Another complicated problems.

Be my valentine, will you? {APPLY CLOSED} || HIATUS

Hello people, sorry for just updating now,
here we go! ^^


A girl was walking her way back to her home. She had been sighing a lot today, and it was very unusual, since she used to be all happy and cheerful most of times. Lazily, she finally arrived at her home that also a flower shop. She pushed the glass door and saw her mom’s workers there.

“Annyong Sica unnie, Taeyeon unnie,” she greeted them politely.

“Omo, palja, you’re back! Hey, what’s wrong with you? You seems, exhausted,” Taeyeon, one of the girls that she just greeted before approached her and looked at her closely, while the other one just took a short glance at her.

“Yeah unnie.. it happened again.. as usual,” she said again, sighing. Taeyeon looked sorry at her, however few second later, a smile crept on the girl’s face.

“But, it’s okay! I’m good as always, no need to worry unnie!”

“Aigoo, you poor thing. I should really give a piece of my mind to them,” Taeyeon said again while clenching her fist.

“Yah, it’s her problem, why do you have to interfere Taeyeon?” Jessica spoke out.

“But, they’re too mean to her! Palja doesn’t do anything wrong, it’s not fair!”

“Lots of unfair stuffs are happening in this world. Jihae, you shouldn’t be discouraged with it. You know, just keep your smile and they’ll back away in no time,” Jessica said coldly and back to her work, watering the flowers.

“I know unnie, that’s why I say no need to worry! Btw, where’s umma and Jinah?” the girl smiled again and looked around to find her mom and younger sister.

“They said they’ll be going to the mini market for a while. And palja, the letter from your dad arrived today,” Taeyeon replied while walking to a certain direction to pick up something. Soon, she turned back to the girl and gave her an envelope.

“Here,” Taeyeon said while handing her the envelope. The girl looked blankly at the envelope before giving it back to her unnie.

“I don’t want to open nor read it. Just put it back to the letter box unnie, you could also throw it away,” the girl said sarcastically and walked away.

“But palja—“ Taeyeon tried to protest but she glared at her a bit.

“Unnie.. you know I don’t want to read it right? Please don’t force me, I’m tired,” She said and walked inside. Taeyeon looked at her back figure with concerns, and Jessica took a glance at her too before she back with her business again.


Trililililili, trilililili…

The girl’s phone that was placed at the bed rang quite loudly. Unfortunately, she was in the middle of the shower, so she didn’t hear it. Little did she knew, the caller was in a panic state and expecting her to answer the phone right away.

“Aish, where is that girl? Don’t tell me something happened again!” the caller from the other line hissed in panic because she didn’t answer the phone.

The horror imagination about her being bullied by the so-called his fans started appearing in his mind again, and he really didn’t want those bad things to happen to her.

“Aish, Park Jihae, answer it quickly!!” he hissed again while tapping his right foot impatiently. He was currently in his friend’s house, and what his friend said to him earlier made him worried about her.

“Yah, Myungsoo ah, patient you know. She’s a tough girl, I’m sure nothing bad happens,” his friend, Woohyun patted his shoulder, but he shoved it away.

“Hyung! How can I be patient since I know what those girls might do to her?!”

“Chill L, Chill ! I’m sure she arrived home safely,” his other friend, Dongwoo also voiced out.

“You guys are not helping me,” he shook his head helplessly then tried to dial her number again. Luckily this time, Jihae had finished showering. When she saw L’s number on her phone, she answered it quickly.

“Yobosaeyo?” she asked.

“Yah! Park Jihae! Where are you? Why you’re not answering?!” he said, almost yelled at her.

“Myungsoo? Wae? I just finished showering!” she replied.

“Aish, seriously, you troublesome girl.”


“Nothing. Did..something happened today?” he asked cautiously now, and a silence was heard before Jihae continued speaking.

“Well, what other things would happen to me other than your so-called fans throwing a bucket of ice water at me?” she replied casually, almost like forcing herself to shrug it off.

“What more can I say? They love me too much so they messed around with you who is so annoying to me,” Myungsoo said again coldly and Jihae hissed in annoyance.

“BWOH? Yah, so you defend them?”

“Not really. But you are indeed annoying right? I still remember you landed on me after your stupid running on the first day of school.”

“YAH KIM MYUNGSOO!” She yelled angrily. She hated that bad memories about their first meeting, and him bringing the topic back just ruined my mood.

“Well, just don’t take it too seriously. I’ll deal with them somehow, so you could just sit like a good kid and watch.”

“Oh really? Can I trust you?”

“You should never doubt me, Kim Myungsoo. Well, just sit back and smile, you’re Palja right?” he said again coldly. He tried to cheer her up so she wouldn’t think about that incident again, but he wondered himself why he would always act cold to her, while to be honest, he really cared about her.

“You’re right,” she replied, and a silent smile crept on Myungsoo’s lips.

“Well stupid, I’m hanging up the phone okay? Annyeong,” he said again and clicked the red button of his phone before another shrieks coming from her lungs. As soon as he hung up the phone, he realized his friends were starring at him.


“Yah Myungsoo, you should really stop acting all cold to her you know. How can you win her heart this way?” Sunggyu chuckled which made his eyes looked like a thin line, and the others nodded in agreement.

“And I thought you’re falling for Taeri instead, but it’s her actually,” Woohyun spoke again.

“Yah hyungs! Stop making fun of me! And Lee Taeri? Are you kidding me? You guys knew how bad am I with her,” he hissed, and went to the kitchen to look for some food.

“Oh by the way, Jihae also has a guy who kinds of likes her right? I caught him starring at her several times. Although I bet Jihae wouldn’t know because she’s so dense,” Sungyeol stated and the others looked at him, surprised. Even Myungsoo came back to the living room.


“You guys didn’t know? It’s Lee Kikwang, from class 4-1. I thought you would at least know about this, Sunggyu hyung,” Sungyeol stated again and the others looked at Myungsoo, pitied him.

“Yah! What’s with those annoying looks??!”


* palja means smile-line, and it's her nickname because she got that cute eye-smile

Congratulations to ThaisT !
Another great applicant and I can't ignore this application even a bit! hehe, so congrats girl!
As for the others, I have an Author note right now.


*****Author Notes*****

After long considerations, I have decided that I would stick to my original plan by picking 7 girls. Sorry guys! But I think it's better than taking all and not finishing this fanfic due to writer's block at the end, so I would like to say my sorry, But for those applicants that aren't chosen, I will still put you guys as the minor, and don't worry because the minors wouldn't just have like only one paragraph or lines, but I'll also make the story between you guys and your partners. Howevers, the minor's stories would be much like short-stories of only 2-3 chapters compared to the chosen ones who always appear in every chapters in this fanfic. I hope you guys are okay with my decision, and I'm pretty much set my eyes for the last girl now, so anticipate it ^^ Thank you for all your encouraging comments and I love you guys so much! See you soon in the last teaser! :DD


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Did you forget this story??
Pleease update as soon as possible..
I miss the couples here T.T'
Soooorry for the reeeally late comment >.<"
Anyways I loved everything!! I mean you write so, so well ^--^
L.Joe!! I will hit you, you know --'Aish..
I hope you update soon! I miss my Jihae <33
whoa.. annyeong!! sorry for the really late comment!! In my country, AFF has been blocked for a quite long time~ mianhe~~ anyway.. cool it was nice!! omg..'L.Joe'!!! i really wanna punch ur face.. XD u just can tell Haeun about how she is being used~~ aigoo~~ llooll.. Gongchan the gangster and Luhan? choose well Cheonsa~ aww.. byulhee~~~ :O Hoya.. or Sunngyu?
aww Taeri dont cry haha!
Lots of dramas and cute moments happened in the story :D

I know!
Block B's controversies makes me upset too :((
I really liked this update :) Glad to see more updates!
Ambriel #6
thanks for updating :D
addictedtoyourlove #7
i love your long updates XD I don't know whether i ship cheonsa with gongchan or luhan >_< I cant wait for the moment when l.joe realises that the little girl was haeun :D Myungsoo should be kinder to Taeri though :) Maybe Byulhee is slowly warming up to Hoya X)
ohmygod, Minjung & the fingerprints ... BWAHAHAHAH it's like she's bipolar or something and instantly changes when the fingerprints are gone ^^ woot, IU !
“I bet I’m too delicious to be eaten by you.” omfg, my life /dead jeez sunggyu, you make yourself sound like you're so buff ! XD
sunggyuuuu ~ just because minjung's best friends with wooyoung, doesn't mean that they're dating ~~ oh you jelly boy, you're so cute :P
awhhh, mike sounds like such a great friend ! kekek, AHJUSSI ~~~
the first thing I thought of when I saw the note was: it's from myungsoo. LOL but apparently I'm wrong haha .. xD
kikwangggg ): + myungsooo. that's such a hard choice; I wouldn't be able to choose since they're both my biases !
I ship seonyul x hyunseong. I wanna leave junhyung for jieun ^^
aigoo, the background & poster's so pretty ~ can't wait for your next update !
mintaex #9
Oh, by the way, the poster looks really pretty! <3
mintaex #10
Hahahah, does Minjung have a pet peeve of seeing fingerprints on things or something? :3
I thought it was cute how all that needed to be done was to simply erase the fingerprints. LOL
Oh gawd, Sunggyu, trying to make Minjung "fall" for you, eh? HAHAHA. /lame.
He's jealous over her conversation w/ Wooyoung? All he did was advise her to sleep ~ That's what all friends should do anyway. Doesn't mean anything, really.
AWW, Minjung got jealous when Sunggyu brought up Byulhee's name too. Isn't it just horrible hearing the person you like saying someone else's name? Ugh, yuck.
Love triangles - I hate those, LOL. They make a story interesting, sure, but they get complicated and always have some sort of bad ending. <|3
Awwww, Mike sounds so nice. ^^ I wonder who left Jihae the note though.
I agree that she shouldn't be flirting with him, pft. But it's still rude to leave her a mean note!
Kikwang's note for her was so cute and uplifting though! Even if he /is/ a stalker, that's so sweeeet ~!
LOL, I like how the minor, Jieun, is Junhyung's stalker. I think that's just so cuuute. <3
Is this another love triangle, btw? Seonyul, Junhyung & Hyunseong. WAIT! With Bora too?
A love square, oh goodness! D; That's even more complicated than a love triangle. asjdhaldkjsakda
Jieun & Junhyung sound so cute, btw. LOL. "Pikachu!" I would go crazy if I saw that too, LOL.
Aww, poor Hyunseong. I hope that he either learns to love Bora or will break it off before she gets hurt (if he can't seem to let Seonyul go).

Did I tell you how much I love your long updates? <3
I'm glad you like my comments too, LOL. They're fun to write up. ^^ When is the Beast concert for you? I'm in the USA; they're supposed to come here too, but I'm not sure when. But when they do, I'm going! My friends and I planned it already. ^o^