Epilogue: Begin Again

Maybe This Time

Boxes of varying sizes were stacked against the wall. A coffee table stood on the floor next to them, a lamp on top of it. Four large suitcases were lined up by the open door, propping it open.

Brushing the sweat off his forehead, Sunggyu picked up two more boxes and slowly brought them inside the new apartment.

Scattered all over what would be the living room were more boxes, some half open, others still sealed. An old couch was pushed against the wall and on the opposite side was a small cabinet with a TV, unplugged with its wires in a mess on the floor.

Sunggyu added the two boxes along with the others and was about to head out again to grab more when Woohyun entered with another box.

“Done?” Sunggyu asked, tilting his head to the side in query.

Woohyun nodded. “Yep. They just need to bring up the mattress and we’re all set.”

The moving crew was a little expensive but they had no choice – the two of them had a lot of stuff between them. Just because they were going to start living together didn’t mean that they couldn’t have their own stuff and space.

The apartment they were renting cost more than each of their respective old places, but it was also bigger, with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a larger kitchen, and just enough space for a small living room.

Sunggyu and Woohyun continued bringing in their various boxes until the moving crew carried in their mattress, which was unceremoniously dumped in the middle of their living room between the sofa and TV since they didn’t have their new bed frame yet. The coffee table was pushed to the wall by the window along with the lamp. Their suitcases were all wheeled in and placed in the master bedroom.

Woohyun handed a couple of bills to the deliverymen and thanked them for the help.

“Finally!” Sunggyu exclaimed before letting out a groan as he moved his shoulder in a circular motion to rid it of the ache. He hoped he didn’t pull a muscle. “Can we start the unpacking tomorrow? I’m beat!”

When he looked up at Woohyun, the lawyer was smirking at him.

“What?” he asked, wondering if he had dirt on his face.

Woohyun began stalking towards him and he instinctively took steps back.

“Woohyun, wha-.”

Sunggyu didn’t get to finish his sentence as Woohyun had lunged forward, grabbing him by the waist. He let out an unmanly squeak of shock as they fell back against the mattress, Woohyun laughing along in glee.

Unable to pretend that he wasn’t amused, Sunggyu allowed himself to chuckle as his boyfriend pressed a nose up to his neck, taking in his scent.

“I’m sweaty and covered in dust!” Sunggyu complained, but making no move to away from Woohyun’s hold.

“Hmm, so am I,” Woohyun said lowly into his ear. “We’ll both be sweaty and dusty together.”


Woohyun laughed, pressing his lips to Sunggyu’s cheek, affectionately.

Two years together and Woohyun still couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Every day still felt like a new experience, their relationship feeling as fresh as their early days. Sunggyu hadn’t been sure that they would even last that long. And yet, there they were, lying on a dusty mattress surrounded by boxes inside their very first apartment together.

Despite his complaints, Sunggyu continued to stay in Woohyun’s arms, reveling in the warmth of his hold. Both were exhausted from the move and neither felt like getting started on unpacking.

“Want to sleep here tonight?” Woohyun whispered into his ear.

The seductive tone sent a shiver throughout Sunggyu’s body, effectively making his cheeks heat up. He knew that the other didn’t actually mean “sleeping”. They were probably going to “christen” the living room. Woohyun was insatiable! It was both a blessing and a curse.

“Yeah, sure,” he replied, hiding his face in the mattress. All of a sudden, his stomach let out a loud growl. His blush deepened.

Woohyun laughed. “Hungry?”

“Can you blame me? We haven’t eaten since lunch!”

“We’ll order takeout then. Chicken or Chinese?”

“Chinese. Can we get some jajangmyeon?” Sunggyu flashed him puppy eyes.

“Of course.” Woohyun kissed the back of his neck before unwrapping his arms from Sunggyu’s waist so he could make the call for food.

Meanwhile, Sunggyu grabbed his own phone to see a text from his project partner, Kim Myungsoo, asking to call him about meeting up, so he dialed him up.

Last year, with a little encouragement from Woohyun, Sunggyu quit his job at Diamond magazine and started working freelance. At the same time, he went back to school to finally get that music degree he hadn’t been brave enough to pursue before. He was now taking several composition and songwriting classes. He had his eye on an internship with a small entertainment company for the summer too.

“Hey, hyung,” Myungsoo answered.

“Hey. So, what’s your schedule like next week?”

“I’m free Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Do those work?”

“Sounds good!"

"Great! I’ll bring my guitar!”

Saying goodbye, he hung up and turned to Woohyun. His boyfriend was, yet again, looking at him, this time with a pout.

“Was that that Myungsoo kid who’s been hanging around you?” he asked.

Sunggyu chuckled at his jealous tone. “Yes. We’re meeting up next week to do our project.”

Woohyun walked up to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. “I don’t like the way he keeps sticking to you. He’s like a mushroom.”

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow at the chosen comparison. “A mushroom? He seems more like a cat.”

Woohyun pressed his forehead against his. “You love me more, right?”

Smiling deviously, Sunggyu just kissed the other’s nose and pulled away, not answering.  


Woohyun reached out to him with grabby hands but Sunggyu danced out of his hold, laughing at the other’s despair.

Like a pair of kids in kindergarten, a game of chase ensued with Sunggyu running around the apartment and dodging boxes, Woohyun in hot pursuit behind him. Somehow, they ended up on the mattress again, falling on to it with an “oomph” and giggling with glee.

And somehow, the very innocent pecks Woohyun was planting on his lips had turned heated, making Sunggyu groan and pull the other closer to him, never wanting to let go.

Woohyun briefly pulled away. “I love you so much, Sunggyu,” he whispered, looking deep into Sunggyu’s eyes.

And without fail, Sunggyu felt his heart swell with warmth and affection for the man on top of him, looking at him like he was the most precious thing he had laid eyes on. He was familiar with this look from Woohyun, but it never ceased to make his heart skip a beat.

“I love you too,” he replied before wrapping his arms around Woohyun’s neck to bring him down for another heated kiss.

They spent the next twenty minutes kissing and talking about plans for the apartment. Only when the doorbell buzzed, letting them know that takeout had arrived, did they break apart. Sunggyu answered the door while Woohyun dug through their boxes to find plates and utensils.

Sitting on the mattress, the couple ate an early dinner of jajangmyeon, sweet and sour pork, and mandu. On the T.V. in front of them, a Park Seojun drama was playing.

At some point, Sunggyu’s phone ping-ed with a text.

“Dongwoo is asking how the move went,” he stated, reading his friend’s message. “And Ailee invited us to lunch tomorrow.”

Woohyun sighed. “Guess that means I’m sharing you with Julie again.”

Jang Julie (Korean name: Jang Jinah) was the Jang couple’s 2-year-old who loved her godfather Sunggyu almost as much as she loved her Barney plush doll.

“She loves you too, you know,” Sunggyu pointed out.

Woohyun frowned. “Then why is she always glaring at me when I kiss you and keeps insisting that you’re hers?”

“Are you jealous of a 2-year-old, Nam Woohyun?”

Woohyun pursed his lips. “Maybe.”

Sunggyu couldn’t help but laugh. “Silly,” he said before lifting a chopstick with a piece of pork on it and bringing it to Woohyun’s lips.

His boyfriend puffed his cheeks before taking the offering.

Over the years, Sunggyu had discovered that like him, Woohyun was easily jealous. But, instead of letting it bother them and rock their steady relationship, the two had learned to talk it out.

Sunggyu’s previous relationship had given him enough experience to know that keeping secrets and letting grudges fester spelled doom for a relationship. So, he avoided doing the same mistakes with Woohyun. He loved being with Woohyun and wanted what they had to last for as long as it could.

“By the way, Sohee-noona says she’s sending her wedding invitation by next month,” Sunggyu casually said. “She’s looking forward to meeting you.”

Woohyun grinned at that. “I’m looking forward to meeting her too. And your entire family. Umma called me the other day just to give me a bunch of tips on how to get your parents to like me.”

Sunggyu blushed. He had met Woohyun’s family a year after they started dating and Mrs. Nam appeared to adore him. Meanwhile, he had been putting off introducing Woohyun to his family but his sister was getting married in six months and she insisted he brought Woohyun as a date. Out of his family members, she was the most accepting.

“Well, I can’t promise you that they’re anything like your parents,” Sunggyu said, honestly. “But, noona says that she already talked to them so they would be on their best behavior.”

“Don’t worry, I’m charming. They’ll love me.”

Sunggyu snorted. “You sound very confident.”

“Cause I am.” Woohyun grinned, taking his left hand and planting a kiss on top of it, his ring glinting under the lights. “I’ll show them exactly how much I love you.”

Sunggyu’s blush deepened. The lawyer’s way with words never failed to make him all sorts of things all at once.

"I'll fight for you," Sunggyu promised. "No matter what they say, I'm fighting for you."

"Me too." Woohyun scooted closer and wasted no time in planting a sweet and loving kiss on his lips.

Overall, Sunggyu’s life was still simple. Uneventful. But, he could say with all honesty that with his life now, he was truly happy and satisfied.

Life didn’t go exactly the way you wanted it to. But, sometimes, that was where exactly you needed to be.

And with Woohyun by his side and his dreams slowly coming to fruition, he didn’t want to be anywhere else but there.


A/N: And that's a wrap! I know it was kind of short but I didn't want to drag it out too much. So, basically, WooGyu are now living together. DongLee have a daughter and Sunggyu is godfather. And Woohyun will be meeting the Kim parentals!

Thank you so much for giving this story a chance! To be honest, it's not my best work and I struggled a bit with how the chapters were supposed to go. But, I hope it was at least satisfactory!

At the moment, I don't have any future WooGyu story plans. I might actually be taking another short break because work and life have kind of been stressful lately. But, I'll be around if anyone wants to chat! I'm always welcome to talk about Infinite or K-pop or just life, in general. 

Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! I hope we all get second chances for a love that's true and lasting! 

'Til the next one, chingus!

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700 streak #1
Chapter 10: Such a beautiful story 🥹
Chapter 10: I've read a few of your fics before and decided that you are one of my favorite authors! And especially after i read this story, it is so realistic and the way you potray their emotions is so complex. thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with us <3
Chapter 10: It was nice
Chapter 5: Finally they get to gather
Simran20 #5
Chapter 10: That was such a good progression of their relationship.loved it.read it again after a long time.old stories are really gems.
weojjaijjeoreen #6
Chapter 10: OMG I loved this!!! It was amusing to see Sunggyu & Woohyun go from friends with benefits to properly dating. I love how the both of them try their best to make the other happy and how they each learned from their mistakes. Now I’m jealous. I want my own Woohyun! T_T lmao
Chapter 3: I am a DongLee shipper, too.. I love their friendship and their interactions.. I hope they will have some projects together..
peychee457 #8
Chapter 1: just reading this again~~ :)
Chapter 10: Beautiful story! ♥ Thank you! :)
Gonna miss you!