ministers of his country seeking advice in legal matters. When Yong Hwa called him from Korea and explained his intention, he had tried to persuade him to change his mind. But it seemed that he was determined.

Besides, he was of age. Legal to marry anyone he wanted. And when Yong Hwa came earlier that day to make sure that everything was arranged as his wish, Junichi was planning to meet a boy he quite missed. Instead, he met a man who still carried the cheerfulness of his childhood.

Junichi-san had promised himself, when he saw the girl that night, and traced even the slightest doubt from her, he’d persuade them to postpone their plan.

He saw nothing of the kind as he sat in his study that night, looking at the couple in front of him. Young they may be, but in doubt, definitely not.

They bowed and greeted him politely, making small talks with him, answering all of his questions about their performance that day and their life in general. All along, he couldn’t help to notice one thing. They never let go of each others' hand. He could see their fingers entwined tightly, as if giving strength and support through the physical contact.

He saw two people very much in love with one another. They definitely have thought this through.

So, after cups of tea and home made traditional cakes, he produced the wedding certificates he had prepared. He told them to take a look.

The certificate was in Japanese. Yong Hwa could read most of it. So did Seo Hyeon.

“You have to give your signature and stamp here. And then it would be done. You both brought your stamps, I hope”

They both brought theirs.

Junichi-san then called his secretary and driver in, to be the witness for this occasion.

“I could easily call my wife or daughter. But I’m afraid, er, they won’t be able to keep this private. My wife because it’s just not in his nature, and my daughter, I’m afraid, is a fervent admirer of you both. So I rather call my secretary and driver. Both have worked for me more than ten years and I trust them very much”

“I’m sure you’re the one who knows best of this, Junichi-san” Seo Hyeon said.

“Thank you, Miss. And now, I’m ready if you are both ready”

The couple looked into each others eyes and almost simultaneously, nodded together.

“Do you want to say vows first, perhaps?” he asked, as Seo Hyeon took out her ring box.

“What? Vows? Uh, I didn’t—“ Yong Hwa said, his voice a panic as he automatically opened his palm to receive Seo Hyeon’s ring.

“I didn’t prepare any” he said in Korean to Seo Hyeon. “I’m sorry”

“It’s alright” she calmed him.

Yong Hwa spoke in Japanese again, “My mind is a bit of a jumble right now. I guess I should prepare better, say some memorable words. Do you mind if it’s just simple words?”

“Not at all” Seo Hyeon shook her head.

“Okay” he took a deep breath, before saying, “Seo Joo Hyeon, I love you. I promise I will love you all my life.  And I will do everything I can to make you happy” he pledged, inserting her couple ring back to her fourth finger, “and with this ring, I marry you”

Her eyes were wet with tears, and she smiled so brilliantly Yong Hwa felt he fell for her all over again.

“Jung Yong Hwa…….I love you too. With all my heart. I promise, Oppa, I will love you all my life, and do everything I can to make you happy………” she swore, putting his couple ring again on his fourth finger.

Their look at each other was broken when Junichi-san said, “Now, please sign here and put your stamps here”.

She signed first, and then him. Afterwards, Junichi-san’s secretary and driver signed in the witnesses place.

After everybody was done, Junichi-san announced solemnly and with a formal tone, “By the power given to me by the law, I now pronounce Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Joo Hyeon as husband and wife”.

She cried then. Yong Hwa kissed her forehead and brushed her tears with his thumb before hugging her. And then he bowed to Junichi-san and the witnesses.

“Arigato gozaimaa” he bowed again. Seo Hyeon followed.


“I wish you a happy life” Junichi-san said as he walked together with the newlyweds to the waiting taxi.

“Thank you, Junichi-san, you have been most kind” Seo Hyeon said, bowing again.

“It’s my pleasure. I just hope that whatever happens to you both from now on, you won’t ever forget this night”

“We won’t” Yong Hwa said, smiling as he squeezed Seo Hyeon’s hand.

“Visit me when you have time in the future, will you?” he asked to Yong Hwa.

“Hai, Junichi-san”.

Their parting last words were affectionate, with wishes for everybody’s well being and happiness, before they entered the taxi and left the house.


He took her to his hotel room with his dongsaengs, who scurried to an excited bunch of guys who greeted, “Hyungsoonim, how are you?” when they entered.

Yong Hwa was thankful his agency gave them separate rooms. He needed it badly that night.

“Are your unnies waiting for you?”

“I told them not to”

His eyes widened, “They must have teased you a lot for that”

“They did” she laughed, “but I’m used to their teasing about me and you, Oppa”


They then sat to dinner.

On the way there, Yong Hwa had asked, “What should we eat for dinner?”

She had excitedly answered, “Yoshinoya! Set A!”

“What?” he asked, after laughing out loud, “Yoshinoya? But we just got married! Surely we should eat something better than that!”

“Maybe. But this is Japan. And we’re together! Yoshinoya it is!”

He had laughed again, but then followed her wish. They had stopped in one of the restaurants and he got out to bring the food boxes back to his hotel.

Sitting together on the chairs in his room, she informed that “It’s better than when I first eat this”.

They ate together comfortably.

Afterwards, the food cleared and coats off, they laid side by side on his single bed,

“What we did,” he began, smoothing her hair to the back of her ears, “was crazy”.

“But I’m grateful” she responded quickly.


“Of course, Oppa. Why? Aren’t you?”

“I am. My cheeks feel hurt already because I’m smiling so much. But I’m afraid, Hyeon. Will you regret this one day?”

“I won’t Oppa. As long as you’re not”

“I definitely will not regret anything”

“Good.  This is the right thing to do” Seo Hyeon assured.

He reached for her hands again, toying with her fingers and her ring. “Has this ring transformed to a wedding ring now?”

“Yes. It has” she smiled, her eyes sparkled.

He scanned her face, amazed at what they just did.


“Yes, Oppa?”

“Nan neol saranghae”

“Nado neol saranghae, Oppa……”

He traced one finger on her lips, feeling the contours of it, before moving his fingers down her chin, through , slowly down between her s, and round on her belly.

By the time he stopped, she was definitely breathing harder and blushing.

“I think……”

“Yes, Oppa?”

“We better not do anything tonight”

“Why not?” she whispered, snuggling closer to him, “I’m your wife”

“I know. But…..we’ve done enough risk taking tonight. I don’t think we should tempt our luck further”

She was silent, just looking at him. She looked so tempting in her white dress, wavy hair and glossed lips.

“So we won’t do it tonight Oppa?”

“No, Hyeon. We have to be really careful. After what we did, I’m afraid you’ll just say yes to everything I ask. Which is not always good”

“If you want to…….” she started.

“Oh trust me, Hyeon, I do” he confirmed, “But I won’t. There are heavier consequences in doing that”

She started to nod. “Alright Oppa. You’re right. So we won’t do anything tonight”

“Well, not necessarily nothing…….”


“I want to at least um—kiss you……”


“Can I?”

“Yes….” she whispered.

He moved forward, pulling her body close to him. Angling his head in the right position, he put his lips on hers and started kissing her. He kissed her slowly, enjoying her sweet taste, coaxing her to kiss back. She sighed and closed her eyes, kissing him back and holding his head.

“Hyeon……” he called whenever he stopped to breathe, “I love you……”, “Thank you……thank you for tonight……thank you for marrying me…..thank you for being my wife……”

She was held speechless as his kisses grew deeper, bolder, as he moved on top of her and covered her body with his. “Yong…….” she called out helplessly, as he showered kisses down her neck and shoulders, running his tongue on her skin.

“Yong Oppa…..Yong nampyeon………”

He stopped when he heard the last word.

“Say it again. Say it again, Hyeon…….I want to hear it again”

“Yong nampyeon…….”

He went down and kissed her again, claiming her body and soul, making her gasped his name over and over again.

Oh my God…….this feels so good…….he thought, as she hugged him tighter, tangling legs with his, head thrown back to give him all the access he ever needed.

So they kissed the night away.

Or maybe a lot more than that.


Author’s Note :

18 August 2011

Yaaaaaaaay! Finished! Haha! I’m glad I wrote this. I’m glad I follow that crazy fangirl side of me and wrote this. Why did I start this? Because I want you all to play with that thought when Yongseo really sing together in Niigata. I want you to have this illusion that “Soon, they will be secretly married”.

In the next weeks, whenever you see pictures of Yong Hwa and Seo Hyeon, apart, I want you to play with this thought, “They might be apart. We might not see it, but they are already, secretly married”.

Haha. That. And maybe to make you grin like a maniac by the time you finish reading this. That would make me happy.

This story, for the time being, is finished. I won’t write a continuation unless I have an inspiration of what to add.

I want to say thank you so much to all those people who keep reading this blog and commenting in each of my stories. I guess I won’t have time to answer you all one by one from now on. But please know that every word you said makes me happy. And sometimes I read a comment  several times. Each comment makes me happy, make me grateful, and make me want to write more. It makes me also feel, that I have a lot of friends ^_____^ So please, do write your comment. You could make me really happy.

 userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1merki589  : good. I want you to feel tickled and giddy. Of course you shouldn't cry. Let's be merry together and wait for the duet (praying nothing bad will happen).

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1erikaoi : blunt is synonymous with faster happy endings. Hope they could be blunt. Royal Yongseo wedding FTW! Or maybe just an announcement that they are together is enough for me.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1camoteq : yup. Let's keep this a secret. Hope there will really be an announcement one day.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1lovelightoflife : miss you too. I was wondering where you went. Hope the lappie n modem will be friends again. This is one crazy delusional thought. But a happy one. That night? No. Next time, maybe, LOL. RDR epilogue and Hyun's version of RDR will come out eventually.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1twinkskie : imagination overdrive is the mission of this story.

 userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1thearmyof : thank you reading my piles of stories.

To anonymous : making your mind go crazy is a good sign, right?

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1faisazali : you cried chingoo? Aigoo. Go get more intoxicated. Imagine this fic next Saturday.

To Anonymous : I hope your imagination about Yongseo will stay wild LOL. *fans the fire*

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1kjtodd08 : From a Japanese dorama, I remember this, "If you are confused with what to believe, just believe what you want. Because most of the time, there's the truth lies". ^_____^ . Go. Imagine this fic this Saturday. That's why I wrote this anyway.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1danmonique : Thank you so much for reading.

To Anonymous : I hope that real story will be Yongseo's story one day. Looking forward to Niigata too.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1mikedu1991 : thank you so much for reading my Yongseo stories.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1gogumajulie : i think simplicity and their short vows would make the feel more deeper. It shows how much they are willing to do this though that's so far from the normal marriage. But the certificate is the main point right? Please do think about this when you watch the duet. That would make me happy.

 To Anonymous : "can u make d sequel? what will happen if hyun preggy and all ppl didn;t know about their marriage..... hehehe...". Maybe one day I will ^____^

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1munie87 : maybe I'll write it one day. Thank you for reading this one.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1gogumavillage : yes. Simplicity is Yongseo. I think I won't write a continuation of this. I want to write other things. Not now, at least. Thank you so much for reading.

userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=232.1khunh : good effect. I like grinning people. It means they're happy. Oh, I'm sure there will be lots of fancams. I have no doubt about it. The power of Goguma is just too big to stop, haha.

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