Let's Do It

What Matters Most

So Min looked at the pitiful Hyun Joong lying on her sofa and sighed. "There's an elephant in my living room and it's not even invisible!" The fact is this is not even the first time he got knocked out on her sofa. It has happened about four times before, since their break-up. So Min went to her bedroom, leaving Hyun Joong sleeping in her living room.

The following morning Hyun Joong woke up with a really bad headache, a sore back from having to sleep on the couch and a very painful and swollen left jaw. The realization that he's in So Min's place finally hit him. "Oh crap! What did I do this time for that violent witch to do this to me?!" He asked himself as he tried to massage his painful jaw. He knew by this time So Min would already be at the office so he just walked over to his place, showered, put on his office clothes and took some hangover pills before going to the office.

As soon as he got there he motioned for So Min to follow him to his room. So Min knew she was in trouble but she couldn't care less as she followed him. Hyun Joong closed the door behind them and pinned So Min to the wall. "You! Why the hell did you do this to me? Didn't I tell you to stop hitting me when I'm drunk and defenseless?!" Hyun Joong would always try to take his revenge by ually harassing her –like pinning her to the wall and attempting to kiss her, among other things—he does these things not because he is a ert (only sometimes) but because he knows this is the only thing that really annoys So Min, because it reminds her of their past.

"It only serves you right. You should be grateful that's the only thing I did, after you dared suggest I get a stranger to get me pregnant!" "Hmmm, is that so? Come to think of that's a brilliant idea," Hyun Joong said with a chuckle. "Do you want to die now?" So Min could no longer control her anger but he was pressing his body real hard against hers that she couldn't move.

Thankfully, just then someone knocked on the door. It was his Dad's assistant. "Sir, your father needs to see you and Ms. Jung in his office immediately, something very urgent has come up." The two secretly glared at each other while following the assistant to Mr. Kim's room. They were surprised to see So Min's Dad upon walking in. "Dad, what are you doing here? And why are you all here?" So Min asked her father and the lawyers and finance heads of the companies owned by the Jung and Kim families.

"Sit down, we want the two of you to listen carefully to what we have to say. Our companies are in real trouble right now. Investors have been jumping ship and selling shares of our companies' stocks to buy into the recently merged Seo & Yeo conglomerates. Our stock prices will hit rock bottom if we don't act now," Mr. Kim said. "Our companies have to merge, that's the only way we can become bigger than them, otherwise we'll just end up eating their dust!" Mr. Jung added.

"Then let's merge, what's the problem? Our companies have always cooperated in the past anyway!" Hyun Joong butted in.

"I wish it were that easy, Son, but after their merger the government has been wary of other companies following suit. They're afraid it will create monopolies and all that. Plus they would have to deal with negative public perception that big business is being held by only a few families. They will surely allow us knowing it will be good for our industries, but they won't let it happen fast. At the rate our share prices are falling we need something drastic and immediate to convince our shareholders that we have what it takes to compete with Seo & Yeo head on," Mr. Kim explained.

"The fastest way is for the two of you to get married as soon as possible. I know you both don't want to do it, your Mom told me what happened. But I hope you will think beyond your own selfish interests and consider what this would mean to our families, our companies, employees and their families. Besides, two years is already way too long to drag your lovers’ quarrel, don't you think?" Mr. Kim added.

Hyun Joong and So Min looked at their fathers and then at each other. The realization that they are really in serious trouble finally hit them. "Can I talk to you in private, Dad?" So Min said breaking the silence.

The father and daughter went inside one of the private rooms. So Min hugged her Dad as soon as they were alone. "I understand Dad, I'll do it, please don't worry anymore," So Min assured her Dad in between sobs.

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Chapter 5: Such a cute lovestory <3
The story is purely daebak!! It almost made me cry, actually. Make aonther one please! :)
Dizanri #3
Nice, simple and I like it. Life not always sweet but as long as we stay with the one we love and we always cherish it we will be happy. Will be waiting more from you :)
cute ^^
Yeah, what happened? Why did they break up?
Beautiful, Sweet ff!
azilamm #7
Great story! Simple and sweet. Looking forward to more from you! Thanks! :D

p/s: Why did they break up? So curious ;D
Is So Min really playing "Temple Run"? Cause recently I am addicting to that game too:)
Very nice story!!!
Hope you write more!!