A dull afternoon.

Be my valentine, will you? {APPLY CLOSED} || HIATUS

Heyya people! Let's go for another teaser! :DD


It was a dull and hot afternoon when most of students were already exhausted with school. It was 2PM for all saints and the sun was radiating, no wonder that most students would be found sleeping at their seats in the classroom.

However, the opposite thing was happening to this particular girl. Her right hand keep moving as she copying notes of the lesson to her book diligently, and she didn’t bothered even a bit by the sun nor the sleazy sound of her teacher. She loves studying, as she proud of herself in that area. But, there’s one thing that had been bothering her again today.

‘What is he exactly doing? Why is he looking at me again?’she thought to herself, panic. From the corner of her right eye, she noticed that there’s a boy that was looking at her once in a while. She didn’t know why he had been doing that for these past weeks, as she didn’t remember anything happened between them.

‘Did I do something wrong to him? But I don’t remember we ever had any conversations or so..’ she thought again as she bit her lower lip. She started to copy the notes to her book again, but few seconds later, her friend who was sitting beside her poked her arm.

“Yah, wae? You look pale you know,” her friend whispered, but she only shook her head.

“Ani, nothing happened.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah Sohee, it’s nothing. I only a bit bothered by you-know-who,” she whispered back and her friend gave her an OH look. However, their quiet conversation was soon disturbed by their teacher’s voice.

“Now, I shall choose one of you to re-explain what I just taught to you guys few moment ago. Who will it be? Hmm…you! Darawa here,” the old teacher, Professor Kim said while pointing his index finger towards the girl’s direction.

“Song..songsaenim..Me?” she asked back startled. Her friend, Sohee looked at her with the sorry face.

“Yes you. Could you go here and re-explain everything to your friends?” the teacher said again. The girl twirled a strain of her hair with her right finger, indicating that she was nervous.

She never likes a large crowd and attention, and her friend Sohee knew it best. She didn’t mind about the whole explaining thing, but she just hate the attentions that she would get when she stood in front of the classroom. She couldn’t imagine those stares that the students gave her when she walked to the front.

Sighing in depression, she stood up from her chair hesitantly, and walked quietly to the front of the classroom. Few stares and whispers were heard when she walked to the front, and she’s already dislike it. When she finally stood in front of the blackboard, she tried to open , but nothing came out.

“Um…um…” she mumbled quietly.

“Yah songsaenim, isn’t it the time for our class to end already? We have chemistry class on the lab after this, I think you should dismiss us now,” a boy who was looking at her back ago suddenly voiced out from the back of the classroom. All of the attentions suddenly diverted to him, and even his teacher looked at him.

“Yah! What kind of words is that Lee Howon? You’re trying to expel me from this class now?” His teacher replied in kind of pissed off tone.

“Not really. But isn’t it the time already?”

“Yah yo----“ Before the teacher could finish his protest back at Howon, or Hoya he usually called, the school bell rang. He hissed at his troublesome students and cleared his throat.

“Okay class, dismiss. We will continue this in the next meeting. You may go back to your seat, Ahn Byulhee,” he said as he packed his textbooks and left the class after that. The students then started to pack their bags and off to the lab, since chemistry class was their last class for the day.

Byulhee sighed in relief. She didn’t have to do that thing she hated the most, talking in front of large crowd. Smiling a bit, she walked back to her desk to get her bag for the chemistry class. As she walked to her desk, she noticed Hoya who was walking on another row. She wanted to thank him, but again, she couldn’t say anything besides mumbling.

“Byuli ah, you should thank Hoya you know..if not you would probably ended explaining,” Sohee, her friend who was waiting for her at their desks said.

“Nde I know. But..”

“I know he sometimes can be a bit creepy, but he still helped you, you should thank him later okay? Now let’s go!” Sohee smiled and walked with her towards the lab.

As they walked their way to the lab, they went through the school’s corridor and took a glance at some classrooms. One classroom caught Byulhee’s attention, and it’s none other than class 4-2.

“Oho, look at who is sitting at the back row, Byuli,” Sohee laughed as she elbowed her. A crimson of red shades started appearing on Byulhee’s cheeks.

“Yah, Sohee, stop that,” she replied back, weakly. She took a glance at that particular boy before slapping herself mentally.

“Oh come on, it’s your beloved Sunggyu Oppa,” Sohee teased again.

“Yah.. don’t be like that, he’s not my oppa.. And besides, he always sticks with that girl isn’t he? Look, they are indeed very close,” Byulhee said again.

“Yah, don’t give up that soon! Aren’t they only friends?”

“Molla.. aish, we better go soon before Mrs.Park yelled at us Sohee!”

“You’re right…but oh! Let me text Sandara first that we would be waiting in front of the lab after school,” she said as she picked out her phone from her blazer’s pocket.

“Aish, balii!”

“Arasso arasso,” Sohee replied as they continued walking their way towards the lab.


so congratulations to addictedtoyourlove ! *cheers*
I hope you enjoy the teasers!

As for others, your applications are all really good and now I'm confused to decide who am I going to choose lol. But I already have one after this and I'll be writing her teaser next! Anyway, since most of you guys are all around 95liners but applying for different grades, I think I'll put your grades according to your desired grades that you put in your applications without really looking at your age, hehe, sorry folks!

I'll try to write another teaser tonight, so see you soon! ^^


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Did you forget this story??
Pleease update as soon as possible..
I miss the couples here T.T'
Soooorry for the reeeally late comment >.<"
Anyways I loved everything!! I mean you write so, so well ^--^
L.Joe!! I will hit you, you know --'Aish..
I hope you update soon! I miss my Jihae <33
whoa.. annyeong!! sorry for the really late comment!! In my country, AFF has been blocked for a quite long time~ mianhe~~ anyway.. cool it was nice!! omg..'L.Joe'!!! i really wanna punch ur face.. XD u just can tell Haeun about how she is being used~~ aigoo~~ llooll.. Gongchan the gangster and Luhan? choose well Cheonsa~ aww.. byulhee~~~ :O Hoya.. or Sunngyu?
aww Taeri dont cry haha!
Lots of dramas and cute moments happened in the story :D

I know!
Block B's controversies makes me upset too :((
I really liked this update :) Glad to see more updates!
Ambriel #6
thanks for updating :D
addictedtoyourlove #7
i love your long updates XD I don't know whether i ship cheonsa with gongchan or luhan >_< I cant wait for the moment when l.joe realises that the little girl was haeun :D Myungsoo should be kinder to Taeri though :) Maybe Byulhee is slowly warming up to Hoya X)
ohmygod, Minjung & the fingerprints ... BWAHAHAHAH it's like she's bipolar or something and instantly changes when the fingerprints are gone ^^ woot, IU !
“I bet I’m too delicious to be eaten by you.” omfg, my life /dead jeez sunggyu, you make yourself sound like you're so buff ! XD
sunggyuuuu ~ just because minjung's best friends with wooyoung, doesn't mean that they're dating ~~ oh you jelly boy, you're so cute :P
awhhh, mike sounds like such a great friend ! kekek, AHJUSSI ~~~
the first thing I thought of when I saw the note was: it's from myungsoo. LOL but apparently I'm wrong haha .. xD
kikwangggg ): + myungsooo. that's such a hard choice; I wouldn't be able to choose since they're both my biases !
I ship seonyul x hyunseong. I wanna leave junhyung for jieun ^^
aigoo, the background & poster's so pretty ~ can't wait for your next update !
mintaex #9
Oh, by the way, the poster looks really pretty! <3
mintaex #10
Hahahah, does Minjung have a pet peeve of seeing fingerprints on things or something? :3
I thought it was cute how all that needed to be done was to simply erase the fingerprints. LOL
Oh gawd, Sunggyu, trying to make Minjung "fall" for you, eh? HAHAHA. /lame.
He's jealous over her conversation w/ Wooyoung? All he did was advise her to sleep ~ That's what all friends should do anyway. Doesn't mean anything, really.
AWW, Minjung got jealous when Sunggyu brought up Byulhee's name too. Isn't it just horrible hearing the person you like saying someone else's name? Ugh, yuck.
Love triangles - I hate those, LOL. They make a story interesting, sure, but they get complicated and always have some sort of bad ending. <|3
Awwww, Mike sounds so nice. ^^ I wonder who left Jihae the note though.
I agree that she shouldn't be flirting with him, pft. But it's still rude to leave her a mean note!
Kikwang's note for her was so cute and uplifting though! Even if he /is/ a stalker, that's so sweeeet ~!
LOL, I like how the minor, Jieun, is Junhyung's stalker. I think that's just so cuuute. <3
Is this another love triangle, btw? Seonyul, Junhyung & Hyunseong. WAIT! With Bora too?
A love square, oh goodness! D; That's even more complicated than a love triangle. asjdhaldkjsakda
Jieun & Junhyung sound so cute, btw. LOL. "Pikachu!" I would go crazy if I saw that too, LOL.
Aww, poor Hyunseong. I hope that he either learns to love Bora or will break it off before she gets hurt (if he can't seem to let Seonyul go).

Did I tell you how much I love your long updates? <3
I'm glad you like my comments too, LOL. They're fun to write up. ^^ When is the Beast concert for you? I'm in the USA; they're supposed to come here too, but I'm not sure when. But when they do, I'm going! My friends and I planned it already. ^o^