Unsure Feelings

Ding Dong~ (Three words)

It is already midnight. The moon hanging up in the skies, as the white light refracts through the glass window, brightening up the room to a certain extent. The crickets singing in the grass, outside the dorm as if they are having their personal concert. The hoots of the night owls like the bass to the melodic crickets’ sing. In this certain room, there is a girl who is about to turn mad with every second that passes by.

“Argh!!” Seulgi groans, tossing and turning around on her bed from insomnia. Rather than insomnia, more specifically a person. A very beautiful person, whom she met during her part-time, who turns out to be the campus belle in her school. Her beautiful, smooth, long raven black hair. Her thick brows hidden behind her see-through bangs. Her brown round eyes, which the soul out of Seulgi as they met. Those eyes were like a magnet, and Seulgi is just the magnetic materials to them.

Seulgi’s heart palpitates in an irregular beat. The more she thinks of her, the faster it gets. Almost like the heart is about to jump right out from her chest. “Argh! I am going to go crazy!!” She shouts once again, as she shot up from her bed. Only to be snapped out of the thoughts momentarily by the pillow which crashes to the side of her face.

“Shut up!! You have been moving about too much!! I can’t sleep!” her roommate on the neighbouring bed reprimanded, before throwing herself back to the bed. The blanket covers over her head. Attempting to fall back into her dreamland.

“But Wendy!! I can’t sleep!!!” Seulgi whined back with her cute voice, hugging onto the pillow which was thrown at her. She turns to face her roommate, her best friend, wanting attention. The quiet room filled with the squeaking sound of the metal bed frame as she moves around. Seulgi calls out to the latter by her name until she finally lowers her blanket from her face. Irritation written on her face.

“If you can’t sleep, just count some sheep. Count it from 1 to god knows how many…” Wendy scoffed with irritation, her words muffled by the blanket over . Yet it travels into Seulgi’s rounded ears, crisp and clear.

“I DID!!! But it doesn’t work!!” Seulgi rebuts, burying into the pillow in her embrace. Pouting. However, her friend did not reply her. Neither did she made a sound. Thinking she was asleep, Seulgi calls out to her again and again.

Finally, concluding that if she doesn’t settle Seulgi’s problem, she won’t even have a second of peaceful sleeping. Wendy sits up on her bed and faced Seulgi. The night absorbing her energy as she looks lethargically at Seulgi. Her eyes and heavy eye bags, making her looks miserable.

“What’s the matter, Seul?” Wendy asks as she yawns, yearning for her sleep.

“I-I think I’m in love Wendy! And today is the first snowfall” Seulgi says as she slightly trips over her tongue.

Wendy brought her palms together, clapping it like some dead fish. “Congratz…” She said deadpan.

“But it is not that easy, Wen! I think I fell for Irene!!” Seulgi exclaims.

With the sleeping tendency still flooding her mind, Wendy was not her usual self. She was unable to think clearly. “Which Irene?” Wendy asks as her words slurs like that of a drunk person. Her eyelids falling down like a curtain as if it is some heavy shutter that can’t stay up above ground. Her open palm supporting the weight of her head on her leg.

“Irene Bae!!! The Campus Belle!!!!” Seulgi shouts at the top of her voice.

The answer came to Wendy like a bat. In a split second, Wendy became so awake to the maximum point. Her eyes widen in shock of the news as if a slight knock in the back of her head the eyeballs may come rolling out from her sockets. “What?!!!” rolls out of her tongue easily. Her voice changes low and gruff from the shock.

Then, banging on the neighbouring walls can be heard. “Shut the up!! GO SLEEP!!” their neighbours shouted angrily filled with annoyance. But this did not change the atmosphere of the room, as they lower down their volume to whisper.

“Are you damn serious? You fell in love with THAT Irene Bae?!” Wendy hissed, unable to believe her ears. “But Seul, you never met her before! How do you know that it’s her?!”

“Well, today…” Seulgi begins to tell her side of the story to Wendy.


“Seulgi!! Deliver this order to Ms Irene Bae! It’s in the same direction as your other orders. After that, you are free to go!!” The owner of the pizza shop that Seulgi works at shouted from his counter.

“YES SIR!!” picking up the boxes of pizza, Seulgi headed out of the shop to her trustworthy bicycle. After loading the orders, she went around for delivery. Eventually, she arrives at her last order. The order of Ms Irene Bae.

“Her name is so familiar… Even the address…” Seulgi murmured to herself as she looks at the order receipt of the last order. Following the address stated on the receipt, she found herself arriving at her school dorm. Revels High’s Girls Dorm.  She soon arrives at the door of the unit of the stated address.

*Ding Dong*

Seulgi rang the bell to the unit.

“Yes! Give me a moment!” The voice shouted from inside the unit. When the door open, Seulgi instantaneously became mesmerised by the beauty of the petite frame. Her raven black hair up in a high ponytail. Donning in an oversized sweater, skin tight jeans with her room slippers. Seulgi was in love. She had fallen for the petite girl’s beauty.

“Erm… O-One triple cheese pizza for M-Ms Irene Bae?” Seulgi asks as she snapped out of her thought. Seulgi wants to just kill herself on the spot. Why is she stuttering?!!!

“Yup, that’s right!” The girl replied, smiling happily as she reaches out to take over the pizza box from the hands of Seulgi. Their hands met. From the touch, Seulgi can feel her face burning up. But the latter doesn’t seem to have the same tingling feeling that Seulgi felt as she headed in with the pizza before coming out to pay Seulgi the money.

As the door closes, Seulgi cranks her neck wanting to look at her one last time through the gap. When it fully closes, Seulgi just stands in front of the door like a statue. She heard the laughter ringing from inside the room. She can’t help to fall for her more. After a few moments, she headed off.

--End of Flashback—

“Are you sure it’s the same Irene Bae?” Wendy questions, “I mean you and I both know what type of person is Irene Bae. She’s famous in the school for being a cold beauty. An ice queen!” Wendy added.

“But I am very sure about it! In this whole school, she’s the one and only!! Her beauty captures the hearts of both males and females!” Seulgi exclaim, half whispering.

“We’ll see about that tomorrow…  I’m sleepy. Good night, little bear.” Wendy says as yawns, laying down on her comfortable mattress. Falling asleep within seconds. 

However, Seulgi was the opposite of her. With Irene Bae filling her mind, she just lay on the bed looking up at the high ceiling.


Lectures have been long, Seulgi sprawl across the table surface looking dead. She did not sleep well last night, and her energy is being drained as every second pass. As the bell rang, rustling and bustling in the classroom can be heard. The pulling and pushing of the chairs did not bother her. Neither did the chattering of the students. The day still has not ended for her as one more lecture is left for her.

“seul… Seul… SEUL!!” Wendy shouted into the round ears of a dead-looking Seulgi.

“What is it…” Seulgi replied deadpanned.

“Let’s go for lunch!” Wendy sing-song happily. Seulgi eyes brightened up for a second before reverting to how it was.

Seulgi sat at the table, staring off into space again.

“Seulgi!!!” a voice came from behind Seulgi, followed by a back hug. Seulgi turned to look at the taller silhouette. “Oh… it’s you Joy.” Seulgi said emotionlessly.

Joy pushed Seulgi lightly in annoyance. “What’s with your reaction?!”

“Someone’s just in love.” Wendy says as she places the tray filled with food down on the table. They begin to dig in as all the food has been placed in front of them.

“Who is the lucky girl?!” Joy asks as she filled with food. Joy eats so well as if she had been starving for days. But on the other hand, Seulgi food drop all around her. As if there is a hole in . The rice falls off the chopstick. The meat slips from the chopstick back into the bowl. The soup dripping everywhere leaving a trail.

As if on cue, the campus belle walked into the cafeteria passing by their table. “Speaks of the devil.” Wendy says as she points in the direction of the said. She elbowed Seulgi on the side to inform her of the person’s arrival. Seulgi immediately sits up, correcting her posture. Like many people in the cafeteria, her gaze following the campus belle as she walks.

Joy turned around to take a look at who is the lucky girl that Seulgi falls for. And the answer to her question shocks her. “Irene BAE?!!!!” Joy shouts out, covering with her hand. Her shouting earns a glare from her two friends and also the attention from everyone in the cafeteria that could hear her.

“Shut the hell up!” Her two friends hissed as they both kicked Joy in the shin. One on the left and one on the right. Joy could only groan in pain as she rubs on the kicked area to ease the pain.


 Returning to her lecture hall with Wendy after lunch, Seulgi just crashes into her seat. It’s just going to be another boring lecture she thought. But it was later proven wrong as Wendy elbowed her once again. Pointing at a certain someone who just walked into the hall as she says, “Look, Seul!”

Seulgi followed the finger of Wendy only to see the one that she has been thinking about the whole time. Irene Bae was sitting two rows of table away from them with her friends, joking and playing around. Seulgi was totally attracted to her. Her smile and laughter seem to brighten up her day. Brighten up her life.

“Wow… I didn’t know she can smile.” Wendy whispers with a mixture of sarcasm.

“Everyone can smile, Wendy. She is just different from them.” Seulgi replies, staring at the group. Her head was in her hands, leaning on the table. Looking at the person with a soft gaze from afar.


“Urgh!” Seulgi moaned as she lays down on her comfortable bed after a nice shower. She can hear her bones popping and cracking from the impact. It makes her feels relax.

“Ew… Stop that!” Wendy complains in disgust as she throws a pillow towards Seulgi before continuing back to her homework. This time, Seulgi managed to catch it and bring it to a hug in her embrace. Her minds drift off again as she lays on a bed. Then a question came into her mind.

“Say, Wendy. Do you think Irene have the same feeling as me? The same feeling, I have for her…” Seulgi blurted out, breaking the silence in the room.

“It’s hard to say… I mean all I know is from your side. No one knows how she thinks about you besides those that are close with her.” Wendy hummed, her eyes not leaving the laptop screen.

“What do you think if I tell her those words?” Seulgi asks again. This time she sits up on her bed still hugging the pillow, looking at the back of Wendy. She wanted Wendy’s attention.

“I think you will die. Or might as well just kiss the wall. After all, she is an ice queen. Do you really think her heart will melt for you? Wendy scoffed, still typing on her laptop.

Seulgi places the pillow down on the bed and walks towards Wendy with light, gentle footsteps. She slightly bends down and gave a back hug to the one sitting in her desk. Unbeknownst to her, Wendy’s face was turning red like a tomato from it.

“Then, what do you suggest I do?” Seulgi pouts as she buries her head into that of Wendy’s neck.

“Why not just give her some gifts secretly?” Wendy suggests. “Well, I do know she’s surely into the colour purple…” Wendy added.

“Why do you know that?!!” Seulgi shouts into Wendy’s ears from the “shocking news”.

“Well… It's practically laid out nicely there… I mean, look at the items she possessed. A purple bottle, purple wallet, purple pen and the lists go on and on.” Wendy remarked.

From Wendy’s remark, Seulgi mouth forms an “O”. She just understands something new and her little mind had just got it registered in it.

“Maybe you should be more observant of your surroundings, Seul.” Wendy added in a form of sarcasm to that blur little bear. Which was rewarded with a punch on her back. And the room soon burst into laughter.

“Thank you, Wen. I will try it from tomorrow onwards.” Seulgi says as she playfully landed a peck on the cute fluffy cheek of Wendy. This cause Wendy to instantaneously burns up in embarrassment and shy. “Also, one more thing Wen. Why are you so hot?” Seulgi added, placing her palm over Wendy’s forehead. Trying to test to see if Wendy was ill.

Wendy hits Seulgi’s hand away after the contact. She’s angry that Seulgi doesn’t know her heart when she knows hers. She can read Seulgi’s heart like a book, but Seulgi will never understand her. “I’m not ill! Stupid Bear!” Wendy scowled as she turns back to her laptop scream.


Since that day, after the night talk with Wendy, Seulgi begins to purchase any purple product to Irene using her salary from the part-time job. A purple keyboard skin cover. A purple tumbler. A purple fountain pen with purple ink. Lavender scented candles. And a bouquet of purple flowers.

From lavender rose; a sign of love at first sight. Which is technically fit for the case between Seulgi and Irene. To lavender; which means purity, serenity and devotion. To bellflowers; the flowers which symbolize unchanging love, honesty and obedience.

Every single week, in the early morning, she will place these gifts right at her dorm room doorstep. And when she sees her in the lecture hall, she will look at Irene with anticipation. She notices that Irene, uses her gifts and it made her day regardless. Seeing Irene using those gifts happily means a lot to her.

This changes Seulgi a lot. She who hates attending lecture becomes someone who always looks forward to it. When it comes to her part-time job, she becomes ever more energetic. Especially when she receives the order of that person. Even a blind could tell, how head over heels she must be in loved with Irene.

Every time when Seulgi left the gift at the doorstep, some part of her heart start to fantasize. She wishes that Irene would open the door suddenly. She wanted to tell her the three words, yet she was also scared of saying it. She wants to knock on her door, yet she was shy to do so. So, every time when she left the gift there, if time permits, she will stand hiding at the corner of the corridor. Looking at that certain unit, like a predator waiting for its prey, she was waiting for her crush. Waiting for her to open the door, and picked up the gift. One thing she notices, Irene seems to have a knack for things which smells nice. She notices how brightly Irene smile when the gift of the week was a lavender scented candle. The same smile when it was a fresh pot of lavender.

However, things became to change one day. She notices her gifts stacking up in front of the doorsteps mixed with some unfamiliar gifts. A bouquet of withered flowers. An unopened present, which she recognizes. When she opens to confirm if it belongs to her, it becomes a truth to her. But why? This is the first time her gifts were left lying in the cold hallway. And this makes Seulgi very curious; what had happened.


“Seulgi-ya!!! An order from your favourite customer!” The owner shouted across at Seulgi who was sitting in the corner in deep thoughts. Seulgi immediately sprung up from the seat. The gloomy clouds in her mind clear up from the words. She knows who the owner was specifically mentioning. Irene’s order was always the last order Seulgi needs to send to, marking the end of her shift. It happens every week. Finally, she will get to see Irene.

When she arrives at the doorstep, she notices how the used-to-be clean and neat hallway turns even messier as the gifts lay around. Seulgi have to step over those boxes or bouquets to finally arrive at the doorstep safely.

*Ding Dong*

There was no response. In fact, she heard some sounds from inside the room. So, she decides to press the bell once more.

*Ding Dong*

“Pizza delivery!” Seulgi shouted. But the response she got this time was different from how it usually was. Usually, the door will fly open with excitement, but this time the door crept opens slowly. Usually, Irene will be b with spirits, but now she just looks tired. Irene look around the area warily through the gap of the door before fully opening it. After the transaction of the money and goods, the door closes with a slam.


Seulgi is back in her room, totally worn out and dejected. She slips her feet out from her shoes and socks before walking in. But something was wrong… Regardless of what happens, or how tired she was, Seulgi always places her footwear neatly next to the doormat after entering the room. Yet this time, her footwear was strewn over the floor in different angles and directions. Her backpack laying on the floor in the middle of nowhere. Even her favourite Winnie the Pooh plushie was sitting on the floor next to her bed.

All of these didn’t go unnoticed as Wendy realizes it all when she returned slightly after Seulgi. She knows something was wrong for sure. So, after removing her footwear she walked towards Seulgi’s bed and sit at the edge of it.

“What’s the matter, little bear?” Wendy asks. Her voice was soft, filled with concerns. Her hand runs through the hair of Seulgi who lying on the bed, her head buried in the pillow.

Seulgi sat up, facing Wendy. Pulling her knees close to her. Her eyes were turning watery. As if the tears are going to flow out anytime uncontrollably.

“W-Wen… Do you think she hates me?” Seulgi sobs, trying to hold back her tears. A glimpse of hope still in her heart.

Wendy knows it. Seulgi is feeling scared. Feeling insecure. She’s scared that Irene hates her. She is insecure about the feelings she had for her.

“What makes you think so?” Wendy asks, reaching out her hand to the fragile Seulgi. Caressing her cheeks with the back of her hand.

Burying herself in the crook of Wendy’s neck comfortably, her tears flow out. Soaking Wendy’s white shirt, turning it translucent. “She’s not accepting any of my gifts anymore. Also, today when I send a delivery to her room, she no longer opens the door widely with a smile.” Seulgi replies, sobbing sounds mixed with the answers.

Wendy pulls Seulgi closer to her, patting on her head. “It’s okay… It’s okay, little bear…” She comforted in her soft, warm voice. “Maybe there are other reasons behind it.”

Picking up the Pooh off the floor, Wendy places her hands on the arms. She uses it to give Seulgi a tiny hug, talking with the heavy nasal voice she says, “Yea! Wendy is right… Also, you stink Seulgi.” Little Pooh “says” pinching his little black nose.

A smile forms across Seulgi’s face and so did Wendy. “Winnie-the-Pooh don’t talk like this! Your impersonation skills just failed on you.” Seulgi jokes, giving a light punch to Wendy on her shoulder.

“Well… Technically it didn’t fail because I just want to make you smile.” Wendy says. She pushes Seulgi to the edge of the bed and ushers, “Now, go bathe stinky bear!” And Seulgi complies with that after landing a peck on Wendy’s cheek.

“Thank you, Wendy. I love you!” Seulgi exclaims with excitement, wiping the tear marks from her face and forming a heart shape over her head with her arms.

“Just go bathe already!!” Wendy shouts in embarrassment, throwing a pillow towards Seulgi which she successfully dodges.


“Big news! Big NEWS!!” Joy shouted running towards Seulgi and Wendy who were eating at their usual table in the cafeteria. Joy came crash sitting next to Seulgi. Gulping down the water which she grabs randomly.

“Hey! That’s my orange juice!!” Seulgi whined, pouting.

“Ah! ~ That’s was refreshing!” Joy’s exclaims, putting down the empty glass with a thud.

“It’s okay, Seul. You can have mine.” Wendy comforts the pouting bear, as she places her orange juice in front of her. “Anyway, what’s the big news?” Wendy asks as she turns to face Joy whose sweat was running down her face like a waterfall.

“Apparently…” Joy stops and looks around. “Someone seems to be harassing Irene.” Joy hissed.

“What?! Where did you get that news?!” The other two shouts out. Gaining attention from all direction, they quiet down. They drag Joy to the rooftop they love after returning the tray. After ensuring no one was around, they began their discussion.

“I’ve got my resource, and it’s 100% trustable!” Joy exclaims with dramatic gestures.

“Right…” Wendy side-eyed at Joy, unable to trust her completely.

“Just say what’s with the harassing thingy going on!” Seulgi shouts filled with worry.

“Well… According to my source, Irene has been receiving harassing letters and gifts from a guy apparently.” Joy summarises.

Upon hearing it, Seulgi bolts off. Not even Wendy could hold her back. Seulgi mind only has Irene. She wants to protect Irene regardless. She no longer cares if she will be hurt in the end. She just wants Irene to be happy. Because her smile was the light to her.


It’s been days since Seulgi started to look at Irene from afar. She wasn’t getting enough sleep. She frequently forgets her homework. She also starts to be late for her part-time. Everyone began to be worried about her, but she just frequently brushes off with an “I’m fine”.

Unbeknownst to her, Wendy was always behind her back. She makes sure Seulgi will have a nice warm dinner even if she returns home late. She ensures that Seulgi is keeping up with her studies by taking down notes for her. To some extent, she even helps Seulgi to write some of her homework. When Seulgi is asleep, she makes sure she is well covered by her blanket.


“Yah! Isn’t that Irene Bae?” Joy points in the direction of the campus belle who was looking all jumpy far away from them. They are currently sitting under the shade of big tree doing their project, hiding from the scorching sun.

“I will go take a look at it. I will come back shortly.” Seulgi says as she leaves the chair and patted Joy’s shoulder. “Help me tell Wendy when she’s back!” Seulgi shouts as she runs off following behind Irene.

Seulgi follows behind Irene quietly, minimizing the sound of her footsteps. Hiding behind walls and hiding within bushes to keep herself covered. She looks around carefully with her not-so-sharp cat eyes, making sure that no one is near Irene. It wasn’t long when Seulgi then spotted an unknown shadow lurking in the shadows.

The shadow jumps out from the shade in front of Irene, causing Irene to fall back on to the ground. Her papers and books littered the floor. Her eyes widen in fear. Her already pale skin turns paler than usual.

“Irene-ssi! Why did you not look at me! I send you so many gifts but don’t even look at it!” The guy shouted at the now-scared Irene. His voice was mixed with desperation. The guy pointed a knife at Irene with trembling hands.

“H-Heechul-ssi… C-Can you first p-put that down, it’s v-very dangerous.” Irene proposed with a trembling voice filled with fear.

“Then go out with me! Irene-ssi! Do you know how much I love you?!! Do you know how long I’ve loved you?!” the guy named Heechul shouted, inching nearer with each sentence. Irene also moves back as the guy inches forward with her shaking arms.

Seeing the opportunity, Seulgi runs out from behind the bush with a hand filled with sand. She hurls it towards the eyes of Heechul, temporarily disabling him. As Heechul groans in pain reaching out his hands to his eyes, the knife fell out of his hands. As the knife lands on the ground, Seulgi kicked it away so he will be unable to reach it.

“How are you?!” Seulgi asks worriedly as she picks Irene off the ground. She examines Irene for any injuries. Besides her being in shock and the scrapped skin on her palm, she seems to be okay. “I will you to your lecture hall.” Seulgi offered as she grabs onto Irene’s wrist.

When she was about to turn around, dragging Irene off, she saw the guy picking up the knife off the ground. Seems like he got his eyesight back, Seulgi thought.

“Irene is mine and only! No one is going to get her away from me!!” the guy shouted as he speeds towards Irene. Seulgi who saw it pulls Irene into a back hug shielding her from the damage.

“Teacher! There is someone wielding a knife in the school!” A voice shouted from afar gesturing for a teacher to the scene. But the voice immediately panics, as she saw Seulgi getting stabbed. “Seulgi-ya!!!!” The girl ran towards Seulgi frantically. Catching onto an injured Seulgi who just slipped off Irene’s little frame.

“Seulgi-ya! Seulgi-ya!! Stay with me!!” The girl shouted as hold onto Seulgi in her arm, while the other she was lightly slapping Seulgi cheeks which are slowly going cold. The calling out of Seulgi’s name also snapped Irene back to reality. She falls on her knees next to Seulgi, crying.

“W-Wendy… I-It hurts…” Seulgi groaned in pain, tears escaping from her eyes.

“I-It’s okay, Seulgi. J-Just holds on a bit more. The ambulance is arriving.” Wendy comforts her as always, but she was stuttering. Her tears are running down like a running tap. Slipping off her chin, dripping onto Seulgi’s face.

“B-But I save I-Irene… I-I saved her…” Seulgi says with her fragile voice, smiling sheepishly at Wendy.

“Yea! I’m proud of you little bear. So, stay with me and don’t sleep!” Wendy calls out, sobbing as she tries to stop her tears from flowing. “You still haven’t told Irene those three words!”

Seulgi tries to lift her heavy hand, in an attempt to hold onto Irene's hand. But it failed, as she no longers feels her hand. Yet, it was successful at the same time because this time it was Irene who catches onto Seulgi’s falling hands. Before Seulgi could speak anything more, Irene places her finger on Seulgi lips.

“I will wait for you, Seulgi. Wait until you recover.” Irene assures her, holding back her tears. Seulgi’s world soon turns dark as she lost her conscious.


“Seulgi!!” The door slams open, catching the attention of everyone who are in the room.

“What’s with this! I was so worried about you when I heard you are finally awake!” Joy shouted as she shuts the door with another “Bang!”

“Shut the hell up!! This is a hospital!!” Wendy shouts back, reprimanding Joy’s action.

Seulgi have finally just woke up from the sleep after a week from the surgery. Thank goodness there weren’t any complications except for the heavy loss of blood. Now looking energetic, she sits on her bed, rocking back and forth. Wendy was right next to her feeding her the meal.

“Shup! Jwoy!” Seulgi greeted with full of food. Which earns her slap on her thigh from Wendy.

“Did I not tell you before to never talk with your mouth full of food?” Wendy reprimanded.

Seulgi then chews and swallowed her food down before replying back “You did… Just like a mother.”

“Yah!! Kang Seulgi!!!” Wendy shouts back as she throws down the bowl of rice on the bedside drawer. Her response led to loud laughter in the room. Just then, knocking can be heard on the door. The door slowly slides open, revealing a petite figure carrying a humongous hamper. Unlike normal hampers which are filled with expensive stuff, this hamper contains more of the items Seulgi loves.

“Congrats on your recovery, Seulgi!” Irene congratulated with a smile as she places the hamper down on the overbed table.

“Irene!!” Seulgi exclaims happily, as she reaches her hands to the ceiling.

Seeing that Irene came, Joy and Wendy excused themselves with the reason to avoid spoiling the atmosphere. Seulgi who was dense, just happily wave them a goodbye. And soon the room sank into an awkward silence. Seulgi was smiling at Irene with her eyes which now forms a crescent. Irene just looking down at her feet with a shade of pink on her cheeks.

“Irene, can you push me out for a walk? I want to see the blooming flowers.” Seulgi suggests, successfully breaking the awkwardness between them.


“Irene, can I ask you something.”

“Go ahead,” Irene replies with a relaxed tone.

“When did you know my name? I mean, I always thought you never knew.” Seulgi asks casually.

Irene then stopped at a bench, sitting on it next to Seulgi who was in the wheelchair.

“Remember the first time we met? I fell for you at first sight. When I opened the door after hearing the bells, you came walking into my heart too. I begin to want to know more about you. My sister, Yeri was closed with your friend Joy. From her, I know more and more about you. Like how you always space off during lectures and how much you love Pringles.” Irene confessed, her face turns redder than before.

“I always wanted to tell you the three words, but I always can’t find the right timing. When it was at the right timing, I can’t bring myself to say it out. When I started to receive gifts that sign off with a bear as the signature, I know it was you from Yeri. I love every single gift you gave me and uses it preciously.” Irene added on. Seulgi breaks into a smile upon hearing it.

“When you shielded me, do you know how happy I was. But when you were injured, do you know how scared I was? I was afraid I will lose you.” Irene sobs. Tears falling down uncontrollably from her eyes.

Seulgi then stopped her cry with a kiss on her lips.

“Those are all over now. What is important is right now…” Seulgi says with a calm voice, wiping off the teardrops from Irene’s face.

“Irene, I love you.” Seulgi added, ending it with a kiss on Irene’s lips which taste of sweet vanilla. Her scent of lavender from the fabric softener that Irene uses.

They say if you are with the one you love during first snow; true love will blossom. Irene and Seulgi met on the first snow. Both enter each other hearts after the sound of the ringing bell. Now under this pink snow of cherry blossom petals, they shared their first kiss. Embarking on a new-found journey…

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My first time writing, please give me some feedback! Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead! :)


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Chapter 1: woahh.. I like it! ♥♥ thanks!
Chapter 1: but Wendy T-T
Nice one
qwaszem #4
Acewolf33 #5
Chapter 1: Very good ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
chunchon #6
Chapter 1: Its fluffy baut wendy........