[ONE-SHOT] Good friends

Let's start from the very beginning.


It was a bright, sunny day in Seoul.

But instead of enjoying the warm spring day Infinite was busily preparing for their comeback which was in a few months.


''I can't do it anymore!'' Sungyeol whined as he lay down on the practice room's floor.

The seven boys were practicing now all day long from morning 'till now with short breaks.

''Come one, Gyu-hyung. Let's take a longer break!'' Hoya joined Sungyeol on the ground and looked up at the leader with puppy eyes.

Soon the other members joined.

''Are all of you now against me? Argh..really.'' Sunggyu ran his hand through his sweaty hair. ''I'll go and get you some ice, okay?''

The remaining boys cheered and to their leader they looked like little kids.


Sunggyu grabbed his jacket and wrapped a towel around his neck.

''You better be prepared; we'll dance harder after this break!''

''Neeeh!'' All six said in union and started to laugh.




After finally obtaining the sweet treasure from the grocery store near by Sunggyu made his way back to the practice room.

He was just about to open the door to the building as he heard one of his managers calling him.

''Hyung, what's up?'' He asked confused.

His manager should have been at home right now. Wasn't today his day off? He thought.

''I almost forgot to tell you guys that your new dance coach will be here in a few hours.'' He said out of breath.

''Our new dance coach? Who is it?'' He asked curious.

His manager smirked. ''I don't know if you heard of her but she's been teaching a lot of A-class idols.''

''Her?'' He narrowed his already small eyes. ''A girl?''

''I'm pretty sure that you all will like her.'' He turned around and looked at his car. ''I need to go now. My son's waiting. Have fun!''

Sunggyu waved his manager as he ran back to his car.




''A female dance coach!'' Woohyun couldn't hide his excitement. ''Woah, I bet she's super hot!''

''Would you just stop? She'll be our coach not one of your potential girlfriends!'' Dongwoo scoffed.

''As if she'd start dating him.'' Sungyeol said with a hint of sarcasm.

Woohyun just gave him a glare.

''Anyway...we need to be professional here and -''


A loud bang was heard and soon the door opened.

''Excuse me, I'm your new dance coach.'' A soft voice said.


The seven boys fixed their eyes on the young girl who entered their dance practice room.

And they probably thought the same. WOW

Long bleached blonde hair with brown spots, tied into a high ponytail.

Big eyes adorned with black eye-liner and long lashes.

Pink full lips that gave of a dazzling small smile.


As the boys didn't say a word the girl introduced herself.

''Hi, I'm Yang Yunhee. Your new dance coach for the next 7 months.'' She gave off a radiant smile.


The first one who spoke was of course Woohyun.

''How old are you?!'' He said bluntly without thinking too much which earned him a smack on the head by Sunggyu.

Yunhee laughed. ''I'm born in 1991.''

Her laughter made the boy's hearts warmer in seconds.

''Then you're the same age as me!'' Woohyun said happily.




After what felt like an eternity of introducing and talking they actually started to work.

She knew their new choreography and helped them with parts which they couldn't do.

All of them got closer with her in a short matter of time.

She was friendly, open minded and unbelievably cute.




''That's all for now.'' She said out of breath.

The clock showed that it was already passed midnight and she knew that they needed their sleep.

''That was really good for the first day.'' Hoya said with a smile on his face.

He was all drained out before but now all of his energy had returned to him after meeting the young dance coach.

''Really? That's great.'' She almost squealed which made the boys almost blush.




After taking showers and changing they parted ways.

But somehow one of the boys felt uneasy letting a girl alone at this time.

''Yunhee!'' It was Sunggyu who go out of Infinite's van to catch the girl who was about to walk home.

She turned around clearly surprised. ''Yes?''

''I-I...thank you for today, it was really good.'' He tried to smile.

She chuckled. ''No problem. Well, see you next time.'' She waved and was about to continue her walk but Sunggyu stopped her.

''Why don't you come with us? We'll drive you home.''

Yunhee turned around. ''That's really nice of you but I'll rather walk home. But thank you.'' She smiled.


Sunggyu sighed. ''Aren't you scared to walk alone?'' He had to raise his voice because she was a bit far away from him.

She turned around again but still resumed walking. ''Nope. But it's really sweet that you care about me.'' She smiled again.

It made his heartbeat faster. She said that I'm sweet.

''You sure?!'' He had to smile, too.

To others he definitely seemed crazy right now but he didn't care.

''Yep!'' And with that she jumped and turned around again to finally walk back home normally.




Days, weeks passed by and Infinite got closer to Yunhee.

Somehow she and Sungjong got along the most. Because they had the same interests.

Girl group dances.

Whenever they had time they had a little dance battle on who did it the best.

Of course no one could beat Sungjong but she tried anyway.


Little did she know that she was observed by a pair of small eyes.

Sunggyu fell for her hard. But he didn't know how to confess his love to her.

He was too shy.

A lot of worries circled around his mind and he just didn't have the courage to do it.


So, after a few more days he talked about it with Woohyun.

''Really? I know that she's super hot and all but...she's our dance coach.''

Sunggyu gave his friend a confusing glare. ''Wasn't it you who liked her at first?''

Woohyun shook his head. ''I love her like any other Inspirit. But you, my dear, you love her like...a normal girl.''

''She is a normal girl.''

''That's what I'm saying!'' Woohyun fumbled with his hands around the air in front of Sunggyu's face.

''Idiot.'' Sunggyu grunted and smacked the younger boy on his forehead.

Woohyun rubbed the red spot. ''Okay, I get it. So do you have any idea of how you want to confess?''

Sunggyu blushed a deep red causing Woohyun to burst out in laughter and rolling on his bed.

''What's so funny!''

''Oh boy, you are so freakin' cute!'' Woohyun was still laughing madly.


The other members who heard his laughter entered the room.

''Hyung, what's wrong with him?'' Dongwoo was the first to enter the room and pointed at Woohyun.

Soon Hoya, L and Sungyeol entered, too.

Seeing the red headed Sunggyu and the laughing Woohyun they had to hold in their laughter too.




In the end Sunggyu told them everything.


''By the way, where's Sungjong?'' Sunggyu asked worried as he looked for the youngest one.

Sungyeol gasped. ''He's with Yunhee-nonna at the mall. She said that she'll be coming over to make dinner.''

''That's the perfect chance, hyung!'' L patted his hyung's shoulder a little bit too hard.


Sunggyu got up and started panicking.

''Oh no! Why didn't you tell me anything?!'' He walked around in his small room. ''I need to shower...my hair....my clothes....BB cream...eye liner....-''

''Woah calm down. It's not like you'll ask her to marry her!'' Woohyun said teasingly.

L joined them ''He's right, hyung. You'll just make yourself uncomfortable when she arrives. Just act like always.''

''Yeah naturally.'' Dongwoo smiled.


But all this couldn't calm the leader down as he was running to the bathroom.




''We need to help him.'' L suggested. ''Just look at him! He is making a fool out of himself.''

''Yeah, I do pity him.'' Hoya looked down at his hands.

Suddenly Sungyeol got up with a bright grin on his face. ''I have an idea!''


Sungyeol got a few clothes out of Sunggyu's closet.

''I need some help. L?! Come with me!'' He grabbed L's hand and dragged him to the bathroom were their leader was busy with doing his hair.





''I don't know...do you really think that this is necessary? I mean...it's a bit too...''

Sunggyu was in front of his mirror in his and Woohyun's room.

Behind him was a smiling Sungyeol and a head shaking L.

''Don't worry hyung! This will blow her off her feet!'' Sungyeol said cheering as he patted the leader's shoulder.


The three of them got out of the room to meet the other members who sat down in the living room.

As they saw their leader they got a little bit.....


''What the hell did you do to him!'' It was Woohyun who couldn't believe his eyes.

Hoya had to hold in his laughter while Dongwoo watched the older boy with a look of disbelieve mixed with pity.


Sunggyu was wearing a pair of red colored jeans along with a tight black t-shirt.

His hair was done in a messy way. An indescribable messy way.

''The hair was all Sungyeol's idea.'' L said as he sat down next to Woohyun who couldn't believe his eyes.

''He's a masterpiece!'' Sungyeol praised his work.

Woohyun got up shaking his head. ''This is horrible! He looks like- uurgh...what the hell did you spray on him?''

''Perfume?'' Sungyeol said while sniffing at Sunggyu. ''A little bit too much.''


''A little bit too much!?'' Sunggyu was about to boil. ''She'll hate me! I have to-''

But he was cut off as he heard the keys being turned and the door opened.

He ran to his room and closed the door quickly before Yunhee could see him.




''Where's Sunggyu oppa?'' She said cheerfully as she started to prepare the ingredients.

''Euhm..'' Hoya and Woohyun shared some looks.

''Ah, I bet he's in his room.'' She said happily and skipped to the door about to open it.

But luckily Dongwoo stopped her before she could have opened the door.

She pouted. ''What's wrong?''

''N-nothing...it's jut that he's changing right now.''

''Oh~ okay.'' She pouted. ''Sunggyu oppa! You better hurry up!'' She said against the door.


Sunggyu had heard her and right now he was even more panicking.

''Oh no! It's all your fault Sungyeol! What to do...what to do?!''

He found a comb in one of Woohyun's drawer and combed his hair so that it looked at least a little bit normal.

In the end he changed into a comfortable pair of grey sweat pants and a more lose t-shirt.

''I can do this.'' He tried to calm down. His hand was already on the door knob. ''I can do this.''


But then he didn't do more.

He just stood there - frozen to the ground.

I can't do this!




Dinner was almost ready and Yunhee got tired of waiting for Sunggyu.

So she just skipped to his room making sure that the others didn't see her.

She boldly opened the door and quickly entered the room.


''Why are you hiding under a blanket?'' She asked confused as she saw Sunggyu's feet being visible while the rest of his body was covered under his blue blanket.

She sat down next to his bed and lightly poked the area where his head would be.

''Mmmh~'' Was all he said.

Yunhee pouted. ''Did you fall asleep?'' She asked in a cute voice.

But Sunggyu didn't answer.

He was too busy to control his heartbeat and breath that got faster the moment she had entered the room.


He thought that she left as he heard nothing for a while.

So he tried to take a look if she had really left.

Slowly he lifted the blanket but he was surprised as he saw the blonde girl right in front of his eyes.

''I knew it!'' She lightly hit her forehead on his. ''Why are you hiding from me?''

''I'm not hiding.'' He mumbled.

Now Yunhee got mad and forcefully grabbed his blanket and threw it off him.

She started to laugh as she saw his hair.

''What's so funny?'' He blushed and tried to hide his hair with his hands.

She continued laughing and caught his wrists trying to pull his hands off his head.


He blushed some more after the skin contact.

I have to do it! He tried to encourage himself.

In a matter of seconds it was him who held onto her wrists.

''Yunhee.'' He said in a husky voice that made Yunhee shiver. ''I have to tell you something really important.''

She just nodded. She herself had to blush as she looked into her oppa's serious face.

''I have fa-''

''DINNER IS READY!!'' It was no other than Sungyeol who disturbed the romantic moment.


Sunggyu cursed under his breath and mentally beat the guts out of the younger boy.

''Can it wait for after dinner?'' She smiled looking at his hands who still held onto hers.

Sunggyu just then let go and stood up. ''Sure.''

He was the first to leave the room.




''What did you do? I mean...was he about to confess?'' Hoya whispered to Sungyeol.

''Nooo~ he wouldn't to do it. Right, hyung?'' He said to Sunggyu but he just gave him a deadly stare.

''Seems like he was about to do it.'' L hissed at Sungyeol.

Sungyeol gave Sunggyu an apologetic smile and continued eating.


Suddenly all of them received a text from Woohyun.

Let's let them go to buy us some ice cream!


''Hyung, how 'bout you and Yunhee-nonna go and buy us some ice cream?'' Sungjong suggested.

''Yeah, that's a really good idea.'' Woohyun joined.

The others nodded.

Sunggyu looked at them suspicious. ''Okaay...''

''Ice cream sounds great. '' Yunhee said cutely and made Infinite's hearts melt as always.




Soon Sunggyu and Yunhee were on their way to the grocery store.


''So, what did you want to tell me?'' Yunhee asked curiously.

Sunggyu stopped right there and just stared at her. ''I-I...you want to-to know it r-right now?''

''Why not?''


Sunggyu took in a deep breath before starting to walk closer to the girl.

He took her smaller hands in his and looked into her golden brown eyes.

''Oppa?'' She said a bit confused as she looked at their joined hands.

''I've fallen in love with you, Yunhee.'' he finally confessed.


His whole body got tense, his stomach felt like it was squeezed together and his hands shook a bit.

He was clearly nervous and that was visible for Yunhee.

She smiled. ''Thank you for confessing to me.''

She's about to reject me! He panicked again.

''You know, I like oppa the most.'' She smiled sweetly. ''And with linking you the most I mean that I've fallen in love with you, too.''

He blushed as he heard her words.

Then he hugged her tightly.


She giggled after a while.

''You smell really bad.''

''That's Sungyeol's fault.'' He mumbled against her hair.


''I love you just the way you are. Grandpa-, Hamster-, Leader-Gyu.'' She said happily and kissed him on his cheek.

Sunggyu smiled. ''That's really sweet.'' He kissed her too but only on her lips.





''Holy cow! He did it!'' Woohyun whispered as he and the others watched the two of them kiss.

''It's all because of my help.'' Sungyeol praised himself.

The others laughed.

''But wait, hyungs did you all try to help Sunggyu-hyung?'' Sungjong asked who wasn't there when they had prepared the leader.

''Kind of.'' Hoya laughed.

''Well...then it was me who tried helping nonna to confess.'' Sungjong said earning surprised looks from his hyungs.


''What? Didn't you know that she wanted to confess to him too today?''




A little one-shot :D haha right now I'm on my energy-drink-drinking-night^^ So I can't fall asleep xD

Hope you liked this one :*

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Chapter 1: giagjaoeighioeage.. ahhhh my feels.
that's so cuteeee.
aaaack!!!! sho cuuuute!!!! gyuuuuuu!!!! aigooo!!! neomu kyeopta! Sunggyu, you realky deserve to know that your eyes are a beautiful pair :')
teehee!!!!omg!!!!the ending!!!!forever laughing!!!!teehee!!!!waaah!!!!soooo cute!!!!
yeonjun #4
omg this is the cutest Sunggyu story I've ever read!
AWWW that girl was so cute... too cute, LOL
hereiam #6
AWAWAWAWAWA KEKEKEKEKEKE, I laughed hard!! Really like this one!! Such a really good story! Thank you for sharing chingu-ahh~ <3
eunhyeok #7
LOL-ing when she said "You smell really bad" and he blame Sungyeol HAHAHAHA he must be so cute ;AAA;
tyramissyuuu #8
sweet story ^^
ahah XD
seulchan #9
waaaa really sweet, I like him too >,<