It bleeds

It bleeds
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First time they met was when Chanyeol was 7 years old. Playing in his grandparents estate. There he met Kyungsoo, the beautiful boy who sits by the window side unblinking, staring into the clouds. He doesn't speaking, but Chanyeol knows he is listening. They became friends. Chanyeol never forgot about Kyungsoo. And Kyungsoo will never forget about Chanyeol. They are best friends of course. Even if far away, its a promised they made in secret. Chanyeol will always come back take Kyungsoo far away. And he did, he really did. 

When his grandparents passed away, Chanyeol came back to the estate to pick up Kyungsoo. Everyone told him that Kyungsoo didn't exist but Chanyeol knows better than to listen to them. Because Kyungsoo is real, he felt real, and he even listen to Chanyeol for hours to no end. He walks down the same halls of the big place, reaching the end of the hall way. Wooden doors stood on his way, he pushes them open and inside sat Kyungsoo. Even more beautiful than the last time Chanyeol saw him. Time really made Kyungsoo into a true beauty, and Chanyeol wouldn't have it any other way. 

Like the first time they met, Kyungsoo stare into the clouds of the sky. Chanyeol approaches him quietly to surprise the one sitting on the chair, he did just that and for the first time Chanyeol thinks that Kyungsoo has the prettiest laughter out of everyone he met. He felt lucky that he has heard it. 

Taking Kyungsoo away from that quiet old place was easy, Kyungsoo never protest and he always agree with Chanyeol. It made Chanyeol way more happy than a bride in her wedding day. Chanyeol took care of Kyungsoo delicately, but it doesn't mean accidents doesn't happen. 

Kyungsoo first bled when he fell from his chair. It left a crack on his cheek, it never healthy but it stop bleeding, Chanyeol still think Kyungsoo was beautiful though. Second time Chanyeol's friends hit Kyungsoo and he bled but never cried. Chanyeol thinks he likes it, the red against Kyungsoo's porcelain skin. But he also felt guilty, so guilty that he cried on Kyungsoo's lap. That was the first time Kyungsoo shed his re

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Chapter 1: The concept is so dark.... I’m in love with it. But the very last sentence got me doubt. Could you plz clarify me abt this?