Episode 5: Is It Finally Happening?

Friends Or Something More [Background]

We took the bus to the airport and boarded the plane . JHope, Rap Monster and Suga sat in one row. Next was: V, Jin and Jungkook. Lily, Jimin and you sat in the last row, while across from you was Rose, Sarah(her friend) and a stranger. 


While you guys were in the air you noticed that you were getting hungry since the pretzels weren't enough to fill you up. Jimin noticed and brought out his backpack that had all of your favorite snacks inside. You looked in awe and smiled at him and gave him a big hug.


Y/N: OMG you have all of my favorites!

Jimin: I knew you would be hungry so I prepared


You grabbed a bag of chips and shared it with Jimin while chatting about the old times and looking forward to the trip. 


                            ------Rose P.O.V-------

I was sitting next to Sarah and I turned my head to the annoying Y/N talking with Jimin and I could feel my blood rising. Who does she think she is to flirt and throw herself on my Jimin? Ugh! You started to ball your fist up to a point where it turned red.


Sarah: Hey what are you so mad about?

Rose: I'm mad at Y/N!

Sarah: What did she do?

Rose: She has everything that I want! I just want to take everything that she has and leave her with nothing! (You slammed your hand on the sidebar on the right side of you). 


You started to cry a little on the inside about how much that hurt, but then you turned to look at them again to see Y/N ASLEEP ON HIS SHOULDER! That was it you lost it, but Sarah moved your head so you were focused on her to calm you down. 


                     ----------- End of P.O.V-----------

You were tired from waking up so early and eating food (lol). Jimin noticed and allowed you to sleep on his shoulder and soon you were asleep.


                     ----------Jimin P.O.V----------

Y/N was laying on my shoulder and honestly I thought my heart was going to explode. I couldn't stop smiling at her as I see her cute sleeping face. I tapped Jungkook's to see if he could help me out back the snack bag.


You: Psss.... Jungkook

Jungkook: Yes Hyung!

You: Can you put this bag back up for me?

Jungkook: ah~ why can't you put it up ?

You: because I'm in a situation where I can't 

Jungkook peered over the seat to see Y/N sleeping on my shoulder. I quickly told him to stay quiet because he is the first one to over react to something.  He remained quiet but you could tell that he was dying on the inside to say something. (Cute)


A couple of hours were gone and we finally landed, but Y/N is still asleep. 


You: Y/N....wake up(you slowly shake her shoulder)

Y/N: Where are we? ( she said drowsy) 

You: We landed in Juju


                      --------End of P.O.V----------

You finally wake up and get your bags and load onto the bus with the class. 


Teacher: Okay everyone please listen! Once we arrive to our destination and walk off of the bus I will give the sheet of paper with the cabin information for your group. Each cabin will hold the members in your group and bed check is 10pm. 


Everyone started whispering of plans of what they were going to do that night. I on the other hand was excited to see the beach that is suppose to be close to the cabins! 


                        -----1 hour later -------

A while passed and we arrived at the cabins. 


Teacher: Who is your leader?

Rap Monster: I am

Teacher: Here is your cabin information enjoy!


We followed the instructions to the cabin and honestly it was amazing! You can see the sky- blue water that glistened in the summer sun. Then the cabin was like a teki style and had 5 rooms and 2 bathrooms.


Jin: WOW this is amazing!

Suga: This is nice. OMG is that the bed? It's so soft!

Jin: Well we know where Suga will be 


Everyone laughed.


Rap Monster: Okay since there are 5 rooms we are going to split into two. Although, we only have 3 girls  so-

Jimin: I'll be with Y/N 

Rap Monster:  Okay

Y/N: Wait don't I have a say?

Jimin: Not really 


He took your hand and dragged you to the beach while everyone else was still picking who they wanted to be with. 


Jimin: Finally we have some time to our selfs

Y/N: hahaha was everyone getting on your nerves?

Jimin: everyone but you...

Y/N: hahhahaha what are you talking about?(you hit his arm lightly. He suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him.) ah... Jimin why are you like this....

Jimin: There is something I need to tell you. I...-


Your mind was lost in all the things that he could be telling you, and you just wanted him to tell you faster.


??: Jimin...

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