


We said that Bae Joohyun was a pretty girl and that she attracted men like magnets. We also said that she was very popular. However, no one knew that the young girl felt alone.

Beauty buys nothing. Popularity is only a facade. This cold smile fades when the lights turn off.

Joohyun is a loner. She likes nothing, nor even the moon or the sun. No, she only likes the loneliness lying on her bed, her eyes riveted on the ceiling. She likes to think of nothing.

She simply likes being in a world that no one can understand. Being alone music filling her ears, it was all that she needed. Only that. As a matter of fact, she was easy to content with very little, little human contact, a few hanging out with friends. She preferred loneliness.

On one rainy day on her way to high school, the pretty Joohyun walked with earphones on her ears, not giving a damn about the drops of water flowing down on her long brown hair. Maybe she was going to arrive at high school soaked, but it was only a detail, one among many others.

Life was made of futilities.

However, surprise was she when the rain didn’t drip anymore along her scalp. She raised her eyes to heaven noticing that a pink umbrella protected her from the weather. A young girl was by her side. Joohyun didn’t dare to contemplate her, preferring walk with her head low, eyes attached on her black converses.

Nobody knew that Joohyun was in fact very shy and not a princess.

Once arrived inside in the entrance hall, Joohyun with rosy cheeks turned to thank the girl. But, this one had already left without further ado. Maybe that she had been awkward without saying a word. Even so the other taken her by surprise, she hadn’t known how to act. Joohyun didn’t know how to act accordingly.

She was scare by the world.

The brunette had moved to the bathroom to wring her mane. The other girls present looked at her with attention detailing her every move. Joohyun was like every human being, she had faults and there were things that she didn’t like. She didn’t like attract other attention, for example … Yet, even without doing anything people were captivated by her presence. She went out fast of this space walking until her locker. She opened it wanting to drop her heavy books. It was then that a folded sheet caught her attention. She took it, taking care not to spoil it, then put it inside the pocket of her skinny jeans and then put her books away.

Seated at her desk, waiting the math class to begin, she took out the paper that she had put in her pocket a few minutes earlier. She unfolded it and was astonished by the calligraphy on the paper, this one was soft, almost cute and said:

“Bae Joohyun should not fall sick. Even under the rain she stays the prettiest.

Signed by: The little dandelion”


A smile was born on Joohyun’s lips. The little dandelion. It was even cuter that the pink ink used for writing this simple word. The brunette imagined that this innocent word came most probably from this morning’s girl. She had been so impolite for not having thanked her. All of a sudden, guilt invades her …

Joohyun wasn’t cold. Joohyun had a heart and this one was weak.

Later, she was joined by her friends Taeyeon and SeungHwan. It was the only ones that the young girl appreciated because to their eyes, she was a human being like the others. The two young ladies sat by her sides, teasing her as always, managing to make her forget that life was not so dull as she thought.

At lunchtime, she narrated them what had happened to her this morning, telling them about this “Little Dandelion” omitting to reveal this detail to them. She did not want to be teased more than necessary. Joohyun liked to have her share of secrets. Her friends had found the stranger’s attention so adorable that they had reprimanded the brunette. Joohyun had to learn to open when it was necessary. The girls were not wrong, as always to tell the truth.

Joohyun was imperfect. Her imperfections were what made her so beautiful, isn’t it?

Night had fallen on the city. Joohyun held between her delicate hands this piece of paper now crumpled. She imagined a face to this calligraphy.

Joohyun was a dreamer, maybe a bit too much. She had invisible wings. She was invincible.

Days had passed … curiosity too. Joohyun had ceased to believe that she would end up putting a real face to the “Little Dandelion”. Like every dream too audacious, she had made a fresh start. Her life, finding her perfect tedium.

Friday announced the weekend. Friday announced the freedom. The brunette tidied up her things in her bag, then walked to the exit greeting her friends who left in the opposite direction to hers. Music resounding inside her ears, she walked feeling light like a butterfly. Her steps lead her to her favorite coffee shop. There was no many clients and the Indie music lulled her heart, lightening her the days when nothing was okay. Being a regular the brunette no longer had to pronounce her order, the barista by the name of Sehun just made conversation. They made small talk. For some people this conversation must have seemed to be pointless, but for her, this was a lot more precious. Small talk, it was important.

Joohyun liked Viennese chocolate with lots of whipped cream.

She sat at her favorite table. Far from everything. Close to the patio door. Just surrounded by blue flowers. She put her bag on the round wooden table, then removed her black leather jacket. Today, she had tied her hair in a ponytail and had put round glassed on her thin nose. She took the spoon placed on the table in order to taste the whipped cream that made her salivate. The taste of it delights her taste buds. She felt good. Outside the rain began to fall on the city. Joohyun liked the sound of rain on the roofs, just as she liked to watch the drops fall on the patio door. It was peaceful.

That day, Joohyun didn’t know if the rain had driven the fate, but a pink umbrella had entered the place. The young girl had blushed, finding herself stupid to think that this could be that of the “Little Dandelion”, because after all it was not the only person holder of a pink umbrella. However, her heart swelled of hope when this same person dared to sit down in front of her. And, for the first time Joohyun took her courage in both hands to observe this one. The young girl had an adorable face. A lost look, but yet so pretty, she didn’t have double eyelid; a small nose, adorable round cheeks, and pink lips. Her long hair seemed so silky that Joohyun would almost have wanted to them. The young girl took out of her bag a pink notebook, and started to write something using a pen of the same color. It was necessary to believe that this color was her favorite. The teenager held out with both hands the piece of paper that she had just pulled from her notebook to her vis-à-vis. She had a shy smile on her face.

Joohyun knew that it was the beginning of a beautiful story.

“Bae Joohyun must not stay alone.

Signed by: The Little Dandelion”

The brunette took out in her turn a notebook and wrote on it in blue ink:

“Joohyun is not alone anymore. She has the Little Dandelion to keep her company.

Signed by: The Lonely Solitude”

The other girl smiled as she finished reading this word. Their cheeks were painted with a pretty color declaring a new friendship that was not about to end.

Bae Joohyun was intimidate. But she was not for Kang Seulgi.

The two young girls had gotten to know each other through bits of paper. From simple texts, simple words. Quite simply.

For Seulgi, Joohyun was a rose. She was pretty, but thorny. She was divine, but scary. Seulgi loved roses just as he loved Joohyun.

Seulgi was the water that was missing from the faded flower that was Joohyun. She was her sun, her confidante, the trust, the innocence. In this world, which only appreciated her for her appearance, Joohyun had learned that the Little Dandelion loved her for her flaws. For all her faults that made her human.

Joohyun was not funny. She was boring. She did not have any particular hobbies. The brunette had nothing special. The girl just liked to stay at home in the middle of her bed. But, for Seulgi, she was fascinating.

“Bae Joohyun is perfectly imperfect. And that’s why I like her.” Had pronounced Seulgi sitting next to the brunette on the bed in her room.

The brunette had not known what to say, her eyes lost in the sincere eyes of her best friend.

“And you, why do you love me?”

Seulgi seemed to be greedy for an answer, her pupils shone with impatience. Joohyun's heart was beating wildly. She was not the kind of person to open her heart. She fled that kind of thing. But, she had decided to make an effort.

“Because you are…perfect Seulgi.”

Perfection doesn’t exist. But Seulgi had proved to Joohyun that the inside counted more that the outside. She had touched her heart, invading her stomach with flying butterflies.

Seulgi had come closer to Joohyun hugging her against her frail body.

The little Dandelion wasn’t one. She was a red rose. Passionate in all that she was undertaking. She was the person who understands her the best.

Joohyun was a loner but she liked Seulgi.

Seulgi was her rose.

And Joohyun will never thank enough, this little human being for having protected her from the rain. Seulgi had to be her soulmate lost on the path of the high school.

But Joohyun…was a soul forsaken.

“Thank you Seulgi for believing in me. I’m sorry to have ruined everything … Someone will love you at your fair value… but this person can’t be me…

Signed by: The Lonely Solitude”

Joohyun folded the pink paper inside of Seulgi’s locket and fled as if nothing had happened, as she had always done.

The memories will end up being only a vague heartache for the two girls. Seulgi will forget her… Time will do things.



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Chapter 1: It hurts....;-;
chunchon #2
Chapter 1: It was....... Intense, why couldnt u joohyun? WHY? Gosh I'm really into this story sigh. .